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Everything posted by JasperIk

  1. No offence but alot of what you have said isn't true. You are over 30 which means you probably haven't hung around people under 20 that are living today, not when you were 13-20. Many teens today DO choose to be bisexual, either because they think its cool, they think its different and will be a shocker, because they don't understand how to deal with admiring/idolizing and actual attraction for someone of the same gender or some other reason. I do believe many people choose to just call themselves bisexual just because they don't know what else to call it, so yes i do think for that part is a phase concidering atleast a half of those who say they are bi today, will not think/know they are bi 10 years from now, because they have matured and know their feelings more then they did when they were 16.And I don't think 1 in 10 people anyone meets will actually be gay or lesbian, i think that is wrong. I don't want to sound so contradicting to what you are saying, and many things are the same with whatever era of time, but with certain things it isn't. I think you can't fully speak for kids who are going through feelings today, because society has changed so much from when you were a teen, theres a whole new outlook on homosexuality many still find it offensive, and others obsess over it so much they think they aren't straight because now being straight isn't as cool, its to many 'boring'.I am gay, but i know lots of people who most definetly are not gay but claim to be, or claim to be bi. Theres sadly probably a lot of gays who say they are straight/bi and just as many straights who say they are gay/bi.
  2. I think jogging is probably one of the best exercises, maybe not to just lose weight but also to maintain health. Even walking is good. People often do a lot of exercise methods such as weight lifting, and random movements and such but i think jogging/walking is the best, it helps you 'free' your mind, and it helps you with breathing and stuff. I think people have problems with running because they dont go at a good pace, i think if your a beginniner a slower steady pace is good enough and many fail to realize that and try to run twise as fast as they should, they need to gradually find the right pace, and they will see running will be easier and more 'fun'. However because i cant run (i used to be able to all the time ) on a good and regular basis due to severe lung problems, i have found that things like yoga are nice too just because with yoga you are working with your body and not weights, and it helps you be calm.
  3. I love water, its my favourite drink. I think people don't honestly drink enough of it, they tend to go for the soda (especially), or alcohol, or occasionally juice instead of water. My body runs differently if i dont have enough water. I know people who NEVER drink water and i always wonder how they can even live like that because if i dont have at least one bottle of water per day i feel really sick, but i guess maybe because they never drink it, they dont know how the body should feel when its properly hydrated? If i am actually a little dehydrated though, i will drink a powerade or propel gatorade because they will hydrate me faster, but with them i will drink water too. I also agree that water doesn't taste the same, for example i HATE arrowhead i think it tastes like dirt i much prefer Dasani, Aquafina, Kirkland, or Deja Blue. I also hate drinking water in glasses, but that isn't the point, and i think faucet water in the bathroom tastes better then in the kitchen sink.
  4. I don't know if itd really give many side effects, like perhaps you could be allergic to it but it may not be because of the caffiene (or it could be, but it would just be you and some other people). I don't think it could really harm your skin, and it probably doesn't have a whole lot of caffiene to begin with.
  5. You seem to be making it out to sound like because i am happy i want to kill myself, i am not that derranged. I just don't know how to react to the feeling of being happy. First off i'd never kill myself, and heres why. 1. I've tried to and i failed everytime leading me to believe i am not meant to die via suicide 2. I am far to selfish in many ways 3. I am also not selfish enough (as in i care about those who may care about me and dont want to hurt them) 4. In the end i believe its a wimpy way out, i mean hitler killed himself and i do not want to be anything like hitler
  6. JasperIk

    My Friend

    This rant/vent is mostly about two things my friend, and double standard racism. So i have this friend who happens to be black, which isn't a problem i have nothing against black people and when i do, its because of the individual and not black people as a whole. Anyway, so she really annoys me because she is so quick to state how funky looking white people are and how annoying while people are. Which obviously frustrates me concidering i AM white. When I asked her why she does that and why it seems so many people that aren't white tend to call white people names, and what was her answer? She said they basically earned the right to be racist towards us because of how 'horrible' we were to them. So because people who are more than likely dead now were mean, you have to blame us? I am not saying white people have never in the last 40 years made a racist remark there are MANY racist white people and even some who use the 'N' word all the time. However, what many fail to realize is how many racist non white people there are, its like even white people let racist comments slide about them, but i am seriously sick of being called names and being told i cant dance. Like who the heck decided white people can't dance? Bumping and grinding and basically doing some funky mating ritual on the dance floor isn't dancing to me thats just practically foreplay. I just don't feel very respected as a white person, and i am finding it hard to respect many non white people due to the fact that MANY i have met have been rude to me they think because i am white i have this perfect life...i am just like everyone else, and i am sorry but the only reason why theres so many succesful white people is because they actually try, i dont care how many people say that they didnt get a job or an education because of their race, anyone can get a good career they just have to try.
  7. I wish i could enjoy the happiness but its just such an abnormal feeling for me, i feel so lost without sadness/anger. Its like theres a lot going on in my life right now bad and good, and i just dont understand why i am happy, and i think for that reason i am so confused. I just always thought people tend to be more happy when their life is going great, and right now my life isnt going thatgreat (its gone worse, but theres still a lot of problems in it, like the bad out ways the good in many ways) like its almost as if i feel guilty for being happy when i dont think i should be. Is it a masochist theory?
  8. You probably will think I am such demented person for making this topic, but I really have no idea how to deal with happiness. For as long as i can remember i have always been a sad and negative person. I just can't be happy (or so i thought.) even when i was younger my happy moments were destroyed by my negative thoughts. Its just this negative thing that hangs around me constantly, as as i grew older and more things happened to me it just continued to get worse and worse, to the point that a lot of the times i am just throwing this huge fake smile on my face, so people will think i am okay, and when i am saying how much fun things are , i am really thinking about how all the stuff i do wont matter because im going to die and it'll all be gone. However latley i have been actually really happy, to the point of not knowing how to deal with it. I have always been sad/angry and they have been emotions i can deal with because they were the only emotions that existed for me. Now i feel happy and i am overwhelmed, i find myself trying to make myself upset so i can feel like how i normally feel. How wrong is that? Just i am not in my usual comfort zone, and unfortuently my comfort zone is being depressed and/or sad.
  9. I think if you celebrate christmas like most americans do with Santa and a bunch of present getting/giving and gorging your faces etc etc...then you shouldn't complain that people say x-mas. For the main reason that you yourself have strayed from the point of christmas, There was no 'Santa' during Christ's time. I personally usually say Christmas, but when I am writing it on a card or i am in a hurry then I will spell it x-mas. Saying X-mas is just so lazy, but spelling it I don't see why it really matters. During the Holidays, between Late November all the way to the end of December people should refrain from saying Merry Christmas to every single person. Not everyone celebrates it. I however think on Christmas its self, and christmas eve it is okay to spread the so called 'cheer' you might have for the holiday and its okay to wish people a merry christmas since it would actually be christmas. Same for the days of other holidays during December, but unless its actually the day of the particular holiday, I think 'Happy Holidays' should be used as a replacement.I am straying off a bit, with this one but during the holidays I think its okay to have things done at school. I know when i was in elementary school we didn't just go over Christmas we went over other holidays and other cultures and i know a lot of times we even studied how in other countries they celebrate other things, and how even christmas itsself is celebrated differently in other countries. But it seems like those who do not celebrate anything have decided to ruin it for everyone else. If you don't want your family learning other holidays or any holidays, maybe you shouldn't have them in a public school. As someone who doesn't really believe in god, i dont celebrate christmas like most christians would but i do take it as a family sort of deal.
  10. I am not quite sure of the origins of 666, other than supposedly they are for the devil and 777 is supposed to be for jesus or something, or god one of them.I don't believe in the devil and i don't believe in 666. Especially when it comes to dates. No one REALLY knows what date it is, i mean yes as of right now it is December 15th 2006 but thats only since like AD, and scientists only have an estimate of how old the earth is, and how old man kind is, theres no like actualy set date of what the real year/time is. You know? Plus humans created how to deal with time and how to measure it, so why would the devil follow (for those who believe in the devil) the time/calaneder we follow? I think its just a superstition just like friday the thirteenth and i've read that the number used to be like 616 or something like that but they misread it as 666. As for people who claim to be born on '666' i think you need to get over it. 13/6/66 is really June 6th 1966...the 19 and the thirteen just throws off the whole 666. People just want to be special.
  11. I don't know I don't actually like seeing people showing Public Displays of Affection, mostly because i think it is kind of a personal thing, and I know people wouldnt like to see me with my boyfriend, but at the same time I think some people make a big deal out of it. I don't think people should be full on making out, groping eachother, or touching eachother so severely in public, because its 1. Gross 2. Rude and 3. Makes you look trashy. But as for a simple hug, or even holding eachother doesn't really bother me, to me that just shows you care for that person. I also don't really mind a few small kisses here and there, as long as they don't last more than a few seconds. Holding hands is obviously perfectly acceptable, and probably the best and least inappropriate way to show your affection publicly without going overboard.
  12. After using SM's code (i couldn't figure out jhaslips... ) it looks like this: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but i need help with getting rid of that little box at the bottom and/or moving it to my advantage.
  13. So i usually work in notepad, or frontpage but i was using dreamweaver instead because i wanted to see the difference and i like it better than frontpage and all. But as usual i cant get anything to work. I wanted the table to be over the images [the second image was going to be a table under the first picture, but i couldnt allign it right and there kept being a gap] i took the table out . http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is the link to the page <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/ <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <style type="text/css"> body { background-color: #111840; } </style> <div align="center"><img src="zooey1.jpg" alt="zooey" /> alt="zooey1" width="630" height="563" align="absmiddle" /></div> <div align="center"><img src="thebody.jpg" alt="body" /> alt="thebody" width="630" height="802" align="absmiddle" /> <span class="style1"></span> </div> </body> </html> Oh and this is kind of how i want it to look : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png
  14. Today i ate a donut with ice cream in it (it was like a little bar, and inside was ice cream), and after eatting it, I think your idea is kind of gross.I didn't like it at all, I just dont think i personally would like cookie covering all of the ice cream.I think the ice cream cookies and sandwhiches work perfectly fine.
  15. I treat most people the same, I really never say hi to anyone if I don't know them. You probably just look more pleasant with a dog. You know people who like dogs will come up to you, because with a dog it usually makes you look more friendly. Where as with a cane it might put them off for some reason, why I personally don't know but i am sure a cane is just less friendly looking than a dog. But honestly, I dont really think its your disability i think its just how your situation presents itsself in other peoples minds.
  16. My aunt was recently a few months ago diagnosed with seizures. Now, according to her doctor she has been having them atleast two years before they even realized it. So a month after they diagnosed her with seizures her driver's liscense was pulled. So because of that she is stressed because she can't go anywhere even though/when she wants to so she has decided not to tell her doctor she's been having seizures so she can be able to drive again. I think its a very wrong decision she is making, she is putting other people at risk, and she has even said, she knows its risky but she has to drive... i just think what she is doing is horrible she could get someone killed, and face charges. Plus shes harming her health by not telling the doctor.
  17. I ate a cockroach, well actually half of one when i was younger...well water roaches...which isn't something i actually remember, and believe me i would do it today, concidering i have a huge phobia of them. I also ate ants once, they were in my cereal, they are spicy its disgusting.Other than that what i eat on purpose and regurely isn't really that gross, or weird.
  18. So I have been getting into Grey's Anatomy a great deal recently and have watched every episode on Thursday since the season three started. I didn't see the first two seasons, but I easily caught up by figuring things out by myself, and asking people who have watched it from the beginning. The whole time i have noticed several simularities between GA and the show Scrubs, now for one I can't exactly hold a grudge towards GA and its writers for the fact that they are both doctor shows, and GA has a bit more seriousness to it than Scrubs, so i do like them both, not equally [scrubs wins over GA], but still i think they are both great shows. Now I heard rumours Scrubs is ending soon, and so I wanted to make sure I caught scrubs in its last season, and i realized today itll finally air Thursday, 9:00 on the 30th....well heres a problem, GA airs on thursdays at 9:00...now at the time i started watching GA I didn't even think about the fact that Scrubs is always on thursdays and it will mesh with Scrubs. That is just frustrating, and another thing that is so very frustrating is that for a long time Scrubs was on thursdays on NBC, and GA was recently switched this season to thursdays instead of Sundays, I detect this was deliberate by ABC, because theres obvious tension between Scrubs and GA...its very unfair. I know that I can easily skip GA and watch Scrubs on thursdays instead, and then watch GA on abc.com the next night, but the problem is my aunt loves Grey's Anatomy and we watch it together every week, how am i supposed to break that chain? I also refuse to miss Scrubs because the sixth season might be the last, and i cannot record it, its just a stupid ridiculous situation.
  19. Not really, because i still think one thread is suffient but since everyone else makes several threads...i might as well go with the flow you know?
  20. 1. I do believe Humans are animals however I believe we are mentally smarter than the majority of animals and our brains are more complex. Yes for the most part there aren't many "gay" animals, but that is because they really don't feel the kind of love humans do. Even if they 'mate' for life, their main goal is still to reproduce, but humans have the ability to fall in love without thinking we *must* reproduce. In fact many people don't even want to have kids, and most children are born without being planned...so obviously humans aren't exactly dead set on going by 'nature' and wanting children. 2. You compare homosexuality like its a bad thing, which it isn't. Raping and Murdering is bad but homosexuality is not. You just brought up bad things because you feel being gay is bad, but could you actually deny the feelings for someone of the opposite gender? Try it...its very difficult why ? Because liking someone of the same gender [i am not talking about experimentalists] is not just a lust thing, sure we may occasionally lust over someone of the same sex, but as a whole we love the same gender. People should deny their feelings if its lust [example murder and raping, and usually liking a teacher/teacher liking a student is a lust thing that can be felt by both gays and straights and yes it should be ignored... but it is not the same kind of feeling a gay has.] 3. I meant why MUST not most, if you read it with the word most in replace of most, you will see my sentence doesn't even make any sense. Must was meant for 'Why is it always THAT...' You are only reading what you want to believe. 4. I don't have to debate anything I do not want to, and is it perhaps possible your post made me yawn so much I wanted to kill myself just so I didn't have to drag out the most ridiculous comments? 5. What I have to say back to you: - I don't want to get married, because I don't need a stupid document to show my love towards another guy. And with the whole divorce rate, it looks like heteros don't even deserve to keep Marriage sacred because obviously it isn't as sacred as it used to be when the divorce rate is 50% or higher Are you just upset that maybe we have the ability to last longer, so you don't want to give us the right to get married in fear we will bring that rate down and prove that we do infact have real loving feelings and dare i say it...commitment? - Where did you get that assumption? I don't think anyone is demanding the idea of homosexuality to be taught in school. Maybe awareness to the fact we don't like our faces bashed in by the rednecks next door. Are you really that hating towards gays you don't feel we atleast deserve the right to walk down the street [or school hallway] without being called a '*BLEEP*' or getting pushed down? By the way, even if homosexuality wasn't as accepted as it is now, there would still be gays...there always has been gays read up on it and you will see it goes back way farther than just the past hundred years. - We want to give children homes, because heterosexuals just kept on concieving without any protection or a way to care for their children. Wow...we are so horrible to want to give homes to kids who will rot in an orphanege because no hetero family wants to take them in due to the fact they can concieve them on there own, and even when they can't they go against the laws of nature [if you will] and artifically concieve a baby...when they can easily try and adopt a child from their home country or [again do i dare say this?] another country...[oh the diversity it kills me!] and skip the complications of having 7 babies at once...or any other complications may occur during an unmentobe pregnancy. [Note, I do not agree wuth artificially concieving a kid, no matter if the person is gay or straight...its stupid adopt a kid that already exists] - ^ read above, heteros do it too - I do not agree with parades, with that i agree that it is stupid. But that isn't the majority of gays, theres several other ones who never attended a parade, and everyone knows have the audience in a gay parade are stupid HETERO *BLEEP* hags and drag queens. HAH at heterosexuality being sacred...hmm remember the little thing i said above about divorce rate? Maybe you don't go around shouting I'm straigt, I'm straight...but we never ask...straight people are always up in our faces condeming us or accepting us...and we are pushed into the spotlight in many ways due to straight people. You have parades too and 1. I'm not sorry they arent as flashy as ours and 2. Just because you don't say you are staight in them, doesn't mean that for the most part is straights participating in those parades. 3. Every parade has a theme, so why can't gays have a gay parade? Being gay and okay with it..is the theme. As for the cheating thing, hah most straight people have cheated at least once...or have been cheated on It is wrong...but people [gay and straight] do it, it depends on the person and how they feel about cheating not the sexual orientation. - It's AIDS, it is capital because it stands for something. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Did it ever occur to you, that maybe AIDS was caused be heteros. I have my theories but I honestly believe it was a planned thing amongst certain heterosexuals. Especially since it was seen long before 1981 when it was first really starting to get known...but hey thats just my theory or perhaps one of many...you don't want to play this whole AIDS/HIV is basically all because of gays game with me, because you most likely won't win. Its one of the most dragged out things that people like to blame on gays, when now most of the population who has it are straights...we learned, obviously you didn't. There i dragged out ALL your points are you happy now? By the way I personally prefer to stay somewhat quiet about what gender i sleep with in my public life, because in the end it doesn't matter i dont care who you are sleeping with, and if you are really so strung up with who im sleeping with, maybe...you need to reevaluate your life if you don't like us, ignore us...I don't like most heteros so hey I ignore them.
  21. If we continue to support the troops then in theory bush will keep sending them out. We are hypocritical stating we don't support the war, but we support the troops. What are the troops doing? They are fighting a stupid war, and you support them? Which means you support what they are doing ,so you support the war. I will not thank them, I didn't ask anyone to go out and fight. Go ahead support the troops, but I rather not support them, sure many men and women will be offended, but i think by not supporting them the war will end faster.
  22. This will be short, but to the point. What you are saying about kids today, is more than likely what people said about you when you and your generation were 10-25. People grow up, let people do so. What someone does today, doesn't always reflect what they will do 25 years from now.
  23. We don't get valentines off either, and people concider that a holiday....Halloween is a holiday. I don't mind the whole christmas before halloween thing. It reminds me that christmas/halloween/thanksgiving season is here, and its my favourite season/time of the year. [Mostly due to the fact that its the only time in cali where its sort of cold]. Actually for the past few years it seems christmas has been kind of forgotten, it just doesn't have the same feeling as it once did. All the christmas props, halloween props, and thanksgiving pops make me actually happy, i don't really look at them as sales, i look at them more of a statement, and a feeling...I don't know how to explain it really.
  24. 1. When it's cold I'd Like to Die - Moby 2. Cup of Coffee - Garbage 3. This Time Imperfect - AFI 4. Like A Stone - Audioslave 5. Days Go By (Acoustic)- Dirty Vegas Oh how i have so many more, and the ones i listed were just ones that were very depressing at the time i listened to them...so they may not seem that depressing but for me they are.
  25. Why must people compare animals to humans? Depending on what argument anyone is trying to make they either state animals and humans are nothing alike, or they state things like you stated about how we are just like them. You can't bounce around your opinions about humans and animals with every debate you are 'trying' to win. Why must people compare the thoughts and feelings of rapists and murderers with homosexuals? Because you know, apparently NO straight person has EVER murdered, molested, or raped another...oh no apparently that is strictly a homosexual thing. Sure all those things you stated are basically wrong to act upon, but why is homosexuality wrong and heterosexuality isn't? Give me ONE good reason how me being gay effects YOU. Don't bring up reproduction, because trust me...humans have no problem in that department, if we did adoption homes wouldn't be at all full. Seriously how does me being gay really effect you and your living? I'm really not hurting anyone by liking other guys, I do not agree with rape, molestation, pedophiles, murder and I would never commit any crimes i have just stated.
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