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Everything posted by Becca

  1. I hate this girl called Bethan Thomas but I realized bein mean was not a good thing I use to not bully just be mean to her because she was mean to these poor geeks in my class.She is really such a *BLEEP* but she is scared of me so she bum licks me and my friends but now I am nice to her after some thign happened with my other two friends.
  2. Please do not double post. Just edit the post you had before.Yes thats house I learnt it. Something about 45 and stuff actually to think of it. I have forgotton OH NO! Oh no I think I remember the Hypotenuse. Oh no sorry that was some thing else. Something about the opp side and the adj and like OPP/HYP or something... I dont know uh oh!
  3. Down load your own but it wont be of any good because it can let all users use it. EASY to edit...already made for you http://luved.org/ They also ofer other small scripts. But the shout box is not very professional but it's cool and your hosting it.Oh can you like use proper english. As in YOU not U sorry. Some people may not know how to read it. [dont know who though]
  4. Just must of accidently clicked the restard button in the beginning. I did that.And it was suddenly asking me what I would like to choose or something...likeelfs or human.So I chose elves...and EVERY THIING restarted.. I was NOT very happy
  5. Because your BUTT ugly lmao kidding.Hamsters have about 36 teeth or 16 or something NOT 4. I thought I would tell you all that amazing fact. I found that out my my hamster book, it was a very good read. Oh and hamsters smell another fact.
  6. That is very racist and don't think just because your post is in an area no one visits does not mean people will see what you are doing....trying to make more threads..get more posts.Yes we all know what you are trying to do. :[] And to top it up you crack a racist joke. This is not tolerated here.
  7. Becca


    You like pigeons... o.O See what I mean!! THEY Sort of brain wash you into giving them food every day. What if that pigeon you feed tell all it's piggy friends and they all come to get some foot then your house will be full of nasty crap and stuff... Pigeons are also so ugly...some look battered and some look like they have been pooing on themselves...god and they reek...they were above me once and I screamed they all depated leaving dirty feathers and ik it really smelt....Oh and I saw them once picking at some PUKE on the floor god....I really feel sorry for them now Oh and all your 6fted boys... I have a reason for being short....Im a 13 year old girl...
  8. Okay others have been helping you but I thought I might as well...YOURS:H1 ( font-weight: bold; text-align: center; font-size: 1.0em }MINE:H1 { font-weight: 700; text-align: center; font-size: 10px }I know there is no difference but it might work ? Or have others already worked out correctly for you ?
  9. Im like thirteen aswell...[like that other person yeh] and I feel really dumb not knowing what you know...The only things I have recognised so far are sin cos....and I know tan...But thats it...
  10. Isnt it illegal now .? To download free viedos and audio things ? Well thats what I though
  11. A picture of one of my hamsters
  12. Oh no I knew that....I can stop it...I think ... Well I could use it when I had aol..definately..because on my other computer I can...I knew aol blocked msn because it said a fire wall was blocking it..so I though *BLEEP* you aol...But it's not that...it's something else...like a modem problem..it ALWAYS disconnects every 5 seconds..when I don't do anything...and when things load it's always half ... and the loading stops for some reason....and I can not go on AIM anymore...or AOL..nothing
  13. Becca


    Same as goosetaf milk is sort of...um...I don't know...weird?I hate pigeons..HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE them..so so minging....So annoying....they even flap at you if they are hungrey...they live just about anywhere.....arrrgh and they crap just about anywhere....and EVERYWHERE
  14. There is nothing wrong with gay people...Just I don't think they should share their stories.....I mean....that is revolting...and he wnated everyone to know.and stuff. I think it's because he wanted the slack taken off of him and onto another boy because other people take the mick because he is gay and he just wanted someone else to be like him and for every one to know
  15. Im active....don't believe me ? Wanna bet ?I thought that message was just a sort of reminder ? To who ever IS NOT active...
  16. Lookkies...I know it's kinda crap compared to what other do..but I might get better...no make that I WILL get better... Anyways I just wanted to show you this: and this:
  17. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ BUT...tis not hosted or run byyou and has advertisements on it....So it is not really a script but it is extremely easy and quite popular...I myself have never used it...I always use bloggin scripts which it comes with..
  18. Lmao I got too hamsters too Called Chip and Monk but I think I might give monk away because I can't handle them both...
  19. In our year there is this Gay boy...as in Gay. And he told every one that him and this other boy were in a toilet cubicle snogging and touching all over..he told us that they were on the verge of having sex. And he also said that the other boy told him to suck his *BLEEP*...We do not know whether this is true so we went and asked the other boy and he just told us he only kissed him and his draw dropped....he was also crying like mad when every one found out and when we went to ask him what happened his eyes started to water...So his mate...one of my friends lmo..had a go at the gay boy...even though she didn't know much about it saying how out of order he was making things like that up about another person...so the gay boy has got pissed off with her and is not answering any of her question in whether it is true or not...So we now do not know what to do and if we should just leave them....because we are a nosey lot I don't think that will happen...The gay boy started the rumour spreading it all over..so I don't think it's real...but I don't know because the boy he snogged is a bit....um on the feminime side.
  20. Becca


    6ft what ?? Im like 5ft or something...how tall is 1m 57 cm ? I think that is how tall I am,....Im thirteen,[13] I like vegetables I LOVE SOGGY BROCCOLLI and mushy peas they are well nice...oh and I don't drink milk because it makes me vomit...well I choose to vomit...so I drink soya ,milk....Oh and pigeons suck because they do.
  21. Bexa...who's bexa ?? Lmao jokes...What you chattin about anyways...I tihnk they both drink the coke because they pour it in two glasses and drink it.even though one is bigger they are mature enough not to care
  22. Becca


    eww that is mank...Im chinese I Would never eat any pigeon, dog, snake , shark , deer or what ever animal oh and I Would never eat rabbit...I don't even want to eat chicken....but I do because I Am forced to by me mother.."if you don't eat chicken you wont grow any taller" -- that scared me.
  23. Masking means you hide the real address...and there are not free sub domains thats offer you foward masking and letting you refresh on that page...there are some that can just foward your site but you have an option ofNot being able to refresh your page and land back on the same page, but have the url cover up your trap oneORBeing able to fresh but just have it fowarded to your site...not covering your trap url...Or you could just hve DNS which is not availiable any where now...not even uni.cc
  24. Becca

    Online Radio?

    I swear TWO other posts like this have already gone out....just go and read OTHER posts and stop making new threads about the same things.Oh and dude no affence just because your 15 does not mean thats the reason for you not knowing things...I mean im 13..that don't mean Im thick....[doesnt mean im clever and all]
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