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Everything posted by Becca

  1. Becca

    Real Identity

    Known as BeccaB for BeautyE for EleganceC for CunningC for CuteA for Adorable13 yr old EXTREMELY innocent baby girlGoes to a Grammar School , Secondary...Likes to Party total party animal...hyperactive, loud, giggly, chattabox, unstopable, some times classed as funny, annoying, lazy, VERY abrupt, speak my mind, extremely leathal, strong, and last of all very happy.Lives in oh-so-cockney London...Accompanied by the perfect weather... ...*ahem*
  2. Becca

    School Bullies _

    Maybe you could think about making an anti bullying website it could take your off things and help you to help others...Helping others sometimes does solve your problems.You could see who else in the whole world has the same problems as you and learn how the faced it or is trying to live with it. There are other people out there who have worse problems...think about them...and try to imagine what those less lucky would do.
  3. What you don't think they are fit ?? :O:O:O:OWell I do ... > Anyways...it's really good so hush !Loads of people watch it .. it's big in usa and uk
  4. lmao yeah...My hamsters are nesrly dying !!! seriously
  5. Cool my first car was when I was 6 it was pink and it said barbie at the back
  6. Im one of those NOT SHY people..who would go out on stage and fart...I like to make people laugh and make fun of people and make the class laugh and stuff...Plus when I was 5 I did dumb acting where you just don't do anything.I was picked out of like 2000 kiddes...I was in some play called Miss Saigon doubt you heard of it in the Royal Theatre.....I didn't gt scared because I was probably too young....the later years I tried to audition for another theatre I didn't get in :(Try joining those debate clubs...
  7. Well I won a contenst um I think in year 6 lmao!! For being the cleverest are most subjects.... o.oI didn't get anything I just got called bod...
  8. It's a bit freaky.....yeah d7ude!!! who is it ??You ???? Or some asian famous person ???It's alright...her face goes funny when she moves...heh
  9. I am basically forced to go out to the cinema with my friends every week...so last saturday I watched Princess Diaries.....Sweet movie....ULTRA FIT GUY
  10. WHAT THATS ONLY LITTLE....Now I can not go on ANYTHING that goes online...including AOL....ONLY Mozilla works...thats it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Lmao.....I harass people ... they get annoyed by me swearing at all of them without it going 'blah' and I just call them all weird thigns like granny *BLEEP* licker and wind people up....plus I think I am leet....have not been on it for time now... getting board of it.
  12. I think a normal computer freek would get like over 70 lmao.... I dont know...By looking at your 'wpm' It looks like im average :(You can only qualify for an office job or accountance or something if you can type over 100 wpm regulary :)Oh and Im going off to Job experience in the Summer in Manhatten or however you spell it in a graphics company my auntie works at :(The boss is teaching me himself...and Im realling scared but looking foward to it.....Yay my new speed is 79 wpm ... COME ON BECKY...YOU NEED 80
  13. Well I thought that SMS was to send text messages to other countries ?? And that cost 1pound ??? 1.00And my normal textmessages costs 10p ?? which is 0.10 ??Oh friggin well!
  14. Yeh on ebay they are selling the gum Britney Spears threw out of her hotel window as trash...I MEAN how the hell did they get it ?? And who in the world would be so sad to actually sell it ???I thin kthey are selling it for like 30 000 or something...
  15. I just join TONS of button rotations and go around writing stuff like 'nice website layout!'in everyones shout box...and then they come back...Also getting millions of affiliates will help too
  16. I would recomment you using a shout box that you can install your self... There are two good shout box scripts.. This is the best one... http://luved.org/ The bandwidth may have ran out....It is absolutely EASY to install and they also provide other scripts like a stats and live faq which are FULLY customizable!!!! There are also admin controls where you can log in and change he layout,delete etc....REALLY good, no MYSQL needed just php.... You can also have custom smilies and alternative backgrounds for each posts... Here is mine... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ scroll down... I reckon installing your own is easier and you can access it much quicker...
  17. My cousin knows himShe lives in Central London and goes to a school near Daniel RadcliffShe says he goes to a all boys private school and she met him at a local party or something...she had his number but so did all his fans so he changed his phoneDo I believe ? Maybe... She also reckons she lives near Busted's studios....
  18. No.my mum hates my dad.Dont give a damn
  19. WHAT THE *BLEEP* ARE YOU LYING ??Tht is the most orriblest thing I HAVE EvER HEQARd...it's DIsGTraceful !!YUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKCPERVERTS....
  20. ooo I love duckies :(I like the first one and the last one too because of the text...somehow makes it more pwettier
  21. I was tempted to sing along but when I looked at the songwords I couldn't watch the 'show'Oh and I LOVE eggs tooo .....They were sooo cute...I love this!!!
  22. Okay I have been posting bout this in other posts but no one seems to take notice... I have started a button rotation a month ago and I need more members...The more members there are the more traffic you will get.... I already have about 17 members and I need more What is a Button Rotation ? Well you can earn 'credit' but putting the button code yo uare given up on your website....the more times it has been 'exposed' the more credits you will get...and the more credits you will get...the more times YOUR button will be shown... So it is fair for every one! First of all your button needs to be 88x15 !!!! NOT 88x31!!!!! It will resize your button and make it really ugly! Your site does not need to be VERY VERY VERY good ... just legible.... Your layout CAN NOT be a pre made one...that YOU DID NOT MAKE.....You have to make your own website layout to join..sorry YOU MUST put the code ON your websiite if you do not .... you will not get any hits...oh and you can only put it on three pages....so it if fair!! TO JOIN --- > http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  23. How fast can you type ?? if you don't know try going on http://www.typingtest.com/ I'm not really fast....but hey Im only thirteen got ages to impove Um When I did it I got - Test Name: Strategic Alliances with Competitors - Test Time: 01:00 - Gross Speed: 74 WPM - Errors: 4 - Accuracy: 94%
  24. WHAT YOU GET MONEY ?? O.O Why didnt you say ?? !!!! ....now .... how do you use that thing.. :(Oh well good job I'm a quick leaner....I'll learn it in NO Time...only 6 years..
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