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Everything posted by Mich

  1. Mich

    :d Hello

    Hello Usedragon2009 and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. If you came to Trap 17 for reliable free no-ad hosting, you have come to the right place. People here on the forum are friendly and helpful as well. If you have a question, just ask. Somebody will answer it or direct you to the answer. Make good content posts and you will have credits enough to get your hosting in no time. If you haven't read the Trap 17 Forum Rules, please do so. They are important to keep this forum up and running in a wholesome informative fashion.
  2. I am on cable in Michigan, USA. The channel I seem to watch the most is A&E, with Animal Planet running a close second and the National Geographic and Speed channels. I watch mostly documentary, educational and history oriented channels. We only have 2 movie channels in our package, TCM and AMC, but I don't watch that many movies, unless a classic comes on that I missed at the theater.
  3. The reason for firing you is not well defined here. Is the firing related to whatever you got blamed for or something else? If you are being fired for wrongly getting blamed for something, take it up with the boss. It is not fair for you to have to take the blame if you indeed did not do something. If the firing has nothing to do with this "blame" incident, you need to find out why you are getting fired. You do have a right to know. Maybe "some people that work there" are wrong. Seems to me there is something more here than meets the eye. Are you being set up by other people? Whatever, I think you need to have a private conversation with the boss. Good Luck!
  4. Mich


    Hello andybebad and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, across the big pond in Michigan, USA. I think we have had our fair share of snow this winter. Is spring coming over there yet? If you came to Trap 17 for reliable free no-ad hosting, you have come to the right place. People here on the forum are friendly and helpful as well. If you have a question, just ask. Somebody will answer it or direct you to the answer. Make good content posts and you will have credits enough to get your hosting in no time. If you haven't read the Trap 17 Forum Rules, please do so. They are important to keep this forum up and running in a wholesome informative fashion. Oh yeh, who is your friend hosted here?
  5. Here is my entry. Hope it meets the requirements.
  6. San Francisco 49ers is the only team for me. I don't follow any other teams. My husband would like to remain a Detroit Lions fan, but he has kind of given up on them. :fart:
  7. Ok gang, point me toward sites where I can find quality Anime graphics (renders). Prefer original art, not somebodies amateur imitations.
  9. Bless you that it never happens. Should you have to leave for a period of time another answer is to purchase credits enough to maintain your site in your absence. Here is a link for more information on the subject. Purchasing Credits
  10. Mich


    Hello Jayke and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Well, guess you got slammed fairly hard in previous replies. Don't let it get to you. Just keep plugging away at interesting content in your posts and things will iron themselves out. I was born in Sacramento, CA, where are you located? If you came to Trap 17 for reliable free no-ad hosting, you have come to the right place. People here on the forum are friendly and helpful as well. If you have a question, just ask. Somebody will answer it or direct you to the answer. Make good content posts and you will have credits enough to get your hosting in no time. If you haven't read the Trap 17 Forum Rules, please do so. They are important to keep this forum up and running in a wholesome informative fashion. BTW my IQ tests out at 120, whatever that means.
  11. Wow, it is way to early for me to have chosen my choice of candidate. I have not heard enough from any of them to have decided yet. We have almost 2 years to listen to all of their positions on the different matters of state. I just hope people don't view this election as a popularity contest. The tendency to do this is a bother to me. People should listen and watch closely each candidates behavior on all the matters at hand to see if they really have a grasp on the job qualifications. Being President isn't an easy job. Just look at the physical effects the presidency has had on past presidents. The mental stress is reflected quite often in physical appearances. This is an indicator of how well they held up under the pressure of the job. Anyone choosing to run should be strong of mind and body as well as being well versed on the condition and state of world affairs. What really doesn't matter, outside of individual and moral beliefs, is one's sex (or sexual orientation), ethnicity, color, religion or political party. What America needs in a President is a very well educated person with all the experience possible dealing with political systems. To find this in one person is not an easy task. May the best of all the candidates rise to the top in the long run.
  12. Hello FolkRockFan and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. I am a little belated also. Just got back from warm weather down south. Coming home to all this cold snow made me kind of sluggish. In my earlier years I also was into creative writing; poetry and essays. I too love all kinds of music with the possible exception of Bluegrass. If you came to Trap 17 for reliable free no-ad hosting, you have come to the right place. People here on the forum are friendly and helpful as well. If you have a question, just ask. Somebody will answer it or direct you to the answer. Make good content posts and you will have credits enough to get your hosting in no time. If you haven't read the Trap 17 Forum Rules, please do so. They are important to keep this forum up and running in a wholesome informative fashion.
  13. Hello friiks and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. If you came to Trap 17 for reliable free no-ad hosting, you have come to the right place. People here on the forum are friendly and helpful as well. If you have a question, just ask. Somebody will answer it or direct you to the answer. sylenzednuke is right about your hosting credits resetting after you have attained hosting, so the sooner you apply the less credits you will lose. You will need to keep the total up to maintain the hosting.
  14. Hello Alastrina and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. If you came to Trap 17 for reliable free no-ad hosting, you have come to the right place. People here on the forum are friendly and helpful as well. If you have a question, just ask. Somebody will answer it or direct you to the answer. Make good content posts and you will have credits enough to get your hosting in no time. If you haven't read the Trap 17 Forum Rules, please do so. They are important to keep this forum up and running in a wholesome informative fashion.
  15. Hello sinthetix and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. You sound a little like my philosophy professor. If you came to Trap 17 for reliable free no-ad hosting, you have come to the right place. People here on the forum are friendly and helpful as well. If you have a question, just ask. Somebody will answer it or direct you to the answer. Make good content posts and you will have credits enough to get your hosting in no time. If you haven't read the Trap 17 Forum Rules, please do so. They are important to keep this forum up and running in a wholesome informative fashion.
  16. I have a poem on my sight that addresses this subject matter. I thought this would be an appropriate place to post a link in the hope that it might comfort someone. Gone From My Site
  17. Hello xtxtx91x (Tiffany) and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Sorry I wasn't here to welcome you earlier, but I just got back from a month long vacation. Congrats on getting hosted. Look forward to seeing your site up soon. You are right about nice, helpful people on this forum, there a lot of them you will come to know.
  18. Hello Ao)K-General and welcome back to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. I just got back from a month long vacation myself. It is always good to see old members returning. The place must have grown quite a bit since you were last here and of course, the new look is really nice and the upgraded hosting packages are a blessing. I find it much easier to navigate and find things in the front forum list. Introductions used to be buried so most people couldn't find it at first. Hope you stay around and add good content to the forum. That is what keeps Trap 17 up and running with all the free stuff. What a wonderful place!!
  19. Mich

    I'm Back!

    Hello shigajet and welcome back to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Since you have been hosted here before, I won't go into my usual speach about rules, good content posts and etc. It is very nice to have old members return. I guess they realize what they have left behind once they have departed. Like, you never know what you had until you don't have it anymore.
  20. OOOH, I am really torn. All three have their uniqueness. The styles are indeed different. But since I have to make a choice, I will go with CloudSSJ. The effect is very eye-catching yet uncluttered. Sometimes simple is best. KuBi's background is distracting to me and Semtress' is just not colorful enough for my taste.
  21. Thanks for the upgrade. I got back just in time for it to have taken effect. All that space to fill. Guess I will have to get down to work right away and add to my site. Then, it wasn't as if I was running out of space at all. I have just over 98 MG used.
  22. Happy Valentine's Day everyone.
  23. Hey, Albus, what else is new? My parents, as well as my husband's parents, expected the same thing. Especially at 16. And times were not as violent then as they are today. I wouldn't want to be raising a child in todays society. But if I were, I think I would want to know all your parents want to know and even more. Like I would probably want to check the people out personally before I would let a child of mine go somewhere with them. Children, and you are still a child at 16, are too precious to not be careful for them. Yes, you are a good student, so was I, and you aren't into drugs, neither was I, but they still treated me the same way. I was trustworthy, but you cannot depend on others to be as trustworthy. And at 16 you still make stupid mistakes. You may take responsibility for them, which I would expect, but what if that mistake is fatal and could have been prevented by a little knowledge? You have to realize too that your parents are financially, legally, morally responsible for anything you do or anything that happens to you. Be patient, you will be 18 in 2 more years and then the legal system says you are an adult. Lets hope you have matured enough to accept the responsibility that goes with adulthood. You will survive, as I did, even when my parents embarrassed me.
  24. Ouch, it took my breath away, and not in a good manner. I almost choked. Then there is the redundant music. BTW BooZker that is a cat doing the running. It is probably after the dove flying upper left. The background is toooo much and the clip art is poorly done. I think you may be right about it's being the ugliest site on the internet. It is the ugliest I have ever seen.
  25. Hello praveenkv1988 and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Come back and tell us a little about yourself. One-liners like your post are usually considered spam, and we wouldn't you to get off to a bad start. If you are having trouble with your introduction, perhaps this will help. If you came to Trap 17 for reliable free no-ad hosting, you have come to the right place. People here on the forum are friendly and helpful as well. If you have a question, just ask. Somebody will answer it or direct you to the answer. Make good content posts and you will have credits enough to get your hosting in no time. Midnighvamp has given you good information, but if you haven't read the Trap 17 Forum Rules, please do so. They are important to keep this forum up and running in a wholesome informative fashion.
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