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Everything posted by Becca

  1. So what is your website.. Icame to the page .http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ And like loads of hcinese stuff came up...Im chinese yeah...that does not mean I know it lmao.....
  2. Becca

    Avatar Maker

    Ooo I had an avatar maker...except...mine was click and drag crap..heh...And I made this crappy doll maker and button maker and blinkie maker and pucca maker... I was sort of in the click and drag craze..this was like when I was ten... IWas finding out new things and then once I knew how, I used them like mad .....over the top
  3. Oh thanks...but Butterfly Kisses...I Wanted to do love hearts coming from the mouth but that would just make it more difficultAnd I made it in Photoshop try making your own it is MEGA easy Use the pen tool that gets all your lines straight and you don't have to draw....you kind of have dotted lines which it auto matically joins up lmao
  4. Magic Fairy who falls in love with a donkey
  5. Hey well loads of people and stuff have like logos for their website/....so I Decided to av a go...I made this like an hour ago... It's still messy but I cn not be bothered to advance it...lmao...Im just going to leave it...Drew it with great ease in PS Oh and my site is called Butterfly Kisses
  6. LMAo !! Shame for that boy man LMAO...Farming ? I don't think I live near ANY farms at al..
  7. Okay...so I go Trampolining on every Wednesday mornings.....And whilst I am waiting my turn I play a bit of badmington with my other school mates....Today...This morning....I beat every one so I decided to sit down and watch them....well...this girl accidetly hit this girl in the leg....and the shuttle fell on the floor obviously...she bent down to pick it up and this blood soaked tissue appeared out of NO WHERE..NO WHERE at all...no seriously...it just appeared...It was not there before becuase when I was playing I was running all over the place would of....YUK ..... slipped on it if it was there....This girl....who bent down....well she PICKED IT UP...with her bare hands...and supposedly pretended to say...eurgh whats this ??...I MEAN WITH EHR HANDS....all our reactions were YUK...quick get away from it....and hers was oo lets pick it up.....and she said...Im going to put it in the rubbis bin...and we went what is it? And replied I don't know....but it was obvious what it was.....Some GIRL had probably ran out of sanitary towels and used some friggin tissue instead. Anyways she went off...and we just BURST OUT LAUGHING....Well first of all ... I was totally ruled out of the picture because I was wearing tight shorts...my other friend was on the other side of the net...and the one playing on the side of the girl was wearing tights...that left us...the girl...lmao...Some how by the end of the day it had got around her whole class and load sof year 9's....God it was well funny.,.....I fell over laughing I knwo that is cruel....
  8. Lmao excellent cragllo but whas that cookie thing ??Im no good at making logo thingiess....I av a go though
  9. No im mixed...half boy half girl....WHAT DO YOU FRIGGIN THINK ?Pixels are cute...Cute things are pixels....I am not good at pixel art at all... you should see all these large images that people do thats in pixels...my god WOW
  10. Hey cool forum....I can not see the shop any where though...I use XMB because it is A LOT more easier to customize...I've installed the shop hack and the portal and theme preview mod....Do you know where I could get an XMB shoutbox hack ?? Oh and @ mike ? What are you talking about post the whole sentace or something....well maybe it means runs the install file and delete it after incase someone can modify your boards ????Okay I don't think thats the problem..dude no can do...
  11. Naa not a long time like a minute on each one...The bodies and that were already drawn by me so I just copied and pasted them and added hair lmao...Oh my candylicious...its Butterflykisses.............Butterfly-kisses.uni.cc OR bkiss.trap17.com/x
  12. Um thank you people..like um :(I DID add cherries but they ruined the whole 'thing'
  13. Here are some pixel thingies that I have drawn...heh you can take them if you want but link back ! I doubt you will though.....some are kinda crappy...and I needa change the colors...oh and they all look the same bcause they are the same type ? Some with animated text Some normal ones I got loads more but cant be bothered to upload all of them lmao
  14. Lmao I don't think it is pixel art...but I have drawn some tiny pixel girls they are smaller than the smilies lmao...I post them here now heh.In another thread
  15. I found this little dragon thing I drew like ages ago !!!!!!! LMAO...It's sort of cute but ugly...You can tell i couldn't control me hand lmao wih all the wobbly lines... I think i did it in paint shop pro because that was the program it opened up in....But like I probably drew the dragon out line in paint The tail looks really weird... hehe o.O
  16. Laugh My *bottom* Off....hehe LMFAO is just like theres an added *BLEEP* in it.It's not hip-talk just people not writing proper english lmao
  17. I use MS Paint for nearly all of my buttons...I know it's crap with it is really handy to me I love to use it...It's easy and makes your button simple but great
  18. Climax lmao !Heres one from that idea..."Trap 17 is so good it gives you orgasms""Trap is so cool as it's no cost at all""Trap 17 is so excellent even my grandma approved of it" - Dunno about this one... lmao...I know ima freek so what ?
  19. Nup I at 5 a day in three days But if I had said I ate 5 in a one day people would of though I Was some sort of um...monkey Oh and I did a poo and my belly ache went Anyways...just remember this is not any art or anything just something for my school leaflet me and my best friend at making
  20. Oh yeah I've seen that bunny pic on your website lmao that is really good heh..Photoshop or illustrator what ever yu used gives it like a sorta choppy look
  21. Co.nr and uni.cc are all like unavailable.. "No new sign ups "blah blah blah crap...It is so annoying
  22. Clipart hmmm given me somethign to think about lmao...What the apple ?? THATS CRAP I like the banana...once...In one week I ate over 15 nanannies yummmm
  23. JUST MADE UP SOME POEMS...It's kind of a thing I love to do.Trap seventeen....it has always been....the best of the best.....just give it a test...---------------------------------------Free web hosting...Just do some postingPost lots of postsAnd we'll give you a hostAnd now your entitled to boasting---------------------------------------Fantastico I hear ?No crap scripts this year!Trap has thisJust join in a wizNeed not to fear....We're always here...So come alongYou all belong---------------------------------------With trap seventeenI'm sure you'll be keenTo be a memberBut just YOU remmberJoin with a smileAnd NEVER be vileSpread the wordSo trap can be heard.---------------------------------------
  24. Heres a picture that I made in photoshop for my school leaflet project thing ... yay !! I know it is simple and crap but I am proud
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