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Everything posted by osknockout

  1. He doesn't have a comp. at home and he doesn'tgo to the library?
  2. I haven't programmed for VESA in years,but I think you can still manually change therefresh rate. Could you tell what environmentyou're using?
  3. You can say that burgen, but what's the point?every transatlantic cable would be overloaded with communications. In the US that's fine, they made too many, but for our European friends... sorry guys. Don't get me wrong, I like it a lot, but it's hard to make practical. In the mean time, stick with the BitTorrent client
  4. Since no one else will, I guess I'll help. Instruct your friend in installing Cygwin-X (Win distribution of course) and running it, should be just like Linux after running. - make sure you get gcc. If that won't work, God help you in trying that on Dev-C++ (gcc compiler) - get it at http://www.bloodshed.net/dev/devcpp.html
  5. Alright, how many people here have actually attempted to code an OS? Nadie I'm sure. I hate it when people don't know what they're talking about, but going on... Don't think so. What are you going to do? Apache your Win distribution? Ohyeah, and how much does IIS cost? A US thousand right? How much does that add to the retail price of a computer? Quite a bit. What does that do? Lower customers. ... = not going to happen. Besides, which genius decides to build an OS specializing in the internet? Isn't that what the prgm's are for? After all, an OS is meant to be system code dealing with hard computations fast. That means x86 asm, C/C++, PERL even. I can understand an optimization for internet management routine, but come on, this is not sensible. I understand both of your web development viewpoints, but practically, not going to happen. But... Yes and no. If it enables a 'ignore network access' then right. If not, then it's not possible, no matter how hard you try. Here, the Hacker's Manifesto.
  6. Osknockout's Guide to the World, 1st Edition --------------------------------------------------- Open source (oh-pen sores) - developed code which is freely available to the public. Open source is an ancient idea extremely developed in the 1980's. GNU - "GNU's Not Unix!" - an organization started by Richard Stallman with a license of the same name, an open source license popularized by the gcc and linux distributions. The gcc began as a project by Stallman and was part of the real basis for the prestige of the GNU project. --------------------------------------------------- No you wouldn't. GNU doesn't allow you to make profit from software... without profit from software, you wouldn't have GNU in the first place... can't have an org. without its cause. He did what anyone would in such a situation... well up till the 1990's. There anyone with a lick of sense would have stopped and said, "Hey, I like this Linux idea! Let's quit our OS thing and support this!"
  7. I've seen a lot of copyleft and copyright articlesand seen the somewhat recent SCO vs. (basically) Unix/Linuxissues, and I was wondering which is the better of the two,if applicable.Governments offer patents to encourage creativity andprotect intellectual property (truly) and the open source movementoffers a solid base to build upon and the decrypted way to the computerworld, but up to what limit can we say "GNU!" or "Protect Creativity".Personally, I like both ideas, because I actually could learn with open source,contribute, and for things that I want to be shown as "mine" and for my ownuse, I would use proprietary, besides, let that newbie struggle and build off thecode that's there, the rest of us did. No comp. student should have to go lookingin the internet to create a trig. prgm, and as Linus Torvalds said once when discussing on a Minix forum, "...look in the f***ing manual!" (translation)
  8. Ah, anime:1)Samurai X/Rurouni Kenshin2)Evangelion3)Yu Yu Hakusho4)Yugioh, 1st seasonEverything else I'm ok with except someof that new stuff (can't even remember the name!)
  9. I'm sure a few saw this one coming...The Art of War by Sun Tzu, first known pieceof literature to account convert actions as 'war'.Pretty good read. You can find it simply by google.Anyone think it still applies to modern war?
  10. Thanks... found the same sort of situation on download.com :rolleyes:I'm ignoring Zend right now...
  11. Sorry if I sound like an idiot, but I have no clue at all what's what.I've been trying to learn PHP for the past few days when I came acrossthe Zend Optimizer. I got a copy and tried to install it. It requires a webserver. Say I wanted to use Apache, I would install it right? So, I triedinstalling Apache and (naturally) requires a domain. Here's where I'mconfused. Suppose I put in my site on t17 would it affect the whole serveror just the darn site? In any case, how would I complete this operation?
  12. Actually, I would use t17 for a serious website...in fact, that's the whole ideabehind my hosting account. Have you considered the point that what you said is self-contradictory? So if google provided free hosting, no business would care, because free hostingis not a serious factor in business.
  13. Alright, just checking... I found almost the same thing at quite a few othersites like cnn.com, microsoft.com, and howstuffworks.comAre there any robots that don't recognize the asterisk?
  14. Google could never take over free hosting... Xisto's going to be herefor at least a long while. Besides, Xisto's not really that grand a corporation(sorry OpaQue) and won't delete its service within a 3 second decision... notthat Google will either, but it has nothing to lose in removing such a service,Xisto specializes in the thing. And another note, people like me would stillbe using Xisto (perhaps while using a google account with that nice 1 Gbof hard drive space as a nice storage facility )
  15. Don't see how it beats all the others. I haven't seen a single line of C# in opensource and Microsoft uses C and C++ for their projects. So if the developer's not using it, why should it be the best?
  16. Robots.txt is a file to keep robots from indexing certain portions of the site. I was looking at Xisto's robot.txt, here's a copy: [/br]User-agent: *[br]Disallow: /stylesheets/[/br][br]User-agent: Googlebot[br]Disallow: /stylesheets/[/br] One question. If you specify '*', then why would one need to specify the Googlebot?
  17. Hahaha. Sorry, I have no experience with that stuff, butI think the problem here is you don't have a standardversion of the header or lib. Try getting another one andreplace your current DevC++ copy of the file.
  18. Right, sorry, I'll post if I ever find out...So the solution set is:00000010000001000000100000010000001000000100000010000000ad infinitum
  19. why don't you just do a new()...delete()or if you're in C, freelloc, etc. around thewhole thing?
  20. ClanFade, there are as many programming languages ashuman points of view. There are so many because thereare different ways to think of programming.C++ - more user orientedC - more system oriented
  21. that's not hard either :rolleyes:Do a repeat x <= 1{number / 2;x -= 1;}if x==1, then it's a power of two.If you want optimization, well... specify.
  22. a)you're boredb)you're a true newbie looking for practicec)you're a comp student :rolleyes:Isn't it a bool?
  23. So easy. #include <cmath>take a log of base 2 //don't remember the function, look it up on googleand take an integer test.That should do it
  24. By the way, anyone know the summation function for pi?I've been looking around for one for ages but no resultsyet.
  25. Ha. Not exactly. You can't truly printf(#WHAT_AN_IGNORAMUS) In C++ because std is a template. if you think about it, OO is not necessary and can be quite mindbreaking at times. Try combining that, exception handling, and inline assembly. [br]//The Universe in C++ made and written by Adonai-Adonai God[/br]// copyright the beginning of the world, all judgement reserved.[br][/br]try{ run_world(-10,000) //don't worry, evolutionists will never know...[br]if( (check_alive(Adam) && check_alive(Eve)!=TRUE)[/br]throw{ "no_humans"} }}[br][/br]catch( char * str )[br]{[/br]std::cout << "I'm sorry God, my infinite master, but you have made an error:"[br]<< end1 << "...there are no humans my lordship." << end1;[br][/br]//I? error?[br][/br]petrify_world(); //no such thing as an error if I say so![/br]_inline{ mov cs, [0x00h] } //and I shall make all things anew...[br]}[/br]
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