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Everything posted by CinnamorollTK

  1. My mother usually cooks for me, but if I want to make something and she doesn't want to make it for me, I'll cook for myself.I don't really think you need to take a class to learn how to cook. Just go online and get a few simple free recipies to start. In no time, you'll be able to cook full meals by memory.Although once-in-a-while I do like to get a TV dinner or buy some fast food.
  2. To get rid of cramps (if thats what you mean) I eat a large bowl of romaine lettuce with lots of Caesar dressing. If I do that every day for at least that week or at most the whole month, its helps a lot. Even aspirin hardy works for me anymore!
  3. Maybe there are people who are looking for a real relationship but ads like that will make those people seem that they are sex crazy. When I was young, I always thought that people who put ads on those dating sites are looking for free sex because they are too cheap to pay for a hooker. Now they have a site called AdultFrien******* (I censored it so you can't find it:P) where you have a membership that you pay for to hook up with people for all different kinds of sexual... well you know. Funny how I heard it had 19 million members.
  4. All I can say is just go rent someone's dog incase he comes back but make sure the dog knows you well enough. Maybe someone around the block can lend you their humungous Great Dane. Or you can train your hamsters to become attack hamsters! lol
  5. They really need to start training teachers in how to use computers. I hardly new how to use those Apple computers yet I was always correcting and helping the new computer teacher. It was sad.Maybe if you send the teacher and pricipal a few webpages about FireFox and what it does, they may change their minds. Make sure to add in two or three articles about how FireFox protects computers from many viruses that IE can't protect the computer from. And they should require all teachers to take a good computer class before becoming a teacher. It would save many students from having problems with teachers that are caused because of the teacher's ignorance.
  6. Someone I know wants to purchase hosting but first wants to know if you allow purchases from unverified PayPal accounts. Is it possible?
  7. CinnamorollTK


    I also dislike going to the dentist. One of the things I hate the most, and you'll find this odd, is waiting so long in the waiting room. I go to the dentist quickly to get it over with fast and they leave me there forever thinking about the pain I'm going to go through.And when they stick a needle in your mouth, they are supposed to rub anesthetic liquid over it and wait a minute or else it will hurt a lot.
  8. When I first tried reading "Redwall," I did find it a bit difficult to read because I wasn't used to people reading or speaking like that. Then after the first 10 pages it became much easier to read.
  9. I've seen that photo before. A few people were skeptical and said it wasn't real. I wish it would have lived but not to be shown off in a freak show.
  10. I can understand how you feel about Fantastico. I tried to install phpAdsNew many times and it would never work. At least the forum managed to work.
  11. I cannot tell you how accurate mine is. Wow. (I am an S) Where did you get this thing? Its completely freaking me out, man!
  12. Last time I checked, HYIPs were illegal. Plus, I have the script. If you take a bit of time to look, you can find the script for free.And HYIPs are ponzis. One person invests and for person number one to get paid, person number 2 must put money in the system. In the end, someone always gets ripped off.
  13. I would also like to know where you got this information.It would be a bit scary to know that the government may possibly be watching us whenever they feel like it.
  14. I was wondering what should I do if I want to purchase another domain and $3.33 hosting. Do I do it seperately or in the same account as my old domain?And a little off subject - can someone stop the hosting credits thing on my account? I am paying for hosting already.
  15. I wasn't blaming the server. I actually blame the script because its a pain to find hosting for. I just wanted to know if there was a difference that could cause it to work one place and not another.And when I said more stable I meant it has a bit better uptime. I saw a topic about Xisto being up and down.And thanks Mathieu - I now see what could cause the errors (I just got into PHP so I don't know much about it)Either way, I sent a ticket to the help desk. They're fixing the issue now.
  16. I uploaded a script as a free member and saw it worked so I decided to buy hosting. Then I uploaded the script as a paid member and it didn't work. The main thing I noticed is that the free member server's name is gamma and the paid one is delta. I am mostly worried because if I can't get my script to work, I can't keep staying hosted here. Is there any way that I can be a paid member and have my script still hosted on the gamma server? Delta's driving me nuts. Unless there is another more stable server that is "programmed" the same way as gamma is. To see directly what I mean, I have placed the signup pages on both sites here. Signup page on delta (paid) |Signup page on gamma (free) Go to the part where it says to put a URL, type in a URL, then click where it says to test it. You'll see that one works and the other doesn't. ETA: If anyone knows how to fix the hosting to go to where my free hosting was and yet still charge me the monthly amount, go right ahead and delete the files on the delta server and move the domain to the gamma server. You have my permission. (My hosting name is cinnamon on gamma)
  17. I just uploaded a script to 2SecSurf.com (my new domain) and it is giving me problems. It is saying that files cannot be found even though they have been uploaded to the /public_html/ area. It is now giving me these errors basically saying the root is not the root. Does anyone know the root? The domain is hosted here so I thought someone might know.
  18. I actually managed to find the cpanel info in an email in my spam inbox so all is fixed.Thanks, everyone.
  19. Unfortunately, there is now a MySpace FriendBot. I think you type in a word or two of interest and it automatically adds people with that interest. I had someone with a friendbot add me. I gave her one month to see how high her friends list went and it shot up by 70 people. That's when I knew she was a friendbot user and I denied her friend request. Funny how only about two journals in allf of MySpace talk about it. Why? Because, it seems, most are too ashamed to admit they use it. Everyone wants to act and seem popular by having more friends on their page than they their friends do. Thats why I will only add someone if they have few friends, don't get friends very fast (sign of a friendbot user), or I know them personally. Also, you can talk to friends on MySpace without having to go through the trouble of e-mailing and things like that. Plus, I managed to find one good friend that I lost contact of a few years ago and I got to "peep" on a relative that hasn't visited in forever. (I wanted to make sure that relative was doing OK since I haven't seen her in forever and she usually visits a local relative yearly.)
  20. I followed the instructions to search for my domain so that I can modify it (add ftp users and so on) and it does not appear under the search function. I searched for both the domain and order id and neither appear.Order DetailsOrder ID: 2916259Domain Name: 2secsurf.comNo of Years: 1Cost Price: USD7.99ETA: The hosting plan is a domain plus the $3.33 monthly hosting.(I'd also like to inform you that the cost price was $9.95 and not $7.99 like the e-mail and order pages say)
  21. For the longest, I took the FCAT (in Florida) and most of the time scored in the 80%-90% of the state. (I currenctly have a 4.0 but I don't really know if that means anything) I was given the idea that the SAT and the FCAT were the same except that the SAT was just a bit tougher. Now that I took that practice test, I realized that I only got around 66% of the questions right on math and reading. I am not yet done with high school so I don't know if I'll improve.Mainly I am worried that I wont get a high enough score to get into college.Also, I was wondering if some of you could post your "percent" of correct answers. What I mean is if the highest total score is 1500 and you received a 1200, then post an 80% and how easy/hard it was for you to get into college and get scholarships.
  22. Do you mean that you're managing your time better, or is high school more difficult than college? I've always heard college takes more time, and that in college you don't get to have a life if you're a serious student. And what are you studying in college? Are you a full-time or part-time student?
  23. I've got a 4.0 so far (homeschooled). Its a lot higher than a 3.0 - 3.6 that I got in public school. My best class was Psychology where I only got one question wrong on one exam. The rest were 100%. Now if only I would have gotten that last question right!Its possible to get a 5.0. I was in an advanced algebra class a grade ahead. If I would have gotten an A in all of my classes that year, I would have gotten a 5.0. (There are two kinds of GPAs. I can't remember what kind the 5.0 was listed under.)4.0 or not, I'm scared to death to take the SATs.
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