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Everything posted by MaineFishing45

  1. Any one can play games really... just because the persons a kid, teen, adult... does not really madder. I prefer to play games like Battlefield 2: MC (Xbox Live), Halo 2 (Xbox Live), Age of Empires 3 (PC) those kinda games "RTS". Reat Time Strageties and stuff thats action packed... not much of the story line kinda person. I added more context to the post so that it is not considered spam. Sorry.. Kubi. Notice from KuBi: Seems like spam to me. Warning issued.
  2. Old chuncky IBM WINDOWS 3.1.0 LAPTOP... I think that beats everyone's post then the next one was a Gateway 98' everone had gateway's back then now there still crap... it sux... and now I have a Dell Media Center... good stuff
  3. Yea that happens a lot to me... But the funny thing is that they register and keep posting junk and spamming your board with un-needed stuff, and it pisses everyone off and annoys people and they get mad.. the report it and everything goes nuts . So by the time you get rid of them people are already upset and annoyed. Block em' good._____________Update_____________Added more context to the post, since I got warned for "spamming". Which I comment on something... no biggie.
  4. Try adding the google search engine to your webpage. <!-- SiteSearch Google --><FORM method=GET action="https://www.google.de/webhp?gfe_rd=cr&ei=3nAwVIPhC6qH8Qfkk4HQCQ&gws_rd=ssl;<TABLE bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><tr><td><A HREF="https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl;<IMG SRC="https://www.google.com/logos/Logo_40wht.gif&%2334; border="0" ALT="Google"></A></td><td><INPUT TYPE=text name=q size=31 maxlength=255 value=""><INPUT type=submit name=btnG VALUE="Google Search"><font size=-1><input type=hidden name=domains value="YOUR DOMAIN NAME"><br><input type=radio name=sitesearch value=""> WWW <input type=radio name=sitesearch value="YOUR DOMAIN NAME" checked> YOUR DOMAIN NAME <br></font></td></tr></TABLE></FORM><!-- SiteSearch Google --> Or you can look here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ And here https://www.google.com/enterprise/search/products/gss.html
  5. 100 Invites Ok in order to get the invites just e-mail me: Webmaster@freemansca.trap17.com You can have up to 25 invites Just tell me what you plan to use them for, and thats it. You need to give me your e-mail Thats about it... any questions e-mail me.
  6. Google Mail (Gmail) is the E-mail of the time... so I'm sticking with that.
  7. Well I have had great service with Delta and AirTran... the only thing was I choosen for a "Random Search" () And the funny thing about random searches are that if you are Iraq or something its no longer a random search.... which is racists and really annoying and mocks the U.S. But anyways security these days....
  8. Ok.... I keep getting a message that says And my site IP is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Thanks, if anyone can help please post or e-mail me. Thanks
  9. Hahaha... good work US. Ok how can 22 checks bounce that they sent out, and whent deposits made the bank were cleared? That sorta does not make any sense, usuall when one flags the system it locks down the account? Right?
  10. Ok... my opinion is that google should not give the records.... its there records! Thats like Trap 17 going everyone hand over you stats and logs! WTF... No way, my site my records. I want to protect the privacy of my company and well that child pornography is a load of horse crap. They want the records to see other things and get some inside information from Google.... like business trends, people, national security stuff.... the NSA ( ) I think has something to do with this. There going to steal the records before they give them up!
  11. Ok for starters, I hate Apple computers, we had those stupid iBooks last year in middle school and they looked like a bunch of toys, little white flat boxes. But I mean cell phones, that I don't think is a path that they should take, does not make much sense at all. I mean really! Stick to computers, music, and software and build up from there. What are they going to call it the iPhone. I mean everything from Apple Starts out with i!
  12. Does anyone know how I can find out or gain access to my web pages Cpanel throught the IP. Or how can I find my websites IP link? If you know anything or have any ideas please help. Thanks.
  13. Well I think that MSN is a better progam, because it looks more profressional and has a better design scheme. But Trilion people say is good becasue they can put an alias for peoples screenames and such. Like "bob101@aim" could be "bobby" or something like that. But MSN can connect to the Microsoft Network and get your Xbox Live things and updates which is pretty cool. Also I use http://www.meebo.com/ before I use trilion.
  14. Battlefield 2: MC is a great game when your playing with Xbox Live. Someone give me there gamer tag or PM me. Also its great because of all the vehicle action and interactive scenary.
  15. Yea... I have had good luck with my HP Products but now there becoming more and more cheapy.... with repairs and such so that it de-grades the product quality. So I would NOT to buy any HP products anytime soon. Go with a Dell All in One! They work great and are a great add on to your Dell Computer....lol
  16. I love it, its a great addition to Gmail, only downside is that they have to intergrate it into Gmail Lite.
  17. Well thats a shock to me too. But selling bonds is like giving gold or money. Not directly affecting the US like giving 6 MAJOR PORTS away to some Arib company. Thats like letting terrorist open a training camp in central part!
  18. Those stupid smilies are so annoying.... and the True dating ads are funny.... I mean its a close up of some girls boobs, and then the rest of the body..... wtf??? Then it says find true love.... makes no sense and half those girls don't even look like that. Stupid marketing ppl...
  19. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This really cracks me up....
  20. Horrible.... one word fits all....lol I had some bad experiences with geocities.
  21. I mean HT is right.... the next big terror attack is going to be when a bomb goes off under the GWB and blows a hole in the top and cripples transportation for a year and we have another 9/11 or a cargo container ships terrorists and weapons over and something else... how stupid is he? Get a clue Bush! :huh:They have to be hiding some details from the public... I mean, who sketchy is the UAE.... come on even stupid people know that.... lol
  22. Great movie stunt.... and when you notice your neightbors trucking out materials... don't you get a funny feeling? Duh ......
  23. Ok the thing about [other] free hosting.... You say you are free and have no ads... but we have to put a banner on the site The main guy takes a vacation for a week and your site gets suspended along with his?!? You get "tons" of features... but they don't work Your site takes for ever to load, and your mail client does not work For some reason.... your security settings are set to 1 IP for the cPanel and your locked out Your FTP account has like 10 mb of space? And your locked out of that So be true and Post with Trap 17, and stay with them
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