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Everything posted by JasperIk

  1. Thats horrible! Is it true ?(well...heh you cant always trust things on the net...or really anywhere i guess) Anyway that is just horrible, poor woman. But isnt it against the law not tell her why shes getting her arms and legs cut off?And how does one wake up with no arms or legs, I'm really confused, did they put her to sleep after she had her baby? Can someone explain, maybe i just am not smart enough, to get it...Did they tell her she needs to get her arms and legs amputated, and then against her will take her off to the hospital? I would assume she would need to sign a contract telling them it is alright.I don't know, its just horrible...
  2. When my mother found out she was pregnant, my dad wanted to marry but my mother didn't want to. And eventually my father distanced himself from her, and when i was born by then he was completly gone out of her life. The last time i saw him was when i was about 2 years old. I don't remember him. I wish i would have had a father figure (I have 4 younger siblings, so in a sense i had father figures but they never stayed long, and didnt treat me as if i was theirs) I don't blame my father for leaving me, since i know my mother...and i dont know how any many could stay with her. My mother hasnt been nice to me, i would care if she died...id be heartbroken because she is my mother...but shes hurt me so much emotionally and physically that its hard to fully forgive her, i mean honeslty i just want her to say shes sorry, but i know it wont happen, she will always dislike me because she didnt like my father, she will always dislike me for being gay, she will always dislike me for being sick, and she will always dislike me because i have no goals in life. But all but one of those things i can't change...so what do i do? I have to respect my mother for carrying me for 8 months, and i have to respect my father..actually i really don't but i dont know him enough to hate him.
  3. Im just sick of kids thinking they are so Emo, and they sit there and talk about how everyone else is such a poser. It pisses me off. And i DO know where your coming from, I have been out on the streets too, i have been poor, i have had a pretty screwed up life, but its not everyone elses fault...its just the way things are. Yeah its wrong for people to make fun of others because they cannot afford what they have, and yes they don't understand that maybe even if we could afford expensive clothes, we don't like the way they dress...but obviously (from the looks of all the posts about preps) no one gets that they like to wear what they like to wear, and you dont have to listen to them talk about how you should wear it too. Abercrombie is expensive...do i want to pay 50 dollars for a shirt that has a logo on it? NO! But if someone else wants to use mommy and daddy's credit card to do so, i say go ahead...because in the end you will win.High school, is hard, jr high is hard...just because kids are a holes doesnt mean you should want to die over it, because high schoolers are immature. Last year i was pushed and tripped, by a guy. I mean he litterly wanted me to fall on my face, and you know what I stood up for myself...maybe you should do the same. Im not trying to be rude, but you have to gain respect for yourself, before you can get it from others. And maybe for now they wont listen because they can't hear from all the sturrburn egotystic brain cells but eventually they WILL hear you, and you will get through to them. And if they don't, screw them they are not worth getting upset over. But i do understand where your coming from, but maybe i just am a more forgiving person, or maybe really i just dont care about what people have to say. So preps do bother me, but i have more important issues then to listen to how they spend 100 dollars on flip flops.
  4. JasperIk

    I Hate Greenday!

    I used to like them, before they got overly popular.They are just a commercial band now, they could sing something as lame was "1-2-3-4 Micky rooney is a *BLEEP*" and have a thousand 10-14 year old girls crawling all over them. Its ridiculous.Ever since the song "Time of your life" came out, i think they have just gone down hill. They got a taste for fame, and it died for awhile...and then they come out with pure crap and girls swarm for it, because they died for so long that their old fans got bored with them. And kids/teens today have no ear for talent its all about looks and crappy pop-rock. Many probably dont even know that Green day isnt new, they have been around longer than 14 years, they are older than some of their fans! A girl made a post at another message board stating how Green Day took about a 10 year break...its pretty hard to take a 10 year break when their last album (Warning) before American Idiot came out in 2004 came out in 2000 im sorry i have counted it a million times, and i still only get 4 years! I just found it pretty interesting, i dont know where she got her info, but for me not to be a very big fan (not since about warning really) of Green Day and know that they never have taken a 10 year break , and she is such a big fan... I mean you dont even really need to be a big fan, you just need to be old enough to remember. I could go into great detail why Green Day sucks, but i dont feel the need to really. I dont care if other people listen to them, i like their OLD stuff..and i listen to it...its their NEW stuff i cannot stand.
  5. Um, not to be rude but in my opinion people who constantly call other people posers, are just hiding the fact that maybe they, themselves are fake. Infact most of the "emo" kids who go around calling everyone posers, are infact the biggest poser of them all. Maybe you should just let people be whoever they are, or think they are... Besides all this, there is really no such thing as a true goth, or punk kid...its all about fashion (much like how someone described it was about preps, all about fashion well look at yourself) music (you must ONLY apparently listen to rock music, and if a band is too "poserish" you cant listen to them wtf?) I do however, understand the point, of this post...I personally hate when i have listened to a band a long time, and i bring the band up in a conversation, and they lie and say they have heard about them, and really its obvious they haven't. I also hate if someone doesnt know a band, and suddenly after you tell them about the band...they are their biggest fan, and have been since they started. Its fine not to know a band, but its not fine to lie about always knowing about them. But you are NOT proving yourself to be anyless of a poser, but calling others posers...and basically saying you are better then them (again much like how someone described preps). You are just as guilty. And someone will probably be a 'Punk' and say something like "Well what what are you then, since you seem to know it all" - Well i am me, i listen to what i like, i watch what i like, i WEAR what i like..and if that makes me a poser, than you are a poser too.
  6. I made it for a chat place i go to, the actual picture i didn't make...i hope one day i can make a picture like it though. But i changed its colour, and did some stuff to it (James St James is my screenname on the chat place)
  7. Personally i think this should go into the debate forum, because its very debatable (and makes a good debate topic) Science class is to teach science, NOT religion. If christians do not agree with evolution or do not want to learn about it, than they should go to a Christian School, or be homeschooled. If Intelligent Design was based on science, then yeah it should be taught in school, but its just a theory that is based on people's beliefs, not actualy scientific evidence.People complain athiests are trying to force their beliefs onto others, well having Intelligent Design would be the same, atleast Evolution [an "athiest belief" ] can almost most definetly be proven, there for it is a theory, where as Intelligent Design is a belief, based on Belief. Evolution should be the only thing taught, its not like it hurts you to open your mind a little. Intelligent Design is just rubbish in my opinion, Evolution actually makes sense...Intelligent Design is just saying believe in God, believe In God, Believe in God...thats all i hear from it.
  8. No one is perfect what matters is if the person is Perfect for you, and if you are perfect for them. My idea of the perfect man is probably very different from many other people's ideas. For me, I don't like to have a boyfriend that is a lot like me, i enjoying talking about the things we both like, but i also like talking about the things we don't both like. When people are too much alike they tend to clash because you get competitive, and i believe that is why a lot of relationships don't work out, is because at first meeting, you see that you have so much incommon, well that is just a recipe for disaster (for me anyway), meanwhile it could be a recipe for success for others. Everyone is different...love is not excluded.
  9. I have a plaque (right word? plaquerd?) that has that, And in a weird way i have always lived by that, even before i really read it (i hardly ever cared for it when i was a kid, i just had it because it was given to me) I am a guilty person and sometimes i dwell on things that have happened in the past, and these words tend to help me realize i cannot live entirely in my past, and i cant change everything.
  10. Well, honeslty im just posting because i read your thing in the shout...I am not for anime artwork, i dont see the point of it..or why people think it looks good to be honest. The background is good, i just cant stand anime, and i like the colours...
  11. Thank you apollo, i love being told how strange my people are. I do not know if this is true, but if it is i would not doubt it to be a result of nuclear radiation. Im sorry my post is so short, but there really isnt much to say on the topic.
  12. Honestly Bush :: watches as every member stops to look at him :: , but only for one reason. We are at war, because we are/were in the middle of a war when voting occured to have another president would cause problems within the white house...But honestly neither...i would bring Clinton Back if i could.
  13. Well it was actually a suggestion i made, and sent it to a mod. They told me to post it here, and then they were going to pin it or something like that. I understand the point about me complaining about complaining...but I am just trying to address something that in my opinion is an issue.
  14. So we have The Vent, for people to complain. Well I think some people are complaining TOO much. I see that there are some people that have more than three topics in there, and some of them could probably be meshed together. I think that people should just have maybe 1 or 2 topics in there, one of them could be off all their vents, like their family/friend/boyfriend/girlfriend/people at work/school problems because i think those could very well be put together. And things that have to do with something different could be in their other venting topics. But I just don't see why people feel the need to vent about every single problem.I just have a hard time really taking someone serious when all they do is complain. And at other forums people ARE looked down upon for having 20 million topics about things to complain about. Its just frustrating seeing people have several topics in the Vent, i feel they are just taking credits (you give credits in there right?) by boring us with their overly ventful life. Some problems just don't need to be vented about in my opinion.But that is my opinion, for people to have less threads in the vent. To Have people have no more than two or three. Besides some people are complaining about the same thing...so i think there needs to be less of the same topic. Notice from KuBi: I told him to post it here. Don't move please.
  15. Personally YIM. It has a lot of awesome smilies, has audibles, cool avatars, many more font colour options, the list goes on. The only thing i don't like is that its kind of bubbly, i prefer the older yim....I have AIM and I have msn. I dislike AIM because people can add you and you not know it, and stalk you... i really don't like that so i never give people my AIM name, and i dont put it on sites...you are very lucky if you get my AIM name. But i like AIM because its small but i prefer the older versions of AIM, i dont update anymore because with each update its just worse and worse. I dislike MSN because its really bulky...but i kind of like it.But my favorite is YIM, but i guess i use AIM the most because more people have it, and msn...people should use YIM more.
  16. lol. Grammar isn't it? I don't really understand how people can mix up their, there, and they're, so much. Okay They're is a contraction (isn't it? haha) its short for They Are, now wouldn't you have common sense that its They're when reffering to people, and not there, or their? And There is like here, over here...over there...very simple. Whats left? Their. It was theirs.
  17. I was 12, and Me and this guy i was friends with, were always hanging out...we had built a club house in his back yard, and we were there almost everyday. And one day he just kissed me... He was a little older like 13/14...but anyway we after that went to our club house to make out, till his father caught us once, and we werent allowed to play together again it sucked, but it is one of my favorite memories.
  18. I kind of agree with everyone else, i dont think you should really tell anyone. I mean you honestly did bring it upon yourself, you insulted someone...so someone insulted you back. I mean if she would have walked up to you, and been like "You are such a nasty jew!" for no apparent reason, i think yes then you would have a right to be very upset. But concidering the situation, i think it was just a case of verbal diarrehea...you insulted her [friend] and so she insulted you back, probably with whatever she could blurt out, before really thinking. She probably just meant that what you said was infact mean (which it was) and that she thought you were nasty/being nasty...and the fact that you are jewish had really nothing to do with anything, it just kind of stuck onto the rest of what she said. Either way you shouldnt have said what you did, and she most definitly shouldnt have said what she said, but its in the best, and unless it happens again i think you should just forget about it, move on with your life...dont dwell on hateful words.
  19. The WORST thing you can do when making a forum is ask for moderators. A lot of people make the mistake of getting too many moderators, and your stuck with a ratio of 5 mods, to 1 member..when it SHOULD most definitly be the other way around.And random forums never work, people like to have one set topic, because then it gets just way too chaotic, if its just random.
  20. JasperIk

    Gay Marriage

    Okay...however like i said many people in Africa had AIDS and i am sure not a lot of same sex , intercourse was happening. True their HIV is different then the one in other countries...but it is still HIV.I seriously HIGHLY doubt that HIV came to be because of hormones mixing, because like i said if it was a purely "homosexual disease" Straight people would NOT get it. And yes it is a lot 'easier' to get it if you are a homosexual man. But only because of the way some (yeah some only about 50%, yeah take that home chew it..its delicious) engage in sexual acts ( i am guessing you, if you have a brain get which i am talking about)...its just easier for the virus to get into areas, faster via this way. Its harder for straight people to get it, (straight men anyway) because in order to get it from a woman she has to have like cuts all up in her, and basically so do you. Meanwhile you could pass it to a women a lot more easily then a women could pass it to you. Reason why MOST lesbians do not have it is because its just too hard to get. I normally don't get so uptight about gay topics, because i don't care if people don't like me...but just i am so sick of people STILL blaming AIDS/HIV on Gays. And yeah so HIV spread, via blood donation, atleast we DONATED blood...sorry for trying to help. And people who keep writing about how being gay is going to make our human population go down. Did you ever just stop to think that MAYBE JUST FRICKING MAYBE god 'created' homosexuals to help STOP reproduction? Our world is extremely over populated with humans, and we can't even afford it. We just help you all be able to have kids, and then we adopt other people kids, so that they can have a home, or we just simply don't have kids. Instead of breeding like rabbits, why don't you try foster care....give a home to a kid that needs one, rather then making your own that the world doesn't need.
  21. Being sexually confused is NOT a part of growing up. It just recently has become an excuse to sleep around, and act like your something you aren't. I was never confused about my sexuality, you know why? Because i didn't dwel on it, i didnt go around sleeping with everyone cuz omg i thought omg what if i am gay. At 10 years old sexuality was further from my mind, i still wanted to play with my army men and squirt people with squirt guns...and now 10 year olds ( i did meet a 10 year old "bi" girl i was like wth...) are so "smart" about sex, and sexuality.... what you are has never been such an issue since probably the past 10 years, with all this media highlighting the "gay lifestyle" (highlighting a lot of bad things, that i personally am not exactly thrilled about, or they exagerate our behaviors..cuz you know every gay guy wears tight pants, and talks in a high voice, and has a limp wrist... ) If they wouldnt jam homosexualy down people's throws, kids wouldnt be so damn confused...i mean a kids mind is like a sponge.I am not saying the media makes people gay...i never watched tv when i was younger, and i am gay- but i was never confused. I think the media just glamourfies things, and makes kids confused cuz kids want a cool lifestyle...so they want this lifestyle that they cant fully have, because you either are gay or your not. and Ejay with your whole if i am in a committed relationship you wont go with a girl...if you dont want to be with the guy break up with him, don't be so selfish. You cant just say your bi, or gay ... untill your done with puberty..or have even began it...because your brain is still growing and its confused..and labeling yourself. And even saying bi "curious" is labeling..why do you even have to be with anyone at 13..14..or even 15? You don't. If you wouldnt dwell on sex, and sexuality your life would be less complicated and the answer to "what" you are will come faster cuz your not so busy trying to be something you aren't (whether that be straight, gay or "bi") Im just soo fricking sick of the excuses....
  22. So two days ago someone adds me on msn. Now It confused me because not many places have my username. So finally the person gets on and he IMs me, and eventually i replied, because i wasnt near my computer when he first IMd me.So we start talking, and he starts asking me questions like where i am from, how old i am , you know those kind of questions. And he keeps saying sorry every five seconds (which i seem to attract those kind of guys, sorry for this sorry for that) about asking about a scary movie, and i hadnt seen it, so he says sorry 50 million times because he asked that question. So he starts asking me guys i like, and he names off some guys then names girls. By now i am just bored out of my mind, and i can already tell he is just a sexuality confused kid.So I ask him, are you gay or "bi"?And of course he answers "bi", and i respond right...because i know his type..look at a guy think he is kind of hot, omg im bi im bi, his type makes me sick. So being the anit bisexual i am I say, so your a liesexual. And i ask him my typical question i ask every "bi" because their answer to this question is hilarious.I ask "So If i was dating you, and a hot girl came into your life, would you date us both, cuz you know you gotta deal with both your needs" and his reponse? "Of course" So i am just like okay so...forget about 'my' feelings, you gotta take care of your needs. So at that point i just have NO respect for him, and he doesnt seem to understand the problem. So he continues to talk to me, and hes like well i like guys...but only some guys ..and he just continues giving me this big sob story about how he is soooo confused, because you know its so my problem. Meanwhile i am just throwing insults at him, and he is just completly too stupid to understand that i am insulting him...and hes like your such a nice guy, and all this crap. And hes just a cry baby, hes telling me what kind of movies he likes, which were all chick flicks. All the books he reads are about gay guys, okay to me he is just has made himself think he likes guys...because i dont think if he honestly tried to go out with one he would be able to, he just thinks about sex (which most "bi" people do)And to put icing on the cake, he sends me an e mail this morning stating I am the one , and that i have made him WANT to be gay. This guy is only 16, hes just a sexuality confused kid...and he lives across country from me, why in the world would i want to be with him, what makes him think i would be with such a moron? I just am soo sick of people throwing their sexuality problems at me, yeah i am gay but me being gay is my problem, just like you being "bi" or gay is YOUR problem, i dealt with my own hardships i dont want to deal with anyone elses. In the past two years its just been this EXPLOSION of like sexuality confused people. Most of my friends have decided, and yeah i said decided, to be bi. Okay especially the girls. Like every time i turn around another one of my friends is bi, but all they want to do is make out with girls, and some dont even want to do that. Like the only thing i agree with in the word bisexuality is the word sex. And its always the goth/punk girls like if you wear black its like the thing to be bi. It pisses me off.How are real gay people, supposed to be treated with respect with liesexuals go around having sex with everyone, making gays look really bad. How is anyone supposed to take us serious when little 13, 14 year old girls are like im a lesbian, or i am bi..when they just learned what that meant a year before...and only think women are pretty. Like so i think some girls are beautiful, but i dont want to have a relationship with them, so i am not bi...but people are just like well I think some girls are pretty, or i think some guys are hot..i must be bi..who cares if i cant really see myself in an actually LOVING relationship with them. I think its just a whole self esteem issue too, girls have soo many self esteem issues growing up that they are like well if i can be this girl, why i dont i be with them...i mean alot of bisexual girls i know arent pretty, and a lot of not pretty girls i have known end up being bi...or lesbian cuz no guy likes them. And with guys, they are either just horny and want to have sex with anything that walks OR they are gay, but cant admit to themselves so they just say they are bi. No this rant isnt exactly about bisexuals, just i am so sick of KIDS worrying about what gender they are attracted too...and i am just sick of everyone thinking its so fricking cool to be gay. Why do you think so many gay people commit suicide? Because to actually BE gay is fricking hard...but kids dont seem to get that, cuz they arent really gay/bi they just can say they are straight whenever they want to, cuz they arent actually gay. But for those who really are gay it makes us lose respect from people, when every sex obssessed 14 year old is like look at me look at me, i am gay or i am bi...such attention whores. Meanwhile the real gay people are looking at them going wtf. I just want to shove all the sexuality confused, or sexuality greedy people on some island, and be like there...be greedy and confused out of our ways. So people can see that REAL gay people have hearts and were not just sex hungry morons like you all. Just cuz you cant figure out wtf you are doesnt mean you have to bring us down with you.
  23. For those who keep saying they drank milk as a kid, and thats why they are sooo tall. Um, its called genetics, just because no one else in your family is tall doesnt mean you wont be tall , its just that you show the gene, where as they don't. I have a friend, she is 5'10 and she is lactose intolerant, her brother is 6'5" and he also is lactose intolerant. True they have tall family members on both sides, but not all of them are tall, and too my knowledge most of them arent big milk drinkers. Milk really just packs on the pounds if you don't exersize. I am not saying my sister is fat, but my 11 year old sister basically ONLY drinks milk, and she has a lot of extra weight, and i know its because of the ammount of milk she drinks (she will sit there and have two full glasses of milk, during dinner time, and through out the day its just glasses after glasses. All it does is packs on the pounds for her. Same with my 17 year old sister all she does is drink milk...and both her and my 11 year old sister are much heavier then the rest of my siblings.I am not saying it makes bones weaker, but after basically 2 years of age is just creates an unhealthy habbit, to drink soo much milk is bad for you, and it doesnt make your bones stronger...it does nothing. Maybe i am just against drinking soo much milk because i dont see why people think it tastes soo good, its like thick, even if its fat free...whole milk is vomitrocious, it smells bad, even when its not. I can't even talk about it anymore its making me gag
  24. Its actually bad for you, especially whole milk. I asked my docter, because i never drink milk, I normally drink fat free in my cereal, or just have soy milk. So i asked her if it was okay that i didnt drink milk, and she said its bad for you. She told me people after two years of age really dont need as much milk as everyone is proclaiming.And if you think of it scientifically. If you breast feed your kid , you shouldnt breast feed them for more then 2 years, so why would you give them Animal milk after 2 years of age? Besides all this, milk is nasty.
  25. I did a search and didnt find anything on it. I am not too sure if it goes here, but its not really a "health" issue in my opinion so...Does anyone have it, or know someone who has it? I have it, i never really knew what it was a I had, but i kind of self diagnosed myself with it, because its hard to miss that i have it.Ill just give a list of things I do that obviously point the direction to having OCD.1. I have to smell a glass, and rinse it out before i use it. Then i cannot put my lips on the cup, so i have to tuck my lips under my teeth, then drink it, because subconsiously i think its poisoned on the outside.2. If a candle, picture, or anything like that is crooked i HAVE to fix it. If a there is something on a table, like a candle or something, and i touch it, i HAVE to touch all the other things like it on the table. I have to touch poles if i am walking, and yes i do go back if i miss one.3. If i find trash, like a candy wrapper and i remember the moment i had it.. i cannot throw it away, no matter how much room it takes up. If something has been in one place for a long time I can't move it, someone else has to..i feel like it BELONGS there and i must NOT move it.4. If I start up a music box, i have to keep it going, or i have to leave it playing and leave the room, and make sure i cant hear it, so i never know when it stops. I feel something bad might happen if i let myself hear it stop. 5. Someone has to choose what food to buy, because i feel bad for the other foods because i didnt choose them. This is like that for other things that come in more then one...sometimes i even try making the person with me buy something of the same, so it doesnt feel left out. 6. If i sneeze and no one says bless you, i freak out and i have to say bless you to myself. Because i feel like something will happen if no one says it. 7. This isnt the case anymore, thankfully. But i used to not be able to wear anything to bed BUT this one pair of pajama pants, and a shirt. I wouldnt sleep if i couldnt find them, i actually did stay up a few times looking for them! I just would NOT wear anything else. 8. I used to not be able to swim in a pool, i could barely get near one. I would just get this awful feeling like something bad would happen if i got in, so i just didnt get in for years. 9. I used to, and kind of still hate going to the snow, like taking a trip to the snow, especially on saturdays..i felt like something bad would happen10. If i like an actor, i have to pull myself into another celebrity...i feel if i like them too much they will die...so i have to stop liking them in order to not lose them. (probably personally, my weirdest thing) 11. If i am writing something, and dont like how i wrote a word i will erase it till its perfect, or i will just throw away the paper and write it all again, even if like i wrote an 'I' a little slanted. 12. Sometimes i will be busy and for no reason i will think omg did i close my front door. I have cats and dogs, and they are little and so if i leave my door open they could run away and possibly be eatten by coyotes. So if i dont shut my door its a big deal. And itll ruin my day because i have to hurry and come home to make sure i shut my door. Those are the only ones i can really remember i am sure i do more. but those are the ones i actually am aware i do, i am sure i do more that i dont even realize...So does anyone else have it? I was in the car with my friends mom the other day and talk bout OCD came on the radio. My friends mom was being kind of a b.... about it saying its not real and people need to just get over their fears. But its really not that easy, the only thing i agreed with her on, was that it starts when you have no control in your life, so you start controlling little things. Which is probably true because a lot (some i have been doing since i really young) of the things i do i never did till my friend died, which is when i got really depressed, and thats when the pajama thing happened. (which really was my worst one, it was very inconvienant and i am so glad i finally pulled myself out of that one)....The radio basically said mostly girls have it, but i am a guy and i have it, so if there any other guys who have it?
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