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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. good good. that's easy enough. thanks much!
  2. this isn't rocket science so i will get to the point and be blunt. i hear what your saying but the ball is in her court. let her go. the simple fact is that you were talking to eachother back and forth through cells and she evidently has a new # and didn't tell you. don't think for one second she forgot to tell you when it was common for both of you to text back and forth. she obviously didn't want you to have the new #. yea, she flirts. so what. so do a lot of women who just enjoy flirting an nothing more. i wouldn't feed in to it. if she's interested, she will let you know with no doubts. also, distance makes the heart go fonder sometimes so by ignoring her, you will really find out soon enough if she really is interested. you did your part when you approached her, asked for her phone # even though you had it from face book(that was a good call btw...very respectfull). but ummm....just by piecing things together and knowing her # was public on face book, i would have to say that she is one that just like getting attention. i may be wrong.....but the ball is still in HER court. not yours. now if you're going through any emotional issues with her actions....just remember that what is meant to be will be. trust me that if she isn't right for you, there will be others who are. on't force issues because it only makes the situation worse. remember though. there will be girls who will be right for you and not so hard to attract
  3. i purchased a domain and hosting recently. what if in the near future, i want to add on to my hosting with extra feature like dedicated ip or name servers point to my own domain etc? there is no order button is there for the add on feature after you already purched hosting? do i do it through a support ticket? how does that work?
  4. listen to yourself, bud. do you even hear what you're saying? just because piracy introduced you to a whole new world doesn't make it right. why don't you get a job and introduce yourself to a world the RIGHT way. piracy, in your own words is basically robbing a bank with a hidden finger in your coat pocket. if nobody gets hurt, an you get the cash, it's ok. BULL! it's stealing. and hey, it introduced you to a world of cash that you never had before so now you know to get a friggin' JOB. it may not be all that bad to YOU because you and all others who try and justify piracy are thinking o themselves and themselves only. you are SELFISH thinkers. that's why it's so easy to justify it like it's ok and something good. haha what a joke. after you steal all that money with your finger where nobody got hurt, i guess you will spread the wealth and show everyone how great money is too. your justification would be that it isn't hurting the bank because eventually you WILL get a job, make lots of money and invest it in the banks you robbed so they can at last make money off you. plain and simple is the fact that if the companies wanted to istribute their products for free, they would. they would just hand over their products to ya. but they don't. there is a reason why they don't and it's not up to YOU selfishly to change their own rules and the laws that are supposed to protect them. it's really sad what the world is coming to because it's not just people justifying piracy...but people justify other things in life that are wrong too. one day, you little kiddies will learn what real life is all about and being proud of your own self when you are able to acomplish things on your own....the legal way. something that you create and/or you bought with your hard earned cash. something to be proud of. not stealing. what a joke
  5. piracy discriminates against businesses who are looking to stay in business by making a profit. if everyone used pirated software, the businesses creating that software would go out of business and the world would be left without. there is NO JUSTIFYING piracy at all. it's stealing. you are hurting not only businesses, you are hurting people who are trying to put food on the table. not only that, it's terrible for the economy which works only when money continues to exchange hands. ignorant people look at the small picture and try to justify it by the small picture. problem is that there is a much bigger picture they are failing to realize or are intentionally ignoring it just to justify something that is illegal.there was actually someone who said they justify it because they wouldn't have bought the software if they didn't recieve a cracked version first because 30 days is too short. although i do agree that 30 days is too short and there are usually no returns on used software, that does NOT justify stealing it!!!!!!! if you don't like the terms of the companies who distribute, then find another company with better terms or use freeware or shareware or open source. those are all alternatives. but the theifs wont use those alternative. they will spend their time stealing....and then thinking about how they can justify it. the person who justiied it this way was the best excuse i have heard on this thread, but it still doesn't make it right.i know right from wrong and i have admited that i use software i shouldn't. i also watch new movie releases when i shouldn't. will i be punished? probably....because i believe what goes around comes around....but i also do a lot of good in this world. it's not my justification....it's just that i know what i do will balance out. i am not perfect. i know i am part of the problem. at least i admit it without trying to justify it. any loser can try and justify an unmoral act that has no good personal values to it.
  6. ummm...i disagree 100% with your comment. ever heard of conspiracy to commit a crime or aiding and abetting? maybe not. but let me enlighten you on something. you can get arrested for pretty much anything in this country. it's the judge hat ultimately says guilty or innocent after the facts are presented. i say better safe than sorry and no reason to risk anything on ignorance. if you aren't an attoney or never studied law, it's best to keep your trap shut on giving legal advice because that IS against the law. now in your senario, all three people are breaking the law. the obvious is the buyer and seller. the not so obvious is the one who(before he answers the question) knows that someone is going to be breaking the law soon and helps that person with information to break a law. torrents get tricky in the legal sense because the issue arises of storage of files and what is legal or not. it's also hard to prove intent when downloading any file unless the file is advertized as an illegal copy. in order for a crime to occur, there has to be intent. if there was no intent to commit a crime, no crime has been commited. this is why the crazies get off and go to the hospital instead of jail. ignorance is no excuse though....but intent still has to be proven. most states have adopted this rule of thumb. but even if this crap is determined illegal, it's not going to stop people. you used a drug scenario. so will i. arrest one drug dealer on his corner and send him away for 3 years. what happens the week after is someone else is there on that same corner taking that guys place. a better example that directly relates to this thread is napster....which was peer to peer. a lot of piracy was going on. people stealing or taking someting that wasn't theirs to take. napster got sued and a new precident in the computer world was created in a court of law. i suggest you read up on the law and also the past court cases that relate to this thread before you start posting stuff like you did. you'll get people in trouble that way and i am sure you don't want to cause confusion.
  7. no no no. please don't speak for me or put words in my mouth. your bad. and sorry to break it to you but evolution is not a theory anymore. i also never said it was. theories aren't based on facts. facts have proven evolution exists. maybe they don't prove or disprove if humans evolved from apes, but the facts do support the truth in evolution existing. that's why i don't really understand the topic of this thread. it should be more specific.
  8. where are you getting your information? i was in high school when cd's were becoming popular but still at a very low distribution level. that was back in 20 years ago, the popular source for storing information was either hard drives or 3.5' disks. not cd's. when we finally did have cd's to load software, the technology wasn't there yet still to burn anything on a cd. also, they were cracking software long before 20 years ago my friend. i was in to that back in '83. so just because you see the internet as an easy means to distribute the cracked software doesn't mean that's why people are doing it. you know why certain groups crack software? because they can. they look at it as a challenge. they do it because they don't like being told they cn't have something. they do it because they enjoy and like what they do. back in the day, we didn't even crack software to distribute it except within our own circle of friends. and believe me. we didn't just stop at cracking cheap software on floppies...but back then, we didn't do it to share with the public....but with a select group of our own kind. times have significantly changed, alot more hacking groups competing with who can get the job done faster....and if there is a program that seems impossible to crack first hand, you give it to one of these groups to do it for free. and they will. because they can and they want to be top dog in their own comunities of hackers. THAT'S why they do it. not because of any financial crises that never happened in the late 80's when reagan was serving his second term. never because other people couldn't afford software. so again, i am wondering where you are getting your info bud. you say "as you all know"....well i don't and i was at my prime back then cracking software with a few other of my friends who taught ME. so please explain again in what i should be knowing when i pretty much disagree with everything you wrote...otherwise, just admit you never knew the mindset of a hacker back then OR how they evolved in today's society. now i posted how to get rid of piracy. this is from someone who could have been stopped back in the day when i was cracking software and distributing it on a low level. but when you get rid of piracy, a lot of the hackers will be bored and want to attempt other serious crimes. you get rid of piracy, you create something else that is unforeseen. so although i gave a suggestion in how to illiminate it up above in a previous post, i will NEVER be in favor of it. why i say leave these people alone and the companies will have to learn to adjust and work around that problem. who do you think writes and adds on to the anarchist cookbook? the anarchist cookbook is to hackers as the book of shadows is to "witches". if you illinate something from the cookbook, something else will soon be added. piracy is just ONE thing compared to many....just like if you black out a spell or ritual in a book of shadows, something else will take it's place....and my bet would be with more strength and fury. witches keep to themselves like hackers. it's a new age for hackers though. the groups have gained more of a reputation online because their work can be distributed more freely and recognized by a lot more people. if this was a money issue like you said, then the crackers(not necessarily white people haha) would be charging for their work. they don't. they don't don it because they feel sorry for people not being able to afford anything either. so think long and hard before you think you know the answer to this questions thread or try to talk about something that will just disrespect a certain group of people
  9. no, you can't say much. so don't. even the believers can't say much. so they shouldn't. the believers are just as confused and the non believers in what has been written in the bible. it's funny how the believers though can believe so much in something that they don't truely understand their own selves. personally, i believe in how the court systems work. once you lie, your whole testimony should be taken as a lie and not know what the truth is that comes from ones mouth. now i don't believe in some of the things that are written in the bible. so much so that it disgusts me to my soul how certain things can be written to be believed....so me....i discredit the whole darn thing because who knows what is true and what isn't....the believers still believe in the bible even though they don't understand it. will god destroy the world? no. god will not destroy something he created. he also created a world where we are safe from our sins if we ask forgiveness. will he destroy the man made parts of the world? no. because even god knows he left humans the power of choice. because of this, yes, the mad made crap will be destroyed. god wont destroy it though. WE WILL. we are killing our own selves off but it's hardly noticeable right now because it's just happening in small spurts(sorta what the goverment is doing so we all don't lash out..they aren't trying to control us all at once....just little by little so their isn't a revolution or another cival war) god will allow us all to suffer for our own mistakes. even those who have asked for firgiveness will suffer directly or indirectly(seeing the ones they love HURT). god may have created in 7 days and seven nights, but he has the patience of millions of years to witness the final outcome of his creation. he is god. god had his own purpose. he knew the side efects of his creation. why he sent his "son" down to earth. but i was told we are all his children...so i guess that makes me the son of god too. god will never intentionally hurt what he created. he wants to preserve what he created and trust in his creation just like others need to trust in their own selves and soul. god is good. not bad. god is mercifull....not something to be afraid of. so i do wonder where "god fearing originally came from". to be afraid of ones own god. reminds me of the older tribal religions where they would kill to sacrifice to their gods(heck even a couple new age religions believe in that) as an offering....or even sacrificing a part of their own selves that would be considered important to THEM. i think god created an envoronment where nature balances itself out in the long run without gods interferance. god didn't want to create a perfect world or he would have done so. he certainly didn't create an imperfect world just to kill off the bad seeds he created! now i talk about god like i belief in him. i don't. but i don't NOT believe either. i'm in the middle. problem is, i will never get my answers through religions....just SOME answers after i seperate the b.s.. the other answers come from within side my own self and my own soul where there is no b.s. to sort through. the answers people are looking for is not in religion but within their own selves. those are where the true answers can be found....even answering the questions inside this thread. you wont find them going to church....any church or temple or place of worship. those places are just the highway to get you further to where one needs to be. if one doesn't have the ability to feel themselves and know their soul....truely feel without the business of their every day man made life, then we will be having these discussions til the day we die
  10. disturbed- torrent files are not illegal nor would they be banned by Xisto - Web Hosting unless links are pointing towards something that IS illegal.saying that torrents are illegal is like saying our roads are illegal just because some people commit crimes on the road. it will never make the road illegal though.i do agree that when in doubt, ask admin, but i think you are wasting your time since i think i already know what the answer would be if they are at all knowledgable about torrents
  11. i really don't understand the point of this topic. i think anyone with enough common sense believes in evolution no matter how big or how small. religion wouldn't have anything to do with it unless god was the one ho is allowing the change.the majority of the people that don't believe would be the ones practicing religion in their lives...specifically christians...which brings me to my point. how many christians believe in evolution and many don't? it's an arguement i made in another thread how religions are confused their own selves to be certain enough to believe in one truth.as far as evolution, it's already been proven by facts which i just feel the need to list the resources. evolution is not belief. is is FACT. but we are just in the beginning phases to dig deeper in how evolution truely works and the purpose behind it. even if we do dig deeper and have our questions answered by science, it still wont discredit if there is a god or isn't a godwhat will people accept as evidence? personally, not a lot of people care either way. which is unfortunate to think that most people aren't really truth seekers. they just want to live their life and accept the possibilities and move on.i will say this though. is there a reason why people are born with gill-like structures on their neck which at times leaks fluids? my sister is one of those people. when i found that out in the late 70's, i started researching it and also evolution and found a lot of interesting facts and data to support the idea of evolution.i can say this too....the ones who don't believe are going just by their own common sense without any research done by their own selves. they don't gather the evidense or never read up on other evidence gathered by others.most of those people again, are of the christian faith because they think if evolution exists, then god cannot. that is not true, yet they still believe that nonsense. ironically, these are the same people who do believe in god. therefore, if i just went on the basis of these people to believe or not to believe in god, i would have to come to the conclusion that god doesn't exist....OR....more appropriately, just say these god believers are full of it and look elsewhere to determine if.... god exists or not....and for the sake of this thread.....if evolution exists or not. oh! wait. i already did that and it DOES EXIST! the complexity of evolution has yet to be proved, but evolution does exist and any common sense moron would do the research and come to the same conclusion....oh except for those christians who deny any form of scietific data but will believe in things they can't see,feel,touch, or hear. yea....let's leave it to THOSE people to try and tell others where we come from hahayou know also, the older generation really still believes in what they were taught as children. i call these people old school when technology was non existant compared to today. i mean it's summer vacation for the old schoolers and they still fail to realize that a whole new school opened up despite their own beliefs. while the world changes around them, they will never change. at the same time....although ignorant, these same people have a lot of experiences their own selves and have a lot to teach in a world where the new generation fails to listen.although i believe in evolution, i don't believe my ansestors are apes or monkeys. i do however believe there is a relation that i can't talk about either way in proof or facts.
  12. well, i certainly believe. i've heard too many stories, seen and heard too many things not to believe....the good AND the bad.funny thing is, i have pictures of images that just cannot be explained by any sort of logic. pictures i took one night at a cemetary. really strange pictures of faces, bodies, something with wings, a couple hazy smoke circles around tree trunks, and a really freaky one of haze on a tree that looks like a religious totum pole. things that weren't ever seen by the naked eye. my take on all of it...especially that totum pole image on the tree with the circle of smoke around it was that this cemetary was being protected heavely by something. really creepy. i am an amature photographer and i have seen orbs, but NEVER this. these images looked white and cloud like. they were all taken with a flash...which normally i wouldn't be posting about this if it were just orbs because there are logical explainations for orbs...especially with flash photography since the flash can pick up even the smallest dust particle and create an orb-like look to it on film.i always felt guilty like i was disturbing a peace and never went back to take any more pictures to confirm anything a second time. maybe one day. who knows.i have seen things move mysteriously....with sound that went with the movement sometimes. i have seen images with my own two eyes....but only glimses. sometimes i can feel things. sometimes i know my dog senses things i don't.for all you non believers, i would suggest instead of not believing, just change your outlook to a possible postential. at least your safe in not lying to your own self by your own ignorance.the weirdest part about that cemetary experience was that my camera was fully charged. i could have taken hundreds of pictures on a fully charged camera. i could only take 21 or so before the camera died COMPLETELY. something in that cemetry drained my battery to where i couldn't take anymore pictures. i NEVER had that problem before i visited and after i visited that place. so it wasn't the battery or the camera.i still don't know why i have been shown things when so many people can live a lifetime and see nothing. what a shame
  13. forget about legalities. pirating is stealing wether it's a copy of the original or not. stealing has it's moral issues. if you can live with being a theif, go for it. if you can't, don't....but if you do, you can't take that choice back and you will always know you are a theif.me? i'm a thief. i wont justify it. all i will say is this. i am not going to be punished by other people's mad morals when i know i will never have a lot of money to my name til i die. second, i use certain things for personal use(programs) that i have never made a profit off of or benefited other than just having a pirated copy of something that nobody else would use, nor do i redistribute it. personally, i can live with that. BUT! if i ever did start making a profit of any sort with the help of any pirated software, i would always give back. problem as i see it is people can talk crap about how they use illegal copies, but 90% will never give backpersonally, i would love to see piracy come to a halt but that wont happen until you give the hackers a reason not to crack a piece of software. how do you illiminate the next generation hackers? make everything free. on the net. easier said than done, but it's a conceivable concept if done right over a period of time in where the companies can start charging again. after 10 years or so. the companies lose a little money, yes, but once they start charging, you have 5 times as many people willing to pay for the software that they have grown use to. that's my theory at least. compaines can stop the hackers. they are just unwilling. they would rather increase profits to make the quicker buck. i don't agree with that business principle and those are the companies i will always be unwiling to pay a dime to.so now aside from piracy being a moral issue where only theifs prosper, piracy is a legal issue and anyone who commits the act is a criminal. myself included........i never did like the written laws much as i would follow any moral ones....but heck....i am still guilty both ways
  14. shoulda woulda coulda. boo hoo. you got there too late. now you know better. screw any domain that doesn't end with .com anyway. be creative and think of another name. big deal. you are crying because someone is making money and taking your domain name idea and actually thinking of it before you do. well i hope ya got it in ya to beat the others to the punch next time. what you are talking about has been going on forever. that's why the names are so scarce. now, buying any good domain has an advantage besides the name itself thanks for google. a 2 year old domain name will get better results in the search engines than one that just got it's cherry popped. so instead of $100 that you think they are worth, try doubling that figure for any domain name.
  15. i always liked going here to check domain availabilities ----> https://instantdomainsearch.com/ you might want to do a quick search elsewhere for the availability and do a whois search. if the domain is coming up available, then it may have something to do with the .in extention itself which i believe is india. shrug
  16. what are you trying to say...most people are uneducated? haha maine isn't THAT far off the map. i woulda thought most people wouldn't consider alaska or hawaii a state....but um....good to know that little fact about maine since you live there
  17. sounds like a messed up soap opera. be sure to tell us how your next dream turns out. tose reruns are gonna be wicked!
  18. al i can say is.... "?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" anyway, it's probably just one of those new useless fad domains like come_on.in or something for someone competing for the same domain though, there was sure a lot of public chatter about it.
  19. HECK NO! you need to be posting like everyone else. not asking favors just for you. if you are so worried about a omain name, borrow $10 and save your credits for the hosting. you already have enough actually.... i also have a problem when two people want the same domain. one person had the original thought and made the mistake of telling someone else just so someone else can steal it. this whole thread seems fishy to me
  20. money can buy a lot of things. it can even buy the things that will make you happy in the short term of life....but it sure as heck wont buy you personal fullfillment or complete happiness when you are on your death bed. there are a lot of negative things that can be attributed to having a lot of money......just like anything else in this world that creates a balance of good and bad. money can't buy love since love has nothing to do with money. if you don't need love then i guess you one step close in being happy with just money. if you inherited the money, it could make one lazy where one doesn't feel the need to work or do the other things people grow internally stronger for doing. if you are working all your life just to have a lot of money, then you are sacrificing your time where you could be doing other things you would enjoy rather than wait til your retirement at age 65 when you would only have a few more years to live anyway and couldn't possibly do the things with money at that age compared to one in their 20's. i have known alot of people in this world. the sadest ones to me are the ones who have worked all their lives and limited there own lives in what is most important. i know my parents are an example. an ideal mom who raised three kids and a father who worked the same job for over 40 years making over 100k a year. although they have money, they have so much of it because they don't even spend it. and i look at them and i see inside that they are not as happy as they could be. society dictates a certain responsibility in individuals. go to school. get a hs diploma. work summers, go to college, get that degree and go on to find a great job with benefits. marry your woman, buy a dog and suround your new house with that white picket fence. the american dream. something that can only be generated from this type of lifestyle....working until you are 65 because you have to pay the bills and feed the 5 mouths ever day. to each their own where money is concerned, but i haven't ran in to one case yet where money was NOT a distraction to those who have it. a distraction to more important things in life rather than worrying about what money can offer. that is a FACT in what i see in people and how money controls those who have it in a way that isn't natural. i have been in the poorest of neighborhoods. usually they are the black neighborhoods. BUT!!! they aren't poor. they have something money can't buy. when in mississippi once driving though a segregated part of town, i first frove threw where the whites lives. money money money. nice houses, nice lawns. closed doors and windows and shades...almost like jail because i don't see hardly any white people outside. they are all inside or working their *bottom* off for their houses and lifestyle. then i drive through the black neighborhood. the houses look like shacks, the lawn are not as green, but what do i see? all the black children playing outside like it's one big block party for the children. they may not have money, but they are living a life that is more free than the control money will ever have on them. there are those also that will walk this earth helping others and who will never have money. they will live poor and barely survive. they will travel to where they are needed most. they are living without money but living with the knowledge that they are affecting people in a way where money can never. for someone to say money buys happiness, *I* say money can trick you in to thinking you have happiness only because you will be limiting yourself compared to not having money and you don't know any better to say otherwise. now personall myself, i have had money...heck, i grew up having it. i choose a diferent lifestyle. it's a harder one but it's one that will create the most happiness for me. i've lived a life where i was able to afford pretty much anything i wanted(although never really wanting all that much for myself) and have also lived a life wondering how i am going to feed myself because i haven't eaten in two days. i've lived both lives and i speak from experience. i was stranded in biloxi for 2 days. i had no car, 3 full suitcases, a pillow and a blanket. i hid my stuff somewhere and just sat under a tree getting the worst sunburn i ever had(and i lived by the beach my whole life). i met few drug users i talked too. met a couple homeless. each offered me something knowing i was stranded. i walked with a homeless guy to kfc. he managed to get 5 chicken sandwiches and shared 2 with me. he ate two and offered the last one to me. i refused but said i would split it. i had about $50 in my pocket at the time. the people who have money would consider these people useless in life and deliquents. i say they are human and have a heart but the people who have money will NEVER EVER experience the happiness one can feel when being offered something from someone who has NOTHING! so living my own life with my own experiences which extend from one spectrum to the other, i can say to ANYONE that if they feel they think money can buy things like love or happiness, you are FULL OF IT. it buys a lifestyle. that is IT. NOTHING more. you may still have good morals and values like my parents, but in the end, money will always limit you because if you didn't have money, you would see all the other ways life has to offer other types of fullfillment and happiness. you those who would rather have money, go buy a car, fancy house on the beach and a boat....all the top of the line luxuries. then come back and tell me the woman your with isn't with you to steal your money. tell me that your children aren't always asking for some....or your friends or family asking to borrow some of it when you know they will never pay you back. money also creates greed and headaches that you will have to live with. it's not all glamour and easy life. in some respects it's actually a harder life to lead when others think it's easy street and are fooled when dreaming about all the things they can buy including thinking happiness is one of them....only to live all their life....on their death bed, living in regret because they were fooled and didn't know any better. so put all my words in the bank with your money and let's find out what is more important and what will last longer....
  21. i am using gmail for the first time(for about a month now). ever since i recieved my domain from xisto. i love it. i want to eventually trasition all my emails to gmail and delete my yahoo and hotmail accounts(hotmail was always a joke).about 5 months ago. my mom asked what email account she should have. i told her gmail(that's before i was even using an account myself). i'll recomend it to anyone purely on the basis that hotmail SUCKS and yahoo just doesn't have the space or features gmail does. google in general i will always support.even setting up my domain email was free. gmail rocks. so does a lot of the other google services. i even like igoogle but i would rather have a fast loading se so i turn it off
  22. destiny and having a true purpose in life are two very different things. yes, we can change our future. we can change our lives by the choices we make today. i believe in destiny. i believe that everyone is destined in this lifetime or future lifetimes to fullfill the purposes we are supposed to fullfill in each individual lifetime. destiny to me is more of an eternity concept where that will never change....ever. the purpose in ones life however...doesn't really change, but it can speed up or slow down depending on ones own choices during a given lifetime. it's so easy to get distraced from ones purpose in life to where it slows down or comes to a grinding halt until you find the path that leads back to it. sometimes our purpose is to be misguided as being misguided is one of the ways we learn in life...grow wiser and smarter with every experience(good or bad).then there are the ones that commit suicide. one can say that one should never commit those acts. their future is ruined. but is it really? maybe that was the purpose for a person where others can learn from the suicide. for something as sad and depressing as suicide, the more people have killed themselves, the more jobs that were created for others to benefit. the more you see other reach out in pure goodness for others. there is a saying. if you think you can, you can. if you think you can't, you can't. the idea behind this dictates also that thoughts can change our futures. personally i believe in the power of thought. i'm not really religious, but i do believe in prayer directed towards a god or anything else for that matter because i don't feel god creates that power....we our own selves create it...and maybe there is a little help out there from god. who knows....there are a lot of things that can change our future. not knowing anyone's future however would be a roadblock to prove that anyone can change their own future.it's really weird to think on this subject because the subject itself is a little vague. i do believe our futures can be changed. i don't believe anything is set in stone. not even in god's hands if one is religious. if god interfered with life, we would hold a perfect world in his eyes and no more change would be neccessary. why you see people dying every day without god intervening. to take away a person's choice (victim or suspect) if we are talking about some driveby or something else, is to take away all forms of individuality. to act the same in any situation would be reliving the same minute of your life over and over again. why we have control of our own choices to comliment the differences of individuality and the concept that we CAN change our future somehow without even knowing how because we don't really truely know what our future holds.now i do believe that some people hold the gift of seeing the future for others. i also believe that depending on a person's purpose, the future can be prevented or changed. BUT!!! depending on whether the choices were good or bad for that person's actual purpose in this lifetime wont ever dictate that person's destiny in another lifetime. what that means simply is we hold our life in our hands. we hold a purpose. we have the opportunity to fullfill that purpose in this lifetime unless we get too distracted with other things that don't mean as much. if this is true, our next lifetime will be to try and fullfill the same purpose as the last. once that has been accomplished, a new purpose for a new lifetime will lead that much more closer to ones ultimate destiny.so when talking about choices...yes, they control our future depending on the choices we make and it invloves a lot more than just changing ones future....why it's kinda weird talking about it since the actual topic is vague and to explain so fully in what i believe related to this topic, it really can't be done in a post.
  23. microsoft came a long way, i just don't like their business ethics. i wish i had gotten involved with linux a long time ago as i hate supporting ms and don't really feel like learning a whole new os. if google gets in the market of os's, i seriously doubt it will be crappy. i think it will be innovative and that much closer in closing the gaps. i personally support google. as far as google creating their own os, i don't think there has been that much talk on the subject. could it just be rumors? or maybe the idea could come to a halt as quick as the idea came to mind. i don't really think anything has been set in stone with any google os.
  24. i think YOU are out of date haha this has been going on for 25 years now. so i admit that i am a cheap bastard. i will always be 2 years out of date on EVERYTHING. so it's christmas every 2 years for me. i don't mind not upgrading as long as i have everything i need...which i do most of the time. i remember still operating a 300 baud modem when the 24's came out. when i finally bought the 24, the 57k's were out. what a difference! i'm glad i never had to go backward. i woulda killed myself. BUT! the reason being is i wait for the prices to drop. and usually it's every two years where it's significant to go ahead and stop waiting. i am not a gamer though. if i was, i would probably need more ram and a better graphics card every 6 months not to mention an upgraded motherboard and faster cpu every year. that would be getting expensive since everything would only be outdated by 3 months or so. ram really isn't an issue anymore though. i remember when a 128k chip was $200. anyway, i don't really see any need anymore for anyone to upgrade so often unless you love the games or ya got 10 windows open for your graphics programs or any sort of video editing speaking of the 300 baud modem(my first which came with my appleII, i had no idea what it was...was a little punk kid who dialed 911 with it and 10 minutes later, the police were knocking on the door. boy have times changed. i didn't know what a modem was. i didn't even know how to use any of the software that came with it. but yes, this has been going on for over 25 years now. i remember when apple cat modems were hot back in the day. i picked up about 50 of 'm at an auction. i sold half at the auction and was going to sell the rest in a free paper. i procrastinated. 3 months later, those 1200 baud modems were outdated. everyone wanted the 24's. i still made a profit buying the bulk lot, but i learned REAL quick how computers and their parts become outdated. seems the only part that has never been outdated was the case. anyway....
  25. i don't think anyone knows fully what the capabilities would be with cloud computing or if you will be limited from doing work offline. i don't see that in the near future. but basically my take on it is look at it like the phone company. the phone company offers many services. and you only pay for what services you use. this is basically cloud computing where instead of going out and buying software, those services will be available online and you can pick and choice what you want to do and will only get charged for your personal usage. it's a way for companies to make more money in the long run. i really on't know what the advantages are for the end user unless someone needs to share something in real time bottom line, i am still confused with this concept heheheh but ummm this is my best take on this vision of cloud computing. i still think you will be able to work offline though bud....unless cloud computing takes off where it will be a way for companies to save money and make more in the long run. as far as what it will cost for any given service? who the heck knows. it will also serve the purpose of a universal platform which we really don't have right now(different software for different operating systems that are not compatible with one another) the question i have is will we be charged for all the free services we already recieve....like email? there's going to be some copetition as i see it so who knows what to expect...
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