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Everything posted by vhortex

  1. I have this problem also with mobile devices using Windows CE simply for the reason that if you are using visual basic, the libraries must be there also including the frameworks. unfortunately, most OEM manufaturer chops down the libraries alot and sometimes gives you headaches. Got 2 mobile devices, both can support databases but no libraries for vb to use them well. the manufacturer remove them anyway. leaves me doing stuff in encrypted text file / emulated database. then provide a fetching program in other pc to send those data in a real database after the device was docked. -------- Still a stupid idea for some manufacturers to give you a database engine without libraries to connect to them using your created program. one thing more is the stupid idea to provide you with 1-2Mb installers for the libraries for some devices that have 3MB shared memory/flash disk for the OS files, memory files and for the library files.. --------- anyway, for some big companies, this already addressed by prodiving a harddisk..
  2. Actually, it seems very strange to me that if I work directly with mySQL, it requires me to use a tic rather than the single quote [it is a quote by the way] and on some clients, it requires me to use the quote. and depending on how the server was compiled, it will make the tic/quote optional. ----- @shadow-x if you remove the tic/quote part.. the string must not have spaces else the tic/quote is required. maybe i can help..
  3. Same here pal, I was hoping to see something about postgree. I was aware of what mySQL 5 can do though. Or we just have a non english speaking poster that instead of a well constructed question, something like this post was made.
  4. There is no straight forward way to edit EXE but there are ways to do it.First for advance programmers, you can use a disassembler tool. This will translate the program from an EXE version back to a C++ /ASM or whatever but the output code will give you nightmares on reading and uderstanding it.Since the output source code will have funtion/procedure/variables names like thisfunction source001001 (.....)function source001002 (.....)var source 001003 as [datatype here]source 001004 as [datatype here]this will also prove much more hellish.. if the program uses jump codes..if (condition here) then goto source001000233 (some more code here)source001000233: <-- label for the jumpthus the output source code take you more much time in reworking it back. only hardcode programmers will have time and patience to do that. --------step two.. learn to translate binary machine byte codes to assembly codes and it be prepare to have a transmutation table. This is my prefered way.ex 90Hex is NOP code in the assembly. [no operation]Take note that you cannot add more codes this way nor more variables. You can only deactivate some parts of the program and take away some variables.trying to extend the EXE file will screw that program apart.--------
  5. Looking at the codes..The only line that may cause the error is line 6. Houdini is right, you have already assigned the query, why not use it anyway.. 5] $query = "SELECT pass FROM 'login' WHERE name = 'chris'";6] $result = mysql_query( "SELECT pass FROM login WHERE name=chris" ) or die ("Bad query"); I think this can be written like this much better. Assuming that you will not use line 5. 6] $result = mysql_query( "SELECT pass FROM 'login' WHERE name='chris'" ) or die ("Bad query"); notice the ' part. sometimes the database parser engines fails to find tables or coloumns and the easiest way to fix that is to put those nasty ' in the right place.
  6. for me too, turn the register globals thingie off permanently.. pages created with register globals as off is way much secure ang stable that the register globals on modes. --- i never forget to unset the session before destroying them. they produce strange effects on the server and scripting engine if they are not closed and destroyed. some versions of php/apache allows me to destroy a session then unset while others just hang by using this commands in this order.. to place safe. i have put a small include file on all pages that unset all sessions and destroy them on the fly..
  7. guess that if it involves browsers, there are hundreds of ways to deactivate that script anyway and there are image capture tools that have timers. Just a small tip, better put water mark in you photos/arts.. much more efficient since the time consumed in removing the watermark compare to the gain is way to much high and not practical.
  8. Oracle is a power beast. It can perfom alot of functions and the most important thing it can offer is the automatic expansion of its data system that can bypass the maximum limits given by the host operating system. Example is using Oracle on an OS with a file size limit of 10gig. Ordinary database system will stop storing data when its data file hits the 10gig limit. On the other hand, enabling the big file system on Oracle will trigger Oracle to manage its own data file and all its operating related files will be stored inside its big file data. It is like having a whole new operating system inside a single file. --- One of its major advantages is the stored procedures. Using stored procedures enables the programmer to develop smaller program codes with high end functionality. Stored procedures are data program codes that we call directly from Oracle. This program codes run over Oracle itself allowing a faster response time for critical data sensitive functionality.. --- Oracle is also highly compatible with Java compilers and program since one of its main engine is the sun Java. A lot of its library is also written with Java. Oracle was partially released as an open source though I have no idea on how much was made open. Never have the time to check it out. --- Oracle management is critical here since if you cannot fully understand its functionalities, you will end up with an overkill database system that functions like an access database.. --- despite all of its benifits, I still use mySQL since 90% of what Oracle can do, the new release of mySQL can also perform and best of all. mySQL have oracle functionalities but 0 of oracles cost. they also both run on a wide varity systems. If you are a big company trying to find a great database solution and a person to point fingers at in cases of errors, then oracle is the best solution.
  9. I think you have mis-interpreted my post, anway the index stuff returns non zero because the requirements is that you must click the row first.. I used to use msgbox() to see what the returned value was.---it is working now without any modification..my next question is if you still have time..are there any method to make the listview editable by clicking a certain column and row in the listview?---about the indices i have coded a newer one with the indices that you have recommended but i have not yet rebuild the project .
  10. Oh, I am sorry, this should go to the VB.net portion. I am going to edit the post and topic until I found out someone have mess with the proxy server and block the word listview. here is the more detailed problem. I have a listview in vb.net. The purpose of the listview is to display data to the screen which is fetch from a mySQL database. The listview needs an Insert function where the purpose of the insert is to add a new row in the listview at the exact location where the user clicks [selected item] and move the rows displayed 1 line below down by 1 row. this is a crude example of the code that I am facing LVI = uiListViewSData.Items(0) indx = uiListViewSData.SelectedItems(0).Index uiListViewSData.Items().Insert((indx + 1), "") I guess that the problem is with VB.net, for some reason the same code now runs. There is no modification whatsoever.. Can you kindly move this topic to vb.net section for there are more people who may need this answer.
  11. Hello, I am kinda new to Vb.net and I need some help regarding listview.I want to add a certain value at a certain location for a listview. Like adding a new row at the current selected area.What the program do as of now was to add new rows at location 0.can anyone help me.. thanks..
  12. Each forum boardhave an images folder somewhere in its installated directory. Go find that one, most of the time it is under the sub folder of smillies.. If you overwrite the old smilies and replace them with new ones with the exact file names.. the new files will be displayed...there is a problem regarding this, most forum boards have a central control panel for adding and removing smilies, most of the time they also pose a scaling factor to smilies based on the remembered dimensions..expect that when you overwrite or replace a 10 x 10 pixel smiley with a 1inch x 1inch image, the new image will appear as 10 x 10 pixel..Try to read the manuals first to check if they allow you to add smilies..----------- ciao
  13. they are actually part of the GET form data which is automaticall inserted by the browser in the URL link (address bar) before jumping to the next page. the page that will be juimp to is the one in the form action field. <form action='index.php' name='GSHOUT' method='GET' onsubmit="return shout_check('GSHOUT')"> <input type='text' name='Post' class='forminput'> <input type='submit' name='submit' style='margin-bottom:1px' value='Shout' class='forminput'</form> will draw a text input field with and a submit button and when the submit button is pressed will result in index.php?Post="text of Post"" "text of Post" if the same exact data you typed in the textfield.. NOTE: that will only be generated if you use the GET method and not the POST method. I guess you need to learn more from basic form html building. one more thing, you can also explicitly append those at the webaddress but be sure that you have proper text reader for those infos so you can process them. anyway, you can always ignore all of them and nothing will happen to your program.
  14. available jobs are limitless depending on your specialty.. list follows.. 1. online database administrator 2. database consultant 3. erp programmer -= inter branch version =- etc... the most crucial skill to gain is load balancing in part of the database queries and structures.. learn and experiment in order to gain the fastest or optimal way to structure your data. database linking and restrictions is a must to be learn also those data sharing.. eg.. 2 people reading and writing the same exact data all at once.. problem, what will happen to user A's data if he saved first then followed by user B's save a second after the first save. If you can learn oracle, try to learn it, there are alot of potential problems that have fixes on the oracle now like data integrety check, data bindings things that are now slowly being added to mySQL. also if you tend to go near the programming side, learn client/server database connection. by the way, online databasing are not limited to browsers and webpages, as of now we are developing and currently running a full java/mySQL software that connects from phillipines to singapore and to japan adn thailand offices. there is no webpage involved just pure java. the only thing that have limit is our imagination
  15. no idea why it did not work..i dont use that anyway. well on my version of mySQL, the field do not need to be a full text. in fact, i dont have any full text in my database. by the way my mySQL is version 3.x up.. never used a version lower than that. current i am running 3.x, 4.x and 5 beta.
  16. there is really amusing, I just learned sumthing from MC bout the protocol. I also use to miss that piece of info..HTTP and HTML blah blah..now I know my error on my previous failed telnets.. not related to this challenge thoug..
  17. select * from members where match (username) against ('Vizsky') Hi vizskywalker, your problem have so many work arounds.. dont be tie up with one single solution that is a big nono for programmers like us.. solution number 1 goes like this select * from members where `username` = 'Vizsky' what this piece of code do is to search the database for every records that have a username of Vizsky and return all column data that goes with it. you already know the username so you can be sure that you can feed the query with the right username value.. now assuming that you only have a partial string for the username or you want all data that match the given username to be check.. example... you have usernames of user1 user2 user2 kim foo kee_user and you want to find an excat match for user kee_user.. select * from members where `username` like  "kee_user" this will return an exact match but we can extend that if you only have a portion of the username.. select * from members where `username` like  "user%" returns all usernames that starts with the word user select * from members where `username` like  "%user" returns all usernames that ends with the word user select * from members where `username` like  "%user%" returns all usernames that haev the word user in the username
  18. For those who have not yet got the answer.. Notice that the password file is already given but how will you use it.. when you go to the news page, there is an error over there which is a failure on loading the file with a language stuff..use that info to fetch the password..
  19. javascript is just a portion of java and it is used for browser-side computing to minimize communcation connections and bandwitdh usage in the webservers.. webspace is cheap now a days but bandwidth cost alot higher..javascript needs browsers with built-in translatorsjava in form of applets can be imbeded in browsers too but it will require you to patched or upgrade your browser to have a java virtual machine support...javascript is limited to the browsers..java have a wide range of uses and it can also run on your cellphones..javascript only needs a browser and can run on almost any browser...java runs in all OS and in all hardware combinations but the downside is that you need to download a virtual machine for that certain OS/hardware combo..the other differences are already given above...
  20. that version of phpnuke seems to be using a separate table to keep track of the number of post for a certain forum and the actual contents are in a different database table.base on how i understand it, you have successfully moved that counter table but you failed to move the associated tables that contain the forum post for that counter and so the link is broken.the script dutifully displays the counts of post and since the link are broken, clicking on the link will produce errors that the forum do not exist since in physical location it really did not exist.i hope i got my words well, it is hard to speak of a topic such as this with out a sample, one which i cant provide as of this moment since i dont have a working php-mysql website to put the codes and the dummy data for reference..if i can only let you connect to my machine, but i wont surely allow that.. security reasons..
  21. I also have that impression on windows, free today or pay for only 10% na price on competitor.. then pay tons of money the year after and support cost a thousand dollars plus upgrade your software yearly coz they will surely start dropping support for that product.. and now microsoft is trying to steal GNU teachnologies and make patents with them and sell them to the public and sue the GNU people due to piracy.. they have already done that alot of times and one of the stolen codes are careberos security from the open source foundry..
  22. chiiyo, i understand your side..I too have made my own website 1 or 2 years ago and it is made up of pure css.. i did not use any table tags since i wont need them anyway.. the placement was done by the css itself.. the only thing that can be considered as graphic on my website at that moment is the blue color that i have carefully layouted on my website to make some distinction..ill try to search my hard drive if i can find my prototype website. yeah, it is only a prototype but it is working and it is powered by php to make my dirty works less complicated when i update contents..my main purpose at that time is to develope a website that is as efficient as the other websites but loads at a faster speed.
  23. Dreamweaver is the best one..Frontpage, the only software that forces his design over your actual intended design.. works and look great on its WYSWIG but looks crappy on most browsers [generated files]..I am so sorry to all frontpage fan but I despise that editor, it creates laziness to people and It also have a bad habit of injecting lots of html codes that are unwanted to your html file..using the frontpage ftp service messes a lot of your webhosts security settings for your account.. it also introduces alot of security leaksDreamweaver on the other hand have a robust editing capability and it can be configured to communicate with different webservers. it also have an ftp software though slow but it wont trash your websecurity settings..Flash is for animation and not all people can afford a fast connection, there are still lots of areas around the world that have connections dropping to 30kbps and flash movies or flash base websites will really load at a very ssslllloooooowwwwwwww pace..if everything fails, just put out your notepad but if there is wordpad, use it instead..
  24. Im sorry bout that pal but i do believe you read the previous lines wrong, the problem is in the SQL itself.. if the error is a missing file then there will be an error output of I/O related and it will nagged you that somefile is missing or not linked.. surely that there is a bug and it is already commented at the post above.. reinstalling the forum board wont also work since as Admiral Lyoko Samus said, he also have a majorly bugged version.. so much for fully modded stuffs.. stable program + mod = unstable modded program more mod = more errors
  25. actually, he only wants the users list and accounts to be transferred to the newer board. the old board is a fully modified phpbb2 and the traget is a nuke board.the only way to do that is to create a script that will do the transfer for him.. since exporting and importing data wont work due to differences of database structures for the user table..that is the reason why I also asked the structure of the users table for both forum boards.. coz I may give him a full source code that will do the transfer for him or atleast give him a code snippet on how to do it..and i guess, at the time of the orginators post, both boards already exist except the database transfer...
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