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Everything posted by vhortex

  1. no problem, a tick in my reputation point will encourage me to participate more..just feel free to ask here in the board coz i am lurking this specific forum for databases and i will surely answer every question that i have knowledge of..
  2. guess my nick is the most unique of all.. no matches.. except my own post and my own subscriptions on other sites.
  3. welcome... i thought you are the same obsidian that I know from the other boards.. that obsidian is a male..
  4. there is a much better and shorter way if the database allows remote connection..goto webyog.com... download sqlyog and logon into your database.. if you want to rename the table then just click and right click on the table name and presto select rename and you can rename.. or if they really look alike and you want to append the contents of the other parallel table then.. select copy database to new location.. etc etc.. he seems to be quoting or something but defintely not questioning coz he is already giving out his opinions
  5. can you give me the database structure of both users table.. the users table from phpbb and the one from phpnuke
  6. the only way to do that is to ask the host admin itself to create the database for you. if you already have a username and password for the mysql connection and it have access to create new databases, then just use any other 3rd party mysql database administration software and a webversion of it is phpmyadmin.. some host just give you one database and they mostly have the same name as the web domain that you have..
  7. well i guess coz we need some more extra while we are searching.. like doing something if this certain condition was meet etc etc...
  8. i do highly agree with this one since the database design is the most thing of concern here. Good database designers knows a rule of the thumb, malformed database design will bog down any system that it runs on.. Maybe the concept of fragmentation that signatureimage introduce is foreign to you but it is a design technique that you need to consider.. the purpose of a database is to compact the data and minimize repeatitions. And sometimes we fragment data into several tables to speed up searching.. the smaller the record to be search the faster the response will be. Corrections: select id,name from colors order by name; will produce two column results, column1 is id and column2 is name however this wont always result in an alphabetical order of listing.. it depends on the backend engine, even MYSQL have lots of database engine designs.. the complete query is select id,name from colors order by name ASC; notice the ASC at the end, it will force the database to sort all the return matches in an alpahbetical order from a - z. The dropdown method is good but i guess he wants the user to type what to search and what values need to be search.. the more appropriate SQL query is like this select f.name from fruits as f, color as c where f.color_id = c.id and c.name like "%$search_text%" why do we use the keyword LIKE? it is for one good reason.. searching means that sometimes or most of the time, people will just input a portion of a word or phrase and hope that everything will be fine. people sometimes forget the exact words to search for.. the LIKE keyword will search every entry in color with names having the $search_text string in any part of the name.. a $search_string of "re" will display fruits with "green" and "red" colors.. now we really created a group of lazy people are but that is how searches should work.. now what are the f. and c. letters in the query? well they are called alias qualifier, we called fruits as the plain letter f and color as the plain letter c.. cool eh? this is in regards with the above database design given by signatureimage. now what if we want ot search the fruits name? select f.name from fruits as f, color as c where f.color_id = c.id and f.name like "%$search_text%" just replace the letter c at the end with a letter f (and f.name like "%$search_text%")... and it is done now you onle need to check the search criteria and switch the right query.. of course there are far more better way in doing this but they require some adjustment in the database tables but i guess we have both [signatureimage] laid out the path for you.. signatureimage last query is also cool and usefull, I dot use those kinds of queries.. and as on my point of view it can also be compacted.. the only limit that you have here is your imagination so use it wisely.. ciao!!!
  9. Actually I do have this really bad habit of mixing stuffs.. I do use bubble sort but not in the native why that it is laid out.. I combine it with some of the other algorithym.. once you get the idea on how those sorting stuffs work, there will be a point that you will discover the loop holes or bottle necks that they present.. A good thing for you to know is to learn all the principles of all the sorting algorithym, study the pit fall and the advantages and combine those into a newer algo.. Be sure also to have lotsa time testing and benchmarking..
  10. you want this: COLOR <-- column namegreenyellowblackNAME <-- column nameAppleMangoBerries Then you will put a drop down which selects the column name and check what is it to be search.. Example: You can either choose COLOR or NAME and type the desired string to search.. You can build the query like this.. query = "SELECT * FROM " + $table_name + " WHERE `" + $column_name + "` like \"" + $search_text +"\""; $table_name = the database table name that you are going to use $column_name = the database column that you are going to search for and the value is COLOR or NAME.. $search_text is the text that they input in your search box.. If I do help you, good increase in my reputation rating will be appreciated...
  11. Some programmers always made this small error when using the LIMIT keyword.. Some of those I have seen used this thing at the end LIMIT 1, any_number which skips the first thing it sees.. To get the better idea and a much exact answer.. we need to know what the query is.. Nqon, please include the query itself next time..
  12. Any tools and programming languages will work as long as it can access the database and can be called on regular interval like every 9am. on linux and nix systems, you need the cron jobs as said by the post above and for windows, you can either use or create some system services that monitors the time and fires at the given time. some windows system have a tool like this called task scheduler if i am not mistaken.. sorry dude, I am not a microsoft fan so I cant answer that.. I hate it coz it got lotsa bugs..
  13. Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) in /home/vhosts/rohit.bizhat.com/forums/db/mysql4.php on line 48Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/vhosts/rohit.bizhat.com/forums/db/mysql4.php on line 330Warning: mysql_errno(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/vhosts/rohit.bizhat.com/forums/db/mysql4.php on line 331phpBB : Critical ErrorCould not connect to the database* im sorry but I do believe that you have a misconception about the problem. The real error is the socket can no longer accept the connection. the next errors are the results of the 1st error. since the socket cannot process the request made and the webserver cannot create a connection, then mysql4.php also cannot finish its connection routine thus it output the errors that it have invalid arguments. in short, mysql4.php expects that it eithers get granted to access or be denied to the database.. since it cannot verify either of the two, it just output a generic error that there are some invalid arguments.. actually the one that output that are the webservers.
  14. mySQL also have a 24/7 support but all of the people here is talking about the free database. What you pay in mySQL is the support. The developers and a lot of third parties can give you the support that you need on any time that you want. Just pay them or in case for mySQL main site, subscribe to the support features that they have. They also install the software for you as part of the support. Unlike in ORACLE, support in mySQL is optional. Thay makes the software free. ORACLE needs a faster and bigger pc unlike a mySQL minimal system requirements. The thing that makes mySQL popular is the portability it offers. It is also known that even if you have a super fast database server but you load it with a bad database design.. the server can literally crawl..
  15. i dont know if it supports cluster/grid but you can check its website.. i think the website is mysql.com about the admin software, even mysql have its default software called myadmin but for advance functions, try SQLyog at webyog.com there are tons of admin software for mysql server but I mostly recommend sqlyog since it is the only program that made me leave my old handy dandy phpmyadmin.
  16. http://www.dnsstuff.com/tools/ping.ch/?ip=domain name here or simply http://www.dnsstuff.com/ lotsa tons of tools too... I am suer that there is nothing more that you need that you cant find from this website.. This website even tries to figure out where you are lcoated by geo-IP locating tech. and it gives out your schools IP tooo...
  17. I got mine at less than $3, dot tk removed my redirect just bcoz I shutdown my site for a month due to debugging of my scripts.. after that, they never heard of me ever again.. I just setup my a no IP domain and host my own website. that was a few years ago when windows exploits can't be read on a "general discussions" section on forum boards. Now I buy my own domain at a cheaper price..
  18. Your right about that ntfs thingy, even linux dont have a built-in support for ntfs. I still need to patch it to load ntfs partitions. most of the time, I use some more software before I install linux/unix just to repartition the harddrive. Guess linux/unix must have support in their installers..
  19. vhortex

    OS On Assembler

    As far as I am concern, C++ have an assembly dump compiler mode where the compiler generates the equivalent assembly code for the obj it generates. Write the main OS on pure C++ then let C++ generate the Assembly code when you compile. After that, be ready with your ASM compiler [prefer TASM] and do some editing on the Assembly file. Most of the bottle necks or slow down is caused by the excessive push and pop commands in every function calls which is often times a redundant move by the compiler. I manage to write a mini-OS using this approach and it only took me 1-2 months developing it compare to my classmate mo made his using pure assembly who take him half a year. He produced an OS with a smaller size but the size difference compare to mine is not more than 10%.. Speed difference is minimal..
  20. Using Join Assume I have this database tables triwall_data batch varchar box int lot varchar and barcode2batch batch varchar barcode varchar All I want to do is get all the records from triwall_data and barcode2batch where the batches matches I will then call this: select * from `qa_tracing`.`triwall_data` inner join barcode2batch on triwall_data.batch = barcode2batch.batch limit 0,10 this one is without the join select * from `qa_tracing`.`triwall_data`, barcode2batch where triwall_data.batch = barcode2batch.batch limit 0,10 hope this helps... update functions almost the same.. NOTE: the sample is in assumption that you only want 10 records as is the limit code
  21. Been programming for a long time now..I started using pascal and then quicked stepped to turbo pascal.. At the same time I found some interesting scripting in MSDOS systems which is the ANSI console programming and the minor batch files.A year later I start to move on to turbo C and started do embark in interest in hex-editing and I manage to found out how command.com used to load files and translate built-in commands.All built-in commands in command.com was in plain text so if you want to disable DATE internal dos command, just load the command.com in hex-editor and replace the word DATE with four spaces. Carefull though cause if you overwrote the wrong byte, the program crashes.Not long after that I found my first interest in assembly language and further understand the hex codes that I load daily in my hex editor. With that I learn what hex values means in actually assembly programming.At this time, I am writing mixed languages prgragmming embedding assembly codes [obj] in turbo pascal and C++.at about 1998-2000 I made my first GUI based software made of pure delphi interprise builder and my first website coded in DHTML.Years later I am making tons of websites and scripts for a price written in PHP and MySQL and some DHTML. As of this moment, I am deep into mastering Java and currently trying to build up an ERP program.As you can see, I have never touched basic programming software that mostly have knowledge and I have not touched a pre desktop machine. Now It is nice to run test on bigger server machines and test some stuffs on routers.Of all the programming languages that I have touched, I think the most valuable one is the Java programming which enables me to build a software and just send them a cd with different java virtual machine installer and the main program itself without worrying if my program will actually run or not.------NOTE: I dont have any formal programming training and all of them was just learn from trial and error and some books. My advancements from year 2000 mas made faster thru the aid of internet and forums like this.
  22. I am using that IDE too and so far I dont have any problems here.I have download the SDK using flashget and just restarted the download when connections goes bad.I have no problems regarding this IDE and I use it 90% of the times when programming Java based softwares.
  23. I think I can explain that further.. He wants to put up a game server named EAthena which is an emulator of the game RAGNAROK online. Well I do think that you cant put up one here unless that admins will setup for you an application server. The private server application is that one that interprets the packets and it is only the database servers job to store the data that was transmitted. Your database side can be hosted here 100% but your application is the one that I doubt, better ask the admins for that.
  24. Well I think, fully modded means that the original code that was tested lotsa times was now "hacked" or changed by the modder. And it also suggest base on the name that that version have undergone tons of modification from the stable phpBB release. It is a common problem regarding modders lack of standardization on the mod solutions. It also a common knowledge that not all mods fit together flawlessly.
  25. I'll confirm on that also... MySQL 5 now acts like ORACLE and it now have most of the capability that ORACLE have. I am using that as of now and I am proud that I have save at least 30% of coding time and gain at least 25% or so of speed boost from the same program that we are developing. We also managed to have a greater connection pool and believed it or not, our MySQL server is fully operational and is just installed on a pentium II pc with 256 mB memory using a red hat linux console mode. Those other databases wont even get installed on a pentium II 300 that we are currently using now.
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