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Everything posted by Mich

  1. Hello Azriel_Stormbringer and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. I see you are already hosted, so I will spare you the rhetoric about rules and regulations. Your daughter is very cute. Congratulations! My you are young to be starting a family. I wish you, your daughter and her mother all the best in life. See you around the boards.
  2. I thought we needed a little Asian representation, so here is my offering.
  3. OMG, somebody worse than I am about proper grammar. You should enjoy this one TikiPrincess. I do believe we have more senses than scientists have recognized. We only seem to use a small portion of our brain capacity. Perhaps we don't use all our senses either. We need to challenge ourselves to further develope our capabilities. I have not actually seen dead people, but I have heard them. Then I have had such realistic dreams about people that have passed, that I have to awaken myself and get in touch with reality. It is like they are coming to me through my dream state. I am open to the idea of spirits and messages from the other side. It certainly is spooky, though. Most of my experience with deja vu has been through my dream state as well. I experienced air flight in a dream before I had ever really flown and it became reality later. The only difference from my actual experience was that in my dream I viewed the happenings from a pilot's vantage point. Everything else happened and looked as it had in the dream.
  4. Hello Luiz and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. If you came to Trap 17 for reliable free no-ad hosting, you have come to the right place. People here on the forum are friendly and helpful as well. If you have a question, just ask. Somebody will answer it or direct you to the answer. Make good content posts and you will have credits enough to get your hosting in no time. If you haven't read the Trap 17 Forum Rules, please do so. They are important to keep this forum up and running in a wholesome informative fashion. If you want to know all about Trap 17 you need to read the Trap 17 Read Me Page. See you around the boards.
  5. Mich


    Hello TikiPrincess and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. From you intro I would say you have probably already read the rules and regulations, but in case you haven't, please do. Trap 17 Forum Rules They are important to keep this forum up and running in a wholesome informative fashion. You have come to the right place for friendly forum participation and dependable free no-ad hosting. If you need a template for your homepage, please feel free to check out my site where I offer them for free to beginners. Web Sets by Donna
  6. Wow, what a tragedy. You have my condolences and sympathy for your loss. Give your mother a hug for me. I don't know what else to say to you. Perhaps this will help somewhat. It will take courage to face this world without your father, but God will be with you all. BTW my grandmother, who raised me until I was 6, passed from an enlarged heart long before they had medication for this condition. Edit: So your dad was a firefighter. What an honorable occupation. My daugher is also a volunteer firefighter for the small village where she lives. I am certain that the family fund will provide all five of you children with proper educations. People will be very willing to donate for the children of such a public service minded person as your dad. Good Luck in the future.
  7. Happy Third Anniversary Trap 17 I came here in January 2005 at the suggestion of jlhaslip who found me over on Xisto lost among all the techys over there. Most of the posts there went right over my head, but I was looking for a new host for my site and stumbled on Xisto first. Trap 17 suits me to a T, so JL. Also OpaQue and BuffaloHelp for all the help. As well as so many others such as St.Michael, truefusion, Avalon, Albus, MainFishing45 and Kubi, in no specific order. Without all your input I would be lost. As well as Trap 17 for all the services they offer. Wow, the package is awesome, even if I don't use all the services. I GOT FOURTH PLACE
  8. hmm, it was the Cuban Missile Crisis in October of 1962 that you are describing. Bay of Pigs was a USA 1961 invasion in attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro, which I might add failed. Anyway, both events did cause a mutual dislike between Cuba and USA. Why the Treasury Dept is involved, I am clueless.
  9. Mich

    Hey Guys!

    Hello Yuripro84 and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Sounds like we have a lot in common. I design web sets for people for free also. Mine are a little simplistic for some, but I cater to the web design illiterate who just want to do something for a home page site. I get a lot of requests, so I guess I am filling a need. Good Luck with your ideas. BTW, you are right about Trap 17. They offer so much for so little effort.
  10. Hello etycto and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. You seem to have quite a sense of humor; but then most drummers do. You don't have to hope to enjoy yourself here, you will, I promise. Besides, Trap 17 has the friendliest people (no perverts), the most helpful staff and the most dependable hosting on the web. See you on the boards.
  11. Hello Rosaline and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. I haven't run across any of your posts, but then I am quite selective by topic . You sound like an interesting person. Glad you found Trap 17, it is the greatest free no-ad host on the web. I have to keep up with Saint Michael so here is a for you.
  12. Hello ErinsDesigns and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. What kind of Designs? Will you be getting a site hosted here? Seems like you will fit right in as we are all graphics hounds here. Have a nice visit and will see you on the boards.
  13. Mich


    Hello gdinod and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. If you came to Trap 17 for reliable free no-ad hosting, you have come to the right place. People here on the forum are friendly and helpful as well. If you have a question, just ask. Somebody will answer it or direct you to the answer. Make good content posts and you will have credits enough to get your hosting in no time.
  14. Mich

    Gud Bye

    Whew, I thought from the title that we were losing a Trap 17 forum member. Glad it is just your vacation. HAVE A NICE TIME!!!! Where in California ghostrider?
  15. Here is mine. Good Luck everybody!!!!!
  16. Yes, I take cholesterol medication. However, it is not a RX. My doctor suggested a natural product called CholestSafe. You might talk to you doctor about it instead of taking a RX that has the possibility of unwanted side effects. Especially having to take it at such an early age. It is hard for me to remember to take my dosage daily. I am my doctor's worst patient when it comes to taking medication. I find that setting an alarm at a late morning hour or at noon helps to remind me. Perhaps you could associate taking the med with eating lunch. Once the association is engrained in your habits, it will come naturally. BTW, garlic tablets and fish oil capsules help with cholesterol level control as well. You might add those to your regimen. And if you find yourself eating at fast-food places too often, cut back on this. Diet control is a major deterent to high cholesterol. Good luck!
  17. Go for it! The worst that can happen is she might say is no. This will involve a little ability to take rejection, but you can handle it I am sure. Sounds to me like she is dropping hints anyway. Perhaps you could ask her on a casual date such as out to lunch at a fast-food place. I hope you can afford that at least.
  18. Here is one I use when I am in a hurry and pressed for time, especially when someone happens to just drop in. Eggs and Hash Serving Size : 4 1 can Corned beef hash 4 Eggs Spread corned beef hash evenly on bottom of 8" skillet. Heat over medium heat until hash starts to bubble. Break eggs evenly over the hash, cover, cook until eggs are done to preference. Here is one that my family uses for a quick meal as well. Joe's Special Serving Size : 4 1 Pound Ground Beef 1 Tablespoon Olive Oil 1 Medium Onions -- Chopped 1 1/2 Cloves Garlic -- Chopped/Minced 4 Ounces Mushrooms -- Sliced Salt 1 Dash Nutmeg 1 Dash Pepper 1 Dash Oregano 1/2 Pkg (10 Oz) * Frozen Chopped Spinach -- Thawed, squeezed dry 3 Eggs -- Slightly beaten Brown ground beef and olive oil in large skillet. Add eggs, then rest of ingredients. Let cook until done; about 30 mins. NOTES : * Fresh spinach equals 2 Cups, Chopped.
  19. Hello Lisa and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA, AKA Web Sets by Donna. I do web set designs using original artwork from others and my own photography. I am a mother of one and retired. Designing web sets is my hobby and I do it for free. Maybe we can colaborate on using one of your art works for a web set? My site link is in my sig below. Please take a look at my work and see what you think. My designs are intended for people who don't know anything about designing their own web site and may seem a little simplistic to most graphics hounds on here, but there is a need for such designs. I get requests all the time. You will find the people on Trap 17 are very friendly and helpful. Keep up the good posts and you will have hosting in no time. I got mine right away about a year and a half ago. I am delighted with the dependability; minimum down time. Good Luck!
  20. Mich

    Hi Guys.

    Hello Rapt0r and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Looks like you have been fairly well filled in about Trap 17, rules, regulations, credits, quality postings, and etc. Everybody here is helpful and friendly. You will enjoy your affiliation with this site. Follow the rules and you will have your hosting pronto. Good Luck! See you around.
  21. Curried Rice, yuk. I followed the recipe exactly and if I had added only half the curry, it still would have been too hot for us. I guess the yellow color didn't really appeal to me anyway. What a disaster. Threw it in the garbage and don't really remember what we ate instead, but it had to be better than the rice dish.
  22. Hello nol and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Looks like Plenoptic has just about covered all the bases for you concerning Trap 17 participation. Hope you continue to find Trap 17 an informative and educational place to exchange ideas. I see you have a great interest in graphics and want to be a member of the graphics crew. Good Luck!
  23. Mich


    Hello Tramposch and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. You have come to the right place for the best free no-ads hosting on the web. You will need to read Trap 17 Forum Rules and Trap 17 Read Me Page. These two sources will give you all the information you need about Trap 17 and this point system hosting. Good Luck! and see you around the boards.
  24. Mich

    Hi Everybody

    Hello ZerGBeR and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. I was born in Sacramento, so high from a native Californian. If you came to Trap 17 for reliable free no-ad hosting, you have come to the right place. People here on the forum are friendly and helpful as well. If you have a question, just ask. Somebody will answer it or direct you to the answer. Make good content posts and you will have credits enough to get your hosting in no time. See you on the boards.
  25. Mich

    My Father

    Well now. As I see it, your father is too emotionally involved with you to be your teacher. Parents teaching children how to drive is usually a failure anyway. You can learn in driver training class. You might have to put a little extra effort into it just like all of us that were "experience challenged". When I took the training I had never been behind the steering wheel of a car at all, nor did I know how to shift gears. I learned in a stick shift to boot. Passed the course with flying colors, but my step-father wouldn't let me get a license because he didn't want another woman driver on the road. My half-brother got his license as soon as he turned 16. I didn't get a license until I was an adult (couldn't get one earlier because parents had to sign for you and mine wouldn't). Take the course, you can do it! Good Luck!
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