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Status Updates posted by anwiii

  1. haha it's a barameter. i am the human barameter! haha

  2. hahahahahahahahaha! after a week of downtime, all my sites are back up and running. guess when.....ONE HOUR after i bought new hosting and changed name servers. that has to take the cake to this whole ordeal. after all i went through, they couldn't even tell me what the problem was.....

  3. happy belated birthday brutha!

  4. Happy birthday Aizeebaby! hope your day is special. you have brought a special touch to KS here which is well needed. your sense of humor and caring thoughts are always noticed!

  5. happy birthday ash! wd's birthday was yesterday. where the heck are you, man? :)

  6. Happy Birthday bud!

  7. happy birthday buddy! you turned in to the invisable man! :) enjoy your cake!

  8. happy birthday buddy!

  9. happy birthday buddy!

  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY deadmad! hope all goes well and you don't have to shoot anyone :)

  11. happy birthday over there!

  12. happy birthday over there!

  13. happy birthday soviet! where the heck are ya? :)

  14. happy birthday to ya!

  15. happy birthday to you....happy birthday TO you....happy BIRTHday to knowledge sutra(trap).....HAPPY BIRTHDay TO YOuuuuuu.....and many more....(if opaque can get his projects done)

  16. happy birthday, bud!

  17. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WD!!! if anybody deserves the best on their birthday, it's you! now where did i hide that cake....

  18. happy birthday! hope your day was a good one!

  19. happy birthday!

  20. happy birthday!

  21. have you been working out? it seems like you've ben on steroids the last few days :)

  22. hey there! i know we had our differences. just wondering how you are holding up. hope everything is ok!

  23. hey wd- there are cobwebs growing on your profile page. clean it up a bit will ya? :)

  24. hey- happy birthday buddy!

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