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Everything posted by Panzer

  1. Your brother wears make up!? Getting back on subject.. The boy was on holiday so mayby thats why he didnt wash as much as he should have. Or he could generally be a dirty person...
  2. Well mayby when the toads multiply you can keep the snakes happy (joking lol)Good on ya for doing something like that!
  3. Althought ive never played it myself i like downloading paintball movies from the internet and watching them. Good luck on your paintballing
  4. When i got my new computer (Second hand) my Dad and i opened it up to clean all the fans and parts out with the compressed air spray. We found 7 screws at the bottom of the case...Whoever put the computer together forgot something.
  5. If i got a laptop computer i dont see me using it. If you hit your laptop you would either have to hit the sides (and hopefully not pop open the cd/dvd slot) or turn it over and hit it.If you hit the key board who knows what would happen...
  6. Of course those are for the state of the art graphics cards. If you want to pay $1000 for them.. lolI don't think one is better than the other because there are so many different cards and it really depends on what you want your computer to do, TV, games etc..I use an old Nvidia one..
  7. Unfortunetly office didnt actually come with it, although the shortcut icons were on the desktop the guy had taken them off. I got office for free anyway through my mum, who works at school so its 100% legal.
  8. You might have taken it down but it came up with the 404 error, nothing..
  9. Ive played Age Of Empires 2 for as long as i can remember. My friend introduced it to me. I was getting a bit bored playing the original and then he brand around the Expansion (yay).I dont really like Age Of Mythology its not Age Of Empirey enough lol. I used to play on zone but now theres that new gamespy thing which i hate so i dont play it online anymore.
  10. I was really happy when my friend gave me and invite but i dont see me using 2.7gb of space, although i know someone who has lol.I was soon to realise that the loading times of gmail especially on dial up were really slow.
  11. I recently did a big report at school about Julius Caesar and i found out some very interesting things! He assassinated his political and military rivals so they couldnt strike against him, he did lead the Roman Empire to greatness by expanding north into Europe but anyone who was in the spotlight apart from Caesar was usally assassinated.Mayby when Caesar was killed thats why the Roman Empire started to fall, because there were no "good" politicians or military leaders left.
  12. Ive always thought of the 4th dimension as something you can touch. For example you see a cube drawn 3d on a peice of paper.For all you know it could alot of 2d squares side by side packed up tight.If you were holding a cube in your hand you would be able to feel contours and would know that its not a cube but infact squares added together. You can verify any shape being 3d while touching it where as youll never know by looking at it.
  13. Some FTPs dont have a "CHMOD" option when you right click. Sometimes its preferences or permissons.
  14. There was a big article on the news about it. Not about the plan of terrorism but about people not being allowed to take things on the plan with them. The news team had an interview and this man could only take a plastic bag on board with his glasses (not glasses case)a towel (Dried), a warm top and a book. They werent letting electronic equiptment on, any liquid what so ever..If terrorists wanted to blow up a plane with liquid explosives it wouldnt be very hard..Theyd just need to slip some on to the food/drinks cart and when it comes past them in mid flight...(Dont get any ideas!)
  15. Since no one has closed it... lolI use Safari when im on a mac, its step up from firefox, deadly fast, easy tab browsing and it just looks alot nicer :)You can get plugins for Internet Explorer (6) that allow it to have tabbed browsing. 93% of people still use Internet Explorer, thats down from 95% last year though.
  16. Keep us updated jtxdriggers, im interested on how your super computer comes along
  17. Give yourself lots of space when you are typing/copying your info on to your script.LotsOfSpacesDoesntMatterAnd remember what buffalo said, remember to rename it .PHP , all of your html stuff will still work but without it your php stuff wont.
  18. Cant think of much to say...I wish your friend Derek luck and i hope he pulls through.
  19. No problem. You can buy WOW trials from your local store (hopefully) for about $5 New Zealand, thats $2 US and mayby 1 and a half pounds. It comes with a trial disk and a trial CD Key for 10 days.
  20. Your missing one...MSN - What would we do without it!? A very easy to use communication device regardless of nationality.
  21. Ahhh everyone wants to visit New Zealand lol. It is nice and peaceful I would like to visit Italy and Canada and mayby the USA (florida, california) Ive been to England and France and they were alright, the food wasnt the best but hey!
  22. I dont think i am. There are some people at my school that are obviously fat and need to get their A into G but there is no half way in between. Ive been working not to put on any more weight in the last year or so, not lose it and its working.
  23. Have you ever played it on high detail?... It takes a few hours fishing to get up to fly fishing and you wont be able to buy a good sword for 25gp, besides you wont even be able to weild it.
  24. Im sure there is a demand and it is going to keep growing. Supermarkets have gone to selling their stuff online and nearly every business ill need a business to keep up with the play.
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