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Everything posted by osknockout

  1. Wow... I didn't know that was even possible. Have you seen http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ? I have no clue whether the patch for the aRts, ALSA, and ESD backends became standard, but I think this would be partially responsible for your phenomenal integration if it was.
  2. I'd suggest you play around with MySQL tables; if your site's on Xisto they give you an unlimited amount of space for them . I don't know if there are C++ libraries which'll let you use them directly from C++, but you can try a C++<->Perl<->MySQL table setup. And finally, here's the site where I learned some socket programming back in the day: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  3. Hmm... that can take some time to get established. With libraries like SDL and such it might have a hard time becoming a crossplatform foundation. (Since SDL-GL exists) I haven't tried using it yet due to a lack of time, so I can't tell anything from experience. Good luck to them though!
  4. You're welcome cse-icons. Hey I have an idea for you. You should make a random C/C++ riddle program. That way we can be confused both ways and you'll probably get some real recognition. Looks like my dev. computer shut down... bummer. Make that week a month.
  5. WOW, that was brilliant. Although it looks an awful lot like the linux source code... hmm... getting fishy. Cse-icons, you should try out for it (after all, aren't you the one always sending the C riddles?). Watch me cook up something in a week.
  6. Actually I thought you meant a true C subset language like LUA or Cg, used for specialized programming.Well, many people consider Visual C++ the standard (God knows why) but it has it's own format and such extra extensions. Well, I'm not too familiar with C# but I'd advise you to go ahead and master C++ because that's the easiest trade-in between programming ease and optimization especially on the win32 platform. Although Win32 was programmed mostly in C, C++ is rather useful because many win32 applications are programmed in C++ and programs like Mathematica are compatible with it first.It's almost essential to learning OpenGL properly, since all the include files are based on it. Nehe's OpenGL tutorials on nehe.gamedev.net first came out in Visual C++ style.Don't worry too much about the Visual C++ IDE thing if you don't have the money for it. They made a free version of it (without the extreme optimization) and a link's on http://www.thefreecountry.com/. Or you could use DevC++ which uses the gcc compiler and has a convert-VC++ projects-to-gcc style command, perfect for dealing with it.Hey Mizako, I like the idea of a small GL crossplatform development tool. They haven't worked on it for a while though...
  7. WOw, that's pretty nice graphics for a Zelda game. I'm glad they finally went back to old skool style. I wonder how much that one will cost... too bad it's a cube monopoly.
  8. My experiences with a Dell aren't that great... I can't even boot cdroms off of it, but they are pretty economical. The Inspiron XPS Gen 2 came out, so if you ever change your mind and pick up some cash, there's a good one. Hey Corey, how much would all of that cost?
  9. @brent: welcome to the C++ forums. That was random, try that again in the Games subforums -specifically half-life. Don't pull one of those again, they're really annoying.@kvarnerexpress: Wow, that's a horrible instance of Win API. I'd say try creating a null variable and try manipulating that in your selection code (which you might want to create instead of allowing Windows to handle it) to focus windows on the cells.
  10. The French open championship's coming? I totally missed the news. Hehe... I'm still thinking of Sampras, but yeah I'd say Safin has the best chances in this one.
  11. And osknockout is finally back from vacation. Thanks. I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks this way. I'm hoping Skyos goes opensource in a few years 'cause I believe it'll die away otherwise, and I'd hate to see something new die before Microsoft @xboxrulz: I agree with the game and complexity comment, but still, it's a different variant of unix, each one predominantly hard to understand even if one goes from one to another.
  12. osknockout


    The FCC is a department of the US government which was charged with censoring media after that infamous Superbowl... but yes, they have been granted the power to just about censor anyone... I agree with you ill, but it's just an idea right now. Good luck getting that to the masses of American people. Half of the population are ignoramii, another minimum of 1/4 deep conservatives, and then there are moderates which don't voice anything ~and dying away sadly enough. I wonder what the next generation will be like. Heh, I've been wondering for the longest time if this was just a subtle form of totalitarianism... I mean capitalism takes place of the mass terror.
  13. To thebluekirby: Script Kiddies are little wanna be hackers which use automated programs to find security holes and attack computers and networks.Al contraire, who doesn't find them annoying? Those idiots give us a bad rep and put the freaking government and media on our heels. And most of them who continue become white hats. Betrayed twice by the same bunch of fools.
  14. I have to agree with ShetenshiSenshi and St. Michael on this one, I prefer anime. I've seen manga but I don't really have the time to go buy it. Besides, most anime's free and can present the same stuff in manga with more multimedia.
  15. Hmm... seems like this should be in the Vent. I don't know if posting in there is allowed yet or not, so sorry if it isn't.Yes, I've found them annoying. I hate your (and the media's) misuse of the title hacker, but you're wrong. I used to be an network berserker back in the day and I never executed automated exploit and "hacking" programs once. I practiced with a friend on the Pentium and then went on to the gopher network. So watch your overgeneralizations and don't insult the rest of us. I do admit those guys are pretty dumb though, knowing how easy it is to change your IP subset.
  16. I prefer the Celts actually. I think the Britons are ok, but I don't know, I never fully got the hang of them. I've found the Saladin and Barbarossa campaigns to be the best of 'em. I have it on only on pc though.
  17. Ok, some of the things here are just crazy. Phi, I don't think you would actually make money off a pencil and paper RPG by ripping off a bunch of copyrighted stuff. And koper89, isn't that what we're looking for in just about every rpg? Except the way you said it sounded like you had a few chemicals in your system :lol:Remember guys, we're talking paper and pencil, FOR PROFIT.
  18. Technically, no since std::cin halts the program until some key response occurs. You'd have to test for keystrokes using your own code, which can take some time. But anyway, here's you five minute time out code. #include <iostream>#include <ctime.h>int main(){ clock_t x; x = clock () + 300 * CLK_TCK; //300 seconds = 5 minutes while (x > clock()) //basically test for 5 minutes in clock ticks { //place keytest code here... }return 0;}
  19. RPG Toolkit's a really good 2d game engine. The main site is http://www.toolkitzone.com/, but the source code is at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ -you're probably looking for the Visual C++ code under /vc or the tarball link on the page. Thank you dexter! That one did a lot for me. Now to spend 3 days reading this stuff... More ebooks Self explanatory...
  20. Ah, I see where we're differentiating in the definition of DMA. I mean a DMA chip such as the 8237 Direct Memory Access Controller (a.k.a the DMA) I don't mean the process of Direct Memory Access Transfer.Yeah, I was about to ask you why the heck you're telling me this textbook stuff. Yeah and that block transfer does up to 64 K block transfers. The controller I'm talking about had 4 channels, seems the recent one has twelve. Take that new skool! Sorry, was up till 3 last night. By the way DMA has nothing directly to do with disks, they're just used a lot for disk I/O.
  21. Alperuzi, I mean multiple DMA devices when I talk about multiple DMAs. DMAs have several DMA channels, so more DMA's would let the general system go even faster if implemented correctly -that's why I asked . Thanks whyme, although I'm wondering... how would one build a multiple DMA system? I mean I don't think there are DMA slots in existence.
  22. Sorry about the late post, I was kind of busy... Hmm... http://www.thefreecountry.com/ is a good one too for C/C++ compilers and libraries. Also please check out llvm.org for the LLVM Compiler and http://bellard.org/tcc/ for the lightweight TCC compiler.
  23. Do commerical systems with multiple DMAs exist in the PC price range? I heard about Super DMA testing last year at satelliteguys.us and I was wondering if any company actually sells these systems.
  24. alright, I get it. I also happened to have an odd time (didn't get time except to do the army system here) I see, more efficient system than I thought, but I can't exactly figure it out. Oh well, see you are then vizskywalker.
  25. Actually I was about to create a topic asking what the real difference is between the two. I found t17 first, and I was wondering what was so special about Xisto. Interesting, but I don't think that people there are that "talented" if you want to contrast t17 and Xisto. The forum topics seem identical to here (except for the newbie posts and all these polls) and I don't think they've even mentioned some political/scientific planning, NetHack, or D&D -things you would see of the elite . Their OS tutorials are not really that advanced either. I don't know, seems the two are really close.
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