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Everything posted by MaineFishing45

  1. Thats how I really feel, I know what you mean, but I mean seriously... she has to stop kidding around sometime, before she really hits her bro. Its so stupid, b/c everyone has these BMW's and I will get my dads 2000 Toyota Avalon, which is nice, and looks still brand new and stuff, so I don't really care, but I hate BMW, I love Mercedes! But still, don't drive like a moron, b/c if you hit me, I will get you back. Dead or Alive.
  2. Yes, but you should be more aware of what your doing... I mean she almost went off the road, and killed the kid... but I have my camera with me next time, and I will take a video of the car and what she is doing, then call the cops, and then post here with the results.Keep the roads clear....
  3. Ok... most of you know, since I am 14 I can start taking drivers ed in 2 year, or 1 year, if I take it over the summer, in Richmond, Virginia. Well what I hate is my neighbor at the end of the street, is preppy'ier than me, and she has some 2 year old BMW, her 2nd car and stuff. I was walking home from school today, and her younger brother was 20 feet behind me, and she pull out of her driveway, with a friend, and goes out of her way to "try" to hit us, you can hear car go rrrrrrrmmmmm, and stuff, and she goes by me and smilies and waves, since we both go to the same school. I'm like WTF??? And I was talking with a friend, and I was dazed... I have seen her do it before, for fun, but I mean come on... Clue into what your doing, and I personally don't think letting 16 year olds drive is so smart! more like another . Because what she did is stupid, and a show off. And I don't care about driving @ 16-17 b/c if I was still in NY, I would get my license at 18. Its so annoying, how parents buy there kids these fancy cars, that they could careless about what there doing. Next time, I'm thinking of getting a video clip, and posting it here, so you can see how stupid, this was. And I mean it was really dumb move, b/c I'm going to call the cops, next time! heh. ---------- EDIT ---------- I corrected the topic title, to a more fitting description, to explain the post a little better.
  4. Ok thanks Saint Michael. But I should try some of those things that Microsoft suggested. But I really have nothing that needs to be total secure on my site, just want to try and test out a HTTPS type link and such. Thanks. Anything else I would like to know too.
  5. I know that HTTPS stands for the normall stuff, and then add secure. But can someone explain how these work, or how I can install them on my website, or create a secure directory? Do you need a GNUP or SSL or can someone just explain what it does. Thanks, in advanced.
  6. Error Message: IPB WARNING [2] load_template(CACHE_PATHskin_cache/cacheid_2/skin_global.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory (Line: 482 of /sources/functions.php) I get this message while using my board on and off. I mean I don't think there is a major issue, becasue it worked lastnight and stuff. But I works on and off. I can check the CHMOD permissions if it can't write to the files, but I am sorta confused. Any help would be helpful. Thanks. ----------- UPDATE ----------- Well around 10:00 - 11:30 my board started to work agian, after I took it offline for about an hour, and deleted on skin. So I think I have solved the problem, if anything else happens I will post again.
  7. Do you know if you have the Shoutbox, like the one here [D2]. Because I have it, and my bandwith is low compared what you are saying. I have auto-refresh enabled, and do you offer some downloads on your board?? Because that knocks up bandwith so easly. And Q's keep us updated.
  8. Thats why abortions should not even exist, whether you want the kid or not, EVERYONE deservese a CHANCE to be rasied in a semi-decent enviorment, and can excel in what they like in life. I have been raised well, and have a supportive family and such, and so should most people. You can't really help yourself when your young, thats why you have to have caring parents, and if they make that decision to not do squat, then at least use your COMMEN SENSE and give the kid up for adoption, so that someone that CARES can take care of the baby (child, kid ect...) so that they grow up in a supportive enviorment and make something of there life. Some people are really stuborn, like with my spanish grade (D+)... I can't do it. Same thing with parents, I mean people in todays world give up, too easy. And I am the first to admit it, If I want something I will work my *bottom* off to get it, but other beg for money, and stuff. Now where it fits in here, some parents (muh... people ) don't care about there kid, so they neglect them and CPS comes and puts them in a better place, otherwise they are SMART and give them up for foster care, or adoption and stuff. But the bottom line is, don't kill. This is what an abortion means, you don't what the kid, so you decide to kill them, with an injected drug. For all you know, when this kid gets older they could have the cure to Cancer and Aids, and stuff like that. They have the potential to do things and discover things that we have yet to learn about. But still, don't kill a living child, just because they are not outside and living on there own, does not mean they are not living at all. Thanks.
  9. I'm from the infamous United States. Or as most people say it "The States", which I hate a lot. Sounds like a rich guys estate. But anyway I think were a great country, but we can (ok should ) improve our attitude and get rid of Bush, and get someone like Rudy Giuliani, who knows what he is doing and stuff, I am from Long Island, New York , and that guy did wonders for the city, and clean the crap out of it. Much better place today, no madder what anyone says! Its cleaner, safer, and fun! .But the US is a world of its own.
  10. Don't worry.... I can get into my Cpanel, but I think the Gamma Server is down again. Because I have the same problem and I was on my website 1 hour ago, ate dinner and came back. Lets see what they are doing?-----Update-----Guess I spoke too soon, I literaly just got back into my webpage? That was wierd? Its 7:21 PM EST. So ???
  11. Hahaha... thats funny. Same thing happened to me, but I was saved by HT and IPS for replying. Anyways, back on topic I think that is total crap. Why do teachers give you passwords that are there passwords for everything, my password is my PASSWORD and it is different for everysite and stuff, so thats really odd and funny at the same time. Anyways, that sux for you, and how can his daughter be in the same class?? I mean schools are not supposed to do that by LAW . Anyways good luck
  12. Thanks... BuffaloHELP. Freeman is our schools name, thats the board. So I'm also designing some Team Icons, that look really cool, and I like them. There nothing special, but hey! And I use photoshop, it comes with my school laptop.
  13. That they can pull the same stunt that BuffaloHELP wanted to aviod. Like he said I could have a pirated version or something or I got the copy and am using it, after they say its done. But I don't see what the big deal with is. Were not making money, I mean ur a Chuch org, and I am a school person. I could understand if we were profiting off it.---Rsp---Response to HT's post
  14. Yes we all do know that. But what could happen is that Xisto can get reported by some (to be nice) and say blah blah blah they pirated a copy... and probably Invision gives you some benifit for reporting people, then they go straight to the source http://forums.xisto.com/ or Xisto Corp and say well "We haves this report..." why are you pirating our software and da ta da. We are going to sue you, and well we get shutdown, and everyone is pissed! Or they take our license away, and say Good Bye Board, and we can't run IPB on these Xisto servers.
  15. I told you that I knew what I was talking about . So that means I can get my board back and still have time to buy the licensed version, and then upgrade my files right? I think so, so I will get my board back up ASAP when I get home and will PM you when I am purchasing the licensed version, so that there well be no legal issues. Thanks BuffaloHELP.
  16. Ok and idea.Can someone help me plan this?1) Make the IPB icon flash and the text flash2) Fix the backround up a lot3) Anything else?
  17. WOW.... ok that is a lot better than mine. Crap there is going to be some competion...
  18. This is my 1st ever signature, and well this is what it turned out to look like. After out board went down, well its comming back up, and all the previous members have this and are about to use it. Any one with some comments or helpful tips please telll me. And what can I do to make it look cooler or add flashing text? Anything welcome positive or negative. Rember that this is my first sig. URL: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png IMG: I know this is not anything special but... who cares, my first, and hopefully not my last! Its really basic, just how I wanted it. Nothing special. I will work on that.
  19. DogEater008... you are setting your self up in my postion, please EVERYONE check this out. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/34433-accused-of-hacking/ That briefly explains a lot off stuff, and don't do anything till you get an offical word like BuffaloHelp says!
  20. Just wanted to FYI you, your link is broken so I could not see the article. So good to know, that guy was cool! Had tons of energy!
  21. Well I can't do that. I mean I download it when it first came out, then they wanted to go all corporate and got rid of the trial download link. So what can I do, you know there is some stupid support rep that will anwser exactly what that it never existed or contact billing, I know and I tried that. And I told you about what happened earlier... I would not let me get onto the site, the school found out and blocked it, and the proxies faild. So a teacher let me connect to the ethernet (no blocks) which I could get suspended for, thank God I finished before someone came in.... and I posted my response to you and told you of the situation. Yes its Trial... not trail.----Edit----To make it simple... I'm screwed, and my account is to. What can I do wait till I purchase it and have them host it, they could care less about my situation and stuff, and I don't want to get involved with them. Kinda crashed all my future plans, but there are always lots of bumps in my road. So I don't know what I have to do? Or tell my friends and ppl. So I guess I can work on photoshop and post around the forums @ home.
  22. Ok... that makes sense but where do people get that I hacked IPB and got a pirated version. When I flat out stated its from IPB before they halted the trails, what the staff guy said above. And I am using it on a trial bases, and I said I would upgrade sometime next month.
  23. This could get long... Well it started like any normal day... go up, check messages on all my forums, and boards. Posted on my Xisto on, since its the best ( )... but besides that its our "un"official school board. So my friends and I can post on it at school, since they allow it, because later on the entire school will be able to see it, and learn about it. Seems cool, but not going to happen anymore. Because my account was suspended, more like I bet terminated! So I have to look for a temp. host if this does not get sorted out. You ask Well here it goes. See the bullets, it makes more sense. Finished PSAT test, started to post on the school board More people came in and the shoutbox daily limit for members loaded up (maxed out) Edit level from 50 to 100 daily shouts.... everything is working Then something happened to all the skins, and I got PM'ed with problems, and the shoutbox disappered??? WTH??? So I post, here and on invisionize I leave the link to my site so people see what it looks like, so messed up bottom portion missing Some say its a SQL Error... Later BuffaloHelp accuses me of pirating IPB 2.0.0(Trail) and well I get pissed But anyways, here is a topic some might be interested in reading, I read most of it and as far as I am concerned that I have the winning topic! (Thanks Ben) His link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Pertains to IPB 2.0.2 (Trail) not MINE! My link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Make more sense right? Please help and hopefully I have the better winning edge. But I mean I sent OpaQue a PM and discussed some things with him. Stuff I will not bother to tell here, and well I just want my site, board, host, back and I am fine. I will abid by his decision if its fair, and we are upgrading (buying a license) in the next month or two so I don't see the problem? ------ Please be fair in the poll, so we have an accurate description. Thanks guys.
  24. Ok BuffaloHelp... I do not have Version 2.0.2 TRAIL. I want to make that clear, and I don't mean to get annoyed, but your pushing my limits. Its Version 2.0.0 Trail Unlimited just before they closed down, please see my PM and other link! Thanks. Please have OpaQue, foward the message I sent him down your way. I think it will make more sense to you than to him, so alert him soon, because I'm not in the mood to send out more. But thanks.
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