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Everything posted by Panzer

  1. First when the gameboy pocket came out i got one of those (Pokemon Red Wo0T!)Then i got a gameboy colour when that came out (Silver!) and i got the gameboy advance when it game out (leaf green and others!)And i got a PS2
  2. Yep, just google video it, its pretty fun to watch. I think its robotic dogs though. Still the goal keeper is funny and when they shot they sorta grow a 5th leg in the middle lol.
  3. Im addicted to mythbusters! I recently saw on it about cellphones at petrol stations. They tried to get the cell phone to cause an explosion by...Talking 'through' a gasoline soaked area.Dropping the cellphone and trying to get it too spark, this causing some fire to react with the fuel.Manually shorting out the battery and trying to get it to cause a spark that way.And a few more, it was really fun to watch and it just goes to show.Cellphones CANNOT cause fires/explosions in petrol stations.
  4. it would be quite funny to try the same exploit on yahoo/hotmail and some other minor ad ridden email providers. Mayby i should...
  5. If your making a website on it, test it on firefox. For some reason the frames dont show when your using safari, might happen with opera and some others as well so watch out.Also pretty bug free which i like
  6. IMOWOW tops it, if your rich and have a decent computer.FF series are best for PS2 as well as some boulders gates.Runescape is best only browser, no dl, free game, even though its not amazing.With the new WOW update coming out soon, itll be no.1 definately.
  7. I live in New Zealand and we dont get any of that stuff. Sometimes the teachers will ask you to empty out your pockets if they suspect you have a cellphone but we never get locker searched or strip searched. Im pretty sure its illegal here...
  8. im pretty sure it cannot be as they are satillite images, they HAVE to be updated. Ive tried it with my mum's dial up and it came to a complete failure, you need to have cable/broadband/adsl (whatever you call it) to make it be a sucess.
  9. well everyone knows that nothing is bullet proof. The boy should have charged google a ransom or something (hehe) or adleast loaded a fun javascript.Though of all the faults i thought google wouldnt have missed that. I mean the google team has designed alot and i mean ALOT of applications probably using VB6, they would have used javascript in there, and continuely updating the google/gmail site...(Im 14 and i know javascript)
  10. Yes. After 5 years at the job of captain for the Englishg soccer team. They were recently defeated by Portugal in the Soccer World Cup quater finals , thus ending their World Cup dream. Sven Goran Errikson also resigned, as head coach of the english team, after some media scandals months ago.The reason England lost (in my opinion) was that Wayne Rooney got sent off, a yellow for a stamping offence and then a red for arguing.
  11. (Pronouced N-View) Its a wysiwyg website creator. Compatibal with: Linux Win 95,08,2000,XP Mac OS 9 OS 10 Pretty easy and simple to use and its alot cleaner than the likes of frontpage (The first 20 lines dont praise how good it is) http://www.nvu.com/ Virus free, support forum, its free! Give it a go.
  12. Even with the security, when phpbb 3 (YAY) comes out it will be much 'tighter' then the IPB 1.3. Even phpbb2 is pretty good.
  13. I love it, i watched all the episodes up to the Buu saga. But being in New Zealand the TV broadcasters took it off . They also didnt show the movies which i was annoyed with but i got a few outta the video shop.I got like 500 DBZ cards.DBZ ROCKS!
  14. Panzer

    Hi Everyone

    Hi,Just tellign everyone a little bit about myself. I like playing squash, soccer and orienteering. I played warcraft 2 battle.net for 6 years, runescape for 2 and currently playing starcraft (Battle.net). I enjoy baking, biking, running, making websites. Im from New Zealand so its a little bit isolated (Dont know anyone in the internet world) so if you are, PM me!
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