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Everything posted by CinnamorollTK

  1. MSN.com is my homepage, but I don't know why. I really need to change it.
  2. Thank you so much! I thought Xisto's free hosting plans couldn't get better but I was proved wrong! I'm so glad I signed up for hosting here.
  3. I believe that there are psychiatrists who don't do their job properly but that's no reason to criticize the profession in general. I'm hoping to one day become a psychiatrist who helps people and makes them change into a better and healthier person.By the way, how exactly would they lie to you and say what you didn't say? Sometimes saying things like "I hate my sister" isn't because you hate her, but because of how she makes you feel inferior, constantly betrays your trust, etc.
  4. To deal with stress, I either play video games, do exercise, read, or write out my frustrations. Difficult games keep my mind clear since I have to use 100% of my thinking power to focus on them. Writing my problems out makes it easy to get rid of my anger, stress, and sadness without talking to anyone about the issue or paying a psychologist.
  5. Have you ever gone somewhere, met someone who looked perfectly fine, and found out they were on Social Security for some disability. The person could jog, play football, hike, and yet doesn't have to work. You may wonder why the government would use money on people for non-visible disabilities. I wont go against it since my mother is on Social Security for having cancer (this is possible to get if you apply in Puerto Rico). She has been labeled "unfit to work." You may imagine that she is receiving some large sum of money monthly but its only a simple check of $730. Its not worth it to stay home if you can go somewhere and work for more.I've also seen the other side where some people get Social Security for being "nervous." Nervous? Everyone's nervous at one point. I met a woman who's getting benefits for that. I can't understand how nerves can make a person unfit to work. (If you can explain this to me, please do.)
  6. I'm pretty sure that there are products on the market that increase your chances of gaining weight in a somewhat healthy way. I can't figure out why anyone would want to gain weight, though, unless that person is severely underweight because of a disease or disorder.
  7. I'm surprised that any of you have registered for such a long e-mail. The only use I can find for it is that you can give it to someone you don't like or trust who asks for your e-mail. You could also use it to discourage a person who wants to use internet for the first time and has trsuted you to make his/her first e-mail.Funny, though, how probably most SPAM bots wont be able to register such a long name.
  8. I would give 10% to a religious-based charity in the name of God. Then, I'd get a Toyota Corolla for my fiance so he doesn't have to walk to work anymore. Then I'd buy a home for me and one for my mother. I'd help her get her mother here.Once I'd get that done, I'd buy myself a nice laptop, and buy my mother and fiance a few computer games that they've wanted. I'd take them clothes shopping, and give them each $5,000 for their pockets. After that, I'd put the rest in a savings account if it doesn't end up in a 5% CD.
  9. I was able to get 6.262 as my fastest score. I don't fully type the traditional way. My left hand stays on the keyboard but the left one jumps around.This is a bit addictive. I'll try and get others to try it.
  10. I wouldn't risk my life on something like that. The technology doesn't seem to be at lest 99.9 percent safe. Even though the sites would be beautiful, its still not worth it.Imagine this:"Wow, what beautiful sites in the universe," you're thinking. "Jupiter is so huge!"You're drifting and looking around. You've been in space for many weeks, contacting your friends by internet from your 1,000 square foot space RV."This is the best thing I've even done," you think. "Wait until they see what they missed! I better get a good shot of Jupiter's moons."SWOOSH you hear. From your window, you see a large plate mass in front of you. Its the portion that contains your oxygen and supplies. Toothpaste, pens, and human waste float farther from you as seconds pass. "NASA, come in NASA!" you shout into your headset-speaking device. "Can you hear me!?"You hear static. Multiple noises come from all around you. Screws and other pieces are falling out from their proper place. Then your window floats off. NASA still doesn't respond, making you panic and wet yourself. You feel cold and alone, doubting you'll ever make it back. The stench from your urine reaches you and makes you gag. Oxygen is sucked from your lungs. No air; no space; no time. You feel claustrophobic.You hold your breath, seeing Jupiter and the stars as symbols of death and destruction. You reach for the escape pit in the next room. The door to the pit wont open. No more static. The power is gone. You can't hold your breath and try to breathe. Nothing. Your lungs pull on themselves. Your body increases in pain. You can't move. Moments later everything has gone black.The government knows there was an error, but in an effort to try and stay not guilty, they say they haven't lost contact. Your family and friends find out from a truthful NASA member that you've passed. They hold a secret funeral in tears, wishing that you never went on that mission. "Its suicide" they warned, but you didn't listen. Now that its too late, they hope that you soon rest in peace in the paradise of your religion.Now would you go on a deep space mission?
  11. The best paying job that I heard of, though I don't know the official name for it, is one where a person is paid $200 an hour for fixing copying machines. I think it takes 2 years to study, and it isn't the most entertaining occupation out there. I also have no idea whether there are many jobs in that "field" or if its easy to study.
  12. I've never had any problems with PayPal since I guard my information so well. I've purchased from eBay and other sites if you're wondering. I've heard horror stories of PayPal, but sometimes its the user who started it. Other times they are the victim of a phishing scam that PayPal can't do much about.
  13. It took me a few months to learn HTML, but it wasn't a big priority. Plus, there are so many websites out there that give you the codes you need if you can't figure out what to do. I prefer PHP for making blogs and other more complicated things than just posting pictures like an album. (PHP can help with making an online album, too)
  14. I live in the United States of America and rate it a 7. The opportunities are great, but there's a bit too much corruption. Plus, the libraries are too small where I live.
  15. A few sayings I've invented help me a bit.Success is halted by the internal critic.God doesn't care what I do. He loves me anyway.There are many others but, unfortunately, I can't remember them.
  16. Even though its tough, try not to procrastinate. Undone tasks clutter the mind. I've tried getting things done earlier and it keeps me feeling extra clean. Keep your home clean and organized and it adds to the cleansed feeling.Watch out what you procrastinate with. I waited on my homeschooling for two years since it has no deadline and now I am full of shame for being the last one of all of my friends to graduate high school. :S
  17. I love to cook, but I have much more fun inventing different dishes. Once I combined sofrito (vegetabes like green peppers, garlic, onlins, etc mixed in a processor) with tilapia and invented "Puerto Rican Tilapia" which my fiance loves even though he doesn't have a strong like for vegetables. Usually, though, I add some salt-free seasonings to meat, cook them in the oven, and then add pasta salad or white rice on the side. It gives me time to make an easy dessert like Jell-o or one of those Jiffy cakes.
  18. Namo WebEditor 6.0 is absolutely my favorite web page making program. It makes it easy to create beautiful web pages with its Site Wizard. Once you start, you can name your site, its pages, and how they are organized. After choosing from about 100 gorgeous templates, it creates your site within seconds. All you have to do is fill it with content. Once its done, it's publisher option which stores your FTP names and passwords from all different sites with your permission so that you just select the right site, select the pages, and voila, your web site is online.It even lets you change the template without harming content later on.Problem? Its about $600.
  19. Occasionally, if they are a manual surf, they can bring people to your site. Rarely, though, will anyone join or use your service if your website isn't free. They can also help boost your traffic ranking making your site seem more desirable since its higher up on the visited list.
  20. Perhaps he just has the kind of mind that makes it easy for him to figure out internet/computer problems easily. Some people are like that and no one knows why.He could have also worked for some secret government agency that gave him those skills. That would explain why he wont tell you how he learned.
  21. You've got a point. I wouldn't be surprised if many companies did that. I did hear of one example. As you can see, there are millions of diabetics around the world. Insulin sales probably reach the trillions yearly. Yet recently, a French man discovered the cure to diabetes. He took it to companies to have them test how much money they would make of off it. Since the profit was less than the profit they would get from diabetes products, they banned him (or paid him off) to not tell the cure.This information was given to my mother by a nurse. I wouldn't be surprised if it were true. I've also heard about a machine that cures cancer. It isn't used since the average chemotherapy treatment is around $700 per day. So if there are cures, these companies wont release them.Its sick what companies do for money.
  22. Algebra I is considered one of the toughest subjects you'll ever have to take in high school (sometimes middle). For one thing, I would have recommended that you should have studied. Sometimes it takes many hours before you can understand one equation. On the other hand, maybe the teacher isn't very good at what she does? But there's no need to insult her.
  23. Maybe it runs smooth for him since he has not tried to install any games or has not used any help files from older applications. The older help files (win32hlp.exe if I remember correctly) wont work with Vista. By the way, did your friend upgrade to Vista Home Basic or another version? My opinion is that Windows Me is the best.
  24. I once told someone I liked them in middle school and got rejected because of my looks. A few years ago, I admitted to a guy that I liked him and now I'm going to marry him.It pays to tell a person if you have a crush on them or not. You'll never know how things will go until you let your feelings be known.
  25. I was given a burrito and a King Size box of Junior Mints. Later on, though, I was allowed a $15 shopping spree at Walgreens by my fiance. I wasn't able to get him anything since I was broke but I'm making up for it next month (4 year anniversary).If you're wondering: He has a job and I don't.To make up for it, I am making his favorite Reese's pie today.
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