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Everything posted by osknockout

  1. I think it's one or two thousand pages. Something about a Goldbachtransformation. Looked it up, stopped at the first page Indeed, ambitious, but it's always worth a try. I should have seen that... heh, I understand. Just looked at the gamma & affine functions.s243a, not all of us took calculus Anyways, here you go: Gamma function - [correct me if I'm wrong people] Ok, you know factorials right? 3! = 3 * 2* 1, 4! = 4 * 3 *2 * 1 ok, there's a calculus version of that also basically, Euler played around with that and found a way to use it for numbers like the square root of two. Ever heard of i? sqrt(-1)? Quite possible in algebra. so you can have numbers like 2 + 7i. The gamma function is this little magic equation that can sum all the above. Affine functions - relative to x, y=2x is a linear function relative to x, y=2x+7 is an affine function an affine function is one where there is some constant term which allows for a result not wholly based on independent variables. The binomial theorem: You mean this thing? Ha, not that hard! (x+a)^n = the sum of the variables x^k + x^n - k where k is the current term and n is the total number of terms times n!/(n-k!)k! So basically, [a+b]^2 = [2!/((2-0)!)(0!)]a^2 * b^0 + --comment-- 0! = 1 [2!/((2-1!))(1!)]a^1 * b^1 + --brackets used for your eyes, [2!/((2-2!))(2!)]a^0 * b^2 --not proper math grammar I think. ...or also known as a^2 + 2ab + b^2 Get used to the Greek symbols, the Greeks did a lot to math and hence, they get some additions to mathematical language. Here, the link to the Oraculatory Digests, enjoy yourself and be enlightened. By the way Dooga, I heard that Fermat had a proof involving the area of a triangle... which he later disproved wrong so he had no proof for it himself.
  2. Ground up gcc-ing. Awesome stuff. Get a friend to help you set it up. I haven't heard of the installer yet, you have the article link? Like use the same loophole for 2 months to hack IP's.
  3. Thanks for the summations... I'll need to spend some time on that gamma function but I'm busy now. I've been working on Fermat's Last Theorem: a^x + b^x ?= c^x where x>3 and a,b,c are nonzero numbers (integers only perhaps?) Heard it's been proved by Andrew Wiles, but I'm still looking for an explanation. I thought this up but I can't find what's wrong with it (same theorem): [/br]xlog(a + xlog(b = xlog(c[br]x[log(a + log(b] = x log(c[/br]log(a + log(b = log(c[br]a + b = c[/br] N....NO. That's not always the case. But what's wrong here? Sorry for my ignorance
  4. Yeah, I'm like 15 now and I'm barely getting the tensors idea....and yes googlue, this is pretty useful! I just dropped my attemptto evolutionarily correlate mathematics and growth of the cerrebrum.Sin and cos I got some time ago.Why does mathematics exist? It's just another form of logic.The ball goes so far when I throw it, what if I throw it farther?I see the same number of fingers up as apples on the tree,I can tell someone how many apples there are on the tree byshowing them my positioned hand. Yes, in its purest form itis language but I have to question you on the philosophy part.Hmm... I don't think raising the cannon 10 more degrees or5 degrees is a matter of philosophy. Same thing with the apples.I don't see any in [a+b]^x = P/\{x} where P/\ is Pascal's Triangleand x the "line" of it from the top.By the way, anyone found a way to note [a+b]^x without Pascal's?and for those wondering why I'm using brackets, b and ) make a
  5. Alright, PM me if you need any help and join the army system some time
  6. Yes I see the literate variations as well.I think Mark Twain was talking about differentiationsbased on root though, like rhyme and rime, butthis works as well :rolleyes:Indeed, Samuel Clemens would be pleased for t17,in answer to your question.
  7. Hmm... I would get it published by a publisher.Self-published books don't really get much distributionand are usually of a lower quality than books approvedfor publishing by a board.
  8. No problems. Sure, some of us just took out the books and read to death but here you go: Quincy99, DevC++ - free compilers, google them if you want more go to http://www.thefreecountry.com/ actually DevC++ is an IDE for gcc - which is probably the best C compiler out there. Tutorials? You probably want to go to the library and get 1 or 2 C programming books. I learned from Crash Course in C. But, if that's not possible, go to this C tutorial and read. Editors? Use notepad or the IDE's. And of course, a few pointers: /*everyone else get the pun?*/ 1)program in windows until you get the hang of it unless you have linux experience. 2)The first thing you should do is to learn how to make readable code. Comment to death if you have to. 3)By the time you learn to printf(foo(shutup)); , you'll have learned the core of the language and should probably review it and code it till you've mastered it, because the next parts require some more thinking. 4)Look at code in other languages and try to implement the ideas in C. Here's a good one: https://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/ -take a look under PASCAL and learn ideas like binary trees. 5)5 years programming experience in C looks good on a resume C certification looks good too.
  9. osknockout

    Hello All

    Hello Allan, welcome to Xisto![this should be an admin duty, but...]Answers1)Yes, but I think you need to buy the domain name first because those things cost $$ for everyone including t17.2)Haha. Depends on what you'd like. Mininimum is 15 posts for a subdomain name [yours or Xisto I believe] and 50 for a domain. Read the stuff on the Xisto.com front page for it all.Thanks for trying t17, enjoy your stay, join the army system,and don't try messing with me in it.
  10. Odomike, search around online, isn't hard to learn.I have Libranet (Linux) and thanks to my mum stillhave Windows XP and 98 SE. Used to have gentoobut there was a horrible disk error and I don't wantto remove all I've done for the past 2 months.
  11. It's not just Australia, it's the US as well.Of course it's too much! $55 USD for ajumble of wires. I could make that witha few specifications, online lookups, andmaterials for $15 bucks including electricaltime wasted on the army system I playin between.
  12. ah, thanks dexter. I also got the newestversion, that helps too
  13. Why the obsession with magic whenthey describe techniques used by psychologists?
  14. Why'd you do that, that was straight plagiarism!I believe this is considered SPAM...Edit: Whoops, I guess it's not by Spectre's rules, but still...thanks for the info though
  15. Well, that's really an absurd question like "which is the best operating system"but I think you could use a fair answer.There is none. My favorite is assembly language [x86] but here'sa modest list of some good ones.1)x86 assembly - closest to 1's & 0's, somewhat complex, 80% of computers :rolleyes:2)C/C++ - almost every system, very popular, close to low level3)PERL - now THAT's a good one. Public domain, a mesh of others, very usefulfor string manipulation.4)PASCAL - old good stuff5)HTML and its little additions - self explainedAnd in answer to your question, I believe the above will last a while,pascal because it was so standard.
  16. Ok. The chances of doing that are 1 in several million so I guess you have quite some luck. I was playing around on the google directories looking for some stuff on quantum mechanics when I just thought "is there really a good site out there?" so I just went through the hosting solutions [free hosting is good right?] and the name Xisto came out on me and I noticed they were giving free hosting with PERL support. So I came and found the next best thing to virtual paradise. de4ws, you're a philanthropist? Good. P.S. Googlue, your pathetic defense to my attacks is a simple double in army size, this is war general!
  17. Obviously you have no friends that are Muslim. Until you become Muslim or actually become acquainted with its people and ideas, I don't think you have the right to talk like that. You don't notice anything that bad in the Koran et. al books. Umm....no. Dude, polygamy came as a result of their constant warfaring - as in husbands die every day. It's just a result of the past. And as for the 'you get 7 virgins when you go to heaven' passage, it's just their defense against gay, lesbians, and bi's. Just like in Christianity, the Apostles' Creed came out of self-defense against a guy who said Christ is lesser to God, and the Nicene Creed was the Protestant version of that.
  18. Heh, sorry I sounded like my old history professor nah, they're not that stupid. I believe it's an attempt to turn IRAQ into a US flag in the Middle East. Besides, to test some new weapons all you have to do is say we need self-defense. Well thankfully for us Europe is not that dumb. The only reason the US is going into the Ukrainian elections is they're trying to get a miniUSA in Europe and found a nice chance. You think we feel safe here? Hell, I'd go straight to Switzerland or the Netherlands, but I'm still a minor. "bombs bursting in air, which proved through the night, that our flag was still there" - yeah, they're trying this on foreign soil, idiots.
  19. Haha, so you want to know why osknockout callshimself that. ;)it's a one and only thing, thought that soundedcool a few years ago and I happen to be reallygood at just making up names out of the blue.So that's why you're talking to the one and only 'osknockout'
  20. --Stealth--, I'm against the war but I admit that's a fine display of patriotism. The rest of us who are not so dedicated just think that this war was never necessary. Ever. But we respect you and all who are fighting. Some of us don't like the person which initiated it and it can never be won really. I mean really. A war on Terror? How the hell do you destroy an idea? It's not possible. Not at all. Take a look at democracy. It went through the mud after the Athenians, and guess what, we're a democracy. What the hell are you talking about dude? War helps economy?It's a GIVEN fact that war is the most costly thing to a nation's economy. The only thing that leads to a surplus is the exploitation afterwards. All right dude, you're talking about laissez-faire. Not corporationsor capitalism. Capitalism by itself is not a bad idea, it's all in the implementation. Capitalism: an economic system where production and distribution is governed by corporations. Corporation: an entity given separate priveleges and liabilities from its members in a legal system. Many people say communism is not really possible. Well capitalism isn't either people! Really, can will the government buy weapons from corporations in it, or will it make them by itself? The USA has laissez-faire capitalism. What would you do without corporations? Besides man, the USA was built off of seperation of powers, including economy.
  21. Ummm... yes and no. If you're talking about the clock multiplier you're correct for certain, but there's no way a hardware manufacturer can actually stop you from overclocking, you'd need the literal black box with some explosives. I read overclocking guide if I'm right. Do you know how to play with FSB by any chance? I've been looking for that for the longest time.
  22. Ok. I'm an assembly programmer and I've given a shot at Delphi.[until I came across C++ ] But there's no real content in thoseforums at all. All I've seen are some posts by remonit -the onesI've seen are interviews or quotes - and one guy talking abouttranslations to Hebrew.Most of the posts were in one day by thesame person around the same time.I'm asking for the removal or change of the assembly and delphiforum because there is not a thing that really contributes to theusers of Xisto and only 4 users have posted there at the timeof writing: me, LuciferStar, remonit, and cyber 9. The forum ispractically unnecessary and useless.
  23. One question... what does this have to do with assembly or delphi?that would be interesting though...
  24. C++ ~= VB?! Of course not.Good luck with your great crusade to understandall that C code. I've tried...and went back to relearningC.
  25. And the person that said C++ is an everyday language is me... Well, I mean it in several ways. You could show C++ code to a computer illiterate and C code and see which makes more sense. But most people I know program in C++ as much as possible. [/br]#include<iostream>[br]typecast googleit[/br]{[br] volatile int x = 1;[/br] bool y(int z)[br] { return !z; //ok, !z I'm not sure you can return...}[/br]}[br][/br]int main()[br]{[/br] std::cout << "enabling sequence...." << end1;[br] std::cout << "sequence aborted!" << end1;[/br] std::cout << "error" << googleit::y(googleit::x);[br] return -1;[/br]}[br] [br]#include <stdio>[/br]int volatile x = 1;[br]int function(int z)[/br] { return !z;}[br]int main()[br]{[/br]printf("enabling sequence...\n");[/br]printf("sequence aborted!\n");[br]printf("error\n"); //ok I admit my memory of C is a bit shabby[/br]printf(y(x));[br]printf("\n");[/br]return -1;[br]}[/br]
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