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Everything posted by JasperIk

  1. None of the other planets (atleast in our solar system) have any sign of life, because they do not hold the requirements to store life. We need water for hydration, we need oxygen to breathe (we put out carbon dioxide, for plants, while they put out oxygen for us) . We need the sun for warmth. Life began, because of energy from the sun, and lightening, mixing with the hot water/lava on our earth, it created tiny simple organisms that later and eventually progressed into more complex organisms. Not because some god created it. The whole world doesn't revolve around humans, even though most people think it does. None of the stuff on earth was made for US, they just happen to be the only things that can handle us. If god exists, than why aren't people perfect, and why have we gone (not just humans) through so many changes. Wouldn't god create the 'perfect' beings if he supposedly has such a power?
  2. When someone tells me they will pray for me because I am gay. Thats offencive and that is negative. And i do take 'god bless you' as a bad thing, just because they think its a nice/good thing to say doesn't mean i do, or that it actually is. Its like saying 'Happy Birthday' to someone who doesn't celebrate their birthday, maybe to you it seems simple, and gentle enough and nice..but to them it can be highly offensive and rude. Many people dont believe in reincarnation, and so when you say "Well, he will be reincarnated into something even greater" you may THINK its a nice, and soothing thing to say, but if they dont believe in reincarnation, it can be taken as the exact opposite. People need to just keep their mouths shut and stop telling everyone 'god bless' and 'reincarnation that...' and anything else of that nature, UNLESS they know you share their same beliefs. And there is a time and a place for it, i mean if i am walking down the street or at school i dont want to be told 'god bless' everywhere i go, but if i was in church and someone said that how can i really be offended? Its church... so for them to assume i believe in god, would be understandable but anywhere else it isn't.
  3. When Princess Diana was in the car Accident I was 10 years old, so yes at the time i probably did have real faith in god. Just because the book says things will happen, doesn't mean it was because of god. Its called observation, watching the surroundings around you, seeing how things are progressing etc...I can make a bunch of predictions that will probably come true, it doesn't mean god told me. When you are ready to believe in all things science, and not fantasy, I'll be ready. But obviously that isn't going to happen IS it? And neither is me letting you sit there and pack your beliefs into me, because i will just throw them back up. All you just typed wasn't evidence, I think you don't understand the word 'evidence' that was just predictions and theories...neither are actually evidence. But you know what, you can thump your bible at me and preach and it won't change what i think, just like i can't change what you think, so just drop it because i will never be one of you. I'm not overreacting. It is a case of hearing too much of the same thing over and over , and finally getting fed up with it. I say ONE thing, about evolution and several christians get on my **bottom** about it, i have gone 19 years hearing 'god bless you' and 'i will pray for you'..I think I am allowed to finally say, hey i have my beliefs too! And if anyone thinks it is a phase, and im just trying to rebel..you are wrong. I didn't just pull my opinions out of the big book of how to defy the world, my non believing in god has come on me slowly after several things have been brought to my attention, one major thing being science.
  4. Why don't both of you just go to the dance, on your own not together? If you end up dancing, thats great, but because you go seperate if you both don't dance together, it wont be the end of the world. Its really the only advice i have for the situation, sorry. As for peer pressure just ignore them, because in my experience, when people work so hard to put two people together, theres something more than just wanting to see the two to be together, theres some evil plot going on in their heads.
  5. At first, reading i was like wow people actually accept and agree with me, and then i came to your post. Who am i to judge if god exists or not? I am human, i have opinions i am on this earth alive, that gives me the right to judge and have my own beliefs. Facts, no...evidence no...Because throughout the years the so called 'facts' can be contradicted by science. For example, i highly do not believe in the devil and many people thought if you were 'crazy' you were possesed by the devil, even though we now know, they were just crazy because their mind wasn't right, they had brain problems, the brain is a powerful thing and it is out of whack, you are capable of doing things that are so wrong, and it has nothing to do with the so called devil. Facts, and Opinions/Beliefs are not the same. When a picture is taken, and there is a glare, or a funny light by someone, people with Christian beliefs say 'oh it is jesus/god', when i look at it...i see the film must have been damaged, or there was something that was shining at the time the picture was taken (glass, braceletts, neckless...). You say, i am probably just too lazy to go to church and pray. I went to church until i was about 7 on my own, by choice. I prayed off and on for different reasons, I prayed for Princess Diana, she didn't make it now did she? Infact everytime i have prayed, it doesn't do anything. The only reason why prayers are answered, isn't because god was listening, it was just coincidence. I have tried to go to church in the passed few years, and it has done nothing for me, i felt like i was being lectured and talked AT, not TO...and now it wasn't just "that church" it was four other churches, and all left me with the same feeling, god isn't real. Stories, are written for fun. And, yeah I am sure the bible is a interesting and 'fun' story to read...but so are Stephen King books, and Anne Rice books...now tell me are they real? No, so don't you think it IS possible that the bible was written for pleasure, and not for it to be followed? As for heaven, I do not believe in heaven. There you go assuming everyone believes in heaven. Heaven and Hell are just like bribes, like candy...just to make everyone be "good". But you know what? I know murder is wrong, I know stealing is wrong...but I don't need god, heaven, the devil, or hell to keep me believing they are wrong. My own mind, my own life experiences have taught me they are wrong, I I I think it is wrong, and it has nothing to do with anything in the bible. I may not follow god, but it doesn't mean i have no morals. Heaven and Hell do not scare me, and I cannot go to any place I do not believe in. I can tell you what YOU WILL be buried/cremated and you will rot. THAT is proven, your body rots. Now whether or not your soul and spirit are taken elsewhere, that is unknown, but atleast I have proof we rot, you have no proof we go to heaven. I don't have to accept gifts. And it is NOT nice, because it would be like me saying "Australopithecus Bless" For people who don't believe in evolution, that would be offensive. My anger is justifiable, see above. That offends me, because it basically means that all christians think anyone who isn't christian is wrong. Therefore, i have a right to be offended, because i am NOT wrong, and they need to keep their beliefs to themselves, in their church. Christianity is so wide spread, that anytime someone believes in god, heaven, hell, and the devil...i refer to it as christian beliefs. And actual christians, do far more pushing then any other religion. But note, i do not go along with any other religion, no matter if they worship god, witchcraft, satan, or the earth. Then they should get to know me first shouldn't they? Yes they should. I don't automatically jump into evolution, and such everytime i speak to somebody new. They may believe in the bible, but it doesn't mean it or they are right. I don't go around threatening their bible, but I do speak up if they try to cram their beleifs down my throat, so they brought it upon themselves. WHY is their religion wrong? You have feelings about their religion, like I do about christianity. I don't agree with their beliefs, because they aren't my own, but what if they are right...? You are offending millions, yourself with saying they are wrong, so you are just a hypocrite. Religion is evil. Everyone thinks their religion is better then someone elses, and it isn't. Please don't be offended, when you die...and NOTHING happens to your soul.
  6. Not that i am saying he is lying, but he might just be blowing it all out of proportion. I had a friend who complained, about her parents and her home life constantly, saying her parents never gave her anything, that they loved her sister nore etc...but the more i stayed at her place, and the more i was around her (not just at her house, at school, the movies...etc) i realized, she was really stretching the truth. It was apparent that there was some kind of connection between her parents, and her sister yes that was apparent, but as for loving her more, i dont think so. And my friend got a lot, it was one of those, maybe she didnt get what she asked for right then and there, but she did get it, kind of ordeals. My point is, he could just be stretching the truth, Teens tend to overreact, and i know that almost every teen has at one point in their life said they wish they could run away, or go to an orphanage. Teenage years are hard, and during your teens you start wanting to gain more independance, and often you feel your family gets in the way of exploring life. Maybe his parents have hit him, but maybe they only hit him once and he has blown it way out of proportion. Its just hard to tell what is true with kids anymore, because it seems like the ones crying about their problems, arent the ones who are usually suffering, they just hunger for some form of attention [possibly, from not getting a whole lot from their family- so they feel, if their family isnt giving them attention, they will draw negative attention to their own family, as a way of personal revenge] Have you seen bruises on his body, you say he was hit in the head...did you see any bruises? Have you been to his house? Well, i know this post wasnt probably what you wanted, but i just dont want you to put so much effort in trying to help someone when in the end, it turns out to be something so small (it has happened to me, and not just with my friend talked about above). As for 'real' advice, i would suggest YOU go to the school counseler, and express your concern on your friends situation, because no one can help if no one speaks up.
  7. Everyday, I get a "I will pray for you" "god bless" "bless you"... from somebody, for some reason. For awhile, I dealt with it (more when I wasn't so anti-religion), it didn't bother me all that much, i just shrugged it off because it was their belief, and I understood that. Then, it happened more, and more...and I started to think about what it really meant, and then my own beliefs, and i started to get angrier, and more annoyed each time i heard it, until i have been driven to the point of where i am now. Why do i feel so stepped on, and forgotten? Why do people just assume I am Christian, why doesn't anyone understand my beliefs? It seems like everyone believes i have no morals, that i am horrible, that i am...in a sense, evil because i don't worship a god. Why am i so ridiculed? People say other 'religions' are always misunderstood, and treated poorly, but...most religions have one thing in common, they believe in god...or some higher power/s ..its like a special bond, no matter how much they fight and hate each other, they will always have that in common. But what do i have? its like everyone hates me. I get so horrible offended when someone says 'god bless', because i feel like everyone just assumes i believe in god and it makes me feel like no one wants to get to know me, and that they just think everyone is like them. If i say I don?t believe in god, i am ridiculed, but a Christian is allowed to speak freely of their belief for a god? It isn't fair. I believe in evolution, i believe we are related to great apes (NOT monkeys...note the characteristics of humans and gorillas and orangutans, NOT monkeys), and we evolved from ape LIKE creatures. I don?t believe the world was created in what 7 days? I believe the bible, was just a book written for entertainment, god was originally created for people to put blame on. I believe the so called 'virgin' Mary, was probably just like an average 16-25 year old today, scared to be pregnant, and made up a lie... just a fairly big one. I think the story of Adam and Eve is disgusting, and doesn't make any sense. I understand that probably yes, some inbreeding had to probably occur to create anything, plant or animal...but inbreeding from just two people and people being spread to each part of the world? There would have to be an Adam and Eve on every continent. And hell? I believe that is just something they made up for a threat, like "go to your room"|"go to hell"...I refuse to believe in something so evil, especially when supposedly god forgives all, if he forgives all...why is there a hell? A bit contradicting eh? There?s other religions, and i know I shouldn't be nitpicking at mostly just Christianity, but to be honest i have to put up with Christian beliefs in general, far more than any other religion, because a lot of Christian followers are just so damn pushy. I?ve never had a Buddhist come to me, and try to cram their belief down my throat, or a Muslim, a Satanist, or even a pagan (though, don?t even get me started on that religion, along with Wicca).If you are offended by my post, welcome to how i feel everyday when someone tells me 'god bless'
  8. The host i had before, was...okay at first, but then it was like atleast once a week it would be down, especially the mysql, it was ALWAYS down, and that was what i ran my board on, so obviously it was a pain in the neck. Now that i have had Trap, i dont actually recall it being down, [it might have been once or twise, but my internet connection was decieving occasionally] unless it was an error on my part. But ive only used two hosts so far.
  9. When i reply to things I normally read the first post, type something up regarding it, and then skim through all the other ones picking any highlights i may want to respond to. But you are right, a lot of people don't even skim through the first post.
  10. The audio seems to work , what do you mean 'right'? But i had it about average, listening to my normal music (i dont listen to my music very loud). It sounds okay to me.
  11. It doesnt make me want to vomit, it reminds me of vomit. Like when you throw up cool aid, and its like blat there it is...i dont know, like you have a subject, but its so close to everything else...its not very, like yeah wow this is the subject. But they would look better with any text. I didnt word it well first, i meant like you have colours...but they are the same color...like each colour isnt really far from the last one.
  12. I dislike the font, i am severely picky about font...and i dont think it is sharp/crisp enough honestly. in general i dislike that type of banner, it reminds me of like vomiting...and just getting nothingness, but one solid colour over and over.
  13. JasperIk

    Power Trippers

    First off, i had a bit of a busy and pretty much sucky weekend, and i went into a chatroom i go to often to just chill and get away from my personal life for a little bit, upon entering i noticed three people were fighting. Now one of them, is a total hag and she always picks fights with people, i know because she often does it with me. So in the end two of them (not the hag) were gagged (meaning they can be in the room but no one can read what they type). And the hag was gloating, and continued to call them idiots and stupid. Annoyed i said that i thought everyone in the situation was being stupid. Which was true, i didn't want to deal with fights and they [especially the hag] were being very stupid and immature. So she starts to jump all over me, calling me gay bashing terms and such (because that is just oh so original), and i simply tell her she isn't worth fighting with, i didn't want to fight so i just let her say all those mean things, because i wasn't going to let her push me to fighting. And after i said that, more people started to jump all over me telling me how negative i am, and that i should learn to have fun. Meanwhile, i am just sitting there taking all their *BLEEP*, not fighting back not complaining...and i am talking to someone in the room in private message, and all of a sudden i realize that box has closed, and i look at the actual room and I was kicked. Upset, and bothered i waited a couple of minutes and tried to go in again, but couldn't yet so after ten minutes i went back and asked why and who kicked me. The op in there denied kicking me, and the hag kept saying "you left on your own!" bs, why would i take the effort to ask who kicked me, if no one kicked me? Like does saying "you left on your own" change some scientific law? Because no matter if you say the grass is pink, the truth is...its fricking green, saying it is something doesnt change the truth, so she may have kept saying i left on my own, but i didn't i was kicked. Then once again they started to tell me how negative i was, and she continued with crude remarks to me and so i gave up, and have left that room for good. It just upset me, because it was like everyone turned on me except a few people [and on a note, i feel bad because the people who do like me, want me to come back but its too hard now, i wont have a good time] and i honestly did nothing. I know i can be negative, and stuff but i really didn't do ANYTHING this time. So what gives?
  14. I hate 'your mom' so much too. I used to get so aggrivated that people would say it, its died down now, but forever my friends were always saying it. Its not even a good come back, and its not funny. My mother isn't dead, but my cousin's is and i always wondered how awful she must feel when and if someone does say 'your mom' to her. The whole phrase makes me angry.
  15. And this is why I NEVER date bisexual guys, because i rather be dumped for another guy, then dumped for a girl. It hurts a heck of a lot more. Don't punish yourself, because she couldnt be true to herself when she first started dating you, she probably just used you. You can easily go and find someone better, someone more honest and someone who wont cheat on you (atleast not with someone of the opposite sex). It isnt your fault.
  16. I don't really care what race people date, even if its not their own. I don't date guys normally that aren't white, its not because I am rascist, i just dont find them attractive. (STOP! before you insist thats rascist, because i know a lot of people who aren't white, who will be quick to say a white person is ugly/unattractive, so just stop before you think you are ahead. I have no problem being friends with anyone not white, but I just hardly feel a love connection with anyone who isn't white.) But if I saw you on the street, I probably wouldn't stare, it wouldn't bother me, but then again i live in california and i often see whites with mexicans, blacks with whites, mexicans with blacks, whites with asians... it just isn't a big deal to me.
  17. Please will people stop telling me to remember or to believe in god. I am not atheist, but i do not worship god, and i find it very rude that people keep pushing him onto me. That in itsself makes me very angry and upset. Not everyone has christian beliefs.
  18. I have this friend i've known since about 7th grade, and we have drifted apart off and on since then. But everytime i see him, or talk to him i feel really happy. Not a normal, oh this person is funny and cool, they make me laugh therefore im happy, kind of way. More like, this person makes everything seem to be okay, and perfect when im with them kind of happy. There is two problems with that. One, being he is straight and has NO idea i even have feelings for him. The other, I'm already seeing a great guy. I know that I could never have my friend, but i feel guilty that im with my boyfriend [who i really do like a lot, don't get me wrong, he is great and he does make me feel happy, but it just isnt the same] but like someone so much more. Like what do i do, break up with my boyfriend, and end up alone? Or stay with my boyfriend and hope that the feelings for my friend will surpass. I don't want to lose my friendship with my friend [like, have to end our friendship, because of my feelings , and/or because he finds out about them] and i don't want to lose my relationship with my boyfriend.
  19. He may be standing up for me, but he isn't correct and basically is just talking about stuff he doesn't even understand/know. And technically a lot of gay people ARE angry because they are gay why, because it is NOT a choice and they are angry that they cannot be like everyone else, so in a way the person was in the right state of mind, but was not putting it nicely nor correctly, but the idea he had, would have been a good educated guess. But sticking up for me, and telling everyone i chose to be gay, and that people who are gay chose to be it, makes all the things he said 'standing up to me' not worth it. I am quite okay with being gay, and to some point it IS a choice. I can't choose who i am attracted to, and i can't chose that i am attracted to guys, but i can choose whether or not i date them. But as for liking them, i have no choice over that, it just is how it is.But I wouldn't expect straights or even bisexuals to understand, because most wouldnt [especially to straights] tell them, they chose to be straight.
  20. I cant take your post to heart, concidering i didn't choose to be gay, you being so called bisexual should know that who you are attracted to, is not a choice. You are just as ignorant as the person you were fighting. As for the rest, I dont know...im guilty over everything, because i tend to blame everything on my own actions, and feel like so much is my fault. I feel also guilty that i didn't do things with people I no longer have in my life, all the time i wasted avoiding them, is gone and i wont get it back.
  21. What i hate, is people think that if you are Atheist you have no morals. Its honestly not that hard to do stuff for YOU not god. I am agnostic [well, i prefer no religion, but my beliefs are closests to that of an agnostic person] because i dont worship god, and doubt his existance, but because I haven't seen him, I cant fully say he does, or does not exist. I dislike the stupid teenagers who say they are Atheist [or um Athiest, as they often mispell] but then talk about about the devil, as if they believe in him. Being Atheist is not believing in anything in christianity. Id vote for an Atheist anyday, you know why? Because then the opinions they have, and the actions they make, aren't from a book its from their brain.
  22. So its okay to go to someone elses land and take it over, but it is not okay for someone else to come to your land and take it over? Its all the same man, there is no difference. Itll probably happen, because the government needs all the immigrants, and they need to be able to pay them low wages, while [its mostly white] the white people or 'american citizen white people' do practically nothing in their big comfy chairs, and get paid big bucks. So itll probably be taken over, atleast the language in the lower part of america, because the government needs them all, and they will do anything to keep them. You are trying to fight something, thats just going to happen anyway, sure its annoying...but hey history repeats, and karma strikes back with a vengence.
  23. A lot of countries do have tv, internet, and phones so i dont know what you are talking about. Maybe not every citizen has them, but they do have them available. Im just saying, because I was born in Russia and i dont know why people think We have NOTHING there we do, we have a lot of entertainment stuff, some may be a little more monitered then in other countries but we have it. Same with, a friend of mine she is from mexico and she was asked if they even had TV in there, um hello spanish soap operas? We who come from another country are hardly aliens from outerspace. He was more talking about people who choose not to speak english, whats the point of trying to help someone learn english if they arent willing to learn
  24. So yeah i made a post about an avatar like two posts above, and then two people posted...and i dont know why i skipped :: sits pondering what the hell ::My avatar is about Quinn Allman's shoes, because if i ever met him i would lick his shoes.
  25. Since I was pretty young, probably around 13 ive been living with other family members off and on. I don't get along with my Mother [and I dont really know my father] and tension between us, would get really bad and i'd have to live with someone else. But when I was still 16, i think it was like a month and a half before i turned 17, she finally kicked me out for good. So I moved in with my Friend, and i was dating another guy for about 5 months, and then stuff happened, and anyway i ended up dating my friend i was living with and we dated for just over a year and then we broke up, and i live with him for awhile afterwards but obviously there isnt usually good vibes about living with someone you just broke up with. I changed schools, and i was going to live with my cousin, because were closer in age and all but she is going through too much, so i slowly moved in with my uncle, and that is why i live with my Uncle. With the comment before yours [it wont let me quote ] Ive only been dating my boyfriend for about 6 months, and i think that is WAY to early to think about moving in together.
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