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Everything posted by CinnamorollTK

  1. I'm using Windows Vista and it seems like a down-grade to me. Games like Final Fantasy XI and some Goonzu game wont work. Unless your computer is strictly for office use, do not upgrade!
  2. Recently I purchased an Emachines computer with Windows Vista installed. I thought "the newer the better." I was horribly wrong. Once I got it, it took an hour or two just to get the thing started and updated. Then it had tons of start-up files on it that I had to shut off with the msconfig file. Once that was over, I went to check the games that were pre-installed from a comany called WildCoins. I played Diner Dash and got addicted to soon find out that after two free plays, you have to pay to play or play online. That was upsetting since I couldn't get internet until three weeks later. I (and my fiance) took time to calm down and tried to install his old computer games like Final Fantasy XI to find out the majority wont work. The higher tech it is, the less likely it will install. Supposedly some security features cause games to not work. iTunes, on the other hand, only took two tries to install and then it worked. He downloaded many games that wouldn't work except for Ragnarok Online which worked (although I'm not sure how he got it to work).Overall thought: Avoid Vista. Even XP is much better than it.
  3. Don't let the way your friends acted stop you from continuing with your dream. Search for a group of people who are as dedicated as you are and work with them. You do deserve the expensive guitar for practicing.
  4. I'd prefer to be intelligent but part of me wants to have some sort of trophy or award "proving" that I'm a genius. (I wouldn't have it on display. It would seem too show-offy.) As for college, I've read that students need high grades, high SAT and ACT scores, many accomplishments like being a missionary or saving a whale, and many after-school activities to even be considered. (This is why I'm applying at a local community college that accepts everyone.) I don't worry about what others think. I worry about what I think of myself and I'll think of myself as dirt until I get that genius label (which I am still working at). My IQ isn't high enough. Plus, it costs $52 a year to be a member. (I did get a chance to be in the International High IQ Society [top 5%] but it cost around $40, which is also too much.)
  5. I was watching television moments ago to find out that a local 11-year-old girl is now considered gifted because she wrote a book of 136 pages and can test in the 90th percentile. This bothers me because my #1 dream is to be considered gifted. She has an IQ of 135. Throughout the years, I have taken IQ tests online and done what I can to try and get the opportunity to take the test to qualify as a gifted student/person. Most of the time, I've tested in the 90th or above percentile on standardized tests and have had a 4.0 GPA for the past few years. I've owned my own profitable business, but shut it down since it wasn't making any sort of money and was at an all-time low. My IQ was tested at anywhere from 126-139 depending on the test. I'm even in the National Society of High School Scholars and have been invited to several events - one being an invitation-only event to debate. Currently I am 18-years-old. My question is what more do I have to do to get the chance to be a state-certified gifted student/genius? What am I lacking and how can I get what I'm missing? Keep in mind I am happy for all gifted students and don't wish that they would lost their title so that I could take their place.
  6. That might've been it. XD So many kids didn't try at all. They were too worried over recess. I am poor. Does that mean I'll get a scholarship? (Does being hispanic help?) And where did he get this grant?
  7. I know a woman who all she does is watch television and see what's happening in a bunch of stars' lives. Once my mother and her other friend tried to start a conversation about something other than TV people and the star-obsessed one got angry. She said it was mean of them to talk about something she didn't know about. Its not like she didn't have time to learn about anything!
  8. When I was in Elementary School, I was told that if I got a 4.0 in high school, colleges would look for me and pay my way. They said "All you need to worry about is your education and you'll be fine." That was one of the biggest lies I was ever told. I took some time to investigate and found out that the main things that matter to a college are the SATs and what you did after school. Lots of universities are offering full scholarships only for foreign language students and people who are sports stars. What if you spend most of your spare time reading? Doesn't that mean anything? What about the fact that I can read 120 pages an hour? Its worth nothing to you, you mean university! Main point: Why does it matter more to colleges and universities if you can play sports than if you can read fast? Is it because I can't prove I can read fast? It's not my fault schools don't test for that yet.
  9. Yeah it got fixed fast. I hope the members of my site don't hate me now.
  10. The same error is hapnpening to me. I wonder what's going on.
  11. Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) in /home/cinnamon/public_html/index.php on line 7 Warning: mysql_select_db(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) in /home/cinnamon/public_html/index.php on line 8 My site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Does anyone know why this might be happening? I already sent a support ticket, but I thought maybe someone here could give me an answer faster.
  12. I was the quiet nerd who never said anything unless the teacher called on me. I would get A's and B's, but I never really managed to get straight A's until I got out of public school and went into homeschooling.I used to love correcting the teachers when I could. Fortunately, none of them got mad at me.
  13. Its sad to say but in the US, hardly anyone learns anything. You just memorize something, pass the test, and then forget it. Its the way they teach students. Only one teacher I knew reviewed past chapters with students so they wouldn't forget. The rest of the teachers didn't care.
  14. I'll admit I didn't like school but it was mostly because of two things: Annoying students and pointless homework.I'd hate going to school when we had to do group projects because I'd always have to save everyone's butt. Once it was because no one could agree on a one page story. I went off on my own and did one by myself. The group one was never completed so I turned mine in. I saved half of that class that day. Sad isn't it?Another time, we had to do this baby project on the cycles water goes through (solid, liquid, gas). It was assigned on Thursday and was due Monday but I was absent on Friday. When I came back on Monday, the kids told me "you have the project?" and I said "yes." They were so relieved because they didn't have a backup! Imagine if I didn't show up. They would have gotten an F so fast.As for the homework, I learn better when reading than with doing. Once, in fourth grade, they gave me 7 hours of homework. My mother felt so bad that she did some of the easier parts since I worked from the day into night and was already a few hours past bedtime. Keep in mind she never does that and its hard to make her feel bad about something that happens to me.Now that I'm homeschooled, I have less homework, can study more when I want to, I learn more, and I have a 4.0 which I never had in public school.
  15. It is crazy when teachers print out too many papers. They should print no more than 125% of what they need. That way, if one out of every four students lost their worksheet, they would still come out even.What ever happened to teachers saying "you lose it once and that's it?" If I lost my worksheet, the teachers would just give me an F so I was careful with it.Once, my school ran out of white paper and they ended up using colored paper. It was a mystery what color the next worksheet would be in.
  16. And I was hoping to vent out some anger (j/k) I do hope the vent is re-opened. It's my favorite subforum here.
  17. I used a chart somewhere online to do the math for me. Here's what I got:110 lbs., 5'2" 20.1The chart I used said anything under 20 is underweight.I still feel fat, thought. :/
  18. I use my computer mostly to make money and occasionally for entertainment. Sometimes I take a bit of time to learn how to program sites so that I can improve the site I own.
  19. Surfjunky is a scam. Go to getpaidforum.com and search for SurfJunky to find out more about it.I do have some good news. There are sites you can promote and autosurf for hits to it. You wont get 40 to 75 cents an hour but you may get 20 cents. PM me and I can get you started even if you don't want to join under me.
  20. We are designed to need love at the very least and to love at the most.Love is something wonderful. People confuse love with having a bad relationship and then say that love hurts. If the person really loved you, they would not have hurt you at all. So what the person did was lie to you. Love itself is not a lie - its just that some people lie and say they love people to get things from them. Fortunately this "love bites" stage should end when the person hits 28 or when they find a real, loving relationship.
  21. I just finally checked my domain e-mail and found this e-mail [there are four more with the same subject line but I haven't checked them yet]: Did I do something wrong?
  22. I think I can help here. OK so you join the site and it pays half of a cent an e-mail. You click on the link in the e-mail and see the ad for 10-20 seconds. Then they will credit 0.5 cents to your balance. If you click 40 0.5 cent links you get 40 cents a day.Over a few years you might ame 1,000 but it takes a lot of time to invest.Or you can just join PTP sites. I mae $50-$130 a month with PTP sites. If you want, you can PM me and I'll tell you how I am doing it.
  23. I've always made my tickets on orbitz.com and everything comes out OK. I recommend hotels.com for booking hotels. ETA: Always check before you book. Make sure that the stops make sense and give you time to connect.
  24. You're richer than me. At least you have a car and gas money. I only have a few pennies to my name. All the bills keep sucking up the money I make online.
  25. I have something like that. Does it count if letters have colors? Sometimes when I make character names they have to be certain colors or I wont use them, lol One thing that is sort of a secret is that I think I found a plan to make $1 million dollars! I don't want to tell anyone because I know people will laugh at me because they think the idea wont work. But then look what happened to the pixel guy
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