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Everything posted by MaineFishing45

  1. Thats what it exactly reminded me of. The girl looks like a witch and stuff, with the black hat type object. Looks good, and I really like split effect. But what are the arrows for? Just to add the effect, b/c the look cool in a way. Good work.
  2. Can you post or PM me a link to your site or something so I can look at it. I have no problem designing the page or creating one for you. I'm not sure where to put the chart, but send me a link or something so I can have a look. I think I know someone that can help you, let me send him a PM. Hang tight.
  3. I think these links will help you out since Jlhaslip need something like this and he said it made some good points: Basic Information (definations) Good Introduction Basic HTML Information Your site might look like this (source): <IFRAME SRC="http://forums.xisto.com/; WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=500> If you can see this, your browser doesn't understand IFRAME. However, we'll still <A HREF="http://forums.xisto.com/; you to the file. </IFRAME> Thats a very, very basic one. I just made up in like 1 minute. Good luck.
  4. I totally with you... . To this date I have had to restore and re-install my IPB 2.0.x 7 11 times this year! : Army System 2.1 Perfect Page Lottery Perfect Page Raffle D2-Inactive Member D2- PM Logs D2-Shoutbox IPB Store Ok I kinda forget the rest, oh yea and 3 skins, but you get the point we both have a heavily modded board and the backtool with the IPB ACP sucks! It like skips things and is kinda wacky, because there's no way to upload what you backup! Kinda screwy if you ask me, but I go to the Cpanel and download the SQL backup weekly every monday and friday, incase something happens. But what is mambo? All I know is like IPB but different? Fill me in on that, but I totally understand your frustration... its so annoying, but what can you really do? I now can install my forums in less than 1 hour will all settings and stuff, and 1 day then the mods are up, and the funny thing is mine is for school too, but the member come back and gripe about the registraton again.... Good luck buddy...
  5. Well SM's is to bright and stuff, and I like the background of AD's because it blends very well.
  6. 1) You should add Tags when typing stuff like this. 2) Funny poem try the title of "Mr. Bad" Anyways that was kinda funny and its neat how everything rhymes good luck? What are you look for the title to be? Funny, Serious?....
  7. The only real online dating service that I can think of is EHarmony that somewhat matches you with people. But what the hell is with the True Ads for there dating service? They all are sexual references and stuff just take a look: There is no nudity in the links, just "some" cleavage and bikini's, and some wording. Nothing bad, just don't look if you don't want to simple! None of the ads you have not see @ Xisto put it that way! Click Click Click Click (Again...) Since I did not post them as an image, since I could technicaly be considered inaproperiate content or porn, since mostly the ads show large amounts of cleavage and bikini's.... wow thats dating for ya . But my point is, your supposed to like a girl for who she is, not what she looks like. Even though having both is a good thing. Again to my point, its really sleezy the way there trying to get users. I mean honestly your not going to get the girl you see in the add, and I bet there are a ton of non-glamorious girls there too. And most other dating companies are complaining that True is "using" women and stuff, even though the company is 70% women and 30% men. Explains a lot does it not? If anyone wants I can send you a good article the explains my point a lot better. Well lets see what others have to say about this? And there are more and more appearing on sites and pop ups, here @ Trap I have seen tons of them and stuff. Like the ... ok thats dating thats like advertising: "Come and have sex with me", before 500,000 other people see the ad . Sleezy or Not?
  8. Wow... I just had to laugh at this one, stealing sperm and I thought I had seen/heard it all . Well if there donating there thats one thing, but if they "use" a guy to get it and then throw him out I hate that too. That I have to agree with you is total crap, I mean that really has nothing to do with the post, but a good sterotype to explain your point, you got all of us here. But it really depends on how the "parents" influence the child, and talk to them, and interact with the other adult. Like if a kid sees tons of sexual references and porno stuff, then there going to grow up thinking its ok to "do that stuff", and blantently talk about it. If there is a ton of violence and hostile enviorment around the house then the kid will grow up around that and act that way, same thing goes for everything. Kids/Teens look up to others (like me) and we see what your doing. If your shooting the guy next door and cursing at him, most likley we will do the same to a teacher at school if we get a bad grade or someone confronts us. Well if thats the way your going to be, then tell the kid when there OLD enough to understand so they know whats going on, and recieve a positive outlook on life. And the funny thing is that more gay/lesbo couples are not getting divorced rather than the normal Male/Female couple. And really there is no law saying that a Guy-Guy can have a marriage or a Girl-Girl can not have a marriage. And I have to add, when two girls get together (lebso couple) really no one cares since everybody thinks is a sexual relationship (most likely not...) and thats what makes it so annoying when two guys get to together everybody freaks out. ~Conclusion~ I don't really care, who, what, where, when, why, how or anything else that I can think of. If your going to do it FINE, just don't bother me or try to get me "into" it. Because I'm fine being "straight" (gotta laugh ), and I like girls, not guys! So thats my opinion, wow that was a long, long post!
  9. Sorry AD, but like the others, Saint Michael's blended so well and look truely awesome , anyways I think I would have voted Savage17 second because the blends looks neat, and resembles the Slip-Knot type of design. Good luck.
  10. There are currently 2 Honorary Titles I currently know of: Spam Patrol (me) GFX Xisto.... graphics thing (Saint Michael) Those are the primary one, I think an admin can tell you what are the other titles that you can find or recieve.
  11. I due argree on these points of view, and NDPA if you think no one is backing you up, I'm here standing behind your statements. Ok forget if its a bad word or not, we can't use the word *BLEEP* as a forum name, it totally makes us un-professional and takes away everything from the TOS and means nothing to some people. The word *BLEEP* should not be used like this, not all are lives are that bad and the forum the Vent is for letting off whats bugging you, or whats bothering you, not that your living a normal shatty life in the real world gudder. And TrueFusion bring it on, I will never give up this post, until the topic is locked or I'm banned from Xisto . And just to FYI you all, I have been reading all this stuff, and we really should have a vote, if the mods/admins really care about the members decisions! Thats the way to decide!
  12. Yes, I really have to say, that border kills the entire sig... . Makes it look bad and stuff, just get rid of that, and then re-upload or change the image. Also change the text color to someting, and resize it. Yellow does not match. Good font.
  13. Thats the error I recieved when I went to look at your site. I am a expert at installing IPB legal forums, and adding the D2-Shoutbox. But I can generally help in most areas, like installation and fixing someparts. Can I ask you this: Are you a Xisto.net or Xisto.com hosted user? Is your IPB copy legal or pirated? (Pirated has many bugs, and does not work ) What does the error message say Is it an SQL Error? How long have you had your IPB Forum running? If your not a Xisto hosted user, than I don't think there is a difference, except your @ omegacss.com which I don't know there policy. Anyways, I'm willing to help just e-mail me StealthAgent87@gmail.com or PM MaineFishing45.
  14. WOW, I like the animated one a lot. Thanks, anything else that someone can come up with please do. Thanks a ton Zythrix!
  15. For your case, I would get rid of that computer and keep the following parts: monitor keyboard (if its good) mouse (if its good) Get XP Media Center Buy a Dell E510. Those are the best I have ever used. Thats all Now thats easier said than done, but dude your #%^&. Well thats not the case but, you have a lot of "work" to do. Good luck.
  16. Wow... how could someone be so FOOLISH, never trust Google on April Fools day, like look at this https://www.google.com/jobs/lunar_job.html I got like 5 science teachers with that last year, and stuff, and then they found out about the prank, and I almost got 5 seperate detentions. Happy April Fools day, wonder if Cpanel X will play any tricks on us??
  17. Reference: Jlhaslip was refering to my forum and stuff, but what if Xisto would add another version of the Note Feature. Like at my IPB, I have one for moderators giving messages, and one of giving warnings, bans, and stuff of that nature. Basicly: Version 1 Used for giving tips to members about that post Moving posts/topics Pinned Closed topic Opened topic Message to creator of post (ie: don't use excessive smilies ... ... ... ...) Version 2 Warned (reason) Suspended Excessive caps Excessive cursing SPAM Deleted 2nd Warning Version 1 could be used for non-disciplinary action, like moving topics, and leaving a message about something, or telling the member to do something different next time. Version 2 could be used when issuing a warning, closing a topic, deleting a post, making a very important note, noting a spam post, and stuff that needs action to be taken. The V1 can have the normall css, and the V2 could have like a light red/maroon background, or something to make it stand out. I'll post some images later. Hopefully members can comment on this. ------- Update ------ Does anyone care about this topic?
  18. As most people know, the Spam Patrol, is a group of members that want to fight spam, and help the mods out with reporting it and so on. All the members of our patrol, but something in there signature to let others know there with us. But some people have less room and want a better looking sig than mine. So thats the background, hope something good comes out. Size: 350x19 Theme: Trap 17 or Technology Render: Designers Choice Render Theme: Designers Choice Color: Darker the color, the better. Nothing to light (ie: lime green, pinks, yellows....that stuff) Text: Xisto Spam Patrol (Can be -->Spam Patrol<--, without the Xisto) Other: Please make like one or two sets of userbars, and you can add anything else that you deem might fit the bar. Be creative, and thanks.
  19. Works fine with me.... I have IE6 school comp stuff, but this happens to my forums alot. Just refresh the page or wait 5 mins, and then come back, if your site uses SQL or PHP this just happens, and then fixes it self and then sometimes repeats or just does its own thing. Now I think the topic can be closed... unless you have any future questions. ---------- Update ---------- http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ <----- Try that link, they can help you for sure.
  20. Wow... thats crazy cool Kubi. Think you can send me the .psd or photoshop file so I can change the colors around or anything like that? I will still keep your name on it.... but any tips for creating stuff like that?
  21. I think everyone should read this http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and check out some of the links. It explains what the building is, and where its location. Also its really is aligned to North and matches the swastika perfecty? What were we thinking when we built that building? Was it a joke against Germany?
  22. Thats right! I don't feel like paying my tax (parents really) money to some lazy azz because, he/she did not want to work when they were young and made nothing of there lifes, and then just wanted payments and stuff, because they realized there poor and stupid. Same thing like social security, I want it for me... not for anyone else. Its there for people that can't (For people that physcially can't work, and have tried other methods, and are making the best of there disabled lives) thats who I would only really pay or work my money for. And if I'm working for it... why does someone who does not work get it? Someone please explain that? I don't understand it? Exlain it please???
  23. Wow I'm probably like the sterotype for Average Students. Here's the Top 7. Well those are my grades, I really want to bring up Spanish and Math, but I'm working as hard as possible... not seeing the results just yet. ---- Note/Edit ---- Those stupid autoformats have screwed up the post... so I disabled emoticons, and the ( C ) was turned into a copyright symbol? --©-- Huh???
  24. Jlhaslip your totally correct. When I wanted my iPod, I had a personal life savings of about $200.00 dollars or something like that, I spent some here and there, and it went up and down, and stayed around $200.00 dollars. Well when iPods were comming out (the ones with the click wheel, NOT those wierd button ones) all my friends parents were buying them, and some payed half and half, other parents just bought them stuff, and they always bragged about it. Well I had to work for mine, babysitting, cutting lawns, and doing odd chores here and there. And I finially payed $465.78 or something around that amount for a 20GB Ipod, with a case. And now there are ones with color, photo, video, and all that other stuff, and the kids get the new one, but I worked for my stuff, so I hate when LAZY KIDS bi*ch about that stuff, and say and anyone that knows that, really feels uncomfortable and says "I work for what I want, and I bought it... not my parents". And some kids are just too lazy to do that and, they complain to others that have stuff. In America you have so many oppertunities, you have no excuse to work. Whether it be cutting grass, coroprate, business, technologly, or even a truck driver. Do something that you like!
  25. Score --------------------- Se?or Maniac: 2 Avalon: 0 --------------------- Senor Maniac- I like the dark colors, and the way the Batman symbol sticks out, the only thing that can be fixed is the black dots aroudn the symbol, kinda distracts you for a second. Avalon- I like some of the ice effects, but for some reason I don't like the way it blends and stuff, don't know why? I guess its a personal thing. Good job guys.
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