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Everything posted by vhortex

  1. it got me surprise on my first webserver. It receives emails from itself telling that I must sign for a free service from my website that I have no idea what is it. And man, I am the only personnel that my website has. -- When I setup a firewalll, guess who identified to connect.. got 3 fake IP in my connection list.. got my IP there in the connection request list. when i further investigate, those are not mine.. I check the full headers of the packer and the digital sig do not match my enthernet cards..
  2. I got a similar problem like this also.. I cant receive emails from my default email address but there was no error message.. stange is that it can receive but nothing goes out. on the brigth side, the one i have created just worked fine. maybe there have to do with domain stuff defaults.. =) cheers for solving your problem..
  3. On the movie part.. the movie is terrible.. i watched it for 20 minutes and got gored on the 5th minute. well it got to be the last one if the next movie will be this crappy. angel on of the founding members make a debut and my friends told me that proffesor - X died. Not a typical version of the comic book X-men. -- I personally dont believe that we can attain such phenominal powers like the ones in Xmen. Each mutation have a consequence. In my country we have use a genetically enhanced snails to combat alot of problems with some pest and to aid in cleaning in the rice fields. Thing works well for the first 2 years and went hell for the 3rd year onwards.. This genetically enhanced snails reproduce at quadruple the speed of the non GE versions. Resistant to alot of illness and can easily develop resistance for chemicals. On the 3rd year, these same snails eats the rice plant stalks which is the one it suppose to help. -- We as now have mutants in reality, I have seen people who have a sligth mutation in their genes and they most of the time end up handicapped. That is only for sligth mutations either produce by the environment or natural started from birth. -- GE/Mutated humans I believe will take more time and years to develop Xmen like characteristics. As was mentioned at the past post above mine, we cannot know the result of mutations and GE if we dont have a human template of the gene structures. A wrong choice of combinations can kill the subject or made him handicapped for life. -- The beast part I believe is possible and he dont get the brains due to mutations instead his mutations is his ability to control all appendages precisely enabling him to use his feet like hands.
  4. i feel your pain about that, it happens to me also a few months ago but with office scan.. it wants me to kill cain and abel because i was running as a client. though this is hilarious on my side since there is no security exploits in running a client.. i was nagged also to delete cain and abel everytime i download it. the popup is per chunk of download in my dload accelarator.
  5. it works now.. err.. i must stop pingging the server.. maybe the linux got a blue screen? == it may be a backbone problem since not only Xisto server gamma was affected.. only that gamma was the last one restored.. =)
  6. yeah, it is gamma that is hosting asta.. i have checked it and the ip of gamma is the same as the Xisto hosting IP. =( i hope it will get fixed soon..
  7. same problem here pal.. i'll check the forum for any clue on what have happen..just login and when i tried to update my host account i got time out error. i check my cpanel if something is wrong.. same timeout error..
  8. i have check it out.. it needs you to install a chat server that needs the port 35555 open. it uses java and flash. flash base system for the front end chat client and java for the backend. it have lots of jars.. -- i guess that one thing needed here is an SSH access to install the software or maybe a telnet.. here is the manual.. i still have not read it yet.. just tried the software a while ago.. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ cant get my compressor software to work.. maybe i need to reboot now.. --
  9. no problem.. nice that i have help. i am not very sure with that chat server.. i see if i can find out more.. miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG is online as of now. maybe you can send hima private message or sumthin.
  10. well is it something like this databaseusername:databasepassword@databasehost/databasename yourdatabaseusername -> your user account for the database databasepassword -> the password for that user databasehost -> i guess it is localhost here databasename -> the name of the database canbe Omar_databasename -- correct me if i am wrong..
  11. Yup, I agree with XIII becoz it is clearly seent that you have put the wrong username. -- you can also use this <?php$user="lonebyrd";$password="password";$database="lonebyrd_FTV";$host="localhost";?> which is your lonebyrd your username in the control paneland password is the control panel password. 3 Cheers!
  12. well i guess why norton wants to delete nmap and necat is that most of the time they are used to attack systems other than perform research. though norton is not a problem on my side but i have used it a few years ago and if i can remember you can exclude certain directories from the scan. I encountered though a problem when nmap is currently running in the machine since norton will popup and wil force you [maybe depends on version of norton] to remove or kill the process.--never been my problem now since i switch to *Nix when performing those research task. =)--AVG is equally a pain in the *bottom* when it detects a virus either active or passive in your system. even source codes of viruses was filtered out and moved to the virus vault. --when performing viral research, i just switch to no AV system [no anti virus] coz i have a spare box of system and I have a cd mirror of winXP. The whole system loads from CD and a spare harddrive is only used as data disk for temp and so on.. only problem though is that I got the CD from an anonymous org member from my club. the second problem is that if you need registry edits.. it is a hell to configure to allow that and mount the registry into the harddrive. I do perform port mapping alot to test proxies ability.
  13. here is a muh better way to code that.. first create a user database and put an exta column called level. i normall use two database tables for this [table users] ID -[unique key] Username Password Level [table LevelMap] ID [unique level key] Level Name table levelMap contains records like this 1, Admin 2, Power User 3, User and the user tables contains data like this 00001, user01, user01password, 1 00002, user03, user01password, 3 00003, user03, user01password, 1 for having 2 admins and 1 user account. on top of each page I have this check switch level case 1: //do admin stuff case 2: //do power user stuff case 3: //do normal user stuff -- PS: i cant seem to use the forum functions with firefox modified.. must recompile this browser later..
  14. I use yahoo, msn and icq all at once.I always have not been happy on how things and stuff gets stored and how hard to maintain an archieve plus the fuss of hiding stuff to logs secure.i have 150 contacts on YM, 20 on MSN and 56 on ICQ, guess that YAHOO outnumbers MSN since msn is buggy and have lots of exploits.. I also have heard a great joke [for me only] that MSN server is run over LINUX, the system that Bill Gates hate much instead of a windows machine. The only advantage i got from MSN is that it interacts directly with my windows but the exploits outnumbers its use.--on the other side, most of my contacts now shifted to Gmail, yeah! I did not mistype..GTalk can communicate in Gmail email service and vice versa. no fussy download and if you have extra time, you can download the Gtalk client for much more features.the logs and archieve gets stored as email and you have 2Gig of space left to fill.. so much for what i need..--you can also search your logs.. =)are there any person here that dont want having an email account communicate with you messenger. you can read and chat at the same time.. that is in Gtalk / Gmail. i wonder when it will stop beta.
  15. is your home server accessable to the internet? if it was not accesable to the internet then you have a big problem and need to change your host configurations. -- if you are going to use a cjb.net domain then register one and input your access to your host. the http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ part, if that produce an error like host not found.. your domain account is not set to broadcast to the internet. i asked that since some domainhost do not broadcast itself to the net and only listen to special IP address and ports on your computer. I have setup one a month ago which have no http connection active. all must go https since i broadcast the content to the WWW. setting up a domain is much easier though but it will take you at least 2 days to see the changes.. :blink
  16. In xammp, you can access \xampp\mysql\bin\winmysqladmin it works like the SQLmonitor and is the default monitoring program for your host [localhost]. -- i recommend that you use phpmyadmin instead since in order to use sqlMonitor, you need to access the remote server fully. I doubt that hosting services will allow their database server to be connected from just anywhere in the network. Rule of thumb, mySQL servers are 90% accesable only via localhost or ip and the only computer that can connect to it is the physical computer where mySQL is running. Your host account can see that server but i doubt other computers can see that database server as existing.
  17. Oracle's SQL is the same as mySQL with just some addons and optiomations.. on the other hand, for a small scale bussiness which need an Oracle functionality, mySQL 5 is a nice thing to start with.. As long as it uses SQL and a compliant, the database controls are the same..
  18. well, on my opinion only.. it is best to turn off register globals to your site.. but you need to convert all those variable callin to his types $_POST $_GET $_SESSION on my own experience, register globals on can provide lots of problems which is to many to mention all here..
  19. hi, first of all, java is not a compiled executable. you can only change how it was packed either in classes or in jar files. some offer tweaks on how to create an exe file but that is way beyond what i am to tell you. since java is not a compiled software, it needs to be parse or run in a translater which is the java virtual machine. you can have the java virtual machine packed with your distribution software and write an installer script that will also install the virtual machine. there are alot of installer scripting software available so i will not pick one. you can google on how to create an installer with executables inside that will automatically be run or setup after install. -- PS. java is just translated in order for this to run on all machines, dont use microsoft.. microsoft java runs on all machines with windows as they say but that is not true. have a microsoft java software that wont run on a certain version of windows. no problem with sun java and / or eclipse java in anyway though. ciao!
  20. hey i got your point, i will post the solution later since i got very custom to using my wrapper in accessing the database. For awhile here is what he needs to do so that all of you can understand. He wants to select a certain group of data in the database and he wants to display the data to admin.php what you need to do is to capture the result set and store the values in it using indexes to the result set. -- "hard to solve simple questions if we have been used to solved complex problems.." =)
  21. I dont know exactly if i got your question right.. It is kind of not very clear.. for automation, here is what i do.. -- this is on assumption that you have a host with mySQL 5 in it or that you can upgrade the mySQL server on the site/host. I create all needed database tables and coloumns then I write a stored procedure to be inserted to the mySQL server [Oracle style]. Then when I need to do some updates, I just call the stored procedure, the function of the stored procedure is base on your likings. My best setup is also to set a trigger command in the mySQL like a trigger of database read. On a read command [sELECT command for the database], i will just call a stored procedure found also inside the database that will update the read count column for the database I am using. eg. table data id INT data varchar readcount int trigger SELECT stored procedure sub updatecount[.....] {....} when a user use SELECT command here to the data , my read triiger will fire off then the trigger will call this stored procedure updatecount and the readcount will be updated.
  22. hope this help with decompressing the file..not all compressing programs can understand *.GZ filesince this is a *NIX native fileyou can use powerarchiever for this matter since it have support for *NIX files.--nomally, other decompressors will only create a new folder with a tar file inside when you decompress the file and yank that you confirm an overwrite for the TAR file.
  23. did you check the ownership or access rights for the said table? if you dont have a view access or list access rights to that table. the table wont appear.. this gives me hell of a nightmare when i have accidentally set the owner of the table as default [in my setup of mySQL on fedora core4, default is user nobody] to make worst about the settings, i have ticked that only user default have access to the database table and all will be deny. so my account that i use to connect and share to my friends cant see the table.. -- try SQLYOG at webyog.com to see a visual GUI of who / or what access rights you have given to other mySQL accounts for that table. /hope i help
  24. one of the great approach for my part is to setup a local IIS server on the windows machine and use scripts that read and write to that file [mdb]. just make sure that the mdb file is accesable by IIS trough location alias or whatever windows call that where you map your folder into IIS logical folder structure. this is easy to do once you have IIS configuration running in your pc. now the purpose of this setup is to use the local IIS to update the online version of the database where you can export the data in any format you want. you only need to have writes to the online database scripted in you local IIS server. for optimal use, just connect to the local mdb file using the local IIS server setup at your machine then export this via your script. no external server needed. in case that you want it to stay online.. Houdini's link to add that API to your server online and it can convert your mdb to mySQL format. /peace
  25. Tried that before, never worked for me.. dont know if there is a bug with regards to mySQL and php with windows.. anyway, i have apache2 running.. to end up everything, i downloaded the sources codes for apache. php and apache2 and compiled myself my own version in one pack.. messy but it worked.. no ftp hough, never figure out how to enable that in the compilation.. anyway, phptriad is the shortest way, much better xammp.. I am on xammp now
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