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Everything posted by osknockout

  1. Nice argument. Sounds like standard neo-modern fatalistic theory to me Let's go over a few things. First your beginning argument. Allow me to restructure it a little and use some philosophical analysis. Premise 1: Premise 2: Premise 3a: Premise 3b: Premise 4: Ok, honestly, I don't know where you got that idea from. You didn't state its source and it contradicts a few things, but I'll get to it later. Conclusion: Ok, so pretty much this is what I've got from that:Humans are selfish and good and evil are absolute. Also, human actions are neither good nor evil. Many people believe that humans are not born good, and some ideologies state the human tendency to sin. Mankind is good however. Mankind being good and being able to sin are contradictory, therefore evil and good do not exist. Several things to say about your argument. It's well put first of all, it took me a while to see that it's not a logically valid argument. You have a false cause argument here. You're saying that if object x = a, but it can equal b, a and b cannot exist. That's like saying that you have a coin that's showing heads but it can be flipped to show tails. Therefore there must be no heads or tails. Wrong. Aside that logical technicality, I have a question about Premise 4, specifically that part I bolded manually. If mankind is good, then what is its goodness measured by? You said that human actions are neither good or evil, therefore you're certainly not saying that humanity's goodness is measured by its actions. So what is it measured by then? Its thoughts? Its feelings? Its desires? Or another trivial term? --Sorry to sound as if I'm lambasting you with that remark, but there is no actual pragmatic way to measure "goodness" outside of human action, unless you have a method of assessment I haven't heard of. And of course, if you don't believe that ideas don't exist, good and evil don't exist. They're abstractions.
  2. Ok, I understand where you're argument's coming from and I agree with you in that context, but you have to realize that other cases exist. Take for example Catholic schools. Some people feel that education is not complete without God in them, but not everyone feels that way. If all schools were public, these people would probably be either rallying to allow prayer in school or reinstate private schools because they feel that their rights have been taken away.And colleges (I'm playing Devil's Advocate here, I'm heading to college next year and won't know where I'm getting the money from) come in different sizes and specializations. I'm sure it costs more to keep open the Harvard Library System (4th largest in the world) than say one at the University of Florida. Plus some colleges are just bigger than others and therefore require more maintenance. Besides paying for those Nobel laureate professors, there's also the prestige factor associated with colleges and price. Strangely enough, some people think that college quality is directly proportional to tuition costs. If Harvard were to say reduce their tuition cost to $3,000 a year, there goes that elitism traditionally associated with Harvard.I mean, it's a nice idea to reduce the power of private education in Western culture, but there are too many factors against it.Plus, about that basketball team: If anyone can get into it, doesn't it mean that yours will be better because you have to work for it? Sometimes public is better.
  3. Actually, St. Michael, it isn't really that arcane. Ok, /]/]@t, from the looks of it, your program should work fine. - Checks printer status, right? - It's just that your compiler/assembler either a)doesn't like asm or b)is paranoid. Probably because you left nResult as a variable. In either case, turning warnings off should solve the problem. And I hate to say it, but Saint_Michael's right. Specify your post next time. Don't expect someone like me to come by and say. *Oh! That's obvious.* Btw. what compiler/assembler are you using there?
  4. True, but the way we sometimes generalize things, you'd think that you should never use gets() or similar functions. Plus, sometimes the bets way of learning something is by trial-and-error. I encourage people to use gets() until it stops working and then learn why. Yep. I like your argument, but it's easier to become an experienced programmer when you've experienced all of the language. Including the bugs.
  5. I suggest you use an assembly decompiler. :)It's obfuscated, so it's already loopy, if anything itshould make more sense in asm. :)But seriously, what do you mean you can't decompile it?Do you mean that it just won't decompile or that the output makes no sense?
  6. Ah! Sorry about that. Heh, you'd think after programming in Z80 assembly for 4 yearsyou'd get that down. Anyway, ghostrider's right.
  7. Lol, we're all noobs sometime. You wouldn't have to compile it.You'd just have to find a way to save it in that format, like through a hexadecimal editor,because normally data is saved in bytes (1 byte= 2 hexes = 256 binary bits)
  8. Hmm... don't you hate it when you get replies only months away from your problem? I don't know if you're still looking for an answer, but here's one: (finally) So basically either a) you tried to write over a register you loaded b)you forgot to clear the FPU registers. a)doesn't really seem like it. I might have to go over it a few times, but it seems like clean code. b)hmm... have you tried FFREEing your registers first? Because they're usually loaded before you run your code. FFREE x - clears fpu register x.
  9. Lol, best of luck then. Sounds like you're decompiling a program you wrote and then deleted the source too.Do tell if you have any problems with Boomerang.
  10. Hey, umm.... yeah. Guys, that interrupt list is noted in x86 assembly style. So when you're reading Int 10/AH=00h - VIDEO - SET VIDEO MODEyou'd implement that as xor ax,axint 10 with your local assembler. But this is a bit off topic. I don't know how this relates to C++ at all. Unless you want to claim _inline(foo)
  11. Lol. Sorry, I couldn't help myself reading this one. Well I suppose that's what happens when you use a simple function for a complex task. Isn't that the case with many other functions? Aren't they also useful? #include <iostream>int main(){ char chard[] = "--Declaration of Independence--"; std::cout << chard;}Oh no! We just wrote the declaration of independence on the screen! Whatever shall we do? Lol. I know I made a strawman argument, but suppose we were printing to the screen with a pointer to some great text area in memory instead (if I was to say, write OS-development style) and I cout'ed everything till I encountered a \n character. (rather useful in some situations) Next you're going to tell me don't use pointers because they override standard limits. It's the same type of argument for using gotos. It all depends on your needs and uses. I wouldn't use gets() for a professional program, but for my cracktroop write->compile->run programs I would. And gotos are a useful implementation, it's just that you have to handle unexpected combinations. Those functions exist in C++ for a reason. I doubt ISO/IEC 14882:2003 allowed it to stay (after what, 30 years of usage?) if it was never meant to be used. It goes back to the cliché: "never say never".
  12. Hmm... kind of hard to answer actually. You could try Boomerang. Although if you're on the holy grail to decompiling, it'd be easier to write something yourself. The real problem with decompiling anything into C++ though is that 1)you're assuming that the code is C++ compatible - suppose it was a microkernel that used an x86 assembly/Perl mix. (hypothetical case, don't flame me saying "who'd do that?") So 'LOADALL .... CMOV ....' and (on the top of my head guys) "/help+.?/" could be in there. Suppose we tried to decompile that to C++. That asm code could be something like inline(db 0x0F 0x07 0x4A 1A) in C++ - ok, that's not real inline style, but go with it. sure it's in C++, but does that make any sense to a C++ programmer? And I'm not even going to try the Perl expression. Just realize there's a bunch of <cstring> functions involved. 2)you're ok with reading code in only one style. - Seriously, if you plan on using a decompiler for a high level language is that all variables will be named systematically. Like maybe a,b,c... for example. So std::cout << (char) currency << dollars could be reduced to std::cout << a << b. So you'd have to go back and try and figure out what every little variable means. That's rather pain consuming for a large project. It'd probably be easier just learning assembly to decompile the program because C++ is a language of abstraction. And abstraction does not go well with arbitrary, hard to remember variables.
  13. Very nicely done, though I have a question for anyone able to answer *nods to the admins*.Shouldn't this be in the tutorial section of Xisto?And for everyone else who uses C++, use <cstring> instead of <string>.Or if you're really adventurous, read the string.h code and recode it in C++.Saves Kilobytes.
  14. Add #include <cstdlib> to the beginning of the file for switch's technique.-And if I'm correct, you don't really have to type system("c:\myProgram.exe"),you can just type system("myProgram")1) because myProgram is assumed to be myProgram.exe2) MS-DOS understands local commands~I'm working on an actual Win-DOS system here, should work on an XP.
  15. Hey, this tutorial's a bit TOO similiar to this one I found on projectW.org (it's a google cache, but still...) (google searched apache20.zip, 4th entry very similar in name to this one, viewed with google cache) note that the date on this is Dec. 20, 2004
  16. Hello once again dexter. In source comments should be sufficient. or you can always 'read the (expletive) manual' as Linus Torvalds used to say. Actually there was a UNIX tool that did that did the same thing as your javadoc thingy way back, only reason I know because I look through my install packages for Linux. Of course it was just plain text, but how hard could it be to re-port it? Obviously you have never seen Freeciv code or you're crazy. I'll find the tool someday... right now, I'm off and away.
  17. Actually I think with one of these, Xisto would have enough power to handle the army system again AND make its forums look faster than a 56k line. :PHmm... $40,000,000 for a 40,000 processor machine. $1000 : 1?Yes, IBM knows what to do with its spares, after the Mac's moving to x86's and all...
  18. Microsoft...making a P2P application? Why? I don't like the sound of that.Copyright protection too, I don't think it'll make a very big hit. I'm assuming it's for a price or it's going to be distributed with the nth release of windows.
  19. It's on the net. Take a look at this page if you (somehow) don't find anything on google: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  20. WOow, interesting changes to the t17 skins. Actually dexter, if you were like the rest of us, you'd stop assigning the bind function to hd and you'd start testing if it was equal. ==, not =. So the code should read if(hd_ == bind(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP) <= 0) { perror("socket() failure"); exit(1);} Unless VC++ has some weird mechanism to understand = equals == in parentheses
  21. To think that I could port the code to Dev-C++ unscathed... well, I tried (I don't have VC++) but it failed, so I couldn't play around with the exe. Can any of you compile this without it?
  22. Pretty simple actually, make a C/C++ program in obfuscated code that tells riddles. Get it? user<->utter confusion<->source viewer - it'll be fun both ways ... oh yeah, make sure it compiles on Dev-C++ (then it should compile on anything) Yeah, you'll have to wait a little while. Apparently my bros. "accidently" reformatted my PC. So I decided since it was already blank, I might as well switch over to Linux and or the Operating System which I'm very slowly developing (still on Hello World, sadly enough). Since I've found it a pleasurable time installing Gentoo and understanding the intricated dependencies of compilers which criss-cross, it'll take some time getting everything figured out.
  23. I would love to take a look at it, but according to your http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ directory, it does not exist on the server. By the way, why would you want to use MFC with OpenGL anyway? Take a look at the majority of high-quality games out there, most of them don't even touch MFC. You are using MFC aren't you? Sorry, but that's usually it. OpenGL performs at the same rate your program (and you) understand video card and CPU interactions, it's all software based stuff. Like all other programs, OpenGL apps have the same limits (except the video card and CPU, of course).
  24. Hey dexter, that was unfair man. I'm relearning it right now. By the way, Beej's guide to network programming is down right now.
  25. (scripts? C++ forums? just wondering) Well it's kind of weird. For some apps a busy error comes, for other ones, it goes straight for it. I believe a system busy error will happen. By the way, I never heard of requests for the same file stacked by systems, so in either case, you'll get a system busy or those catastrophic results.
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