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Everything posted by Panzer

  1. It was soooo Zidane's fault that France lost, the ref, or sideline ref didnt see him foul but apparently some other official did. He head butted a guy in ths stomach and he got a red card..
  2. Yeh i wanted France to win as well. I was suprised Zidane or Henry didnt take any penalties..
  3. Im not sure how many of you know the geography of New Zealand but basically its 2 islands, in between them is the Cook Strait. In the news recently some guy had an idea to put mini fans underneath the Cook Strait, it would generate enough energy to power our capital city (Wellington)(The amount of water that is pushed between the Cook Strait is huge)I think this is a good way to generate electrity, your not damming anything - ruining its look, you could put them undernearth powerful rivers and people wouldnt notice.Your opinions on this?
  4. Well i got up at 6am (local time) to watch it and boy o boy was it a good match. France scored first in about the 12th minute (I think). Italy replied with a goal in the 19th minute. It was a good game, lots of close calls and some great goal keeping. The game went into extra time, still tied at 1-1, extra time passed, still 1-1So there was a penalty shoot out. Both teams got their first 2 goals easily but then France missed! That was the only miss, italy ended up winning the shoot out 5-4 .Congradumalations Italy!
  5. Hmmm thanks alot guys, thats given me some ideas for the computer, ill keep you updated on how i get on.
  6. K, living in New Zealand its alot more annoying, not as much to choose from and stuff. Most RAM and motherboard parts are easily obtained but not pro video cards
  7. Are we allowed to 'download' them to our hard drives? Dad will love them lol
  8. In my honest opinion, you need one of the few things (its missing something)-Another light source on the left-The target/person that the shooter is aiming for-Compress(make it smaller slightly)
  9. K thanks alot, theyre about the same price arnt they?
  10. Wow, looks like a scam to me, theres also the scam bar on the side. Mayby if you had more than one post i would start to think i could trust you..
  11. First of all remember i live in New Zealand! When i went to England they all weighed my wallet down lol, i used to chuck them out the window because they were sooo annoying. The New Zealand government is really stupid listen to this.... We have 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c, $1, $2 coins. The government are taking all the 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c coins back and are issuing a whole set of new coins... New Zealand only has 4 million people in it (New York City has 6mill or something) but its a stupid idea...
  12. 4gb ram.... Youd need like 2 motherboards to fit them on lol. Get a better video card and youll run games fine. You dont think dual processor? Anyone else got suggestions/comments?
  13. Guhhh i hated dofus, hardly any people and such bad graphics lol. (Mac only for all you windows people)Theres Runescape... i guess thats alright...
  14. Yeah, its strange, this is ths second Xisto site ive seen hacked by them. I went to their forums (Done in turkish) and they had something like 6000 registetered users!Could just be a mod for fake users but they seemed pretty active.
  15. Lol nice idea, only one word.....WEST COAST CUSTOMS! lolI suggest getting some sort of laptop, removing middle seat, part between seat and boot, pad it up, put a slidable tray in there and chuck your laptop onto that, with straps on of course. Youll be able to take it out, watch movies etc...
  16. Have you gotten any payouts yet?And is it in the mail or paypal?
  17. Ive nearly got enoughmoney to buy myself a computer, its going to be used for gaming and web design stuff. Will these specs do, yes/no/ what would you change?Also please dont go say 500gb harddrive, watercooling, dual 2gb rams etc...Dual 2.6GHz Processor768mb RAM80Gb HarddriveA decent graphics card (havent looked into)(hopefully) inbuilt 56k modem.CD RW, DVD Reader.Can i egt away with 512ram??
  18. Im pretty sure most of tese are going to be scams. Search google for a database of sites that do pay you. Remember if the company advertises it has a 'authentic certificate' its probably fake.
  19. Ive only seen the movie, my bro has read them and he says its (movie) like the books.Is that true?
  20. I think the two biggest issues with exploration into space are-Time-MoneyDoesnt it take like 122 years to get to Pluto in a rocket or something?? I dont see how it would work and it would cost billions, first to build a rocket that big, and preservatives, 122 years lol, not to mention water.Space bases would work, itd be ALOT of money and the fuel will probably run out by then anyway lol.
  21. In short. If your website is hosted by Xisto.com (not sure about .net) you can put google ads on your site and generate revenue.
  22. Localhost was there as a default so i tried that, to no sucess still. I tried the 8080, that didnt work.Ive already set up a Database but i guess ill make another..
  23. if your a business though or were offering a monopoly sort of a deal, you wouldnt want the related topics...
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