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Everything posted by terminal2k

  1. I just registered a domain (with Xisto - Web Hosting) and requested the change via the automated thing, I was just wondering what kind of time period it would take for the change to propegate through the DNS network so that I will be able to access the site
  2. well as far as extra terrestrial life is concerned, by the sheer number of stars out in space its pretty much impossible that there isn't life out there somewhere, the real question being is there intelligent life out there? or is there intelligent life out there that still exists?now as far as the pyramids are concerned I don't believe with the way we think the egyptians lived that they could have accomplished what they did without some sort of external help, i don't know if it was aliens or as you suggested earth beings that had left our planet and returned later on, and I don't know if we'll ever truly know what happened. maybe if we ever find out how to travel through time
  3. a lot of things in our world are sad, the people who get some sort of support from the government then go spend that on drugs (cigarettes included) booze or gambling. You should have to get a special card that acts like a credit card so the government can see what you are actually spending the money on.anyway it sounds like you hate your job, just like the millions of others like us theres not a lot you can do unless you can find a better job. and theres not much you can do about how others lead their lives. sucks doesn't it
  4. if you're worried about bluray vs HD-DVD there has always been standards issues, we had DVD- as well as DVD+ but drives were made to accomodate both and nobody even notices anymore, i'm sure a similar thing will happen with these new dvd standards.
  5. now this is something that annoys me about when people have issues with stem cell research, If an adult dies, and the organs and things are used for some sort of research would any of you have a problem with that? how about when organs are transplanted from someone who is dying/dead to save anothers life, do you have a problem with that? but when its taking something from a dead fetus thats morally wrong, and should be banned, and all this other stuff, the kid is already dead, let his life have at least some meaning. if even one person can be saved by the stem cells from a fetus then that has given at least some meaning for that fetus's existance.
  6. i loved that movie war games, i wasnted to be a hacker too after seeing it. the silly thing is the guy should have known that any top-secret data on things like ufos would most likely be stored on computers that aren't connected to an external network like the internet, its kind of hard to "cover-up" things like that if heaps of people are able to access the information
  7. i don't see why something like this is so surprising for people, dogs are used to fight and kill each other for the amusment of adults all over the world, they also have cockfights and use other animals too. I know when I was a kid and we had fireworks we would go around blowing up anything we could find, letterboxes, trees, toys, and we did blow up some bugs (like cockroaches and things) while they were still alive.I would say you are all so shocked because you only think of dogs as those cute little things you play with, but blowing up a dead dog isn't much different from blowing up a dead fish, if that had happened nobody would have cared. but if it was a dead dolphin, then there would be an uproar.
  8. well my friends and I used to smoke at 4:20 there has never been a good enough answer to the question though. On a side note the time 4:20 appears all over the place, if you watch during tv shows and movies you will see clocks with that time on it in many places. if you look at everything you watch this week i'd be surprised if you ddn't see it somewhere
  9. the books would mature with the kids that are reading them, I've personally not seen the movies or read the books, any book that is read by so many young children is a book I will not read, i prefer stories not based on children in magic schools, a couple of my favourite authors are terry brooks and terry goodkind who have written some amazing stories (ones that would definately not be read by young children)
  10. until i play the ps3 i won't make a choice between the two, like anarchyboard88 i have a modded original xbox and for that fact alone it was better than a ps2, plus with my logitech wireless controller i don't see a huge reason for me to get the 360 anytime soon (i have played one and the games are nice but i'm not made out of money)
  11. yeah you always need to check to see if your computer will work with something before you buy it, software as well as hardware. a lot of brand name computer manufacturers have a lot of information on their pcs online at their websites which is always a good place to checkon a side note cool freaker: he said it was $70 total, i assume that includes the price of the game in there too
  12. yeah not much i can say about that, if you play with guns expect to get hurt like that, same thing happens with a lot of activities like football. its just something you will have to accept. You can't expect people that play with guns to be gentle, thats just silly
  13. you mention that you are not allergiv to cats, but that doesn't mean they aren't contributing to your problem, cats gove off hair and other things that you can inhale and can mess with your insides. do you live in an area with a lot of pollution and things like that? have you tried spending a few days away from your life to see if that helps at all?
  14. thats not really a big issue, the player isn't actually able to run the virus program so you'd have to be pretty stupid to copy it onto your computer and run it, doubly stupid because being able to do that would mean you have no virus scanner running.
  15. wasting paper is something that doesn't just happen in schools, it happens in offices a huge amount also. Its partly due to the fact that nobody seems to care about things when the company is paying. where i work people pront out copies and hand them out of half the notices that are made on our internal computer network, so they're basically printing something which is available quicker and easier elsewhere.stupid people
  16. cracking programs is bad, they'll leak all over the place......... my bad attempt at humour aside, using cracked software is almost always illegal, and one of the main reasons people use cracked stuff is because they can't afford the software. A lot of companies could increase the amount of paying users just by reducing the cost involved. One thing they could do is like what microsoft does and hav "avademic" versions of software at a reduced price so that people can obtain legitimate copies for a price more suited to what they can afford.
  17. i do know that accessing it through firefox brings up a competely different interface to when you use internet explorer. now if only internet explorer didn't suck so much..... I must say I don't like the new service, I am currently on a dial-up conection and it performs too slowly on my connection. I may change my mind once I have my broadband back up and running though.
  18. i'm from sydney in the land of oz. born and raised here. its a very nice place to live
  19. on the topic of hitting children as a form of dicipline, I believe it can be a very useful way to teach a child they have done wrong, when i was a kid being sent to my room or not being able to watch tv didn't really mean that much to me, getting a good spanking tho, now that was something you avoided like the plague, it hurt and made you think carefully about what you'd done and not to do it again. Now that said its not really appropriate to spank a kid for every small thing they have done wrong but it can certainly be useful in some situations.
  20. well if you are fat you are less likely to get laid so you could say that being fat can reduce the risk of sexually transmitted dieases
  21. women in some countries get beaten just because they had an uncovered ankle, that is normal for them, they don't know better. THIS DOESN'T MAKE IT RIGHT from my perspective I grew up without my father (because he left not coz my mum is gay) and I believe it had a serious influence not having him there.
  22. we have a similar thing in australia, a lot of people criticize our leader when for the first time in a long while we have paid off our countries debt and generally in better shape than we should be. also when we elected our leader it was a similar thing, there wasn't really any alternative presented by the opposing political parties, all their guys were useless
  23. its funny to see the difference between different cultures, here in australia, if a tradesman comes to your house you would ask him to come into the shade if its hot outside, if he needed to use the toilet i wouldn't mind that either, i'd even ask the guy if he wanted a drink or something. they are people too and they don't have a workplace like most people with a lunchroom and a toilet. Also if you are nice to tradespeople they will be nice back. when the phone guy came to add some sockets in the wall we were nice to him and he only charged for labor and gave us the parts for free.
  24. the world needs to change the way it looks at cars, we need more cars like elecrtric cars and ones that use less petrol or alternative fuels (LPG, natural gas, solar maybe?) I personally don't own a car and have no intention of buying one. if you need to get around that badly there are always things like scooters and bikes that use much less fuel. Governments need to look at making much more efficent public transport networks so that cars are no longer needed within cities. i spose thats a bit too much of a dream.....
  25. its always unfortunate when you get a person who is absolutely useless. the best thing is to make sure his managers know about it. so many people get away with not doing their jobs properly because nobody takes the time to report when something isn't right. as a bonus sometimes the managers will try to give you something to make you happy, which they should probably do anyway.as for your speed issues I can understand exactly what you mean, at my mums place the connection should be a 22mbit connection but gets max speeds of about a 12mbit connection. If I lived there I might actually do something about it
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