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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. i just got this computer about a week ago...so mine isn't that cluttered....i still have most of my files on my usb drive...
  2. it's a give and take thing. you get something different in each scenario. with a lot of friends, you then have to question who you're true friends are. with a select group, you don't have to ask that question. friends are good though no matter how many you have. i have a large select group of friends back where i am from. unfortunately, i move away from them all and don't get to see them as much as i would like. i also have a tight group of select friends of about 4 people who i consider part of my family and if any one of them passed on, i would consider it losing a family memeber. so would my family. i'm not one to be a big socializer. in fact, i am sort of a loner so i feel i was blessed to have as many friends as i do and i really don't know where they came from or why they happened to crawl in to my life when they did.aside frome friends, i also consider aquantances friends. to me, there is something to be learned from everyone and to get to know a stranger could also be a blessingso...would i like a lot of friends or only a select few? i say it's best to have as many as you can while sorting through and deciding who your best friends are. the ones that you can count on to be there for you when you need a friend.i have a friend who's dad just passed passed away. typically, he's a guy who would always ty to put a smile on a person's face. when his dad passed away, he would continue to do this. i was blunt with him after seeing this. "stop it" i said. "your "pops"(that's what we called him) just passed away and people should be trying to put a smile on YOUR face." he looked me straight in the eye and told me, "pops wouldn't have wanted me to change who i am".this type of friend has been a pleasure to know. although not one of my best friends, he was always there when i was down. everyone should have these types of people in their life. to limit who your friends are is to limit how you are able to be blessed and how you are able to learn from others....as others have a lot to teach us all.
  3. i wasn't trying to point out one specific moderator. i guess they all have their roles just as everyone handles things differently. i was however trying to point out an unfairness of common sense and understanding and how a suspension not only prohibits someone from posting, but punishes them in ways that can be avoided....just like you said. send out a pm. warn and guide until the newbies get it. if it was an honest mistake from a long standing member, give a benefit of the doubt. there are easy solutions to simple problems without creating negative nergy in the forms by banning people from what they enjoy doing. for some, YES...they may "forget to quote something just to earn credits. anyone caught doing this should have consequences. but who exactly are these people who ewill try and take advantage? is it people like me who has enough credits to last me two years or other people who have very few and want more? if a moderator cannot have common sense and understanding to the problems out there and the easy solutions, sorry....they should not be a moderator. some people may be good people but not cut out to be a moderator. as far as true fusion goes....we have a love hate relationship. i laugh to myself about it sometimes. sometimes i agree with him 100% when he can actually form his own opinion without poking holes in other peoples. sometimes i just hate how he responds to people sometimes without giving other peoples opinion credit. i am sorta like him in a way but he takes it to extremes. he reminds me of a family member we can just let loose on when you disagree. what can be part of the solution? if it's a money or credit issue, delete the post and have the members mycents go in the negative. that's one solution without suspension. offer the opportunity to the member to edit his/her post. i think there are more honest and ignorant mistakes than people wanting to take advantage. we already have a good grasp on the spam out there. which is GOOD. also, being a moderator should be a responsibility to correct other people's mistakes. you have that power and should use it. why blame others when you have the ability to correct the problem AS a moderator. the biggest problem i see with strict and swift punishments is you lower ones character and self worth in a way when suspending an account...especially if the user was more than willing to correct him/herself. it's like the user has no value here and what he/she does sin't worth jack. that should be the only reason for a suspension, right? instead, it's martial law around here with the powers to make a person feel bad as a human being. this was my original poiint. i am trying to state a point that may have not been understood in the past when people would complain. they complain because they are got hurt. they complain because they care. if they didn't get hurt or really care, you would never see them again with no words said. i feel the pinned topic has valid points and i wanted to expand on it in a way that is honest and true. it would sure give trap a good reputation if the moderators and administrators could be team players and work with people instead of against them. suspensions should be a last resort knowing what a suspension can create and lower moral around here. and other people posting their opinions like i am doing now. i am sure the mods have read this thread. i just hope it gets heard higher up. it's the ONLY thing i really see around here that poses a problem and yes...i like to speak out to possibly make this a better place by giving an uncommon viewpoint i don't see this as a business per se. i don't even see this place as a typical forum, but a community. a place where people can be a part of. the worse thing other than my own unfair suspension was reading posts i couldn't respond to. i am very vocal at times and just killed me. i tried to remember the threads i read but forgot or just didn't care anymore because of my own bitterness that affected others in a negative way. all because i felt the moderators or admins could have taken a different approach to solve the problem.
  4. and then CLOSED it? i just realized i am not the only one who thinks the moderators can have a bit more understanding to those who CREATE THIS FORUM. the moderators are good at suspending accounts of others that contribute usefull information even if someone does make a mistake and not quoting once in a while.and while the users have a problem with the moderators sometimes, the moderators are always right. NOT the users who contribute information at great lengths and who have the ability to KILL their jobs and this forum by not posting a thing.there is always a difference between a spammer and someone who is just lazy or doesn't even know how to quote or forgot it was in the termsi remember when i was suspended and banned from posting, it took a piece away from me. i remember how i acted too. very childesh and irresponsible...but it really HURT when the moderators could take such an action on me when i have always been a GREAT contributor.moderators will all stick together. in fact, that point is proven in my other thread in the vent recently. oit's never about the users. it's about the rules and the moderators who enforced them. when opaque started this forum, i don't think he envisioned perfection, but i do think he invisioned common sense from his moderator team. i think opaque should keep his moderator in check sometimes becasue i think some things can easily be forgoten and how a valuable place this can be for others to thrive. and it is for the most part....and i know it's really easy to blame the moderators when other people are making mistakes....even honest ones.what i don't think moderators realize is that this place can be a getaway. a home away from home. a place people can take pride in a little bit without being too cocky. so when the suspend good people, it takes a piece away from them that they felt about this place. i am being honest why moderators should not be so closed minded to other things that surround us and the balance these forums should create. but what does a peon like me among hundreds of active users think he is going to accomlish by writing something like this in here? well, just to keep certain people on their toes if they do in fact have a conscious and expect to sleep good at night.so a pinned topic that had some useful things and could have been added to. what happened? a moderator or admin closed the thread. what a waste of space when a moderator has the power to limit free speech in such an important thread. if it wasn't important, why the heck is it pinned?when i was banned, i felt like pleading my case to opaque because i still feel to this day that the moderators were wrong. they took something away from me and i myself almost left Xisto for good. i rolled with the punches and i wasn't the same for about 4 months. i was causing all sorts of crap because of what was done to me unfairly....but as true fusion will always stand by, "you broke the rules". he never really has anything productive or insightfull to say. except that rules are rules and they certainly aren't meant to be broken on Xisto. while saint michael would say that he is one to give warnings to correct the honest mistakes. at least i agree somewhat with THAT philosophy. give the users the benefit of the doubt.in FACT, i have been on trap with two accounts total in my past. i created this one after losing my account information...but have been around longer than most. i have seen rules broken and there seems to be different rules for different people. it's not about the punishment fitting the crime. it's about the moderators using their own discretion. one moderator may suspend an account, another may just issue warning until the mistakes are removed. that's like a male police officer letting a female speeder go because she was cute or made the police officer blush while flirting.if the users have rules to follow, should the moderators have rules to follow that sets a standard? Xisto has grown HUGE since i fisrt logged on. it's about time that admins take the bull by it's horns and set a standard followed by every moderator so there is no playing favorites and no punishing someone who talks back to you.with that said. i love this place. i just get pissed off sometimes and this place seems like the best place. i hope the moderators have a brain in their head to find the underlining meaning to my post here and not take too offense to it. i know they have a tough job(at least the ones with a conscious....some don't have that) and try to make this an even better place without taking something from someone that would be valuable to this forums survival.example. moderators opinions that if you've been here so long, you are not considered a new user. therefore the punishments are harder if one breaks the rules. it doesn't matter what rules were broken. what matters is that there will be a punishment. the users long standing reputation and contributions are never considered. they weren't for me. why is that? why can't honest mistakes be made without punishments?so when i read the pinned topic, it just reminded me of why i was banned. i was first warned with one post, then banned becaue there were two or three others that were honest mistakes AT THE SAME TIME PERIOD. so warning once does CRAP when someone continued to make a mistake BEFORE the original warning.there is an unfairness here where long standing users should have some leeway when they are averaging 2 posts a day. obviously, over time, EVERYONE makes mistake. isn't it better to give human beings the benifit of the doubt and ask why the mistakes were made in the first place and give them a chance to correct them without further punishment? new users should be given the same leeway because they arte new and sometimes don't know any better. i know for a FACT jhaslip has been a moderator that pretty much believe in the rules like true fusion, BUT, he is one to ALWAYS help out a new user as well. sometimes i wonder what kind of life he can have outside of trap...or maybe he toned his helping abilites down a little to have that life outside trap.in any case, there should be an idea that trap promotes. a way of life and a philosophy of dealing with mistakes that could be honest ones where the punishments could do more damage that the moderators realize at times.that's my vent and i am standing by it
  5. people who buy a domain have every right to have it sit and wait for a return on their investment. with that said. some people are willing to creatively bargain their domain. one option is to lease it. although you don't own it, if traffic picks up, you can turn around and buy it with the money you're making if it's a keyword domain. another option is lease to buy. somewhat like an automobile or piece of real estate. you pay so much a month with an option to buy it after a year. if traffic hasn't picked up much, you can cut your losses without having to pay full price. lastly, if it's a real;ly good domain, you can purchase an option to buy for $25 or so for 3 months. what this does is give the owner limited useability while you have to to work on it and purchase it, or find a buyer that's willing to pay for it before the option expires. sometimes, these people have so many domains that they are willing to give one off at a cheap deal if you tell them a good purpose for selling it. they'd still be in profit and they can sleep at night that it's being put to good use. there ARE people who are willing to help others in this world. you just have to try to soften these people up and have them warm up to ya. remember...in this world, there is ALWAYS room to negotiate...
  6. i do believe in what you said about "believing". that is important in a discussion like this. what i don't agree with is "psychic phenomenon". a term use to describe an unkown when in fact it IS known to those who believe in it. i myself believe certain things exist in our own selves that you think never existed. you just have to know how to tap in to it and channel it. all psychic abilites are are sixth senses which could also be described as intuitions that are correct. now can we create something out of nothing? no. we can create and harness energy. i don't just believe it exists, i know it is possible. psychic abilities can be a depressing life though and most always misunderstood. some have natural abilites. some have to work harder at it...but the energy is there to be tapped in to as i have experienced it on small levels. i don't think about it much as on some levels it's just natural inside me as it's a part of me...misunderstood because those who haven't sensed things wish they could and when they finally do, they wish they didn't. one has to really know ones self fully to fully understand the energies that surround them. that's what i believe. sometimes though, it's a bit much to take in and a big responsibility to ones self and well being.i never did like the term "psychic" though. that doesn't explain anything to what it really is.
  7. i have two messages in my auto responder and the output is supposed to be: message1 message2 but i keep getting the output: message2 message2 can someone help me by just looking at this part of the code? I don't know cgi and don't want to screw up the code with trial and error. periods.txt is the file that tells when to issue each message. if there are two messages like i have, there will only be two values in that file: 0 7 in my web folder, i have message1.txt message2.txt print "<p><b><u>Edit Messages</u></b></p>\n"; print "<table>\n"; open(FILE,"$FORM{'ar'}/periods.txt"); flock(FILE,$LOCK_EX); foreach(<FILE>) {push(@periods,$_)} close(FILE); @periods[0]=0; $numb=0; opendir(DIR,"@_[0]") || die "Cannot open $userdir!"; while (@files=readdir(DIR)) { foreach $file(@files){ if ($file ne ".." && $file ne "." && $file ne "" && $file=~/letter\d*\.txt/) { push(@list1,$file); @listing=sort blia @list1; @listing[$#listing]=~/(\d+)/; $num=$1; if($numb>$#periods){@periods[$numb]=@periods[$numb-1]+1}; print "<tr><td><p><a href='$scripturl?mode=read&fname=@listing[$#listing]&ar=@_[0]&num=$1&password=$FORM{'password'}'>Message $num</a></p></td><td><p> sent after <INPUT class='edit1' name=@listing[$#listing] size='5' value='@periods[$numb]'> days"; ($pattach)=getattach("$FORM{'ar'}/@listing[$#listing]"); $pattach=~/.*\.(.*)$/; if ($pattach ne ""){ $size=-s "$FORM{'ar'}/upfile$num.$1"; print " with attachment: <font color='red'>$pattach</font> ($size bytes)</p></td></tr>"; } else { print "</p></td></tr>"; } $numb++; } } }; close(DIR); if ($#listing==-1){ print "<tr><td><p>You have no letters!</p></td></tr>"; } else { }; $newlet=$#listing+2; print "</table>";
  8. i wasn't talking about you sm. in fact, i didn't know who suspended his account until i read the last post of another thread. all i am saying is i am sick of seeing suspentions that could have been prevented.yes, i admit i saw that he had infringed on other websites... but i didn't hit the report button only because i liked what i read and he didn't know any better being a new user. i was afraid of what was going to happen and who was to see it first. normally, i have no problem hitting a report button. i was in no position to elp this guy unfortunately so i couldn't do jack @$#%.true fusion, i like to skim long posts before i read them....once you talked about my wife in something you know nothing about, i decided not to read your mumbo jumbo. it's called saving face when i get worked up. so sm- all i am saying is that a moderators position is more than just suspending accounts. it's helping others and guiding them around Xisto. this, in my opinion extends far with new usersbtw- any writings on the internet has an implied copywrite. it doesn't mean it IS copywrited. there are reasons that. the only thing that can actually hold up in court possibly is a trademark, a slogan, and a couple other things in a similar cataqgory. i forget. i haven't taken business law for 20 yearsi have to say this though. at least you gave him a warning. some people don't even get that privlidge. but i still say think out of the box....or hand it over to another moderator who is willing to take the time to help and guide. i dunno. all i see posting are the moderators. they really have a first hand in explaining themselves.also, if i were talking about you sm, i would have stated so. i lump all the moderators in to the same group. 1 person doesn't make the team....you ALL do
  9. i dunno if that had anything to do with computing...but as far as paypal. if you don't have a bank account, then you can't be verified. in some instances, they want a telephone number and a credit card # to be verified. my question now is, what is the difference between a verified and unverified account?
  10. there was a member recently that got suspended at Xisto and i know the moderators are having a problem NOT following the rules sometimes. sometimes they have no idea how to think outside the box. this is troubling to me and really does piss me off because i don't like it when i have to see other people go through the hard times like i did once. so i got to thinking and i came up with a good comparison scenario.my wife who i am VERY proud of just completed classes on becoming a state advocate. but instead of pursuing that, she is pursuing a management position. now i always realize that this job wont be for her. it will be depressing. why? because she's a good hearted soul who will have a problem evicting people. now...it's her job. she has rules to follow with the position that she will probably get hired. so silly me, i am trying to find ways around her not feeling bad and the answer was simple while she could still follow the rules. either find a place for them to stay after eviction....whih means she will have to know a lot of resources in the counties she works in, or find a homeless shelter. she can do that. OR, i said i can evict people if worse comes to worse knowing i am more able to realize a persons path and why they are on it better than she is able. or she can just possibly put them to work around the apartment complex for rent if they are able. if not, help them call some relatives or other things. my job would be to free up my wifes time so she can more productively help people the way her life is meant to live.so, when i see new users banned and suspended from Xisto because they didn't follow the rules, i piss on the moderators for not thinking outside the box because they are more than just moderators, they are human beings with a brain which means they too care about people and able to work with someone to help guide them without banning someone for not following the rules.it also terribly pisses me off that if things were against the rules, then the moderators should have caught him sooner and stopped it NICELY and if this new user needed help, it's THEIR JOB AND DUTY AND RESPONSIBILITY as a human being to help them...not suspend their account.show a little compassion in life. it will lead to great wealth. not of money, but of knowing you are making a difference by thinking outside the box. so @$%#$^ you moderators who believe they are unable to guide a new user on Xisto! if you are unable, then you shouldn't really be a moderator now should you when a recourse is to ban new users!!!!!!!!!!! so @%$#% you again. sleep well. don't ever have a nightmare because you sure do deserve a peacfull life.......ALONE in this world!now that i got that out of my system....i do respect most moderators. they got a tough job. i do think they can pay more attention to the threads before they start banning people. to me, i think it's partly the moderators fault if they can't catch things right away and show only one response to it. suspend accounts. especially in regards to new users.i was banned once and let my wife have it because she posted things that needed to be in quotes. 2 things. after 2 years with trap, it seems they should have known my m.o. that i always used common sense in my postings. no. that wasn't the case nor was i able to edit my post and make things right. i was warned and banned within 24 hours. this is the first time i am telling this story and putting it on my wife. i say it only to show that sometimes there are hidden clues to a person's madness that the moderators do not take in to account. they are blind sometimes and people are punished because they are blind at times.i wish there were more moderators here that hand more compassion and understanding outside the rules to help and guide those that need it. being a moderator is not easy, i know. BUT! to accept a position means to take responsibility....not only for enforcing the rules here, but to understand the other point of view.so who fills these shoes. anyone? any moderators want to claim they fill the shoes of an understanding and compassionate soul? step forward
  11. common sense isn't reading the rules. common sense is common sense. i haven't read the rules once on Xisto nor do i intend to because i have common sense. when i got banned once, it was because my wife thought it was a typical forum and used my account where my password is saved and it doesn't log out automatically. she had copied two things off somewhere. i forget. common sense doesn't tell her to read the rules when most forums don't haves such rules. i just took the punishment and thought it was a little harsh. secondly, i know why he got banned, BUT, to allow a poster to post so much and let him continue should be against the rules too or get more moderators. this is too much and i for one think someone should explain to this guy clearly. he obviously had a point to make and now nobody will know it. i was curious myself. this is one area i don't like about Xisto and never will. the moderators i feel are too harsh. instead of helping people an taking them by the hand at times when needed, they SUSPEND them. great job trap! i applaud you. let all the moderators ban together and argue this case. why? because they are little robots that know nothing more than the rules here.
  12. paypal only accepts credit cards. it's not worth signing up for paypal just to get their debit card, so i would go by a debit card, and fill it to the price of the product or service you want. OR, find someone trusting with a debit or credit card, tell them to make the purchase, and you will give them CASH.
  13. well that sucks. you were a welcome addition. the rules are pretty strict here. i've been suspended before as well... i think it's B.S.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that this guy got suspended. he's a new user and didn't know what he was doin' obviously. the content may have been deleted, but it could have remained in quotes. that is B.S.!!!!!!!!!!!!! in my opinion. when i see things like this, it just pisses me off. i think moderators should use their ownjusdment rather than follow the rules to a T. common sense goes a long way in life and different circumstances and understanding diferent circumstances is appropriate under the conditions set forth at Xisto. forget about turning the other cheek. oh boy! let's treat this as a federal offense my god. i hope this thread isn't here in the top 20 when i come back. i am fuming
  14. if you are going to connect the two(your website and your blog), create the website first. this really shouldn't matter as much as what you plan to do for seo. always plan around the big picture. start in the center and work outwards. a blog is usually an offset of a bigger picture. don't start with the smaller projects and work inward. you will screw yourself up in the long run. i am assuming you are in this for the long run? but you also want to make a little cash in the short run? don't ever sacrifice long run for short run. they money isn't that great anyway to begin with if ya don't know what you're doing.
  15. the idea behind these opportunities is to HELP...not recruit. it's a team thing and the team has it's own dowline. i have to disagree with one thing though. dental plans(which ameriplan started originally distributing) do have a lot of competition. where others have failed, ameriplan picked up their pieces. ameriplan is also not the cheapest either. you are also dealing with 17 years of people joining....so yes....there is competition. ameriplan has stabled out if not declining little by little now. but still VERY worth while for the extra thousand dollars a month people can make part time after they build their business. i think i will stroll over and take a peek at the program. i haven't looked at it in 6 years. anyone with common sense knows that being in any business for over a year has made it to the top 10% of all businesses. making it to 10 years has worked it's way to the top 5%. my figures could be a little off. ameriplan has been in business for over 15. so anyone with doubts, let's stop doubting the credibility because the history speaks for itself...'nuff said
  16. just to give razor some credibility, i have studied and disected many making money online and at home opportunities since the www came to be in the 90's. ameriplan is one of the few discounted health plans still running today. a lot of them failed. ameriplan has not. ameriplan has been in business for over 15 years.i haven't read the website in a long time but i believe the $50 goes to your own discounted dental plan as well as your home business opportunity. i may be wrong. i am sorry if i am.i wish you luck razor. you have what it takes
  17. what a ridiculous question. first of all, happiness is only a dream. sure....there are certain "happy" times, but happiness as a whole? a dream. try contentment. that would be more realistic. the reason why happiness is a dream is that people are in general selfish and selfishness leads to wants and wants lead to always something more....thus...give a person happiness, he'll still not be satisfied....thus....not being truely happy...but he MAY be content....just getting by...didn't i answer a similar question about this topic a week ago? someone is starting new threads that have already been started elsewhere
  18. i like this topic because people like me come here per simleton's descriptive post. i came on here at first for the free webhosting when there were no mycents. you just had to post to keep your account active. sure, i post for mycents too now, but mainly, if there were no mycents, i would probably still continue to come and bug people around here. it's funny though. this is more a family outside my immediate family...and everyone has their own unique role. i am not here that often, but try to log in about 1/2 hour every day....sometimes less, sometimes more. more because i have a new project i am working on with someone else through pm's.i love trap 17. i would love it to be less impersonal one day and more personal....but i know it's a business and needs to remain professional....at least for google's sake.
  19. i hope you are trying to get pregnant. i would go seek a doctors opinion. nobody will be able to answer this clearer than you already know yourself except a doctor.
  20. anwiii


    that's a real bold statement there. in fact, sometimes writing things down is a really good coping skill used to relax, understand things better, and sort through life's pleasures and displeasures. works for a lot of people.
  21. what you are doing is the exact same thing a mother does to their 13 year old when they buy them a condom for safe sex. i don't agree with it. if you want people to trust you, then there are more appropriate locations where you can post without going in to "how to commit a crime". i personally have my suspicions about you. not because you are a criminal. nobody is perfect and i myself have definately not been. but it's the way you are presenting yourself. if you want to freelance and want to put your business on the web with a website, you have two options. 1) hire someone to do it for you either for money or for trade for your roofing services 2) do it yourself by downloading an html editor(i prefer "komposer" or "nvu". both are open source), getting a good tutorial on html for your basic needs(there's a lot of good free ones out there. google them. and then just start learning in your free time when you're not putting a top on someone's home. you will learn by trial and error, a lot of dedication, and some self discipline. the skills you put in to your criminal past basically. if you ARE sincere, send me a pm and i can try to help you along your journey...
  22. i beg to differ....and...ummm...i would stop bragging about your criminal history...now go get yourself an education!
  23. "?" where exactly do you get your information from???
  24. if you are having problems washing your hairs with cold water, try washing one at a time. this may help
  25. toyota or nissan are your best choices. best repair records at an affordable price. good gas mileage too. a good resell value as well. gl in your search.
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