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Everything posted by vhortex

  1. when it comes to OS.. i dont prefer easy operation.. I aim for functionality.. what an easy OS do if all you need is already there presented to you in all colors. In a few weeks if you play around with your system, you will surely hit a big black wall where you want to do something and it was really easy to do, the OS have GUI system to do the job for you but the one you need is not in the pre-fab GUI world. --- I prefer moderate operation OS with high functionality.. and a configuration system that wont make it hard to configure.. [ex. Fedora core, hard configuration] --- I dont mind to pay the OS if the upgrades are free..
  2. one more thing why people is still on the Internet Exploder is that windows patches is being served only via Internet Exploder browser and not on other kinds of browsers..I think this is a blackmail approach..with lots of configuration.. I have setup and FORCE windows update to use Firefox..there are times anyway that Internet Exploder still gets called even if you uninstall it..
  3. yes.. realy creepy giving personal information to the net. i was aware of the scam astist posing as you and that celphone thing can be double edge.. it will verify that someone is using that cell phone number.. it can be back checked for the user info which is 100% accurate for units without a SIM card and 45% accurate or with data for units with SIM card. from that info, a scam artist can pose as you.. you exist anyway in real life so if some bank or someone around the globe checks if you do are real, they can get a match and confirmation.. -- i dont personally encourage email address posting specially celphone numbers, thinking bout google.. i have trust on their service since i have never encountered a short coming or problem with them.. the services of Google is not yet perfect since I can remember in my mind the 3 months of problematic login or email displays that happen last year.. Anyway, there was a precaution then that states that Gmail may be unaccesable for some browsers for a few time due to java updates.
  4. Please recode that to this one..you have problems with the quotes.. use ` when you want to say table name or column name. avoid using ' since mySQL dont understand that well.. " is use for table names.. $sql = "SELECT * " . "FROM users u " . "JOIN content c " . "WHERE `u`.`access_name` = `" . $active_user. "` AND `u`.`id` = `c`.`cid`";$row = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql)); I hope this solves the problem. *********** about the $active_user where do you get its value? it seems that you are using this variable but it was never been given a value. please use this for visual test after the declaration of $sql echo $sql; if the "name =" part have nothing in its rigth side then, you gave fail to assign $active_user a value.
  5. 15%.. 5% of it is server logs.. i set up my working stations to send logs at the rate of 1 per hour per cron job running.. and of course the server is sending status reports per cron job run.. when an error is encountered.. a database field will be adjusted and a cron job will adjust the reporting and runs every 5 mins.. now this will be very bulky.. 1% is my personal emails.. 7% are subscriptions and reminders.. and two ftp programs just hanging around in my inbox.. the rest are spam.. and and emails i no longer want to read.. it just sits in my trash.. my spam is being cleared every time i login.. 2% space for a 2.8gig email space amounts to thousands of spam.. nice thing is they stack up nicely in my spam folder.. and gmail only have miss 3 times in its spam filter.. hotmail and yahoo always tends to send my legit emails to spam and most of spams to my inbox..
  6. pardon me but i was not a GEEK.. i am a mere mental hospital patient who have manage to escape when my doctor agree to play hide and seek with me.. they was a very nice chick on his list.. in orkut..
  7. i want to try that one.. but the ad with a pretty chick got me much more interested.. now i got totally lost and ended up at american singles.. ------------- EDIT
  8. by the size of gmail space.. the only thing i will do is delete spam.. i think if spam is deleted.. it goes to trash.. i am not sure..i dont erase my trash.. who knows that in the rigth time.. those garbage can be really usefull.. so i got 1k+ of emails in my trash and mga gmail space is still at 15%..maybe i need to erase the trash after.. hmm.. a year?
  9. to make things much much harder.. how they can know which is the correct spelling? this can be easily detected for government websites or for big international online coporations.. i have seen a lot of this cases and most of the time.. both are legits and none of the contradicting parties have intention of spam or tricks..
  10. can i ask you guys if i can add you on my messenger accounts..so if i bore i can bug you much more often with nonsense and i wont get banned or earn a warning badge..
  11. the first time i applied a hosting.. i never read the requirements.. and i got declined.. not that i dont have enough post.. that is.. i applied at Xisto.comstupid me, then i decided to play around and hang around.. but as time goes by.. i turned to ask questions.. on programming .NET and i was happy.. that m^e did not tire in my questions..
  12. oh my gosh.. Jeigh edited the post.. i guess there are a lot of conspiracies here.. maybe.. just maybe danesh put something bad.. or maybe.. maybe.. there was aliens lurking this board.. or.. or.. or maybe.. i just wake up in the middle of my dreams.. ----- i dont know how long i have been to asta.. when i like the service.. i dont count time.. so i never checked what is written on my joined date.. if i hate this service.. every second will count.. ---- oh my gosh.. i edited my post tooo..
  13. welcome and jump in.. there are alot of nice people here that are willing to share opinions and answer some of your questions..And if you are on donating some cash.. i can send you my bank account number.. /joke.. ---hope in and enjoy.. dont hesitate to post questions and.... complain about the shoutbox above this forum.. LOL
  14. did anyone tried that on regular coke?i read some letters and comments months ago that they also work on other kind of soda drinks such as regular coke and even pepsi..i never tried to verify that, put simply.. i was lazy to even try if it will work..
  15. you wrong at that point.. File Zilla is an FTP client and not a server. -- It depends on the use if you need to use FTP or HTTP upload. If you are going to upload just a single small file then using an FTP client will take much much longer.. hmmm, about 5sec - 2 mins time difference since the FTP client will travel the directory first where it needs to put that single file.. using HTTP, you wasted much much more time navigating to the target folder anyway.. maybe a few minutes.. for a busy programmer doing loads of projects at a time.. this is such a big waste of time.. the benifit of small increase in download speed was beatin by the time needed to travel to the target folder and HTTP upload cannot have a resume function that an FTP server offers.. I never use HTTP upload and when I cannot have a handy FTP client.. I just telnet.. Plus.. you can send your files via FTP and forget about it.. and continue your other work.. something that HTTP upload cannot offer due to tedius task needed to send files..
  16. i think the choking points of the database server is starting to become frequent..i dont know what is going on but judging on the number of shared hostings here..3 malfuntioning scripts specially if they are on cron can crashed the server almost instantly...the negative impacts of shared hosting..
  17. you have won an invite.. you can now join the orkut community.. i hope that i can arrange my account now..
  18. that would be me.. me and me alone.. i wont waste any mentos moments that i can have. all of them..
  19. you are invited to orkut.. funny thing is that i have invited a hanfull of people but i wasn't using orkut yet.. my account is primarily for invatation only..
  20. i agree with you.. the only changes it that the videos and graphics went very nicely but the story line and replayability went down to drain.
  21. welll if that is the case, then the reason why you need the invite is to avoid registering a cell phone number.. meaning that it is not available to all..i like it that way.. since the server wont be flooded with bogus accounts.. and spams.. it eats up the space that normal users need.. 1 bogus account is equal to 2.8gig of space..--EDIT:checked it out now.. the login page have changed.. you can apply for without any invites just supply a valid cell phone number..EDIT:err.. the sms is just an invatation.. google still needs invites to sign up a new account.but this time it is a little easier now..
  22. most of the time. it merely means that the database server have reached its maximum connection setting..on my personal machines, i have set the max connection to a very large numbers and that is not a big problem though since i have a bigger memory and cpu power.. besides my webserver, nothing is running on it..--in environments like asta, we cannot change the max connection of the database server since it will affect all users and may bog down the whole system in total..--the was one error more if the problem is database incapability to handle new connection, it will yank a port or socket connection error.. i believe that is apache or PHP engine that is yanking that error..
  23. yup, it gets me the creeps when my personal email address got email harvested.thanks that i have a good spam filter at my old hosting.. turns out that i started to invest cash to remove the spams.. in the end, i resort to sending email to all of my contacts that my email address was changed and the only stuff left at my old email address is a script that trash all messages in a common dump location and let the forwarder script forward the messages that i have selected to my new account..
  24. chesso, it is better if you let them message you the email address or provide a new email account that have the purpose sending invite request.. that way if someone is email harvesting, your email will be safe.. few cents though.. @Quatrux if you need the invite, please private message me with an email address so that i can send the invite in there.. my email accounts is converted to pop access so everytime i open my unit, notifications of new email or private message from the forum board will surely catch my attention.. i can send both an orkut and gmail invite..
  25. did you check if your script uses session cookies?if configured wrongly.. it can sometimes cause weird behavior..
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