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Everything posted by Becca

  1. Becca

    School Bullies _

    Do something sneaky to him...like hide a girls sanitary towl in his bag and let it drop out and stuff....Now that would be funny....people would think he was a girl....I don't get bullied mainly because Im all mouth but like, okay so people may have said this before, talk to someone.....I mean talking to your pets or teddys bears wont do any thing to stop it will it...some one real and a person you feel safe with....you could tell your friends but I wouldn't....Maybe you should tell your parents to tell the bullies parents to tel him off..... Im not very good ar givign advice because I haven't been through all my life yet only a little.....so what I say is not always right...If this carries on I reckon you should make fun of him and call him something rude and then run off pretend to run into the girls toilets , if your fast, and then let i=him run in there thinking that you are in there not knowing its the girls toilers and then shout out "HEY BIG FAT SMELLY PANTS IS IN THE GIRLS TOILETS" and then run off into the head master room pretend you want to talk to him and then just say "I just wanted to ask am I progressing in any of my subjects?"o.O Don't worry just tell someone and get him sorted.OH YEAH and the Kid might have problems at home....like he may be abused...I doubt it....but tha could be true!
  2. Becca

    Pixels Pixels

    Um okay...Well I like the way you've added blood to the bed...it's really...um nice...?Today I learnt how to do this vector thing with images.....I'm stuck on drawing eyes....:(It took me 3 hours to do the hair and high lights on the face...I'm not showing it because it sucks..... Im just happy I learnt somethign new.....I learn something new every day with the inernet :(Anyways...can not see your sigs krap..oh and my cruddy sig is made in paint as welll...it looks bad I know....I'm tired of making "cool" stuff...
  3. I like the red colour ..... it's near pink...so that will do... <3Umms theres sort of nothing else to say ...Oh no wait cool gallery XDDo you like anime ?? I like anime.....Well I use to make anime layouts but I don't really know where they went...so I just sorta left them.
  4. Hullo ? My one works ??? I already have um 8 members...just click http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and then sign up you MUST put the banner code up and I only accept 88x15 sized buttons.....
  5. This post has been repeated !! There is one EXACTLY THE SAME as this one in another post....Go and find it and you will have all your answers there.
  6. Heh .... lmao!! I don't really care....the boy is annoying he keeps asking for my number. and he's younger... Oh and two of my friends do 11 hours of their hobby a week thats more than 1 hour a day...some days they do more than two hours...they do judo and irish dancing...? I use to be really sporty... I did gymnastics twice a week 2 hours a lesson so thats 4 hours and then 3 hours of swimming a week [club] thats 7 hours all together and then netball one hour thats 8 hours and then tae kwon dae 2 hours thats um 10 hours.... So I think thats normal....I'm not quite sure how much your suppose to do a week. I know I said gym works but so does a balanced diet....don't try to eat what your friend eats even if they are getting slimmer....a diet is special and different for each person....we learn that at school yesterday Out month topic on Health and Fitness in biology... My stuff don't make sense does it ?? lmao ah well...please don;t 'quote' whatever I've written it's a load of crap
  7. LMAO !!! I bought my own first computer with my own money I wont say anymore after that because people will say that I am showing off...oh damn needa pee
  8. WHat is it actually ? Because no one has really posted in this topic mainly because...some people do not know what it is ??? Don't worry....1 in a thousand members might now....its a 1/1000 chance !! But that 1 person might just be you ?Me = not advance beginner learner lowest level of web making. knows nothing about everything so sorry can't help
  9. I dont like the layouts I think they are dodgy and look cheapish... But thats my point of view I personally like cute,girly,basic and beginner typed layouts....the ones you see on anime websites...like... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and all that stuff... Oh yeah by the way lyon...you are so dam annoying quit 'spamming' or whatever you call it
  10. I really wanted to know how to host other people...for e.g. like trap hosts all of us...I want like an easy interface or something that provides sql I know that is probably really dificult but would there possibly be a free sort of script like thing that will make hosting other sites easier......oh and provide them a sub domain....or my domain name.I am buying a domain....soon hopefully....maybe not...but I would like to host other people, to use up some of my spare space so it does not get wasted. Any sites? Help ? Anything !!!!
  11. You could instead of using tables use div layer and put the whole thing to top:0px; so they go right to the top...if that does not work then in the css you could do the margin thing like um magin:0px; ?? Don't worry I'm not making sense forget I said anything...
  12. Graphics and tutorials website = good....Especially when they help dumb people like me learn hard programns like...MS PAINT...lmao jokes...but good!!! My website use to eb about winnie the pooh....well hey not my fault I was 8...but god I wish I still had a copy of what I use to have...it'll crack you lot up.....
  13. Well I do like them....I prefer cute sigs like -- >qingtian's one lmao..YOURS SOOO OCUTE...<3As you see you are much better at making sigs than me....Look below for proof
  14. Becca

    Pixels Pixels

    Im not very good at photoshop .... I'm still sort of beginner at every thing just not really at html...Oh and I don't thnnk the pixels look professional because they are sort of babyish lmao...thanks anyways <3
  15. Cool I went to a sleep over two days ago....First of all we watched Scary Movie III then a Walk To Remember then Save The Last Dance and then this weekend I am going to watch Bridget Jones Diary... So I guess the last one is Save the Last Dance....It was really good
  16. Becca

    Pixels Pixels

    oooh I use MS Paint for block pictures with out high lights and paint shop pro for pictures and photoshop to edit them to make them nicer and then ms paint again to put a border around it something then back in psp to add some text and then add some more brushes to it and back in ms paint to crop it and then save..
  17. Becca

    Pixels Pixels

    I can sort of shade in paint .... I made a anime girl in paint well a few and a dinosaur in pint its all different shades of purple...But i have already posted my anime girl picture and I don't want to post it again because thats sort of showing off lmao.. :)I'ts kind of crap....That's shaded...It's easy to shade smaller things I guess.
  18. Um *BLEEP* is a womans organ... Just thought I'd say lmao... I can sing orpah...well I think I can....Like soprano ? I don't know
  19. Becca

    Pixels Pixels

    Lmao cool hehe an adoption agency...is sort of normal lmao... :)Nice stuff on that website....Im nearly getting there...just a few more years and well I dont knowBy the way this pixel art of the room was my first try I am quite happy...
  20. No affence....but um i don't realy like it it's not my sort of "taste"The foggy thing is a no for me but the person thingy is coolI prefer the strong bold abract lookUm it's a great picture just not my taste... <3
  21. Bon Bon Strawberry baby toothpaste..Tastes Good and kills your bad bacteria leaving all your good bacteria.Leaves your mouth with a minty strawberry taste that freshes your breath for 6 hours;..
  22. Sorry but the titles a bit plain....I liek the actual way the layout is set though very organised....Worms is cool as well lmao
  23. Oh my gawd Trystim what a cute award .... It's well sweet....I reckon trap should have a award page where all the HOSTED people make lickle awards for them that are all different for Xisto...that would be well sweet <3
  24. OXO ? Thats that spice flavour that you add to cooking like chicken...Sure tastes good
  25. muahaha good job my avys are just the right side....The smaller the better....don't have to design oh-so-fancy avvys <3
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