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Everything posted by Tetraca

  1. What's funny is is that after you get the hang of creating web sites it seems that much easier than myspace. I myself found creating a website taking no less than 5 minutes with a Post Nuke CMS, while dawdleing with my former myspace profile took at least a half an hour, then I got bored and deleted it because it served no purpose. I'm only really bothered with 2 things in myspace: Those who watch their profile views for hours on end(which seems to me to be very sad they have nothing better to do), and those who talk into space on their blogs. Though there are people like you that use it to communicate with friends I think there are other ways to do it that seem better. I just remembered that network54's remote forum hosting dumbs it down to myspace's level where people could understand it. See example: http://www.us.to/
  2. Then again, you can use an invisionfree forum, which is free, faster, and has less ads. I agree with you on this one... I don't dig ameteur bands that look like a bunch of emo kids. See reason 3 quotes above.
  3. I prefer Gran Turismo. The lisence tests and challenges are fairly difficult and there are many realistic cars.
  4. Install SP2 for one. An windows system without SP2 lasts half if not less as long as one with SP2. It's not going to protect you that much, but it helps.
  5. I use Filezilla FTP, sice FTP is much faster than Cpanel unless you need to upload a one or two files..
  6. I love the Mortal Kombat fighting games, but Saholin Monks seems to me to be a mere button masher of a game. After the first part I could just mash random buttons and defeat enemies.
  7. English is my first language. Polish is my second. I'm also a very fluent speaker of BASIC
  8. I've made a couple sites. Feel free to visit the ones you wish to enter: Infrosoft is my personal software site. OS Advocacy is a site dedicated to stop OS zealotry. Completely automated by Coranto and Yabb. Something Bad is a clone of something awful's forums for people who don't want to pay for SA membership. I'll tell you now this is the worst one. So, what do you think of my "portfolio" of sites?
  9. I wanted Poland to win, but it seems that's pretty impossible now. Now, I hope Argentina wins.
  10. Do you know why there is no defraggers for Mac OS X, and Linux/BSD? There simply is no need for one. Files are automatically defragged without you noticeing it.
  11. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ If you look at their telnet BBS listing, you're bound to find a great oldie in a BBS of an MMORPG Door Game called LORD(Legend of the Red Dragon).
  12. I still prefer the old bland windows theme that's been present since 95. But, if I want to unpimp ze desktop I bring out TweakUI by Hiren and Thanki
  13. It seems plausible. I think the change occurs not just in puberty, but throughout our lives. For example, my father didn't like herring until he was in his 50s.
  14. Get a mac or download linux, BSD, or BeOS. You'll never have to deal with that stuff ever again.
  15. Freezing the wart with off with some liquid nitrogen is the best solution I think. It will never grow back. Just schedule an appoitment with a doctor, or you can get the Dr. Scholls freeze away from Walgreens or some other store.
  16. LORD is the best MMO! If you don't know what LORD is you probably weren't a geek before the internet was created, when people dialed on to things called BBSes and played door games, communicated with locals, and enjoyed ANSI and RIPscrip graphics.
  17. I would never download such a bloated operating system. I'm stull running windows 2000 because XP has too much junk on it I don't need nor find attractive. All Vista and XP are are a waste of system resources(not to mention XP's default theme is butt ugly) and money to upgrade your system enough to handle it. Unlike the last big jump with Windows 95, I don't find it worth my time to download vista because it seems to bring little new to the table except for more fancy effects and big bloat.
  18. I would like to have a gmail account. Thank you very much.jocke_pirat [at] lycos [dot] com
  19. Here's some interesting statistics I heard on CNN this morning when they were interviewing Nick Berg's father: 3,000 people died a year when Hussein was in power while 60,000 people a year die while Bush occupies the country. Hussien preserved order in the country while it is utter chaos in Iraq now with Bush occupying it. Terrorists were never a problem with Hussien in power, but with Bush terrorist organiztions, militias, and saddam's former soliders ravage the country now not to mention the few mad U.S. troops massacre Iraqi civilians. Who's the real enemy?
  20. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This should explain everything clearly to you about the fourth dimension, and the others before it too.
  21. Wow. That's pretty good.
  22. I haven't seen a site that allows you to watch TV shows, but with Vongo you can watch movies...
  23. Pretty nice. That's one of the better sigs I've seen.
  24. People don't realize that you can make a good movie without fancy effects and CGI. Just look at 2001:A space odyssey to see what you can do without fancy effects and explicit content and still get a good movie.
  25. https://www.thesitewizard.com/archive/sitepromotion.shtml http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ That should give you a few ways to increase visitors. I reccommend using the second link. That's probably one of the best I've found on how to promote your site through ways of pay and for free.
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