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Everything posted by osknockout

  1. Yeah, I know. If you happen to know ones for the Pentium II+ do tell. Ah well, how is it done directly anyway? I mean there's no way to get the clock cycle amount without executing instructions to count it (unless you're somehow overriding the PCI with some crazy code). But, thanks for your help. Well good. Most of the code I see nowadays is with Linux drivers esp. those using a nice _inline in C++. But like vizskywalker said, it's os independent. Try to learn x86 asm if you can and join us
  2. Actually, I found crash cource on C useful, it gave me some nice background on C++ also (if you're ever interested in old skool C/C++ learning) Well a nice stretch would be Randall Hyde's Art of Assembly for Windows using the _inline function in C++. But, I really haven't found one C++ book good for that.
  3. I know this is almost a fundamental topic, but does anyone know a good instruction clocking method in x86 asm? I know there's a million programs which do that, but any source code?
  4. Now THAT was a useful link. Thanks again Lyon.But less quoting, more paraphrasing alright?I would hate to see you get kicked off t17.
  5. Ay, if anything social security seems to be an outdated economicreform, if we ever enter a depression, it would be useful. But, asa normal routine, I agree, it's not the best idea around.Bash, I have one question though. How are the retired-elderlysupposed to live? Especially if they're alone?
  6. Lyon, I'm loving your posts. :DNever thought that I'd ever find this online.I'm learning PERL right now, what a coincidence!
  7. Wow, I was missing out. That should cut my researchproject time by an hour . Thanks Dooga. But itimplements the other sites, I wonder if that's fullylegal.
  8. Thanks bjrn, that helps my case a lot.Wish I could help, but I'm too busy withother stuff right now. (don't even havetime to develop my site!) I'll let somepeople know though.
  9. What a funny topic.Kasumi from DoA.Zelda from Zelda (of course)and Mandy from Beats of Rage (freeware derivative of Streets of Rage)...can't think of anymore at the moment.Caveman, are you serious about Peach?
  10. Gentoo's awesome man. Fastest distro on the net.I (being a newbie programmer at the time) started withthe precompiled package, but it still goes very fast.Hard to setup, but it's worth it.Fedora's ok from what I've heard, haven't triedit, but I think it's less popular than its predecessorRed Hat 7 because of several issues.
  11. I think it'll shut down this year, I've been trying to contact them forever...tragic. what exactly is KHTML and how is it different from normal HTML?sorry for being an ignoramus about this, but I'm more of a system programmer.
  12. Sorry, I don't know that much asm :Dbest of luck though, and if you thinkof starting to hack XFree86 code, contactthe Delphi&Asm forum when you haveproblems.
  13. Wow, you think your project needs help. :DMine's CDE, it's been practically dead sinceAugust, and I don't know if half of my projectmembers are living or dead!
  14. Quite welcome.Tell me what you think of it when you're done.
  15. Sorry for the long time... I was busy with some other stuff. Ah pixel clock... there are a bunch of more methods, see http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Yes, you are right, they didn't release it out. But, there is a way, Xfree86: http://www-uxsup.csx.cam.ac.uk/manuals/redhat/index.html goto section 6.3 - yes hack xfree86 source
  16. As always, Lyon, nice links. I think most of these are in the gutenburg project though. http://www.gutenberg.org/catalog/ By the way, check out Lord of the World by Robert Benson: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/14021
  17. 8bit, you can't do that (can have only 1 return 0;)Cse-icons you devil, who the hell woulddo that? Just playing around of course, Ididn't get it. I'm too practical
  18. C and C++ is usually used for system programming (such as OS construction)and heavy computation stuff...it's used in Cray-90's all the time last I remember. By the way tasty, nice signature
  19. If you're crazy you can join sourceforge in a seriousproject, grasshopper, or you can just go to nehe.gamedev.netand enhance your skills.
  20. There was no NetHack topic here, so I thought I would start one :PFor those that don't know, NetHack is a (ancient) dungeon-explorationgame. Think of it as 1 vs. 500 piece chess game (Dudley's dungeon paraphrase).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & L . @ . n . . . . - example of a nethack game (minishot), yes it's ASCII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . here we have the main player @ and a demon, nymph,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and lich - sucks to be that guy!It's based off of AD&D. Can be found at nethack.org.I was wondering, how many people here have played itbesides dexter and the osknockout?
  21. Hmm.... 00000100 x 10000100 -x //Randall Hyde, art of assembly, signed numbers 01111011 ~(-x) 01111100 ~(-X)+1 01111100==00000100? Yomi, stop guessing I think that works for 2 though.
  22. Do you mean how you set a new page in Dev-C++? Ctrl+N For linking, create a project file (File->New->Project) type in settings, press enter. Then, go to Project->Project Options, or Alt+P. Go to parameters and enter them in linker. Or... just create a makefile.
  23. Hmm... 00000010 x 11111101 ~x 11111110 (~x)+1 11111110 ((~x)+1)|x 00000010 == 11111110? I'll think about that formula again...
  24. Try the latest release of Dev-C++, I had the same filestream problem...also post some example code, thanks.
  25. Nice idea but... 00000010 = 2 11111101 = ~2 11111110 = ~2 + 1 x==(~X)+1? don't think so. Good attempt though I've GOT IT! (Thanks yomi) #define IS_POWER_2(X) (!(2 mod x))(1 >= 2 mod x + 4 mod x + 8 mod x + 16 mod x + 32 mod x + 64 mod x+ 128 mod x) /*adjust number of 2^x digits as necessary*/ Ok, I'll work on a more optimized formula for right now...
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