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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. don't be nervous. there are a lot of people i am sure that are supporting you and will help you if you need it including me. you just can't be afraid to ask for help even if it is just to suggest ideas or brainstorm a little or offer support in other ways. i think i am more nervous than you are about Xisto only because i don't know exactly what is being planned for it. one thing is for sure though, with a new domain name, it's back to the grinding stone in advertising it. i am glad you fixed the pm's. the only other big problem i see is that people get confused when they come here. i don't know when Xisto will be finished. if it's soon, then i don't think revamping faqs and how trap works will be worth it. also, when you fixed the pm's, you fixed a couple other things at the same time which was causing errors when you would click on a link. maybe it was all linked to the same problem....
  2. i hope he likes the outdoors. parks can be a great way to spend a birthday. i would suggest some meat for bbq. some fun things to do like a frisbee. me, i like beer with my bbq so if he drinks, then beer or alcohol. but even just a bottle of champaign works on a celebration. some little confetti poppers that people can pull the string on after singing happy birthday. obviously cake and drinks and snacks and a camera. i am a kid at heart so i still love those stupid games i used to play as a kid like pin the tail on the donkey....or even a pinata filled with his favorite candy or whatever you can fit inside what you have to make sure of though when planning something outside in advance is to make sure it doesn't rain or the wind isn't blowing too hard(since you will have a hard time keeping the candles lit). that can ruin any outdoor activity. especially a birthday that was planned well in advance. also, i know you moved recently so i don't even know how many people you know but if he has any new friends and if you do, i would invite them. usually brithday celebrations at parks means you will be inviting a lot of people. if i had a birthday and it was just two or three people there, i would prefer indoors. since i could go to the park anytime anyway. is it just going to be you, him and your daughter or do you plan on inviting people? also, how old is he? i nice paddle for the spankings might be appropriate too :angel: just do the same as you would indoors but be a little creative for outdoors. creativity runs in that family so it shouldn't be too hard
  3. i was thinking about this for some time now and want to make a suggestion regarding kontera accounts linked to Xisto, enabling users to benefit from some of the profits?although i never spoke to kontera personally, i am under a strong impression that if you don't make $100 within a 6 month period of time, you lose everything that you have gained in the past from 6 months and earlier. this is not acceptable. at least for those who aren't linking their account to any other website. it's almost impossible to hit that $100 mark in 6 months.so while this system is in place, there is a lot of wasted money that floats back in to kontera's pockets. this doesn't have to happen. i suggest trap or the new form that is being implimented in the near future doesn't share advertising profits. that way no money is wasted. trap doesn't get a very large percentage. the members get an enourmous chunk of the profits from kontera but are unable to meet that 6 month, $100 minimum. if trap kept all of it, no money would go to waste, and it would enable trap to either lower hosting costs for everyone, hire people, upgrade servers or software, etc....i would rather see the money put to good use rather than have it wasted and floating back to kontera. the users can still benefit.....just not directly through kontera where they weren't even benefiting anyway. the very few people if any that are benefiting shouldn't outweigh those who aren't where more money can be flowing through Xisto and it's membership than already is. even if the money wasn't even spent for good use on trap, at least it is money not wasted.so that is my suggestion. because although the shared advertising profits encourage posting, 99% of the members have's seen a dime because of kontera's terms and policy.
  4. i really don't know what you are trying to infer or believe right now, buffalo help. are you saying it's better to be left in the dark than being informed? are you saying that when people start mentioning their own complaints i can't pipe in and agree 100%? your "welcome message" wasn't a welcome message. it wasn't even directed at you specifically. i say the forum is falling apart, it's not just the pm's, and it's not just the other issues like the shoutbox. but a combination of things that intimate that the forum is falling apart. does patience include not acknowledging it? because i don't know why others should even have to have patience when they come here for a service and after a while, a community. it's really hard when you care about a place and can't do crap about the problems that are going on or the complaints i see ever day and the new users who always come here confused. the way you describe patience though is not really a go getter attitude. patience is always easier when people can work together....not to leave people in the dark. that's why i mentioned that the least i would expect is for an announcment and updates to the problems so people like me can be more understanding to the problems.....but being left in the dark really sucks, buffalohelp. and this is why i mentioned that maybe nobody else cares. if it's an issue to address opaque, that's fine, but we can't even pm him. actually we can, he just wont be able to read his pm's.....at lest not the normal way. but i figure if can't acknowledge anything, then maybe he just doesn't want to be bothered. i cannot believe for one second he doesn't know what's going on here. i just don't understand anything anymore...and as far as the mods and admins out of line? no. i never said that, but i think that they have their own roles and i did mention that trap used to run better when the mods and admins took a more active role in their responsibilities so why can't the user expect the same strictness on the mods as the mods had put on the members? that's was trying to say. not that anyone is out of line. so my stand here is, if there are issues, then those issues need to be fixed. if they can't be fixed or wont be fixed, then they need to at least be addressed so people don't feel like they are being ignored. sorry. but that isn't too much to ask for and nobody needs to be patient about the issues being addressed by people who are higher up than the members....like the mods or admins who might just have a clue what is going on but not saying anything. and when i have to be the bad guy explaining all this crap it makes the efforts less meaningfull so you know what? for get it. i wont post about this crap anymore. next time someone asks a question about why this or that, i will just tell them nobody is around to explain it to anyone. welcome to trap. a place where things can slowly fall apart and you are expected not to say anything or complain because that's just the way it is.
  5. good post. don't know if it belongs in tutorials though. you aren't teaching anyone HOW. but it's a very good post for basic traffic generation. people tend to concentrate on blog comments and forum posts and forget about writing articles. once a day though? naw. maybe 1 a week it takes 3 hours just to write a good article and then submit it to the article directories. it's the most ime consuming tasks of the 3, but can potentially drive the most traffic and generate the most backlinks.i do want to add 2 more because they are important for driving traffic. probably more so than the last two you mentioned and those two are social network sites and videos. social network sites have almost come to a plateau though. it will be interesting what the future holds for them but it's still a great way to get traffic if you can concentrate on adding 10 people a day or so. this works especially well if you have something you can give away for free to all your new subscribers that they can't get elswhere without spending money. videos are becoming more and more popular. youtube is getting so popular now with their searches, it has far surpassed every search engine aside from google. talk about a traffic generating machine. everything is going video now and it's paving the way for the future internet. i believe one day, forums will die out like the bbs's of the past. there will be no more submitting articles. everything will be video and the search engine will have to be more accountable for all the videos and rank them accordingly.this brings me to my next point. Xisto will soon become Xisto. a new forum in the making. traffic to forums will slowly die due to the fact that it's easier to watch a good video for anything you want to know. the forums that will last the longest will be the already well established ones. new ones in my opinion wont stand a chance since traffic WILL die down in the forum. that is something i would bet my life on. i liked your post, but you didn't even mention the best traffic generating source.....VIDEO. there are a few ways one can go about it. create your own very well organized video and put some good keywords in the description with your link on the very top, you can place your link in the comment section of high traffic videos, you can even email a video author who isn't really promoting anything in his description to put your link in it if it's relevant to the video. one idea of mine that i know someone will steal eventually is to go to different forums and find good topics and post, that will be your content for your videos. you don't have to be creative. you just have to use your own words that came from another forum. the how to's get a lot of hits. video has grown so fast, there is TONS of copywrited material that is getting stolen and put on the video sites. things are already in the making for that to change soon. i don't really know how yet, but it will change how the video sites operate.
  6. it's a browser game. he has his link on another thread somewhere if you want to have an idea what it's about and the overall look of his site....
  7. you say that on your profile. as far as me, no. i don't think people care. at least compared to a year or two ago or even when this forum started. i've always supported this forum in the past and i am blunt and i don't give off a good impression sometimes. mods in the past were quick to act. they were also strict in judgement. you know this because you wrote about it in your profile. so why don't i see these same people being strict on their own selves if they are going to take a responsibility for the forums? the pm system has been down for a week. this is probably. i wont talk about the other problems because they are minor compared to the pm system. i have used it to help others and i can't even read my mail. 1 day? two days? fine. 3 days? send a quick message in announcements or something to acknowledge it. tell us what is going on. you don't know? then opaque should be the one. there is absolutely NO excuse so i am glad you said you aren't making excuses for anyone. this forum is running poorly right now. patience? i am patient. but how long does one need to be patient for and for what reason? i am the one talking and opening my big mouth to draw some attention to the issues even if it does make me look like the bad guy. this forum has been in business for over 5 years and no....there is no excuse. from a forum that's been up for a month maybe....but not one that's been up for 5 years and successful. like i said before. i don't know if it's because opaque is busy working on the other project right now, but at least SOMEONE can take some time out and acknowledge what is going on and if we should expect things to be fixed or not fixed or just wait til Xisto is up and running, etc...that is the very LEAST i am asking for rather than wonder everytime i log on to trap.
  8. i wonder if you can just upload your pdf to your main folder "meinterest" and the edit the html to point to the file there. that will be a temporary fix until they fix your problems. then you can just paste it back to your 03 folder and edit your post when things are working properly. at least it wont prevent you from not having some fresh content.
  9. well there are more things wrong than just what was listed. i mention them in the shoutbox when i find them. why the heck would anyone write a support ticket. trap is falling apart and even the admins don't seem to care to comment on anything. so why write a support ticket?admins don't care to comment, then i certainly don't care, but i will shout the problems when i see them....and there has been MANY recently. i am seriously thinking about leaving until the problems get fixed or at the VERY LEAST an announcement of what the heck is going on. and with all the problems, we got spammed big time again today and it took hours to delete it. yea, Xisto here we come! can't even get trap fixed the right way....
  10. evolution isn't change for the better, it's change to ADAPT. evolution has nothing to do with perfection. i don't think evolution can ever "slow down". it is nature's process. i am also not worried as sheepdog is. part of darwins theory states the weakest wont last as long as the strong. i believe in it. a also believe that darwin's theory doesn't explains evolution to it's fullest meaning. just because one isn't "fit" doesn't mean one should not be born.
  11. i think you had the right idea by changing file permissions in the meantim, but you would have to actually change permission to the folder it would upload to. that would be /wp-content/uploads/2010/03/ so if it were me, i would change all permissions leading to the "03" folder to 777. if you don't have an 03 folder, manually create one, and then try uploading through your dashboard. that actually worked for someone who had the same problem as you. unfortunately it also DIDN'T work for other people who had the same problem as you but it seems like it would be worth a shot. just be carefull when editing permissions because it could leave your site vulnerable if you don't know what you are doing.mahesh said he tried to edit his php.ini file. this seems to be a very common solution to the problem so i suggest you read the articles on that so you know what to change as a second step solution. i just don't know how he accessed that file. i can't seem to access mine. it doesn't show at all. but it involves unmarking a comment section and setting up a temp folder which you would have to point to. since i can't access my php.ini file, if that is in fact the solution, then support would have to do it for you if you can't see yours either. i am told the php.ini file is in your etc folder in your root directory. just below your public_html folderbut again, if worse comes to worse and you really need that file, just upload it manually for the time being if it is in fact a server issue. and if so, then i have to question why the servers aren't set up the same way for everyone to use the same way. but then, i noticed trap features slowly disapearing for no apparent reason too. go figure. no explaination from anyone on that.
  12. i have never had a problem uploading, ever. if you are having problems doing it through your dashboard though, you could always do it through your ftp program. and upload is an upload. doesn't matter how you do itedit: ohhhh! i just remembered. someone else had the same error message in wordpress. i think it was mahesh2k. he started a thread about it 4 days ago or so. talk to him about it to see if he resolved the issue and if you can resolve yours the same way.
  13. first of all, i am understanding that it's not forums but the categories and sub catagories? if so, then i disagree HIGHLY. everything is organized well for individual categories and topics.it does get confusing when you think you need to browse all the categories just to post something, but at least it's organized. what YOUR opinion is stating is that Xisto should be less organized. that is just an insane opinion....in MY opinon :angel:plus, when you have more categories, your posts will rank better in the search engines because they will be considered relevent posts depending on the category you post in. you are posting in a category with hundreds of other posts that make your post more relevant.if we limit the categories, might as just have only one. a general discussion to talk about anything. what that would do is make it easier to post, but it would be harder to find and search for posts and topics that you are interested in reading. and if you have an important question that needs answering, i gaurantee you it will get lost very easily among all the other posts in that one category. yuck!you claim there would be a lot more discussion if there were less categories. i think that would be FAR from the truth. it would be the exact opposite. who wants to post in only one category? or maybe we have 5 to choose from? what would those five catagories be when it would do injustice to any unrelated topics? you don't see the benefits for all the catagories? well, then you aren't thinking much on it. think more on it.btw- loved your link in the shoutbox to your post here. i thought that was against the rules....
  14. you have a regular dentist you go to in mexico? hahaha that's the funniest thing i ever heard. tijuana always has a good atmosphere on revelution st. but i always liked to drive deeper south. that's funny though about the dentist. i lived in so cal most of my life and never considered going to the dentist while in mexico. the only thing that annoys me about mexico when you first get in, is some little kid always wanting to clean your windows whenever you are stopped at a light. that gets old really quick. they are worse then the homeless on freeway offramps. i have a few mexico stories. they are funny now looking back, but not very funny then....i have to say though. 15 years and no vacations? and the one you take is to san diego....or wherever it was you were. you didn't say. you should try to save up one year for a trip to maui, hawaii, getting a room at a hotel on the 10th floor or so over looking the ocean during whale season sipping pena coladas or mai tai's all day. now THAT is a vacation. if you ever get bored, there is always snorkling....or just exploring....especially on that road to hanna,hawaii on maui which has to be the strangest road i ever drove on, but on the way, you can hike a mile to see pools of water that you can swim in and has waterfalls flowing in to them. if your only going to take a vacation every 10 or so years, THAT is where you want to go. not mexico :angel:
  15. it musta snowed a lot. i am up north from you and got snow too. at least 3-4 inches in the last 2 days.i have a question for you. it's been haunting me. i have my indoor dog. i live in an apartment. it kinda sucks when i take him out when it rains. not because i don't like the rain, but his paws get all dirty and muddy. i find myself having to wipe his 4 paws every time i take him back inside. is there an easy way to handle this matter other than taking a wet rag to his paws every time? or is it just going to be like feeding a baby the rest of my life....there has to be an easier way....i hate dog tracks on my carpet haha
  16. nice try. maybe 10 years ago. but not now. it would be way too easy to destroy competitors sites. i know that with any system, the system isn't perfect, but there is usually some truth to the alleged activities that someone is accusing someone of. like i said before. there are millions of people who don't abuse the system and the system works for them. it's the select few that abuse it whether they click their own ads or have someone do it for them or break the term in some other practice like placing too many ads etc... i'll say one thing though. adsense is far better than any other company. there is so much competition on adwords and keywords that it drives the prices up which means you get paid more with adsense than with other companies. that's reason enough to be with the majority who doesn't abuse the system. and hey, it's not like ash doesn't have any recourse. if they froze his account and he can't get his money out and he did nothing to abuse the system, he just has to take legal measure and prove himself.....that is if he has nothing to hide. google doesn't target people just to screw them over. if the situation can't be dealt with in email, then i am sure google has enough evidence to stand behind their decision. but i doubt highly that they will give this situation the time of day according to the link below, but has promising news if ash really wants to pursue his case.... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/aaron-greenspan/why-i-sued-google-and-won_b_172403.html
  17. why would google be the jerks when you are the one who cheated them. out of all the people who have successfully kept their google accounts in tact, there is a select few who don't and then try to give google a bad name. i don't have any advice for people who like to cheat the system and then try to give other companies a bad name. whenever i hear stories like this, i feel sorry for the advertisers who aren't getting what they are paying for.
  18. that's very interesting. i would like to know how that would be done. i also want to know why your image isn't loading and why it's just WAY too small
  19. did you backup everything before you upgraded? i hope so, because ANYTHING could be the problem......but i doubt it's xisto's problem and your support ticket will probably be for nothing as they wont be able to help you.maybe there's a bug in the new upgrade. i suggest you revert back to your backup and stay with it as that was more secure than when you tried to upgrade.
  20. i've watched the first two movies, but they would be FAR from my top 2 picks. but since i liked the first two, and you named one that i never heard of before, i think i will watch it since the first two were VERY good movies.don't make me hate you.....
  21. hahaha! dude, i ALWAYS need a good laugh, and you made me laugh. you're suggestion is not half bad.......your slogan actually does well with the keywords and adds a spice and humor to a friendly website.
  22. i believe you would want everything in your database to be the same as before except for the links for posts and pages. just use you old admin name and password. that should work, shouldn't it? i don't know if this will help you, but i added this to my config file... define('WP_HOME','http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ name'); define('WP_SITEURL','http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ name'); it's the same settings you can edit in your admin control panel, it just makes them more permanent. and as far as the database, i woulda just installed that from scratch. in fact, i would have just installed everything manuel since you already have all the files. it woulda been as simple as dragging and dropping the files and folders from whatever ftp program you use. for the database, you would use the same name/user/password as your old one and import your file and if your having a problem logging in to your admin area in wordpress, then there is a major problem and i wouldn't know what that is. when you import your database, i believe there is a scroll box and i think you need to make sure "utf8" is checked before you import.
  23. just suggestions since you asked....5 on the top of my head. maybe they can spark ideas....Xisto- the knowledge you need, when you need it.knowledge is power - let Xisto be your guideto be or not to be. that is the question. Xisto...that is the answer.Xisto- where knowledge and wisdom come togetherXisto- a resource for people helping people
  24. yea, i wouldn't use the import/export feature in wordpress. i would back up and import directly from the cpanel. there probably wont be a problem exporting and importing from wordpress itself, but i've heard that it could get bogged down if there are a lot of posts and somewhat unreliable. through your cpanel, it's a little more trickier, but not hard and very reliable. that's why i suggest doing it that way. to upgrade anything or even upload plugins, you need your ftp account information. your main account info will work. the account info you use to log in to cpanel. your host name is your domain name with your extention. your user name is usually your host name or a shortened version of it. and obviously your password is obvious. when you replace your files and import your database, it is very important to change your config.php....but more importantly is to replace all the links that link back to your old domain....so the search and replace plugin makes it really easy to do that. now if your going to use 301 redirects(which i recommend), then it's also important to keep the same permalinks to your new site as you had with your old one....but that would be the last thing on your list to do along with your .htaccess file and robot text file and any updates you need to make to your newsfeed etc.... the most important thing right now is to get your site up and running with all the links pointing correctly.
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