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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. i highly doubt it. if you don't have the money to send directly, then you would have to withdraw the cash directly from your visa card. then it's just about finding the cheapest way of sending the cash. also, a visa cash withdrawl is VERY expensive in interest. i don't recomend withdrawing cash from ANY credit card
  2. yea, js was something else i was looking in to, but i think i'll stick with the ssi for now...thanks for reminding me. i need to learn a little js soon too for other things....
  3. ok- thanks for the tips. the ssi's(html &php) was what i was lookin' for. i never used them before. i practiced with it a little last night. i think it's about time i learn css as well...will come back to this thred when i have other questions. thanks again
  4. i'm looking for a way so that i don't have to edit all web pages if i have something to edit that is on all my web pages.would this be css? i don't know much about it. obviously the content would be saved in a different file and called in. in any case, i would like an example to view of the code and how to impliment this within the html file
  5. i know this is an old topic but saw some negative responses without legitimate reason.for a photo class, i like the pictures. i noticed the creativity that went in to taking some of them...and i assume the patience as well with your cat. those are the first two qualities every good photographer needs.keep it up, free your mind. there is ALOT you can do with the camerabtw- i loved the picture of your gr puppy. instead of still shots, think of action shots you can set up with a tennis ball and a quick trigger finger(very low or very high shutter speed depnding on what type of effect you want)your apperature setting on the flag shot i didn't understand only because the flag is more relevant than a tree branch which should have been the image out of focus...keep things up though bud, again, i liked your pictures. it's a new world...especially if you ever have the opportunity to develop your own film or edit your own pictures.most importantly, have fun....and if others don't appreciate your pictures, screw 'm because they don't know what sort of work and effort it took.....creativity and patience...
  6. deep in space and thought, there lived a man. he wasn't an ordinary man. in fact, "man" is an understatement. there lived a god. most people know him as opaque. he prefers this name so attention isn't drawn upon him. nobody knows where he came from. it's a question that has been asked and debated for centuries. he was here before anyone had a conscience thought. he was here to debate life and his suroundings. but he got bored one day. one can only think so much alone. one day he got a bright idea. he didn't want to be alone anymore in the universe so he decided to create the world, create man, and trap them all in this little world called Xisto with no escape. he didn't want to be lonely anymore, and to this day and for eternity, i doubt he ever will. most know him as opaque, the truth is, this man is god and his existance is a mystery to this day. i have to question if december 1st is really his birthday. how can 1 ever verify this if nobody was ever around to witness it? i think he made it up along with his age. he has uttered softly a couple times in his sleep that he is over 4 1/2 billion years old. that's as old as the dirt lay on the earth. i believe he is older than that however. it doesn't show though, as opaque hasn't aged....ever! he has lived before us all and will never die. our children will be traped here and our childrens children. all part of god's plan to never be lonely again.happy birthday opaque....errrrr GOD.....if it's really your birthday! all your secrets are safe with me! <wink>
  7. oooooof! i wasn't even thinking about putting a + or - after the = sign. my bad. could warn people before throwing those curve balls haha no wonder i never got the answer. next one.....no cheating
  8. good job! i like it! i think a couple more packages was well needed and you can still add on anything else you need.... so kudos!(did i really use the word kudos? that's the first time i ever used it)
  9. well i was against it for my domain so i didn't bring that up haha but yea, i agree, i think that would be a nifty little option.
  10. well does he at least have a warrant out for him? if not, then if he tries to see his two kids, there wouldn't be anything you could do i wouldn't think since it's in another state. also, a protection order can be transfered from state to state. you would just have to notify local law enforcement that you have a protection order so they at least know about this guy and the protection order. but i believe you would have to get it transfered to your current state.in the meantime, it wouldn't hurt to go to court and try to get your other protection orders. your in another state and country so you can try again.i think possibly you didn't get the others because he didn't hurt the others directly. there would have to be abuse OR stalking. use your imagination to protect yourself. there are ways which will not be condoned by the court, but i feel the moral issues and values outweigh any law issues. i can't say what it is since i wont condone it publically but remember, a protection order is for direct abuse OR stalking. are you sure he didn't abuse you or the others? think long and hard on that one.
  11. i'm not a doctor but i do know that these doctors and psychiatrist are very stupid in prescribing meds. meds affect everyone different so you really have to know your own body and how the different meds doctors like to use you as a guinea pig for affect you. you need to be aware and pay close attention to the affects that it has on YOU.i would investigate other methods to help depression than what a doctor may prescribe. funny enough, i have known people who have taken anti depressants and it made them suicidal. so be very carefull. also, some doctors are VERY stupid in somtimes mix medications that shouldn't mix together.i don't trust doctors one bit! but yes, i have heard that memory loss is common with some medications. now i am not going to say get off your meds, but just please be very aware on how your medications are affecting you so your psychiatrist or doctor can adjust them til they are working for you with as little side affects as posible....meantime, i seriously suggest looking in to natural alternatives. i also hope you are talking to someone at least once a week for your depression. when doctors precribe crap that they don't know how it will affect you, your body and mind will go through changes....and sometimes not good ones so it's also good to always see someone once a week.
  12. wow. you are one of few people that has ever had me for a loss of words here. i know you had to be one heck of a strong woman in those situations that happened right after eachother....even though you couldn't really be that strong inside.i guess counseling would be a good start. i wouldn't force the kids to go. they should go willingly and with an open mind. things about counseling though is that i am somewhat against it in ways. this was an extreme circumstance and counseling is definately important, but if you start it, finish it. some people go and they don't get their issues resolved right away and quit counseling. this could be worse than going at all because the bag of worms had been opened and the constant reminders are there. alot of people like to be closed up and keep the past to themselves. it's hard to open up about certain things because it makes them fee less of a person and ashamed.so if you get counseling for you and your kids, make sure you finish counseling. by finishing counseling, i mean go until all issues are resolved and everyone has returned to a healthy mental mind set. also, with counseling, it's important to find the right one. just because you find one that you can connect to doesn't mean your kids will. there could be a better one for the kids that they can connect to and trust better. so be open to search for the right counseling and pychologist/psychiatrist.any children who have been molested may need a psychiatrist because they may suffer from ptsd and need medication to help them through the counseling when they start opening up. also under these circumstances, it could cause anxiety disorders and hidden depression.anyway, i am so sooooooooooo sorry you had to experience this past year. i don't think it can get much worse. what the judge said was dispicable! to only offer 1 protetion order was ridiculous. usually if you file for an ex parte, the judge will automaically grant it unless the person being accused fights it.in my opinion, there is no reason to work out this marriage so i would seperate yourself from your husband as soon as you can legally wether a legal seperation or divorce. kids are #1. i agree with you. they are also very innocent in life and it's a shame they had to experience things at such an early age....and you at any age.you did the right thing to move. i know it had to be sooooo hard, but you did it. you're safe, and you are beginning a new life so keep your head up and know you will always be supported 100%.i think the child who found out all these things that were found out already knew things and just needed an excuse/reason to tell you finally. *sigh* again, i am sooooo sorry. that WAS a horrible year but at least you know more of the truth NOW to move on in a more positive way for you and your children.good luck with it all! and....it's ok not to be strong sometimes too
  13. i have a question i need answered. i have a domain name through Xisto - Web Hosting right now. now that mycents and the converted earnings are connected now with Xisto - Web Hosting, would that domain be renewed automatically? or are the hosting accounts renewed automatically if you have enough funds in your mycents or do you have to reorder to pay for another year?reason why i ask is that i don't want my domain renewed with the credits i have automatically so if it is automatic, what do i have to do to cancel any order? also i thought i heard someone say that if you have enough mycents or converted credits actually, orders would be automatic and deducted directly through your credit account.
  14. yea, that was part of the old system, but a new system has been created. what's actually happening here is all the companies are now stringed togethr and dependant on one another. so if this is the case, what would happened if someone was banned or has a warning level and they are up for renewal? so the key i know is not to receieve a warning level. that is obvious. but if xisto and Xisto - Web Hosting and trap are all connected and the accounts can be limited, then there should be a seperate plan for mycents credits after they are converted. the forum members should get a cheaper price than regular prices someone just going to Xisto - Web Hosting uses. if not, then the credits that are converted are not true credits or real money as some would call it to be used whenever you want. to me, i see it as a double menalty. you limit the increase in my cents and you limit the purchasing power after mycents was converted. i know this is worse case scenario i am talking about when someone gets banned, but it happens. i should know haha. anyway, i just feel it should be seperate entities after conversion OR give a cheaper price for my cents users if mycents and the $ credits are espeially the same and connected to trap even after the conversion the only reason why i talk about it is because i know velma checks warning levels on trap before they will process a purchase. also, you also stated that mycents do not increase in a previous post. i may have misundertood your statement if that's not true because your last comment stated a warning doesn't affect a mycent increase hen you post now. so maybe opa or buff can explain this part of the new system because i guess i am confused by it.
  15. are you kidding me??? if you have only heard good things then you haven't done your research and if you haven't done your research in who you are trusting your money with then you're treading on thin ice. all you heard was good things, huh? i would love for you to tell that to the THOUSANDS of merchants who was awarded almost 10 mil in a class action lawsuit. this wasn't very common knowledge. you know why? paypal settled out of court. now 10 mil is nothing for paypal and it was a smart move because the courts could never deem paypal's practices are wrong or illegal and forced to change the way they do business. since then they have been doing the same crap as always and in some peoples opinions, it's gotten worse. you are telling me you have never heard of paypal freezing accounts? tell that to the thousands who have there accounts frozen each year. and it's LEGAL because paypal is not regulated and your money is FAR from protected compared to if you went with a real merchant account and your money was directly deposited to your own finacial institution. now someone mentioned that ebay owns paypal? guess what??? if a seller sells and ships something to a buyer and the buyer lies and complains that he never recieved the shipment, paypal's common solution to hundreds of people who have experienced this is paypal will take out the cost of the product from their account until they can prove the buyer recieved it. that s pure B.S. people and tis is paypals common practice since they are not regulated yet in any way which means right now they have the power to pretty much do anything they want. i can't believe people can use a company like paypal and not do their research in the complaints they have against them. if anyone gets burned, you deserve it for not doing your research. this is maining for the merchants or the sellers who use paypal and recieve money in to their accounts. this warning is not so much for the one who buy through paypal but there are horror stories in those situations as well. anyone who says paypal is safe is fooling themselves. people use paypal because paypal is convenient. not because it's safe. GOOGLE paypal complaints people. i am not making this stuff up!!!
  16. anwiii

    Painfull Times

    you speak wise words there. i do believe things happen for a reason so if the truck breaking down was supposed to make me think or mean something, i kinda believe in that. problem is, i hve forgive many times in the past for things that have been dispicable. forgiving is easy for me. getting hurt all the time is not. it's crushing and what has been done to me in the past and part of the present is overwhelming where it's not leaving me in a happy place. one of the most important things in life is happiness. people need to be happy with themselves and in their life. i am happy with myself and who i am but my circumstances that i have chosen don't leave me too happy. now i am not really angry unless i am meant to feel that i am wrong to feel this way and the person who hurt me wants me to make light of it like nothing really happened. but it did. several things happened actually. as far as talking to friends about it, usually i shy away from that because they will never understand why i put myself in certain positions to get hurt but i have talked to my parents about it and i hope it's not something i regret. they are very opinionated in their own ways and usualy guides people in how they would live, not how each individual is meant to live. yea, tonight i will be drinking the last of my beers haha. oh and btw- i always have belief and hope but right now, i have been so hurt that the belief and hope and faith has faded. i think i need to work on myself gettin' stronger here before i can offer belief and hope to others. may sound selfish, but i am far from that. i am not perfect, but being unselfish is one of my better qualities haha thanks for that response. was short but had a lot of meaning behind the words...
  17. anwiii

    This Place

    i agree that there is a lot of clutter, but i am against any purge. one of the reasons for the credit system is that a lot of these topics get high rankings in the search engines and draw new visitors to the sight. this is probabl a big reason why the board is monitored so closely for on topic posts and no spam. it doesn't benefit trap to purge any topics in my opinion. xisto would lose money due to the fact that most users are coming from google. now finding topics isn't hard one bit. if one scrolls down to the last 20 posts, there is usually something someone can add to. if not, scroll down to an appropriate discussion group and sub discussion group and post a new post. it really is not that difficult at all. it's organized in a way that you can pretty much find a topic for anything. now what i personally don't like is the search function. i rarely use it because it's just not any good. but as far as seeing the posts to add to or adding a new topic, wht the heck is people having a problem with?!?!? i'm curious what opa ws talking about. will be interesting to see some of the changes
  18. no. paypal is cheaper than any merchant account out there. that is one of the conveniences of paypal. it will never compete with a dedicated merchant account though....i don't know why you think paypal would be more expensive. do you even use it? i would LOVE to find a merchant acount cheaper than the fees paypal charges!
  19. well now you know better, don't you. you know tis reminds me of one of my philosphies in life and why i trust and believe in people. people have told me some crazy stuff in the past that is hard to believe. well, i believe and trust even if it's extreme. why? because what if they are telling the truth? i am not one to ever take that chance. yea, i get hurt trusting and believing some people, but when it really matters, at least they have my support. and think of it this way. it's just as easy to take someone serious as it is to laugh in their face
  20. if people try this and go out on a date and end up kissing that person, lemme know how kissing with lemon lips goes. seems like it would linger.also, wouldn't the acidity sorta sting a little on dry cracked lips? anyone try this before???
  21. some people aren't smart enough like me who spent an hour trying to solve the above problem. i'm curoious if it's the same rules as two + and two -. not even going to attempt it any further util i get an answer to that question
  22. didn't mean to freak you out. just wanted to make you aware. just be aware and don't keep a whole lot o money in your account if you want to limit any possbile future headaches. paypal is supported on a lot of sites around the net. that is true. there are other companies, but not everywhere you shop are they supported as much as paypal. like i said, paypal is convenient.. just be aware of the possibilities. that's all.
  23. anwiii

    This Place

    first, for such a miserable place to visit, you sure have stuck around a while. second, i have never spent 1/2 hour trying to figure out how to post any of my posts. takes me a few sends max. third, what does this miserable place have to do with customer service? people have always recieved help to there problems around here if people made their problems known. your problems seem very exagerated to me especially when your having so many extreme ones. if you poll these problems, i suspect not even one percent of the members here feel the same as you do. so what's your REAL problem?
  24. it was neither. it was obious sarcasm also, your formula isn't just multiplication and addition. i was also under the assumption it would be the same rules as the previous post but for the life of me, i couldn't come up with the answer. seems it would be a simplier one than the original one since it's a larger # to =. i narrowed down a large percentage of the problem and i question the answer now under the same rules. nice job trying to figure out the current puzzle btw....even if multiplication isn't allowed, still a great effort!(that wasn't sarcasm btw )
  25. hmmm...well, let's all welcome real life to the net now. i haven't seen anything about it or read the article posted.......but come on people! this is real life. what. it's sickening because real life is now public? or real life was witnessed by others? or someone wanted others to witness real life? real life is happening all around us whether we hear or see it or not.no, he shouldn't have killed himself. no, he shouldn't have done it in front of people. i don't blame HIM though. i blame the people who egged him on. what makes ME sick is the reaction of others to real life. like real life shouldn't happen. like we should be living in a perfect world. reason why the reaction makes me sick is it creates an avoidance of the issues.avoidance of the issues are important because when this happens again, and it will because there will now be others to follow....people will have the same reaction which has nothing to do with helping the issues here.if i had a choice between not watching or watching, i would WATCH because at least i have an opportunity to talk to this person and possibly talk him out of it. so now let me explain someting to everyone. this dude made it public. people will have a bad reaction to this and these people are ignorant. this dude was reaching out. he waited to kill himself. he was egged on. a person ready to die and willing to die will not reach out and will not tell anyone. there are signs of those that are serious.....like giving their possesions away without reason or cause, etc....but they give no direct warning. this guy evidently did and he was egged on to do what he did. THAT makes me sick too. not his actions....but other peoples actions.all this guy needed was some positive guidance and he didn't get it. se la vi. he just commited one of the worse acts he could have ever done for himself. some may want to blame the bi polar or manic phase but that's not why he killed himself. there are alot of people who are bi polar and manic depressive who DONT kill themselves. another distraction to the issues that people want to bring up.now he just started a chain reaction to people doing this in the future.....and in my opinion, it wasn't HIS fault!!!!!!!!!!
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