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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. how can i have my desktop background change automatically from day to night and possibly even with the seasons? obviously it will incorprate more than one picture and on a time interval. so i am curious in how this can be done.i googled this and they said windows 7 has it set up to where your desktop can offer a slide show and all you have to do is enter the time intervals. is this true? what about vista? if the os doesn't incorporate anything like this. do i need a script?if so, are there free ones out there?
  2. i'm waitin' til 1 reach 1,000 before i even consider changing it. i have about a .69 post per day average which means after i hit 1000, it will take about 4 years to reach the 2000 mark where it would automatically change again. one can only be a trap grand marshal member for so long before wondering exactly what that means really :)now an interesting fact is that it will take me almost 30 years to get as many posts as SM. he's been busy for sure as trap hasn't been around that long....only 5 years or so which cinsistantly averges 5 posts a day. not bad....almost sick
  3. two words....WHO CARES!!! first of all, your desktop computer isn't worth 1150 and it's a little outdated to be considered a gaming computer. both computer together are probably worth $800 total. sorry to burst your bubble there. i am sure you're proud of your computers but they really aren't anything to brag about nor worth posting about. i just bought a laptop that has pretty much the same specs as your destop minus the monitor ofcourse(but you didn't even list your monitor in your specs). if your monitor is worth more than your whole destop setup and what's inside the case, then maybe, just maybe it's worth 1150 as you say. i say trash your laptop and upgrade your desktop with the extra money
  4. they are the mice of the future. ever heard of evolution? glowing red mice are cool.....as long as people don't go to bed and have nightmares about 'm...
  5. obviously google is making money off their ads. this question is like asking where would any company be if they weren't making money. but a better question to this thread would be "where would the users of Xisto go if there were no google ads....specifically adsense?" because our hosting is FUNDED by google adsense. in other words, no google ads, no free hosting.
  6. everyone is ignorant, nameless. some people have the gift to show others that everyone can be different and get along in society without creating discrimination. to teach others indirectly that although different, everyone holds the same value in life. i don't know about you, but i've watched the special olympics before. i have also seen movies based on it. they are so ispirational and it leaves me with chills sometimes. watching things like that has a deep effect on me sometimes. what you are talking about though is a group of people that you are assuming hold the same gift. although a group of people have have a gift to teach us something and show us something because OTHER people hold the ignorance in reality. within that group are individuals like you and me. different from others. i am different. you are different. EVERYONE is different and unique. why aren't other people shunned by society? because most people adapt to what society expects from us which makes us look like we are normal and the same. this was a big point of my post. people have to sometimes reject societies expectations and what other people think about us to get to know our own selves better. to find our gift. to use our gift. the mentally challenged are not as ignorant as you think. no more than you and i, i would suspect. when a man is born blind, they adapt to having exceptional hearing. do you think it's not that way for everyone else in life? our weaknesses actually promote our strengths and give us that ability to find our gift and our purpose in life. just as people hold gifts, people hold their own weaknesses. i just watched "yes man" yesterday night. GREAT movie. was all about saying YES instead of NO to those things in life that we always rejected. how is one supposxed to find themselves saying NO to life or living the same life as your neighbor? how are we supposed to know what our gift is? how in the world can we expect to make changes in our own life without making different choices for different results? so you proposed a question in what a mentally challenged person has to offer in his/her life. you wont know the answer to that question until you get to know one. not as a mentally challenged person, but a human being that is different just like you and me. let me give you a scenario nameless, not really knowing your personal life as a good friend or family member. you are on a mission to create your website. you are going through life looking for answers to your mission. you have chosen a personal website...which is good. nothing wrong with that. but some people may say you spend too much time on the internet and on the computer to live a productive life. some would say you can be doing something else more productive. as much as i have seen you post and ask various questions, i know this website is important to you where others may not understand. people who actually want the best for you but don't even know themselves what that is. they can only assume by giving false advice or expectations....or...they can pay attention to who you are and what you have to offer. for others, it will be considered what you have to offer. for you, it will be considered your own gift and i do hope it comes across when you build your website eventually. don't be so naive or ignorant your own self thinking a group of people's strongest strength is ignorance. ignorance comes in many shapes and forms. it usually comes from non understanding and non understanding creates expectations and blindness to the truth in who a person really is. for example. for the mentally challenged(as a group), what do we expect from them? society expects NOTHING from them. society sees a disability when they are so much more than just a disability if one gets to know them individually. it is wrong for society to expect nothing(as expecting nothing is still an expectation) society can sometimes mold people in to something they are not and that"s a shame when those people are a lot more than what other people give them credit for
  7. first thing i would do would be to delete your account hehehe j/k. it would be nice to have the opportunity to delete the inactive users though. i hate looking at false #'s. there is a lot of responsibility for a moderator and i certainly wouldn't want it. i think i would be more lenient to the newbies and i would try to talk to the admins about getting more moderators that have the available time. trap has grown to where there needs to be more full time mods in my opinion.
  8. sure it will work. the more the better. but you will have to create your main page first before all that. i wouldn't even consider a blog until you have your main page and a few sub pages on your interests. if you have all those interests, then your website should be able to grow in no time
  9. what you do is ask all your questions on your blog. this will make your blog interactive with the users and possibly having them come back. you can also start blogging about what you learned by asking all your questions. as far as seo for a personal site, that gets tricky because you wont have any keywords in the domain name and a personal site is more general than anything specific that kewords can influence seo. i would have your main site as the domain name and your blog as a sub domain. with the sub domain, you can call your blog anything you want which allows you to at least enter 1 good keyword for your blog. but remember. whatever keyword or keywords you use to name your blog, you have to enter those key words in to your blog content. look in to creating an rss feed so people can subscribe stop asking other peoples opinions about your personal site. in my opinion, if you start using other peoples opinions, it wont be so person to you now will it.
  10. yea, windows doesn't use cron jobs. you have to go through the task scheduler. same principle.
  11. i remember bbs's like it was yesterday. basically, they offered a chat room, games, bulletin boards(commonly known as forums now), a place to download and upload software. that's where i got started on the internet after i found out what a modem was. then i ran a couple my own self. one off my first apple ii, and the other one off my ibm compatible.i remember organizing user meets for other boards. i even organized one for mine once to meet the users and accept donations. i recieved quite a bit of donations from the scariest looking group of people i ever set eyes on. a bunch of homely, nerdy geeks. i guess it was fun. it sure was an experience meeting my users but decided i would never do that again.my first one, was just the normal crap you would get from any other bbs. my second one was private and sort an illegal site altogether. information was there on anything imaginable that was illegal and in demand at the time. to be a member, you had to contribute. i had a cosysop for a while on my second project "hidden caverns" until i saw one day he was logging on just to go through my system and personal files.anyway, eventually, i had to shut down everything i was doing back then after i recieved a letter from the district attorney. shut everything down, deleted most everything, and went to work in montana for the summer.i miss those days. i belonged and logged on to two bbs's regularly(two clean sites....nothing illegal about them). "dreamscape"(formally known as "playhouse") and "the annex"i met a lot of great people. especially from dreamscape hosted by a guy named matthew ryan. i loved it when they crap talkers would come to the user meets that either i organized or the sysop organized so i can confront them and see what they were really about....i mean there were a few people that would just go in the chat rooms and harrass people. it turned out that in person, they were some of the sorriest people you could ever meet and believe me. in person, their mouth was always zipped. it was only online they felt a need to harrass people beyond belief. anyway, i got to know these people too along with the others. they weren't bad people. just creating a bad reputation for themselves.anyway, i loved those days. personal computers were just starting to become popular in the households and it's how i got my start learning everything there was to computers back then and what they had to offer in every way. times sure have changed where the internet is concerned. irc was big back then too. people still use irc even today which seems amazing to me. telnet started becoming popular too after bbses were around for a few years. then came the www which sort of killed the old ways of things.after the www, came out in the 90's, i sorta lost interest for a while. came back to find myself lost all over again. anyway my first connection was at 300 baud. went to 1200 then 2400....and i believe the www was around for the 56k. heck....now all you have to do is hook up your cell phone to your computer to get connected. yup! things have surely come a long way since the days of bbs's
  12. those are good questions and those are the questions everyone should think about. the answers will be different for everybody. the answers lie from within without the distractions that one normally faces in life. by distractions for you, i mean the reasons why your faith in people have been eroded in time. there's a lot of people who get hurt in this world and unfortunately they are ones who trust and believe in people the most. good people. i have seen first hand how life and the distractions in it can take away a part of themselves. not really take away but leave these people hidden within themselves. creating walls, barriers or shells as a form of protection because it's easier and safer that way to go on with life. what these people don't realize is that in the long run, it isn't easier because they will always find something missing inside themselves that they are unwilling to let out....usually because of some kind of fear. so the questions you ask, although good ones everyone should think about, the answers can only come from you. sometimes it takes a lot of thought and patience for the answers to come. for myself, i find it easier if i am away from people and by myself in either a quiet room, or what's even better, outside to try and connect myself to the nature that surounds me. sounds silly in some ways, but it helps....with patience and practice. they key is to try to connect ourselves with ourselves in a way with no distractions thinking about who you are and how you want to die(eventually) so that you can make the right choices for your own self in the present. wether people believe in reincarnation or if our souls live on or if when we die, we just turn to dust, the fact still remains that we are here, living in a world, and we were born with something inside us that is different for different people. something that can lead and guide us throughout our life if we allow it and know what that is. what is also important to know about ourselves is that it is so important to make the right choices for our own selves because the longer we live a certain way of life based on the wrong choices, the harder it will be to make the right ones and live our life the way it was supposed to be lived where the answers come from deep withinside our own selves.
  13. just run the file manually and see what happens. have you even run the file? what was the point in creating your own server anyway? are you just fidgeting around? seriously dude, you need to just get your own website up and running. ANY website...and have it online live no matter what you think of it at first and start making those simple changes day to day that will allow this website to be a part of you and what you created. there is no such thing as perfection so stop thinking that everything has to be perfect. the flip side is...you are learning through all the stuff you are trying to experiment on. BUT the real question is....what is learning if you can't put it to good use. so just create something online that you already know how to do. and go from there. learn as you go. don't just learn and still act confused what you want to do as far as your cron jobs, there is absolutely nothing wrong from what i have seen in this thread. you have just failed to activate any. so simply, if you just run that file, cron.php, you should be fine. just do it manually. even if you don't run that file, you should be fine. there are no errors and everything was installed properly and everything is working properly.
  14. cron jobs are tasks to trigger scripts at certain time periods when you want certain scripts runnow i have never used drupal so i don't know specifically what cron jobs would be run except maybe backup or mail management.maybe what you are reading isn't even any error message and just letting you know that no cron jobs have been run.this can be a posibility without assuming anything.with that said, go to the drupal site and post in their forums for the answer.what i would do quickly myself is to see if drupal has tried to set up any cron jobs. why don't you go in to your cpanel. under the advanced area(i believe) , you will see cron jobs. go in there and see if any scripts are meant to run.i can google a couple things for you but you should really start knowing how to google answers yourself so you can get your answers that are possibly available to you quicker.ok. editing this post after a little investigation....what i found out is that drupal installs with a maintanance file which is usually yourdomain.com/cron.php. to run mainantence manuall, it's as easy as just going to that part of your site. just enter it in to your web browser. if it's a small site, you don't have to run it that often. maybe once a week or even once a month. so you would still have to enter the url to trigger the mainanence. personally, i don't know what's in that file or what specific jobs will be triggered. you can look for yourself.to run it automatically(i would suggest maybe once a week for now), you should go in to your cpanel and if that cron job isn't there, add it. cpanel makes it easy for even a beginner to run a task at a specific time.you can set it to run weekly at midnight or daily at any given time....etc. it's a really neat feature if you've never heard of cron jobs before. i've never used them myself since i never really had the need. i am a newbie myself but i hope this information helps.sounds to me, according to the message you posted, it was just letting you know that no cron jobs ran. not that any cron jobs NEED to run. but i would try to set up that cron.php file to run automatically since drupal seems to think it's important for maintanence purposes.but lastly, i do have to say that the title you gave this thread is misleading. it's not the fact that cron jobs aren't working in your case. it's the case that cron jobs aren't running at all because you yourself haven't run any....including cron.php i thought because of the title, you were getting errors in cron jobs or mysql. but this isn't the case.you know, a little investigation on your part would probably most likely solve any problem you have. if you want to trial and error things and see what webhosting services has to offer, you also need to learn to undue any mistakes and also trouble shoot problems that other people probably already had in the past(you will probably not be the first to experience any specific problem) and google the problem and look within the first two pages of the SPECIFIC search. i solve 95% of all my problems and questions just doing THAT.plus, nameless, it's a good feeling when you have a problem and didn't have to ask anyone for a solution when you have solved a problem on your own. it really is a good feeling. i suggest you start trying it.
  15. yea, it was tough. especially when you think you should have already had your wireless modem/router mailed to you and it arrives and they cn't find the address, or it gets put in the system as an order and it's as screwed up as mycents updating. it was tough to say the least
  16. that is TOOOOOO funny! midget tossing#1!!! i would pay to see that. that's one step above cat juggling.they should make that part of the tough man competition.mr t's last words when losing the midget tossing competition.... "i pitty the fool who cheats to beat me in tossing a midget!"that is too funny...i needed a good laugh. now that sick image will be haunting me forever...
  17. i just saw this thread when i came back to trap. i thought at first....why the heck would i want to chat with a stranger and ask stupid crap. i even went to the site and initiated a chat. some dude said hi, and i closed out the window.then it occured to me. you can pretty much be whoever you want and say anything you want. it would be a great way to do some fun pranksthat's when it occured to me that i cannot support such a website when i can think of some sick twisted pranks that can be done with this site. sad part is, you can really screw with peoples heads and i am also under the assuption that this site is mainly used by teenagers or people in their early 20'sthere really should be some form of security for that site
  18. you are not the first to complain and wont be the last. don't get your panties in a twist and just be patient and your mycents will update and you will eventually be creditited $ to your xisto account.
  19. when i try and log in, i get the error "License Validation Failed." haha what the heck does that mean :)i thought at first it was a password issue so i requested a password and the new one still gives that error
  20. hey congratulations! that has to be disturbing for you that you couldn't be there but everything holds it's time and place and i am sure you are still experiencing the anticipation and excitement! no hurry out and go buy a mitt and glove before your wife goes shoping for barbie dolls
  21. Many people go through life just getting by. We eat, sleep, work, and go back to sleep to start our same routine the next day. It?s a safe way to live, but is it satisfying? Each human being has a gift inside. A gift that may be shared by others where others may hold a similar gift, but different in the presentation of that gift. Some people can hit a baseball 400 feet. Some can draw or paint a picture that will last a lifetime. Some have the gift of writing something that will also last a lifetime and beyond. Some can talk to a stranger and make them smile when their life wasn?t worth smiling about. Some are good listeners. Some have the gift to teach or guide . some can make us laugh when we didn?t feel like laughing. we all have a gift inside us. Our own gift that nobody can ever take away.Do you know what your gift is? It?s important to know because there is something more important than eating, sleeping, and going to work and doing the same thing every day that has little meaning in your personal life. To be fulfilled in life, you have to know what your gift is and use it to its full potential.Your gift is nothing selfish. A gift is something you share with the rest of the world. Something you were born with and something you are naturally gifted at. Something nature gave you when you were born.Sometimes it?s hard to know what our gift is. With society dictating a certain way to live, it?s hard to break out from the norm and what we were taught to really know our own selves and what our gift is in this life. Life isn?t supposed to be easy. There will always be tests in life that dictate the choices we make. Choices we have to live with the rest of our lives, so it?s important we make the right ones. What are the right choices? Anything unselfish is a start. Something that others gain from first before our own selves. This is a hard test because when you give to others, at first you may feel nobody is giving back and you may feel you are left with nothing. This is why people need to be emotionally strong in life to fight the negative thoughts and possibly the depression.Even though your gift is nature?s gift to you when you were born, it?s not easy accomplishing what you were meant to do in life. The tests in life will not only test your morals and values, but who you really are and who you are meant to be.So how do you find out what your gift is and what you are meant to accomplish in life? It?s usually not something you were ever taught in some forms, you have to take away what you were taught and teach your own self. Break away from the distractions that life holds for everyone. This will give you the opportunity to spend time with your own self and think about who you truly are and what you have to offer.It?s easy to make mistakes in life. Actually mistakes are commonly mistaken for bad choices. But knowing that everyone makes mistakes and knowing that everyone is not bad people, mistakes aren?t really that bad. Mistakes actually give us the opportunity to learn and grow. Mistakes in life aren?t what people tell you are mistakes. Mistakes are what you know inside is wrong so you can possibly correct your own mistakes, learn from them and constantly grow. Don?t ever let someone convince you of ever making a bad choice or a mistake in life if you don?t personally feel it. You aren?t supposed to be living by other people rules and dictatorship, you are supposed to be living by your own philosophy in life.In order to live your life by your own philosophy and rules, you need to know the philosophy and rules that you were meant to follow in life. So take that time for yourself. Take a time out from every day life to truly think about your own meaning to your own life and follow what you know is in your heart. Not what society dictates.I remember watching the movie ?city slickers? 20 years ago. It was such a great movie. Very entertaining. I remember when curly said that life is about ?1? thing and that ?1? thing is different for everybody. Whoever wrote those lines in that movie had a gift. A gift to teach people to look inside their own selves to find that ?1? thing that is unique to them. Millions of people have watched that movie. I?m wondering how many people took notice to what was actually being taught.There are signs everywhere and in everything that relate to us individually. Signs that guide us in life just like the lines from ?city slickers?. Some people are too busy to pay attention to the signs and they go through life unfulfilled. It?s so important to pay attention to the signs and who you are and what you are meant to be. It?s so important not just to find out what your gift is, but to share it with the world and not just keep it inside yourself hidden from the world.What a shame for those who keep their own unique selves hidden from the world as the world can learn a lot from everybody and everything around them. What a shame for those who die getting by in life with no true meaning or purpose. The wake up call will be when you are lying on your death bed, knowing you had so much to offer others and just kept hidden in life?.knowing you could have passed on something that could have made the world a better place. To live in regret on your death bed?.about to die?..passing on nothing except your regrets. That is peoples wake up call when the alarm sounded too late.So it?s not just important to know what your gift is in life, it?s important to know where your choices are leading you and to determine if those choices are the best choices so you never have to lie on your death bed in regret.I think about this stuff every day of my life and how it has meaning to my own life. Sometimes there are distractions as life holds many. i never considered myself to be a very good writer so i hope i have conveyed my thoughts to words in a way for others to understand and hoping others find some meaning in what has been written.
  22. went through some times times and found myself living in a motel for about a month before i found an affordable apartment. during that time, although i had high speed internet access at the motel, i was busy with other things. when i finally moved in to the apartment, i found myself without internet coimpletely for almost 3 weeks.now it's turned on so do my regular crap i do on the net although i am still trying to settle in here. times are tough and nothing ever really comes easy because there will always be hurdles jump over.anyway, i'll be around more now that i have my intertnet access back. i guess good for some, and not good for others heheh i have that different effect on people...
  23. you can't just say selfishness is something where one bears the most benefit until you can properaly judge the benefits. this would be different to different people. for instance, let's speak in terms on your level of the church where someone makes 100k a year is a member of a church and attends every sunday and puts in $20 a week in to the offering plate. would that be selfish or unselfish? i can think of many scenario. some of which would be harder to answer than this simple example. to even answer the question of benefits and who is benefiting more is judging people selfishly as many would believe that nobody would have that right unless you want to discriminate against a certain group of people you put labels on as selfish or unselfish. to even contemplate what i am talking about is to take it even further and take all the unselfish people in the world and manage to try and distiguish who has given more and make the others feel less of a person. i wouldn't excpect anything more from someone who believes in the churches as a gateway to motivation(in your own words) where the born agains and the people who have found god have that need to belittle others who don't....preaching someone that intimates that they are better people for believing.
  24. sorry, old post, but that statement about non believers is the most ridiculous concept that you could ever create in your own head and way of thinking. first of all, you intimate that if you are not a believer, you are obviously a non believer. this is not true as i am a prime example and proof of this. i am not a believer and in no way shape or form do i consider myself a non believer. in fact, i will go so far as to say that there will never be a label put on my own personal beliefs. secondly, i am also a prime example to discredit your concept of how non believers have very little motivation or sources for motivation. first of all, just because someone doesn't believe doesn't mean they don't believe in good and the good concepts churches and charities provide. i wouldn't care to even guess, but my intuition tells me that most all people are born with compassion. believers AND non believers. although there may not be a lot of "sources" for motivation in your way of thinking, the sources that are left are GREAT. compassion is a source of great strength and motivation to do an unselfish act. it's a greater source than any charity ever created or any church ever built and it's what i call a NATURAL source for motivation which can lead to selfless acts. but i also disagree when you try and define a selfless act because from my experience and knowledge, there is no such thing when you break the act down and the consequences of the act and why people would create that act in the first place. in this case, you are talking about satisfying a motivation. if this is true, then the act itself can't be considered unselfish. now i know you like to post things for the sake of arguements and rarely will give your own personal views and beliefs, but i thought i would reply to this old post to strike up something to ponder on and rethink what you were trying to get across this post is a minor insult for those "non believers" who actually do some good in this world, helping others whether it is convenient or not convenient at the time for the sole purpose of lending a hand to another human being. lastly, it's sad to know what the preachers say on the subject of non believers. these non believers can still be all about good and understanding life and the way it works and dedicating part of their life to helping others and still be damned because they weren't saved. does this actually mean that their acts of kindness and dedication to helping others will never be taken in to consideration? for those who want you to join the largest man made cult in world history, that answer is abviously YES. for those non believers who believe everything we do in this world holds a purpose and a place and who deny what the true believers talk about in general, that answer is a definate NO. if we were meant to hold all the answers, we would have been born with them and not feel that our soul can be man made with thoughts, words, and guidance that could never come from with what were were born with inside our own selves. religion is man made. not god made. the most important thing to consider without referring to labels(believers and non believers) is what we were actually born with. our own gifts. and that can only come from truely knowing our own selves...
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