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Everything posted by JasperIk

  1. I was on a message board and i posted a thread titled "I like that, but i dont like this" it was about how you can like one thing but dislike something else that is like it, or has to do with it. Example: I like ketchup, but not tomatos. But then one girl posted this: What exactly does that mean? How can you not support something, but then have a bunch of friends who are that, and say you love them? If you really loved them, you'd support them right? I don't want to be friends with someone who doesn't support what I am, and by support what does that mean? Does she mean she doesn't support the fact that we are gay? Or does she not support us getting married, and/or having a family with the same sex partner? I Just dont get what that even means, you know? I wish someone would help me understand it, becaus I honestly don't.
  2. I went to russia to visit family last year , didn't really help. When i try to evaluate the situations that anger me, i just get even more angry, i get angry that they have happened, and that i allowed them too. But it just sucks a lot because my stomach turns to knotts, and i feel like its bubbling up, and my heart hurts...both my physical heart, and my mental one. In general though, im sick of being angry at a lot of stuff, and a lot of people, i feel like i hate everyone and everything. I think its just a loss of control, i dont know... i just get angry when not everyone is how i think they should be, i know its wrong, but i can't help it. I don't want everyone to be the same, but there are some groups of people i just hate, and i want to mold them into something i like. For example, i hate when people talk about their kids, and they say how its SOO cute that they have messy faces, but i cant bring it up to them, or else they put me down because im a teen, and im a guy i dont know how to raise children, forgive me for wanting america to have healthy children, and clean faces...shall i leave you all alone to feed your kids chocolate chip cookies, and let the chocolate turn to crust on their faces? That angers me deeply, because i want so badly for these people to just LISTEN to what i have to say, because i think its better then their parenting ideas. I just want to be in control of everyone, and as a result ive become angry at the world.
  3. My real name is Jesper [yesper], but i hate it with a passion, even if its not much different then Jasper. The thing i hate though is, i will tell someone online/offline that my real name is Jesper, and they start calling me it. It frustrates me, why would i go signing things with the name Jasper , tell people my name is Jasper etc, if i wanted to be called my real name Jesper? I mean seriously. My mother was going to name me Thomas, i dont know why she didn't, i don't care either way. I like my name because no one really has it, ive only met one other Jasper in my life, and no Jespers.
  4. A good portion of the time im pretty laid back, and I let things go by me. But it seems latley, I get so angry about everything. I get angry if i dont get my way, which isn't really how i normally am, i normally don't care. Or i get angry, if someone likes something, because i dont think they should because i either do, or i dont so really no one can win with me. The biggest thing is, if i used to like something, and became friends with someone because they liked it, and now we or atleast i hate them, when i see/hear/do that thing, i get so angry, and I just want to shoot them, or shoot myself, anything that would let me forget they ever existed. Im sick of being so angry towards everything, its almost as bad as my guilt.
  5. To fully destroy any more gay people from being born, would mean you have to destroy all straight people first. Or atleast make them so they can't breed. If people put us gays on an island that was secluded from the rest of the world, and all things homosexual were destored, and people continued to have children, they would see gays would still be born. homosexuality isn't new, we just never had a voice untill now. Bisexuals in my opinion are a result of people looking up to those who like the same gender, and a result of those not wanting to fully admit they are gay. The reason ammount of bisexuals in the world is a result of just that , and most bisexuals under 25 don't really exist...atleast they hardly do. So it is new, homosexuality is not.
  6. History repeats itsself. There is always one big issue every 50 years that is just like before, only new people , new problem. Maybe in what 10 years gay marriage will be legal, and then it will be marked in the history books just like womens rights, black rights, religious rights etc... but then a new problem with come. Now is gay rights, in 20 years it could be rights of transexuals or something i dont know...but everyone has issues, and everyone wants their voice to be heard, it just takes a lot of time.
  7. Even IF they made gay rights illegal, it wont stop homosexuals from being born. We will STILL be born, and chances are we will STILL not sleep with people of the opposite sex. But seriously, the reason why the government doesnt want legal gay rights, isnt because of reproduction, its because we disgust them. Because if it were the case , people who had to have their reproductive organs removed wouldnt get rights, people who were born incapable of having children, wouldnt have rights, and people who just simply never had the chance to reproduce wouldn't have rights. Besides all this, we can still donate our sperm, and lesbians can donate their eggs to help reproduction. If it becomes illigal for any kind of homosexual act, we will probably do it anyway, or we will not be with anyone, so the theory of it being banned because of reproduction is stupid, because you wont get kids out of us anyway. We arent gay, because its being 'allowed', were gay because we just are.
  8. Im not sure what you are even like talking about. If you mean they are going mainstream, i dont know what you are talking about. Hardly anyone where i live knows who they are. But so what if they are getting more attention or anything, so what if they signed with different people. No band is safe from the mainstream anymore, good bands are going to crap...its only a matter of time before they do too. I wish i had my anti-flag cd with me now though - and honesly, everyone is a hypocrite.
  9. I would think duct tape would only remove some of it, and then youd be left with part of it, and it will grow back. Im guessing freezing, is probably just the best solution. I don't have warts, so i dont really know, one of my sisters has them majorly, but she wont do much about them.
  10. I read that whole thing and did not read anything about everyone starting off as a lesbian. People don't even really start of as female, their body parts just appear the same, but on the inside they are either male or female. The only reason why they even look the same is because males don't develope on the outside, untill much later, but we are always male, regardless of when our outter body developes. Besides this, lesbian is for females who are attracted to females, not men who are attracted to females, gay or straight. It comes from a story, about some island named Lesbo or something like that, it was greek. So do you really mean, everyone starts of being attracted to females? Even then, i don't believe that is true.
  11. They are annoying, but i dont click them, so i dont know what it does when you do. But i sometimes play the 'game' ads, and because I have a good pop up blocker it blocks the pop up, and i just close the pop up notice, and i can play the game without even that.
  12. I dont know if this is the case, but it sounds to me...you might be going through , 'if i dont go to the docter, there is nothing wrong with me.' But i could be wrong. But how do you really know you dont have a virus, if you do not have a firewall, or a virus detecter? Even if you do safe searching , viruses can pop up. Even, searches made, that were 'innocent' [lack of a better word] can bring in viruses, a lot of free sites contain a lot of viruses, because of the ads. I am a pretty safe internet person , I rarely get a virus, even with using IE, but i use firefox 90% of the time. I get spyware/adaware, but it isn't harmful to my computer, just if anything an invasion of privacy. I get a virus once in a great while, and honestly its when someone else has gone on my computer, more thank likely used IE instead of FF. But i have adaware devices, and virus scans to help me...But id suggest you get one, because if you dont have one [ a virus ] your luck is bound to run out sometime.
  13. Your still helping to prove one point, that straight guys forgive women easily. You keep stating bout being with women, and im sure that is the only reason why you like them is to be with them. You treat them as objects of your affection, and not as people. I treat them as people, who ive met, and most of them I did not like, because of their personalities. And I have a problem with many people, just this particular vent was about women. I have problems with many people , but other people is not what my vent is about, Nor is about gays, straights, bi's, guys, dogs, cats, priests, jews, or any other person, place, or thing. So call me one sided, but why am i going to bring up my problems with other things, if my vent is about women. I have already stated, in general people suck. And I have met many men who have sucked, it just so happens I have met more women who have treated me, or others poorly. But if i was really so sexist, i wouldnt think women could be president, because I do there has been some really good leaders who are female, or i wouldnt think women could be directors, but sophia coppola, is one of my favorite directors...still think im sexist? How about writers? True i am not always fond of what females write about, but i love Anne Rice. I have many favorite actresses, probably more then i have favorite actors, and they are some very strong opinionated actresses , like charleze theron, and angelina jolie. I dont dislike many women, because they are female, i dislike them for their additudes, and for being so hypocritical. And honestly, i think if a female was writing this post about males, she would not be slandered, why? Probably because women stick to other women, no matter what they say, and straight men stick to women, in fear they wont get laid. I never said I don't like women because Im gay. I said because I'm gay, I dont put up with their crap as much as straight guys do. Its not that we are insecure with ourselves, if we were insecure, we'd all still be in the closet. Straight people dont 'prance around on the streets' because they have the majority of rights they want, and we do not. Though prancing around on the streets isn't going to get us far, but maybe eventually the gay community will realize, we need to handle things, in a manner that is not expressed through a big party. You've tried to insult me, but have failed. I find gay remarks to be quite entertaining, because you get to a point in your life, and you realize why let words hurt you, especially when its the same insults over and over. You begin to laugh at people's lack of originality. So To answer your question, even if it was not meant to be answered. Im with a male, were both males on the inside, and outside, there is not female in our relationship. There is no 'leading' one, we are equal in our relationship, so maybe in a gay relationship there is a more feminen person, but not in all relationships, and there isn't one in mine. Do I like to wear tight pants? Yes , do i wear eye liner...occasionally, have I worn female clothing? Yes... but im also only 19, and concidering how straight guys my age dress today, you couldnt really say im feminen, if anything im just normal. My boyfriend is 24, he has gone through a lot , with clothing and style changes, so maybe he appears more masculine, but he didnt when he was 19. So, you can take 'my' purse, I do not need it, perhaps it will be used more if i gave it to you?
  14. First off, i was never talking about being with a woman. I also do not need to be with one, to understand them. Secondly , Im not gay because of women- i just am, i was born that way. And if you want to bring up anything saying that you think im gay because ive met bad women in my life, you'd be wrong because i have met equally bad men, and women. Being with a women, has nothing to do with my post, maybe you need to reread it. Why am I ignorant, and foolish for not wanting to be with a woman, when i am not attracted to them at all? I have not met one single women, who has not blamed a guy for something SHE did. They [all i have met, and i have met a lot, i have 4 sisters, many female cousins/second cousins, and many other females in my family, and i have had female friends...im not just pulling conclusions out of thin air, i do not have opinions about stuff without clearly going over everything] all have atleast once, blamed a guy for something they did, or caused. Im not sure if you are male or female, but if you are female you have just proved my thread. If you are male, maybe you would have been better off female, because you sound just like them. And im not one sided, I believe people in general suck, no matter what gender you are. But to think you are high and mightier then another gender is just stupid. The thing i have against women, is that they think they are so much better then men, when really they arent better or worse. And, I do think i forgive guys more often, because im attracted to them, much like straight guys are quick to forgive women for their mistakes, because they are attracted to them. But the reason why women dont forgive men as easily, is because they still think they are better then men..
  15. I wouldn't say im sexist towards woman, i dont go around hurting them or anything, and its not as if i think they shouldnt have the rights of men, but what is their problem??First off, Im gay and i dont feel i need a woman in my life, its not the end of the world for me not to have female friends. But sometimes they are so damn concieted, for instance when this one woman found out i was gay she asked if i had slept with a woman, and i of course have not, and she stated well i thought all gay men had slept with women. ..why would we? Why do they have to think so high and mighty about themselves, to think everyone would sleep with them. Another thing, i dont like their body...its not as if its the end of the world, but i am always being called sexist for not liking their body, its ridiculous. Now the thing that angers me most of all, is how hypocritical they are. Men cant say anything bad about woman, without being called sexist, and yet woman bash men all the time, and its concidered womens rights, or feminism. That isnt feminism, that is man hating, grab a dictionary ladies. They complain about not getting equality, but yet want to be treated like queens, you dont treat us like kings, why should we treat you like queens? They blame men, for their bad choice in partners, if you date 4 alchohalics in a row...its you not them, its you, you just cannot choose the right men. Just the majority of women i have met in my life, make me so unbelievably glad im gay.
  16. when i try to log in through the cpanel it wont let me, even though i know my password and username is correct, at home i have to click another link that brings me to it , and it always works, ... thank you... :)EDIT : Got In....
  17. My internet is currently down on my home computer , so ive been using someone elses...and on my own computer i have all the links,and information...but here I don't. I know my username, and my password i just cant remember the link to get in...if anyone can help me, itd be great.
  18. That is your opinion Masuko...I personally am not into christianity, what would the world be like without it? Better probably, just like if other religions were gone . I would like to see a world without religion itd probably be more peaceful. You wouldnt have as many terroist attacks (many happen because its what their religion believes), people wouldn't judge you, because their religion is against you, there wouldnt be murderious cults, there wouldnt be people acting out against religions, people wouldnt have to worry about 'offending' people by their own religion or remarks. People wouldnt have the excuse "satan made me do it" just there a very long list, of why the world would be better without religion. Think of all the problems it causes, look at the holocaust, even all the massacres in rome because of christianity, judism, and polytheism. Religion has doomed our world since the beginning.
  19. with a screen name of sarcasm, i do not think id personally take a lot of what you say seriously, or least not to heart. Especially how dramatized your post was, atleast the last bit. And if you were, oh well...life goes on?
  20. First Off DO NOT ever wish AIDS/HIV on ANYBODY. Its just cruel, because Honestly you don't understand what it is like to have it, and no one deserves it. Nor should you wish Cancer on anyone. If you don't like somebody's beliefs don't follow them. You are protesting by protesting against them, so really you are the same as them. They are just going to keep doing it, even if you protest against them because they have a right to. They are trying to get as many followers as they can to help with whatever cause they are for, just like you probably would like to get a group of people together, to be against them. For Animal rights, I still think all testing should be done on humans who volenteer their bodies [when they have died]. Human Rights, if you rape or murder someone as far as im concerned you have no soul, and arent a human. You dont deserve rights of other humans. But if you are innocent of everything completly and are treated poorly, you deserve to be treated well, that is ur human right to be respected.Protecting the environment, Im personally pretty into that i HATE litter and i hate walking down the street and seeing litter everywhere, and sometimes especially if i have time i pick it up. Why cant people throw it in a damn trash can? But instead of making flyers, wouldnt having t-shirts be better? people probably arent going to throw a t shirt on the ground, like they would flyers.
  21. Another thing I hate: Before I switched to Independant Studies, I hated my school's lunch. First of all hardly anything didnt have meat in it. The salad had meat, the pizza had meat, sandwhiches were filled with meat. Everything was greasy. Its like why not take effort, and buy stuff that isnt filled with grease? Have some fricking steamed vegetables, or even atleast fruit for people to buy. Its healthier, and tastes better. And when the school says it has a nice balanced food menu, that is BS ...cup a noodles may have vegetables in it, but it isn't healthy for you. The schools are killing their kids, just to save money for things like repainting the bathrooms cuz of graffity, guess what? Leave the grafitty its going to keep coming back, spend money on better food because the kids health is more important. I know that isnt exactly on topic, but im talking about poor choices made by adults, besides the parents dont have to pay for school lunches they again, can pack a healthier one.
  22. I dont think any one religion is superior to the other. I know that people who believe in one religion, are going to think theirs is superior but it isn't. The whole world is always in this fight about what religion is better, and in my opinion they are all the same, whether you believe in god, or you dont...they are all equal. True that i do like some religions better, but i dont think they are superior i just feel they present themselves in a better manner. There are a lot of christians in this world, but more doesn't mean better, nor does it mean they are right. To answer the question, i think its just another religion.
  23. A parent not allowing their kid to see the other biological parent, is wrong. Its not about 2 women raising the child, its about one of them using someone else to get the child. If they are lesbians, and many are very against men, then why have a child by the mans sperm? Besides all this, why not just adopt because the parents of that kid never wanted them anyway, so you can give them parents, and you are not disallowing them to see their parents, because the parents themselves never wanted the baby. Besides that all, why create a new life with 1. a strange from a sperm bank 2. a friend, you will probably disown , when you can adopt a kid that is already born, who needs somebody. Besides i would think one of the lesbians who had the kid would use it as an advantage "well i gave birth to the kid, the kid is mine you have no control over him!". As for the bisexual remark, if one of the girls has a kid from a previous relationship with a male, and brings them into the 'lesbian' relationship, then i think the kid atleast has a right to see his/her father.
  24. I was watching the movie Super Size Me awhile ago actually, but anyway. It said that by having the playground and games at mcdonalds it makes more kids come, and they eat their food and it contributes to poor health. However, everytime i have ever gone to mcdonalds (i hate mcdonalds, especially because ive been a vegetarian basically all my life) and i looked out into the playground area, none of the kids were eatting the food. They dont want the food, they just want to play. I cant even begin to explain how many times i witnessed kids get in trouble for hardly touching their food, and just wanting to go and play. A lot of the kids only eat the food because their parents force them to, they rather go and play [exersize even] then to eat the mcdonalds food. They dont come for the food, their parents do and they only eat it because they have to. Besides all that, really the only kids who i have seen that do eat the food on their own free will dont like to play on the playground. Its like that with a lot of places even Chuck E Cheese, they just want to play not eat. Its not really Mcdonalds fault that obesity is such a big deal, its parent's fault for taking them to mcdonalds, or any other fast food restaurant, instead of packing a healthier lunch [like a sandwich] and going to a park. Notice from jlhaslip: Edit to shorten title. Split part into the description field. It was stretching the board.
  25. Cant you just add sugar? I dont really understand the post I guess. Theyd probably charge you even more than they already do for coffee, its just cheaper to put sugar from a packet it, infact isnt it free?
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