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Everything posted by Panzer

  1. Well i live in New Zealand, right down the bottom of it. It never gets very warm.My dad, brother and i went to England, one of our stop overs was Bangkok, if any of you have been to Bangkok airport youll know its huge. Our plane couldnt get to one of those air walk way things so we got a sort of bus from the run way to the terminal. It was 11pm local time and it was 33 degrees celcious. I have no idea what the humidity must have been but it would have been high. I couldnt sweat at all and i was just brought down and couldnt move.We were on the sorta taxi thing for about 5 minutes and those 5 minutes were hell, when we finally got to the terminal it was great. Air conditioned and everything.It was kind of ironic because when we were in England it was the heat wave, most days got to around 28 degrees celcious but since there was low humidity it didnt feel a thing like Thailand.
  2. I met David McPhail (A New Zealand actor). My cousin was on her Overseas Experience, she was working in a cafe to fund it, (Over in England) and she served Daniel Radcliffe (The guy who plays Harry Potter)
  3. I dont think cheating works. You see it all in the movies and CSI, people will hire mobsters to hit their partner for revenge when they find out theyve been cheated on. If you were cheated on you should just tell your partner that your leaving.
  4. Well the absolute worst movie would have to be the spoof of Casino Royal, a James Bond film that never got onto the screen. It goes on and on and on, its not even a parody. There are a few funny scenes like in Charlie Chaplin movies. I recently saw Pirates Of The Carrabien 2, i absolutely hated it, there were too many special effects, not much of a plot at all, and again it was too long. I enjoyed Pirates Of The Carrabien 1 but i hated 2.
  5. Thats a good idea, i thought there already was one for the month?I might be mistaken but im rootin for it anyway.
  6. will the 2.6 or the 2.8 processor do for gaming? The 3.2 is abit expensive for me. Also how is corsair ram different from 'normal' ram.
  7. The problem with some of the PHPBB pre-modified boards is that they have some modifications that you dont want, it slows your board down alot.My vote is with VBulletin although the price... lol
  8. To be honest, ive had a few blood tests and they werent bad at all. Then all the kids in New Zealand had this Menengitis B vaccination. Pracitcally 3 injections over 10 months. I hated getting stuff actually getting injected into me, i could feel it *SHUDDER*.Not to mention they had some bad side affects. Everyone had a sore arm for 3 weeks. I myself was sick outta my mouth and i had to have a few days off school.We had 30 in our class, the day after the first injection apparently there were 16 lol..
  9. http://saltworld.net/forums/ is great for tools, tutorials and games to download. You can ask for assistance from the great game making community there. Its also good to see what games other people have made, then you can download them.
  10. There are some mods that fix up Invision Power Board 1.3's security problems. I think its some German site, i cant remember sorry. You could mayby ask invisionfree what security mods theyve installed. If they havent thats a problem...
  11. Ok so it looks like im after.120gb Hardrive1gb RAM (2 512's)a AMD 3.?? Processor7600GS Video cardI plan to buy most of the parts second hand over a very good internet auction site in New Zealand. Its called trademe <_<Ill take a look if its in my price range and get back to you.
  12. DO you give the scripts out free or do you have to host them?
  13. Well i do think that she was raped. She must of hit puberty pretty soon or else she would have certainly died. Does anyone know if there was a qualified doctor there??
  14. iPods will stay no doubt, they look great, clear, and do anything you want. Im waitin to see the new 4th generation come out at the end of this year.
  15. Your website looks nice. GOod job on that.With your forum, i think you should use the Fantastico version of SMF. That way there will be no ads or silly links down the bottom. You could put your own ads on there if you wanted to make some money.
  16. However you can get a few free copies of IPB. Versions 1.3.1 and below are all legal to use for free. (Thats what invisionfree and other free forum providers use)
  17. Even with the pacfic option, they could include gun boats, planes, trucks etc. Wolfenstein trumps CoD2 for that reason..
  18. My Dad leaves his computer on all the time. He has an iMac G-5 Rev-2.He turns it off when he goes away to other countries on work though.
  19. Well.... Its true!My Dad is a geologist and not too long ago he did some work near there and he told be about it. The tallest mountain in the world actually is in the Pacific Ocean as well, its taller than Mt Everest. But since its submerged it doesnt really "count"
  20. The war on Iraq was a To me it looks like a war on iraq. If it were a war on terror, why did the US bomb the Achmed Al-Zaqaui guy, why didnt they just send a covert ops team in or something, instead they had to kill him and 40 civilians... The way i see it, it has turned into a war against Iraq, not terror
  21. OrangeAlthough i dont like the mustard like color. It has to be sorta bright. Like oranges, manderins, tamarillos etc..
  22. There are some other companies out there that are worth investigating. Be sure to see what other people's opinions are, not just what they display on their site.
  23. Yeah some Pacific campaigns on Call Of Duty would be great. Theyd probably do like the Japanese soldiers swimming out of the water behind you and stuff.They could do desert Storm?
  24. What you were saying about the fans, it wont be too much of a problem, it gets pretty cold where i live and i have a large window in my bedroom anyway...
  25. I dont think they were too bad, Sith were pretty bad to play. They couldnt heal and you didnt have awsome powers. The game got stuck for me a few times which annoyed me..Swimming was horrible because it took so long, swimming on the fish level...I enjoyed playing it but havent played it since.
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