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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. what are you talking about? aren't you hosted with xisto? let's take a vote. who has the same problem as nameless???? like i said. all you need are two mx entries. i will give them to you here. 10 aspmx.l.google.com 20 alt1.aspmx.l.google.com the first one is set with a 10 priority and the other one set to a 20 priority. those are the only two mx records you need. entering 1, 2, 3, etc... as priorities are not follpwing the simple steps google gave your nameless. it may work...heck...it may not work. who the heck knows. all i know is your way isn't the way google is telling you to set it up. i must be insane to continue posting in your threads if you insist on doing things your way instead of the ways that have been proven already to work. guess what though? xisto offers a cpanel that works that way. so let's just ask this question. is it the cnames, the mx records, or is it just YOU. as much as i try to tell you to keep things simples, you are failing to realize what that even means. you get frustrated for no reason when the answer is right in front of your face when you are unwilling to offer the solutions for yourself. you are always taking the hard route for everything you do. so you used your credit to buy a domain name, but not hosting because you are hosted somewhere else. when you write your questions, you need to inform people where you are hosted at so we are able to help you better if you insist on doing things the hard way here. i was under the assumption you bought your hosting through Xisto - Web Hosting. so you have hosting elsewhere and having trouble with it non stop. even with setting up domain email addresses through google. well nameless, that says a lot about your hosting company. why do you even insist on staying there?!?!?
  2. i just created a sub domain off my .com domain to go through the exact steps again in creating an email account for it in google. it's all set up and working. to verify, i didn't change my cname, but just uploaded the file they told me to and created 2 mx records in cpanel. after i did all that, my mail was working instantly. i followed the exact steps to create it nameless. i don't think you are following the exact steps given to you. it is not a problem on google's side so i wouldn't start wondering if google loves you or not.
  3. so you like to torture animals huh newbie? i think that that is nothing really to brag about here. maybe someone who doesn't like you should come knocking on your door and do the same to you.
  4. you're not following, it's a matter of a cname record to allow "mail.yoursubdomain.yourdomain.com" the only thing i can think of right now is that it takes up to 48 hours for dns entries to propogate. i am going to create a sub domain from my original domain and create a seperate google account for it and see what i can do with it. this question is bothering me because i have googled this question and there are very little answers to it.
  5. sorry to hear about what happened. since you don't know for sure what happened and all you do know is that your family member is missing, i would go easy and assume the best of the worst and think that someone took him rather than something killed him.
  6. yea, those would be the steps alright. i am not understanding what you mean by subdomain though. i thought we were talking about domain email hosting. i didn't really catch that you were referring to a sub domain until now. a sub domain for what domain? is the email service working but you just can't access it by mail.yourdomain.com? this subdomain issuew threw me for a loop here. it's late. let me sleep on it but try to answer the questions....
  7. i used to go to wyoming every year in yellowstone national park. i am very familiar with all the animals jhaslip named including grizlies. i was always told that when walking with someone else, always keep talking so the animals hear you or you will startle them and there is a high risk of an attack. if walking alone, you use a couple bells tied to your shoe lace to make noise not to startle. but in general, you are supposed to be able to coinhabit the same area without being attacking....not getting too close ofcourse for safety reasons.the scariest time though was when i was chased by a bull moose. they are HUGE. i was flyfishing on a lake and i noticed a moose walking my way in the distance. knowing that he will probably just walk right on by me if i keep doing what i'm doing, i just kept doing what i was doing. well, when the moose got 20 yards from me, it started jogging. i thought it was cool to watch at first until the jog turned in to a run directly for me. luckily, i had my hip high waders on and just walked in the lake. the moose didn't stop. in fact it started in after me in the water. after i was hip high, the moose stopped running and walked back out and away in the same direction he was going before.anyway, afterwards, i thought it was quite an exciting moment after getting over the moment i thought i was gonna die haha. i talked to the ranger about what happened and even he said that that was a rare occurance where a moose would charge for no reason like that.came 10 feet close to a buffalo(or bison) when i had to walk around him when this huge creature fell asleep on a hiking trail. i also remember one instance when three of us were in the back country and we had to stop flyfishing and hake back because it started storming. thunder/lightning and all. on our way back. this big grizly was on crossed our trail, stood up on two feet and started sniffing the sky for about 5-10 seconds. we froze. it went away but aboviously saw us and smelled us.my backyard were i grew up in los angeles, we had black widow spiders which could kill a small child. also, when i was training for cross country, my buddies would train on a dirt trail in the mountains. i remember one day after a rain, we decided to run and could hardly step anywhere without stepping on a baby rattle snake on the trail. never seen so many in my life. babies are killers because they will release all their venom where an adult can control the output and wont release it all. i also remember when i was very young in the fourth grade, one of my best friends had to move in the hills. i remember watching coytes eat their prey in front of his basement window....but the scariest crap was noticing the rattlesnakes in his pool. his place gave me the creeps.i now live in missouri. this place gives me the creeps too because it's a whole new set of creatures out there. specifically the snakes you don't want to come across including the copperhead and the cottonmouth. we have a lot of creeks here which i LOVE to go to and explore, but even that gives me the creeps not knowing if i'm gonna hit a snake den of some kind because they love the water here. i have seen so many snakes swimming around here, it's not even funny. not of that compares to the deadliest creature on earth though. let me tell you something. i grew up in los angeles california and i have had a gun pulled on me three times. human beings have to be the deadliest creature on this earth. some places in los angeles back in the 80's, in some neighborhoods, you had to hang your head down low or be shot just for looking at someone and drawing attention to yourself. that's no joke. so in my opinion, all the deadliest animals and creatures of the world don't ever compare to human beings.some of the deadliest animals can be found in africa, which i spent 3 weeks there once. i heard a lion roar 20 feet away from me. a leopard growled and hissed at our car while i was taking pictures of it 5 feet away(scared the crap out of me. it was so fast and thought it was going to attack). strangest experience though was getting chased by two hippos out of their territory while they were sun bathing in a river. i was like 20 yards away....but that was too close for them.i know not all these experiences were in my "backyard" but they are my experiences :)last one i promise. in hawaii in maui, i was hiking in the back country. i came across something you would usually only see in the movies. i pond with a great waterfall flowing in to it. i went swimming and swam to the waterfall. i climbed out and hiked to the top of the waterfall and debated wether i should jum in. in was about 3 stories high. decided not to and kept hiking. i kept noticing these BEAUTIFUL spider webs. elegantly formed with a spider in the middle of each one. they were pretty to look at and wicked at the same time. i didn't know what to make of them. i then ran in to a couple hiking the opposite way and this guy showed me his back. part of his back swelled up to the size of two adult fists. it was nasty looking. he told me he walked right in to one of those spider webs and the spider bit him. it was the nastiest spider bite i ever saw and no doubt he would have to go to the hospital after finding their way back to civilization. i decided to turn back and not risk running in to one of those things by accident.i absoultely HATE small animals and insects that are able to bite me at any time. i am with the person who said he'd rather deal with the larger animals. THAT'S ME!!!
  8. mahesh2k- sign in to your administrator account at google-apps. under service settings, click on EMAIL. you will see web address at the top section with an opportunity to click on CHANGE URL. do that. you have the settings set to default so just click the other option and type in "MAIL". click continue and your settings should be saved. nameless, i don't believe i ever changed a thing in any area of my cpanel. i also believe the cname was created for me. all i had to do was set up the records in my gmail account. it was a snap. now i just access my mail through mail.mydomain.com i would highly suggest you let someone do this for you if you are having problems because you might just really mess things up here if you don't know what you're doing where you will eventually have to request the support from xisto to restore what you did. here is a snippet of what i got when i signed up for hosting with my domain name.... To learn how to setup and deploy Google Apps, visit our getting started resource center for tips and instructions: google.com/a/help/intl/en/admins/resources/setup/ Step 1: Sign in to the administrative control panel. Here you can manage your user accounts and customize Google Apps. To access the control panel Step 2: Verify domain ownership. Before we can fully activate your services, you will need to verify ownership of yourdomain.com. From the control panel, you can verify by either uploading an HTML file or creating a special CNAME record. Verifying ownership does not cause any change to your existing services. at first, you were asking about the uploaded file. now you are talking about changing your cname records when google is only requesting either OR. NOT BOTH. obviously the first step is to create your administrator account. have you even done this yet? then you need to sign in to your account and verify domain ownership either by uploading a file or changing your cname records to whatever the instructions tell you. have you even done this yet? uploading a file is easy. to change your cname records, you need to log in to your domain control panel at Xisto - Domains.com
  9. i would LOVE a link to where this was quoted from
  10. with eager anticipation for the day i get out of bed, i realized it was only a dream. I woke up without the sound of the alarm clock. there was a strange whisper of silence surrounding me with a lonely ray of sunbeam sneaking in past my drawn down window shades, grazing over my left eye. not fully awake yet, i sit up in my half eaten bed from owning a dog who likes to play and chew on things(my only best friend). I rub my eyes a little, stand up to stumble across the room still half asleep to turn on the television. it has always been my favorite part of the day to watch the morning news...never knowing what the day will bring."that's odd", i think to myself. "why isn't this damn thing turning on!". then it occurred to me. the electricity is off! that's why i didn't hear my alarm clock. what's even more odd is that i don't even remember anything from the previous day. knowing i have to start my day and not even knowing what time it is, i scramble to the closet to try and find my battery powered, hand held radio. it was mixed in with a bunch of other junk i hardly ever use. i head to the kitchen with my dog following me, poor myself a large bowl of cereal, and some on my half rotten tile floor for my best friend "trigger". i grab the milk from the fridge knowing it's probably still good but not as cold as it should be or as i like it. i sit down to eat and fiddle for a radio news station thinking at this point, i just really want to know what time it is. "hmmmmm", i thought to myself. all the stations seem to be dead. i keep flipping the dial in hopes i'll get...."AHHHH!!!! here we go! i found one!". i take in a big spoonfull of cereal in my mouth. while wiping the dribbles of milk from my chin, i freeze in disbelief! i don't think i will ever forgot those words i just heard on the radio....
  11. i hate when people say "don't watch this movie" in their reveiws. you said it TWICE and repeated yourself.i personally LOVE movies. i love every aspect of movies. i have read poor reveiws before, watched the movie myself and loved it. i have watched movies with GREAT reviews and hated them.but when i say hate, i mean it's a movie i wouldn't watch again. because typically, i don't think i ever stopped watching a movie i started.i think comments like "don't watch it" should be left out of reviews and up to the viewer for his/her own reveiw.when i graduated from high school with one of my best friends, he went on to major in radio/tv/film. there was an exceptional program at usc. he was a natural film critic to say the least and he told me not to watch a movie once. told me to trust him. i would hate it. i believed him. 5 years later, i rented it because i had my doubts and i liked it. it wasn't the best movie, but i liked it. was entertaining and didn't put me to sleep.so everyone will have their own seperate review and what they liked and didn't like about any specific movie. just don't be telling people not to watch movies just because you didn't like it. that is one poor review if that's all you got and have to repeat yourself like you absolutely know for sure people wont like this movie(why else would you repeat yourself and be firm).rotten tomatoes ranks this movie at 36% while netflix ranks it at 4 out of 5 stars for me. so who the heck knows.
  12. i've had to create a couple verification files in the past. it's an easy way for google to verify you have proper authority to use certain services.just create the file, input the text, save it and upload it per the SIMPLE SIMPLE instructions. if you don't want the file there after google verifies and creates your domain email account, then just delete it. no big deal.
  13. well there ya go. i just downloaded it. i'm gonna fiddle with it and see how much resources it's using. it's the closest thing to what i was looking for so far. i'll come back later and post a review. now i just need to find the right pictures that wont interfere with my icons and test it
  14. crap crap crap!i just realized that on vista, you have to enter a valid picture file such as gif,jpg,png. wont let me enter an html file at all.on previous versions of windows, i know you could set an active desktop to display web content. visto replaced the active desktop however.but see, i don't even want to go through the web. just create a file that changes night to day....maybe 6 times. i don't want to input any web address but just a file. this sucks.any way around this in vista???
  15. aside from less software availabilty and support as a disadvantage, you forgot to mention price. price is a HUGE factor and disadvantage. macs are very powerfull computers though. we used to do all post production- video and audio editing on macs before sending out the project for duplication i never owned a mac myself. i did own an apple II+ and IIc haha that doesn't count. that was pre mac days
  16. hope this helps.... http://www.vivalogo.com/
  17. the easy way to install things from scratch would be to go in to your control panel and fantastico, and install drupal from there. it will give you the option to creat another folder to install drupal or just leave blank to install directly on your domain name(your first level). just fill in the blanks, nameless. once you do that, then i would upload any files you had created previously(if any).your domain name is your name. it isn't really a keyword that anyone would google. that's what i meant by the folder you created. you already had that as your domain name. any other folder you create should be a keyword that people would likely search on google or any other search engine to find your site. this word or words(word_word.html) folder should have some thought behind it. don't call it "drupal" either.your public_html folder or your main domain folder is your first level. you are bypassing your first level and going directly to your second level creating an unneccessary folder and it not only looks ugly, search engines wont be liking it much when you hit your 3rd and fourth levels(creating directories within directories). like i said. try to write a structure down on paper. visualize what the levels would be. it's not that hard to imagine that "yourdomain.com" is your first level. any directory you create on that level would be your second level. in this case "yourdomain.com/yourdomainname/" where your domain name is actually your name.we talked about cron jobs before. do you not recall the whole thread you created? in this case, to make sure your script is running, you need to go in to your control panel, under advanced(i believe), you should see "cron jobs". enter that and make sure there is a cron job for cron.php. a file that was created when you installed drupal.so since you already uploaded your drupal folder, i would backtrack, delete that folder and any database you manually created(if any) and try to install drupal through fantastico on your domain name which would actually install directly in to your public_html folder. i would start from there, nameless....and THEN if you have any questions, ask them.again, i highly don't agree with installing it in another directory for the reasons you gave.when you first get hosted, there will be an index file in your public_html folder. you will need to delete that or it will interfere with any other index file created. the index file is the first file searched for when someone goes to your site unless you edit your .htaccess file which you don't need to at this time so don't worry about it. just make sure you only have one index file with whatever extention(htlm, htm, php, etc....). now if there is no index file, i believe a user wanting to go to your site will just see your first level directory on whatever browser they are using. you don't want this so you have to make sure you have your index file in place.if you follow the steps, you will have learned something new. if you don't like it, you can always uninstall drupal the same way you installed it. through fantastico. fantastico is great because whatever you install, you can uninstall with a click of a button and you are back where you left off(for the most part).now i hope you undertand a little better in what i was talking about. try to keep things as simple as you can. if not, i give up haha. i was thinking of just going in your cpanel myself and installing it for you. it only takes 3 minutes to delete the directory where drupal is now, install drupal through fantastico, and set up your one cron job for maintanance. but then that wouldn't do you any good since you like to learn and know what to do for future reference. so i really do hope you understand what i'm telling you. the main purpose of this don't forget was to get your website hosted on your domain name. not a folder above your domain name. trust me, you want to do this because if you're confused now, things will just be more confusing when you start creating other directories/folders.OK- now, i just read your last post, so i am editing this one.....DO NOT USE ANY REDIRECTION right now. don't even think about it nameless. you said you have another site. let's worry about installing drupal and getting this site going first. when the time comes to incorparate your other site(wherever it is). you have two options. 3 options. you can just copy the files from your other account to this one and all is good. or, if you insist on redirect, you can redirect from a directory and file you created to point to this other site.....OR you can copy all files from your other site, host them on this one under whatever directory, and redirect from the old site. if you are not getting any search engine traffic, then the best way to do this is without any redirection. just copy all your files and put them on the site you are creating now. there would be absolutely no reason to redirect if you aren't getting any search engine traffic(which i highly doubt you are). anybody who knows your website, you can give them your new one. or create a main page index file for your other site with a link to your new one without even redirecting.get redirection out of your head please because i highly doubt you will need to redirect ANYTHING even when you have another site that you want to link with this one. comprende? again, you are thinking too much and thinking way ahead of yourself. KEEP THINGS SIMPLE as possible. i know it gets confusing but we all are here to help....and i know i will help as much as i can to retrain your brain to keep things simple because it is really needed at this point.my advice when creating your website will also incorporate seo. so when the time comes when you have to create other directories, think about good keywords in nameing that directory(don't name it your name, or blog, or drupal). i can help you with this when the time comes too. but for now, let's concentrate on one thing at a time.
  18. for those of you who are having trouble with dish network and feel you are getting nowhere with their customer service reps, i am going to give you information that was given in an earlier part of this thread that can easy get lost with all the scam and fraud complaints against dish network. this is the same information i had used to get several of my own complaints heard and most issues corrected. this is valuable information and hard to come by since dish network will usually refuse to give out such information. i talked to a guy by the name of bill watson who works in the executive office in colorado. his only job is to keep people happy. his phone # is 720-514-7332 hope this helps. come back and post about your experience! this thread is getting the #1 spot in google for "dish network scam". the website below this thread would be the consumer affairs website against dish network https://www.consumeraffairs.com/cable_tv/dish_network.html this thread is also getting the #1 spot for "dish network fraud". let's keep this thread going so it keeps the #1 spots so other people can easy find this thread and becopme more aware about dish networks fraud and scam practices!
  19. here's a resource in how to create an escape the room game in flash...i dunno if this helps at all. i just googled it http://www.flashclassroom.com/docs/documenpetheroomf8.pdf
  20. ok. i don't like what you are doing at all. why in the world are you choosing to redirect? give me some logical reason for this, nameless.second, you are always doing things the hard way. all you needed to do was reinstall from scratch where the database would have been created automatically for you, and THEN you could upload any other files you had or needed.third, your domain name isn't even a good keyword....so if you do plan on redirecting, why on god's earth would you use the same name as your domain???don't be putting everything on your second level down. start from the first level. you will need some structure on your website so write down on a piece of paper FIRST what you want that structure to look like. for example. you want a blog. where are you going to put it? maybe eventually you might consider a forum. where are you going to put it? right now, your structure is starting at the second level. if you think google likes this, you are mistaken. anything you put on your third level should be going to your second level. when your website grows, you're going to be running in to problems. you need to think LONG AN D HARD about your structure. your structure is built on a base(your domain name). drupal isn't a blog. it's content management. you would put your blog in the folder you created for drupal. not drupal. or you would create a sub domain for your blog if you're feelin' froggy right now and think it can get more attention from the search engines that way.so, in my opinion, scratch all your questions. i would reinstall drupal on your domain name and not a sub directory. i would then ftp the files you already created on your other server. then i would go in to cron jobs and create one for your cron.php file set to run every week for now.most importantly, keep things SIMPLE. you complicate things with all your wondering thoughts.if you have questions, GOOD....but don't ask questions just to disregard the answers because you changed your mind. get your mind set. have a plan, write it all out on paper, and FOLLOW IT and ask questions based on your set plan that you don't intend to change. again...keep things SIMPLE and don't let your wondering thoughts influence what you know you want.there are many ways to create a website so i understand it can get confusing. everything is give and take though which means you can't have it all on one website. it also means to gain something, you have to lose something. choose the most important things you want out of a website right now and initiate your plan and structure behind those most imnportant things. when you start to build your website though, concentrate on one thing at a time. not 100 things as you always allow yourself to do to become distracted to what is most important.you have your domain name....GOOD. now it's just sitting there doing nothing. this domain name has a meaning and a purpose. allow it to fullfill that, nameless. stop screwin' around.
  21. first of all, you need to include your html tag. you have your closing tag but not your opening one.title is good, but you aren't making sense in your metatags. follow jhaslips correct format for meta tags. there are two correct formats for metatags. yours isn't one of them. the most important metatags would be the description and keywords.body needs lots of work and i don't know exactly what you are intending.do you want a couple columns as truefusion asked. is everything going to be on one page only?i guess what you have is a start. i suggest creating a seperate css file if you plan on using it.i would add your html tag, correct your metatags, and think about how you want your layout so we can be more helpfull.
  22. hmmm interesting! html for the background, huh? i will do some research in how to change backgrounds on a timer then. maybe i should make sure an html background will work first...
  23. that's why you need to research before you buy. when i was looking for coverage, i had to base my choice on the high service areas for my specific area. all the companies have that information to hand out to you anytime you ask. it's not their fault. they don't know what area you'll be using your service. you may travel alot. you may have bought a plan while on vacation and don't plan on using it in the area you bought it. who knows. fact still remain, you didn't do your research. it's not their fault. it's yours. consider this a learning experience after spending $600. on another note, when switching from sprint to another providor, i would have highly recomended verizon. oh well. too late now. verizon is the best service providor in my opinion although i don't even have a cell phone now. why'd you go with spirint in the beginning anyway? they rank up there with t-mobile. what a joke.
  24. i am creating a website. when it's done, i will have to update it every day.i think it would be too much of a hassle to just try and edit the html file every day especially if there was a risk of changing something by accident.i was thinking if there was some sort of form i could just fill out that would automatically update the code or automatically create another file which would attatch itself to the already existing code.am i making myself clear here? i want the new code to be on top of the old code. not on the bottom where the newer data will always be seen first.it's somewhat how certain blogs are set up to do but my website is not a blog.
  25. well good to get the internet i was longing for back up and running. now i find myself in a dilemma. somewhat similar to nameless's endless dilemma's about his website.before i took absense, i was sorta on a roll with a website i imagined with a little twists and other pages i wanted to create. now it seems like i'm stuck with no motivation trying to settle in to this new place knowing i can't settle in any better than this right now.so my time has been spent doing stupid things on the internet along with just downloading a bunch of movies and watching them. nothing to productive on my end so far and it's leaving me quite bored while i'm going through this non motivation phase in regards to my website and my ideas i have for certain other pages.i don't even like looking at my website right now because it's so overwhelming knowing though it really isn't that overwhelming. just seems to be right now.anyway, thought i would share a little more to this thread here....mindless babble if i do say so myself
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