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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. i have never had a problem uploading through the file manager. but i prefer an ftp client. so it works now. GREAT! good job! do you know what the problem was?
  2. i can't believe any of you. people are so gullible to the news these days. the news just controls all your lives. if the news says something, it HAS to be true or we HAVE to just jump to more conclusions than what was stated publically. it's a shame that all i see are little robots conforming to the media and have forgotten the fact that you have a mind of your own. people CAN still read, can't they? i suggest reading and understanding the article before jumping to conclusions.what ever happened to INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY? where are the facts that support the child or family? what if in fact they didn't return the laptop when they were supposed to and the school had EVERY right to try to find out where it was?this is one thing i absolutely HATE about trap. it caters to children who can crucify without just cause. anyone watch the passion of the christ? GREAT movie. same thing. i think you all should stick to your game boys.
  3. personally, if i were those two girls, i wouldn't want anything to do with you. you are playing games, you don't know what you want, and you're hurting people because of it. let's face the facts. you are NOT ready for any sort of relationship. if you are, STOP HURTING PEOPLE! get those two women in here so i can give THEM advice. they are worth more than you could probably ever give right now.
  4. i think it looks a lot better, but you need more input than from just me. 3 things. where's your search form? where is "tutorials for web designers"? and something seems off on the right hand side. it looks lonely :angel: ummmm maybe centering your name and graphic would do the trick, or ummm put your search in the menu bar and also put "tutorials for web designers on the right across from your title and graphic. i say definately include "tutorials for web designers" or something similar. that one keyword phrase is competing with 8,000,000 websites so maybe i would add a word to it. but if you don't, that's ok too. i am one to always focus on seo though. but again, i hope you get more input than just mine. everyone has their own tastes and what something should look like. this is YOUR project so it really has to make sense to YOU and whoever you are targeting to visit your website. but i think it looks a lot better. and your header is smaller which is good too because you don't want the top page taking up more room than it has to.
  5. that's a lot of dns settings there :angel: anyway, from my understanding, all you really have to do is create your subdomain name on the other server while at the same time, you have to change your dns settings and create an A record of the sub domain. when you do this, you will have to know the ip of the server that is going to be hosting your sub domain. i think that's basically the solution here. since you already have a ton of records, i'm sure you know how to change them by now.
  6. WOW! great post bud! makes me want to go out and take some pictures again. reminds me of the old days when i was just learning and excited about taking pictures. photography was always a hobby that left me the most fullfilled....except maybe when i bought my first computer 25 years ago and was learning everything under the sun and taking advantage of what i learned. one definately has to have an eye for a picture. even if it's just a "simple" group photo because the background is also key....even if you blur it with your aperature setting. people would often look at me funny when i take pictures because i would get in to the weirdest position to take one. or people sometimes don't have the patience when i am taking a picture of them and i want them to move to the left or right. photography to me isn't just about taking a picture. it's about creativity and ART. or patience when you know a shot will come within 1-10 minutes and only have 2 seconds to shoot it. i've put my camera in between tree branches or on the hood of a car(proped up with whatever i could find) when i didn't have a tripod. even then it gets tricky when you push the button to take a picture since you still have potential camera movement.anyway, brought up a lot of good memories and it got me excited all over again. GREAT post! i don't say it lightly as i rarely give post compliments.
  7. your graphic looks nice and adds a better demension for your theme. to bad you couldn't add little book graphics for menu options because i think that coulda look pretty cool. where's your description under your title? :angel: also, i still don't like two menu bars in between your header. something just seems off....but that's just me. but again, the book adds better visual effects so good job on that!
  8. hey simpleton. well, i think jonny is on track is saying, "write about what you know". you do know something don't ya? well, i guess when life calls and there are distractions, it's hard to get back in to the groove of things. i hope the distractions were good ones. maybe Xisto is a distraction until you find your niche. who knows. if you are having trouble writing about something at first, visit the news sites for top breaking news stories and comment on them and see if it gets any response. you don't really have to think creatively to come up with new topics that way. also, you might just start by replying to threads that other people started just to get you started writing again. if you're going to school, talk about what you are learning and any opinions you have on the subject. whatever you do, don't think to much on it because you'll spend more thinking than doing.and OFCOURSE you are back for mycents :angel: if you didn't know what to talk about, you wouldn't be back at all. it's always good to keep a nice little reserve of credits though. at lesat a years worth in my opinion because you never know what unexpected circumstances you will have when real life comes your way in unusual ways that prevents you to keep up your hosting without forking over your own cash.
  9. recurring just means you will pay the same amount again a year from now. that's all that means. if it WASN'T recurring, then you wouldn't have to pay that same amount every year :angel:the next due date could be an error, or it could mean that your sale is pending and since your purchase hasn't been updated yet, then today would be your next payment date (or due date).right now you have a sub domain and you purchased a top level domain(tld). if you park your new domain, should automatically point to your subdomain that you are already using. if you plan to make it an addon domain, then it wont point anywhere. it will give you an opportunity to create a whole new website.so basically, if you bought the domain for your current website so people can type in your new domain rather than your sub domain, then just park it. if you bought it to create a new website, you will have to use it as an addon domain.as far as seo for parked domains is that it wont help and can only hurt because the whole domain is duplicate content from your main domain(in your case, your sub domain). also, i think instead of parking any domain(if you decide to do that), i think 301 redirect would be a better option.now i can't really answer your question more in depth in giving advice in how you should approach this until you can be clear in what you want your new domain to be used for.
  10. yea, i don't think they would change any theme settings. and like bani said. you should always have a backup anyway so if by some miricle something was changed, you just drag and drop your theme back in to place :angel: you have to worry about the other files you mod or installing mods when upgrading. personally though, i don't see much use in upgrading if you have your forum exactly the way you want it anyway.
  11. i would go with smf if it's your first forum. it's a lot simpler to set up and the mods that already come with the forum are great. phpbb is good too, but you are going to have to spend a lot of time modding it where smf is more out of the box. i researched this topic a while back and found that users who have used both like smf better. not by a small margin. maybe 65%-35%. i also heard there are more security risks with phpbb so if you go with that one, i would research that area as well. although if you don't mind spending a lot of time modding it, phpbb may be a good solution for forum hosting. i am sticking with smf. it was really easy to install, excellent features out of the box, more user friendly too in my opinion but everyone has their own tastes. and just because i love the simplicity of it doesn't mean it's unprofessional or what not. it can be made to compete with paid software.
  12. yea, i was already thinking on the lines of stretching the image proportionately in an editor. i think i will give that a try. as far as the table, you read my mind about that and i think that will also be next on my list. whether i use div or not, i definately don't need a table. i only inserted it in a table that already existed originally before i seperated the two(which for some reason ie liked). and AGAIN you read my mind about the h1. there was a reason i used "big" originally because h1 wasn't outputing correctly. it may have to do with what's in my css file. i am also going to look in to that as well. i just wanted something that looked ok at first so i can work on the forum itself which i have no accomplished that along with the rest of my site so i am going to take a break after today in the coding area and maybe work on content. i learned a lot in this thread and i appreciate all the help and advice.
  13. just because you set up a business offshore, doesn't make it completely legal, ash. there are new presidents being made every year as time goes by with laws for the internet and countries like the u.s. who have already sued offshore companies. this is mainly due to the fact that some transactions don't always accur affshore, but in the united states as well. that's why it's almost impossible now to even try to gamble online in the united states(with a few exceptions). if you researched any laws regarding this nature, you would think twice before making blanket statements and suggestions that can lead to people getting in trouble. now i no expert in this offshore area, but i wouldn't ever conclude that your suggestion is legal either....
  14. haha, ain't THAT the truth! i have lived in small towns for the last 5 years or so. anyway, it seems like it was a security issue or at least that is what the school is claiming. they actually give out laptops to all the students(i have never heard of a school doing this before) and some of the laptops were supposedly reported stolen. so when they ran their security features which enabled the webcams to see where the missing laptops were, pictures were taken. the reason why there is a big fuss now is that the administration interegated a child about one or more of the pictures that were taken and thought the child might have been taking pills, but it turned out it was only candy. the school recovered some of the laptops that were missing, but not all of them after they activated the webcams and other security features on the laptop. BUT! this is only going by what the school is saying. it may or may not be true. also, when someone asked the kid if the laptop was reported stolen, he failed to comment due to the pending lawsuit. that's fishy to me.....almost like they don't want to admit that the laptops were reported stolen and the school was within their rights to legally recover the laptops by turning on the webcams of the missing laptops.
  15. gosh durnit! that was too easy. i was way too tired last night to figure crap out. i thought i had tried that hahaha.anyway, i got everything aligned and centered, including the text. i didn't use absolute, i used relative as per jonny's suggestion and i now got the text centered.my next and final question is ideas in how to stretch the background image to 100% of the screen. the table is at 100% already and i put the image background in a td cell. the table below is at 91% only because i can't seem to stretch the background image on the top and i wanted it centered.any suggestions? this is the last question before the topic can be closed :angel:i do want to thank jonny for being a big help, and true fusion for actually delivery the right code. this is what my code looks like now. i got rid of the if and else statements. they were just a waste of code. although everything seems ok in firefox and ie, i'm wondering about other browsers....but not really that important. <body>'; echo ' <table width="100%"> <tr> <td style="background: url(\'', $settings['images_url'], '/header.jpg\') no-repeat top center;">'; // This part is the logo and forum name. You should be able to change this to whatever you want... echo ' <span style="position: relative; top: -13px; left: 270px; z-index:1;"> <big style="font-family: Segoe Print; font-weight: bold;"><big><big><big><big>Online Cheapo</big></big></big></big></big><br></span> <span style="position: relative; top: -13px; left: 130px; z-index:1;"> <big style="font-family: Segoe Print; font-weight: bold;"><big><big>Cheap and Free Product Samples & Services Online</big></big></big></span>'; echo ' </td> </tr></table><table align="center" width="91%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
  16. ok. with true fusions code and with the help of jonny, i made a break through here. i also had to add a little more code and created a table for the top part where it wasn't dedicated to a table before. this allowed ie to show similar output(except for the text, but i am not worried about that now)now if you go to my website which is listed above, it shows the background image not completley centered on the right hand side if comparing that to the blocks below it. how can i fix this? the table itself is already at 100%
  17. that was a pretty good suggestion there. i tried it and tried to modify other parts of the code, but i still couldn't get it to work. that code actually made the most sense to me for some reason too. i decided to post my problem on the smf community forum as well. hopefully i can get this issue resolved.
  18. evidently that code wont work. it doesn't allow me to create a table without echoing it. when i do, the words show up fine, but the image is not recognized. from my research, you have to use css. but i tried doing that too and to no avail.i will try any suggestions and report back. i need specific instructions. also, that code wouldn't have been good anyway since i wan't to put the image in a cell and not the whole table :angel:should i list the code for the whole table? maybe something is interfering. i just listed the code with the top part of the table. also, to go to the site, and view the source, some of the code is hidden so that wont do much good in debugging. just to look at how i would like the output to look like....
  19. winter may be over, but the rainy season is upon us. i hate that worse although i LOVE the thunder storms. you work to hard. maybe try sticking with just the kennel....sheeeesh.
  20. i knew someone was going to ask for the link. i wasn't ready to give out my domain just yet or what i am doing, but this is too important. the i got the theme from smf. it's the babylon theme. i liked the simplicity of it, i like blue, and the colors matched. you can view the source from the link... onlinecheapo. com/free-product-samples-forum/ just make sure you get rid of the space when you go to it :angel: i wanted to make the top of the page look like my domain and blog. anything that comes close though is good though. my main concern is IE. how i have it now loads up in firefox good. and for the life of me, i can't figure out how to center the text without hitting the clown the link to the image is "header.jpg" originally, it had a small smf image which was 250px floating to the right, and "online cheapo" was written on the left. that was the original code. i illiminated the float right and increased the width to 1163px or something like that which was the pax allowed unless i wanted the td(table data) below it to move to the right. the original theme came with the table data. i just started getting my motivation back in creating a website so this has really put a dent in things. i am far from an expert in php and css. i don't have time to learn any of that stuff anymore so it's more a learn as you go kinda thing. i did try to research my problem before posts(over two hours) and no luck. i tried using css too with no luck. it wouldn't even show the image, "header.jpg" for some reason. also, i don't think i need the else statements in that section of the code but i haven't messed around too much with the rest of the code. just trying to get my image in there where i can write text on top of it.
  21. yea, i hear ya! i have experienced this problem too and it's VERY annoying. the only thing i can think of is the settings are set to a certain # of seconds before you are able to post again. this is to prevent spammers. but i have experienced this before when i hadn't posted in a while. i will actually get done writing my post. when i send it, i get the error. sometimes it wont even let me reply. i am used to it though:) i just take it with a grain of salt. nothing's ever perfect
  22. you would still have the same problem as before. the newbies and not so new users will still ask for the rep points. in fact, we already have a rep syste,. anyone can go to their profile to see how they are rated and go to other peoples profile to rate them. unfortunately, i had a good rating before two fake accounts gave me a one star now it's back up to 4. probably because of jonny(not to sure who raised my rating from 3 stars) but i would love for trap to mix things up. even the shoutbox was good for the time being in mixing things up. trying new things is always a bonus to hear the users reactions. and people would would post and leave a comment to rate them? that would be just totally annoying. i am not here to hear that crap. i am here for quality posts or posts that aren't quality but used sparingly. every amaturish blog and forum has a rating system. it's a cool thing to have. it all starting big when they had those rating sites about 15 years ago. what i DO like about a rating system is that it gets the users more involved. if we do impliment a rating system, i would like to see a unique and original one. this is what trap needs. NEW AN D ORIGINAL that will stand out and get the users to post more and become more interactive.
  23. shame on you to promote are pets as food! haha you might as well talk about how good DOG is to eat since that is common to raise for food in other coutries. AHS- don't let sheepdog near your puppy! haha now guinea pig is a whole other story. they eat those too in other countries. that's ok though because they are just UGLY! :angel:
  24. dang! i don't know what the fuss is about. you still have the two lowest packages available which would really suite most any website. the first package includes 5 addon domains and what...the second offers ONE HUNDRED. i think it's good that Xisto - Web Hosting.com is mixing it up a little bit and i can definately see an advantage of that type of hosting although it really does promote over selling where computinhost said they wouldn't stoop, and started on that path a couple years ago or so.i still think that one day Xisto - Web Hosting should start thinking about competing with the other well known webhosts out there that offer virtually unlimited features for 5-$6. but see, when you offer such low rates, you run a very big risk of someone abusing the servers as well. but that's why the cheapest prices are for a 24 month term.well i personally like the package, but i doubt i would ever need it. if i were to change it, i would definately offer 3-5 addon domains. the people complaining about how they can't earn enough mycents in a year are people who don't know any better and just like to complain about any little thing. in fact. people CAN earn $100. i started with $90 in june of last year when i bought my hosting and a domain for a year which cost me $30. so i was left with $60 credit. it's now 8 months later (2/3 of a year) and i have almost $300 in credits now. so i am averaging more than DOUBLE that hosting package every year. the key is to post for your hosting if you want the package you want. so if people can complain how they can't earn enough mycents, i guess opaque can complain how people can't get off their butts and post. works both ways folks! although we never see him complain. i can imagine him sitting at his computer desk thinking all sorts of thoughts! haha....
  25. here is the code i have from the start of the body to the first part of the table where i want to create either a background image where i can write some text over it and to the left. the image stretches almost 100% of the screen. here is the code i have so far.... <body>'; // Because of the way width/padding are calculated, we have to tell Internet Explorer 4 and 5 that the content should be 100% wide. (or else it will assume about 108%!) echo ' <div id="headerarea" style="padding: 12px 30px 4px 30px;', $context['browser']['needs_size_fix'] && !$context['browser']['is_ie6'] ? ' width: 100%;' : '', '">'; // The logo and the three info boxes. echo ' <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"> <tr> <td colspan="2" valign="bottom" style="padding: 5px; white-space: nowrap;">'; // This part is the logo and forum name. You should be able to change this to whatever you want... echo ' <img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/header.jpg" style="width: 1163px; float: ', !$context['right_to_left'] ? 'right' : 'left', ';" alt="" />'; if (empty($settings['header_logo_url'])) echo ' <center><big style="font-family: Segoe Print; font-weight: bold;"><big><big><big><big>BIG TEXT ON TOP OF IMAGE AND ALIGNED LEFT AND CENTERED WITH THE BOTTOM TEXT</big></big></big></big></big> <h1 style="font-family: Segoe Print; font-weight: bold;">H1 HEADER TEXT ALIGNED DIRECTLY BELOW THE TOP TEXT AND CENTERED</h1></center>'; else echo ' <img src="', $settings['header_logo_url'], '" alt="', $context['forum_name'], '" border="0" />'; echo ' </td> with this code, it works with firefox, but not ie. i need to get it to work with ie. in ie, it shows my image on the very top, and below the image is the text. also, i want to center the text. imagine drawing the image in to thirds. i want to center the text at the 1/3 mark. i want it this way compared to having it centered at the 1/2 mark if you divide the image in half(if that makes sense. i hope it does) i edited what i have like a donkey because i have always had trouble with css. when i tried to use the image as a background, the image would never show up for some reason. i tried without css and WITH css in the first table data cell. i am really stuck and need some help. i tried working on this for two hours with no luck and it's only a freaking header
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