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Everything posted by Panzer

  1. I think it is a disgrace to the cycling community. One would think that in this day and age no one would be dumb enough to cheat at a major event like the Tour De France. There is always the possibility that his test was altered and he didnt actually dope at all. Wasnt there some sort of thing when Lance Armstrong kept winning?
  2. Size: 400x100 350x150 Theme: WW2 Tanks/barbed wire/ trechesRender: no thanksRender Theme:---Color: Brown, green, goldText: Yes--- PanzerOther effects: Grenade exploding effect?Thanks guys, for my sig.
  3. Well i have recently gotten World Of Warcraft, this is my review for it so far (Levels 1-8). I was a bit optimistic at first, i had a dial up modem and i didnt know weather it would work on there or not, i brang it to my mates house (He has DSL) and downloaded the patches, about 400mbs worth. Installing took some, having to put 5 cds in and out. We tried it out first, no lag what so ever, i was playing on an Australian server (i live in New Zealand) and it was good. No annoying flooders or top level froobs calling everyone else noobs. It was really easy to get into, lots of tutorials and easy quests just to start the game. You start off the game (regardless of class and race) in an easy section, as you move further away the monsters get harder. I then booted it up on my dial up connection (still at my mates house) and i was very much suprised to see it working as well as the DSL connection, again no lag. It was easy to join a group (group of people killing monsters together, auto. shares the loot and exp), easy to navigate (map) and it was very hard to get lost. My computer has 2.0Ghz CPU, 768mb of RAM and a 64mb video card. The minimum requirements are 512mb RAM (i think), 1Ghz processor and a 32mb video card. My friend has a standered dell computer, 512mb RAM and a 2.8Ghz CPU but of course, no video card. He has DSL and he lags alot of the time, probably to do with the graphics card. I was looking at my RAM monitor while playing the game (minimized it) and saw that it varied between 200-250mb of free RAM, meaning it did use 512mb of RAM and sometimes more! Pros Of The Game -Easy to get into and learning -Friendly People -Constantly updated and worked on -Can participate in group killing -Some servers are specificly for killing other people & and others are peaceful. Cons Of The Game -You MUST have a video card to be guarenteed lag free. -You cannot change servers half way through the game. -If you die you dont lose anything, you can do suicide runs and not worry about a thing. Recommended Minimum Requirements (Both windows and mac) 768mb RAM 64mb of video RAM video card 2Ghz (Possibly less?) CPU A 56k modem A decent CD reader if you want to install it fast. Yes there are fees but i personally think its worth them (You get 1 free month membership when you buy the game)
  4. Well actually seeing your motherboard is the important thing, take into condsideration the size of the case as well. I took my computer apart and cleaned it all and some of the places were very difficult to get, the case size is fine but ive got so much stuff in there. Also be wary of dust and bits of hair, make sure you have reasonably easy access to getting those cleaned off, the last thing you want is to have your fans jammed in and they get clogged up with dust, they stop working and the CPU explodes...In short, get the motherboard and the case first.
  5. When you install mambo and other things through cpanel become familiar with the directories. That way, once you see a skin/theme or mod that you like the look of, you know exactly where to download >> upload it to.
  6. PhpBB is definately better than proboards. I remember in my humble beginnings to the world of forums i used to love using proboards, that changed when i met phpbb lol. Proboards is too private and has dropped the pace too much.
  7. Sounds pretty dodgy to me. I wouldnt do it myself but i guess business is different if your actually making money off it..
  8. My Dad put a windows emulator on his Mac G5. His imac G5 has 1gb RAM and 2.0GHz processor (Dual core). His virtual windows has something like 256mb of RAM and only a 800MHz processor. Its really slow and not worth it...
  9. One of the best things i think you should do is host a poll on your website and ask the visitors what they think you need to do. Its giving them the choice and you want them to keep coming back to your site.
  10. W3school is the best website for learning web code at. Get books out from your local library, just read them whenever you can and youll soon get the hang of it.
  11. Well, 5 years of work went down the drain when my friend reported me. I asked him for his clan forum password, he reported me and Jagex didnt understand my appeal... Here were my stats. Was banned before carpentry. I had Scythe, bunny ears, all the untradeable rares. Abby Whip, full ahrims, 3 mill extra cash...
  12. When i hear the word Europe i always think of War and conflicts. WW1, WW2, Spainish civil war, War of the roses, Yugoslavia conflict etc. Living in New Zealand im not exposed to any sort of that stuff.When i WENT to Europe it changed my mind, like Wiz (Robert) said its just like any other country. It reminded me alot of home, there were some rich parts, poor parts and middle class parts of town.The food was different but it was sort of the same, when we were in a bakery in France, they sold alot of pasteries, back at home they would be pies, sausage rolls and sandwhiches.Every country or area has its differences, and every country and area has its faults.
  13. Thanks for that everyone, helps clean some stuff up :)A few more issues though.If i log in through a proxy website, will the proxy affect me ingame?Also the 'bots' on my internet game have a space where you put a proxy like or whatever, how do you get those?
  14. Most of you probably dont know but New Zealand have changed all of their 'silver' coins. We used to have5c, 10c, 20c, 50c (Silvers) $1, $2 (golds) and of course notes...There is now no 5 cent coin in New Zealand and all the others have been made smaller and the 10c has been changed to a coppery bronze colour.Now, our standard postage stamp to anywhere in New Zealand is 45c, with the 5c coin gone, its impossible. You now need to pay 50c for a stamp BUT you can get 2 stamps for 90c, thats confusing some people.
  15. W3 schools is great. I got 2-3 HTML books outta the local library, some of them are really good and show you step by step how to put the code together. Some of the good ones have a list of all the HTML codes at the back.I suggest you get a book, everything is much easier and you dont have to be on the computer when your reading it. Also print out a sheet of all the HTML codes and mayby write beside them what each one does.
  16. Basically what rvalkass said they do charge you extra because they can and they know the 'average joe' wont take them to court.
  17. Connection speed?Internet?USB?Firewire?Give us some more details and we might be able to help.
  18. After a good night on my bike i always come home and drink about 3 glasses of pure tap water. It cant get any better than that. (Mayby some lemon lol)I dont fancy bottled water, why pay for something you can get from taps?
  19. Google.com >> more >> google labs >> web accelerator. Last night with my dial up, i was on the internet for about an hour and it said i saved 2 minutes 30 seconds which was good i guess.
  20. hmm didnt see the dual core bit on the end. Still you may want a better processor, on another one of my posts people snapped at me saying that i should get a very minimum of 3.0 GHz i guess your dual core should do.Make sure you have fans sorted out, for a big harddrive, lots of RAM and a dual core processor you may need a few, you may even want to try water cooling?
  21. whats it about? Owning a football club by the sounds of it. How many players also?
  22. Im still with Blizzard and playing those good old games. Warcraft 2 , starcraft, broodwar, diablo, diablo 2 and of course warcraft 3 and its expansion. Battle.Net is great, socialiing, joining and leading clans.At the moment i play starcraft but i might start warcraft 3 (Nice and cheap)
  23. Has anyone come across it? Its part of google labs and its fairly new i think. Its just a 1.4mb setup file. I installed it and it appears down the bottom right of your screen (Where it shows time, USB Chips, Anti virus etc).It shows you how much time you have saved just to the left of where you type your website URL. It works for both dial up and DSL/Cable/Broadband whatever you call it although you need to optimize it. Its default is DSL so if you have Dial up, right click the logo >> Preferences and you can change it. Has anyone used this before?
  24. Panzer

    Doom 3

    I know its gettting old now and Doom 4 is about to come out but has anyone played it? Im getting it for free with my new computer and i want to know if its any good/ big faults.Is there online play?
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