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Everything posted by Becca

  1. Um do you touch type ? BEcause I do....touch typing DOES increase your speed by like half...I had to memorize my keyboard keys when I Was 9...my auntie forced me to when I Went america....because she wanted me to type fast and become a friggin computer freek like her.... my mum wouldn't even let me get up...it was basically torture...
  2. ooooo can we make cars ?? That go accros the street and people ?? Im thinking of something along the lines of a pink barbie beatles car
  3. Nope it's NOT MMS....I have MMS on my phone...It costs 40p 4x the amount of text messaging...And that is not expensive at all...I regularly send pictures to my friends ad familyWhat I am talking about is SMS ..... I think it's where you text other countries but im not sure...because habbo hotel..they tell you to send them a SMS saying how much you want....Isend them a text message and it never works...but on my mums phone the options are... Send Meesage and below that it says Send SMS...and I did that and it worked....it cost 1 pound.but I still don't know the difference
  4. wow um great cool...What is 35 minutes per minute ?? and 35 minutes per second ?? I don't get it....Im trying to reach 80 words per minute....i got 79...so so close...so I quit at it and stopped doing it because I got pissed off lmao....
  5. Well...I mainly use um Paint shop pro I think...well not really I Don't really use anything I like to draw pictures in Paint...because it is easy.. :DBut I do use a bit of PSP and PS....I think I have 3Ds max I dont know...well I made this crystal thing from a 3d program because I Don't know how to do anything else....First of all I need to learn more things in 2D art
  6. MY first ever boards were um here: FREE proboards with friggin advertisments. http://beccasdesign.proboards33.com/ I only got 17 members and 226 posts....so I just left it... ----------------------------------- I made a new one last week here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ And I only have 10 members....so I have just done worse...but these are run by me....and well I like them because you can install your own mods and hacks for them where as proboards were uploaded on it's own host...
  7. Yes the brushes are good but you sort of have to learn how to actually match the text on it to the pattern...because some font's don't go with other types of backgrounds....it has to match ??Well anyways good brush texture used in the sig....but VERY common
  8. Okay thanks...it was just like a small doodle thing....I thouht you could improve or something....an idea is an idea....
  9. IT's very good but I don't know..I don't think the X goes with the world...other may thinnk so though...still good!
  10. lmao cool thanks!!!Oh and rto that boy..what you saw was what it is
  11. Well it is allright.....I mean....it looks like a normal website with link thigns on it...It loaded for me but like took quite a while
  12. Well. sorry no can do....Maybe you should try google... ?
  13. Nice stuff....I know this boy who would LOVE them...some of them scare me... o.ODo you draw those images on the computer or like by hand ?
  14. Ah no thats the image...it has like some sort of big text next to it i think ... look heres it in use....website NOT finished....so youcan not click any think apart from networks and guestbook.... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  15. I have an idea...But I don't want to do it because I know I Will mess it up... But it's kind of copying my Bkiss logo... Like the X yeh the bottom of the X can be the nose...look wait I'll draw some crap copy quick in paint brb okay so heres a *BLEEP* one........I just thought of the idea...but it's dumbo .... but I like to help Can you see where the X has made a nose and the eye brow and the I the other I and part of the smile...okay Im confusing you
  16. Can I make more than one ? Because I rushed this one I want to make a good one...this one is kidna crappy I somehow think it might be too small lmao...
  17. Mine wouldn't work yesterday if that is any help ? I couldn't access the website...it was NOT the website's problem because my other domain on it worked...it was just the domain....Dont know what happened but mines back...maybe you like accidently deleted it...well it appears that it is not your domain any more so when you sign up for this domain again you wont get DNS because uni.cc is not doing it for a time ....
  18. Oh yes and can it be animated ?? please please please please >
  19. Cool thing! Can it be pixel or like crappy ? Im ggoing to do one right away !!!
  20. Okay cool ^^ I might be joining that or something
  21. I Don't really like .tk I Don't know why but it sounds a bit um I Dont know .... weird to me...Oh and after the free year of .info it is STILL very cheap...like probably half the price of .com domains
  22. There may be a installation file ?? That you need to run to install the sql tables and databases in your system thingy
  23. oo Clever...lmao..Don't forget your going off topic :DIs the admin going to actually USE the slogans or not ? OR is this just for fun ?
  24. Becca

    Turboftp V.4.10.370

    What do you mean ? I can upload like 50 files at once using FTP.....but it takes time so I just leave it...
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