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Everything posted by Becca

  1. God has no one found out yet ??I';ve forgotton the thing any way..oh no wait something about a guy having a glass of coke...andthe other one wants some...um what ?
  2. Wow it;s coming along very nicely....The street is already started to scroll lmao..yay I love it...you have some extrodinary ordinary ideas...one cool dude!
  3. Yay Im 13... Kids are not morons...they are just kids...a normal kid basically is sort of sillier..you don't expect them to be mature do you? Even adults once had a FUN life...once..
  4. Lmao...What ?? Every one draws it pixel by pixel...thats why it's called pixels right ?? Lmao..Anyway...should I del the effect thing ?? Because I didnt know Animation thing had that.....so I used it lmao
  5. Sometimes the stuff you install from the Fantastico is a bit um crap lmao..I mean..m I dont know ...but I installed the XMB and loads of files were missing and so were parts of the PHP...I think...I had to add some.... Upload some things etc...
  6. Oh god...if you insist on being immature..Im going to start calling you smelly sausage... o.^Solution 1 : Reinstaling windows will just *BLEEP* upSolution 2 : Reinstaling windows will just *BLEEP* upSolution 3 : Reinstaling windows will just *BLEEP* upSolution 4 : Thought About ItSolution 5 : I'm nearing the eagerness of having beef with it already
  7. No I disagree...If I was in your place I Would black mail the teacher and tell him to give you good grades and stuff and every time you see him/her just say a little thing like... comdon split...and other wouldnt know what your on about....My young male teachers are gay...they bully me... =(
  8. Omg jasper all yours are well good !!! god.... o.o What do you use to DRAW the images ??? Paint aswell ? Lookie I made a BEXABUCKS CAFE...LMAO....Changing colours....first ever time I have used the animation shop 3's image effects...tell me if you dont want it to change colors
  9. Having sex with teachers is the equivalent of having sex with monkeys
  10. naa It don't actually I asked the admin and he said because I am so active I don't need that... [it's really because I am special] So YOU don't need to fret no more...
  11. God....too many talented people in the forums....JaVe...I bet you can do it if you tried..your just too good at anything and every thing...As for these games...they rock..some what reminds me of b3ta website and weebl....just sort of more original and different.....your too good man....too good...it's freaking me out how clever you are
  12. I swear every single day and I always say the C word...every one gets pissed off at me at shcool for swearing a them...and I get pissed off at them for moaning...so I swear at them even more..and it never ends,....I can't help it but it seems as though I am always angry
  13. Happy Thanks giving dude......Did you know that..I don't ever celebrate it...I don't think I celebrate xmas...well I do..but I go to friends house to celebrate...xmas eve..xmas and boxing day...I stayed there for one week before..
  14. Happy thanks giving..oh I;ve posted here already.....Ima bit late innit....Happy thanks giving for the third time...lmao...SOON TO BE...MERRY CHRISTMAS....Don't for get people....You can ALL feel free to buy me an IPOD or something....
  15. - Test Name: Huckleberry Finn- Date: 2004-12-06 17:27- Test Time: 01:00- Gross Speed: 83 WPM- Errors: 8 - Accuracy: 90%hehe my NEW result..yay better than before...I got my target woo...!!! ^^ Now I need 90..COME ON BECKYOH AND SORRY FOR DOUBLE POSTING....but like um I have no excuse just sorryYay I did it again btu I got less wrong - Test Name: Huckleberry Finn- Date: 2004-12-06 18:25- Test Time: 01:00- Gross Speed: 83 WPM- Errors: 4 - Accuracy: 95%
  16. Wow...Seriously...some people are TOOO obsessed...OVER OBSESSED...but that is not bad... ;D I haven't watched it in a while now.. I really want to though but I haven't the time...I'v even forgotton the character's names..thats how BAD tis gotten lmao....all I remember is Ryan....is there one called Ryan ?? hmmm....*drools*
  17. Soo..There was some message about this ? I kind of don't understand...so what do I do?My site thing is bkiss and here my username is Becca.....what will happen I don't get it.
  18. I think it would be good if the forums would have some sort of drawing boards....like similar to the olaeki OR HOW EVER YOU SPELL IT.... Where you draw things like anime with all tese special tools and you can post comments on them....oh and also has a timer to time you
  19. Becca


    It's alright...I like Anime I think theres a slight difference not sure...I Don't actually read..watch..or draw any of it...Just looks pretty cool....
  20. God how can you stand those thingies...they're almost as bad as computers...like you ask a friend to like GO OUT ... and they are like..no sorry Im paying my PS.... Oh my god.....okay never mind thats like me with me comp
  21. Any one else want to make some to give to my for my forums ? Lmao ??I need mroe pixels and stuff to offer to people
  22. I tried that...as soon as I deleted ALL my spyware NOTHING worked....before I deleted it HALF worked.. (::D:D
  23. Becca


    Why in the frigging world were they invented for ? To crap all over the world ??? Make it green and white eh ? God they annoy me so much...I was walking home from school and like I had chips....and all of the sudden there were TONS of them....it was like a gust of wind....I guess they wanted me chips but were too afraid to gets em.....all I found were bits of manky feathers in my portions.....Why do they just HAVE to crap on your head...I mean....why cant they crap in their friggin home....instead of leaving horrible green and white dribbly stuff hanging every where.....God they ANNOY me so much.... IWent china...and there were TONS...but oh no they were not normal ones..They were TWICE the flipping size....So I just ran away from them...freaked me right out it did...I guess some people do LOVE pigeons...but I definately DO NOT
  24. Becca

    I Hate Wiggers

    Well I have though about this...and calling people WIGGERS is just as bad as people calling other people NIGGERS... I mean they are both to do with racism I think..And I despice racism....loads of people are racist to me...well were before they found out I could knock em out
  25. I think we are clever because if our mothers and fathers and those beofer them were....then the sort of cleverness is gathered up...and then taught to the next generation and the next and then the next and so forth...so the last generation will always be the most knowledgable I guess,,,,Oh...some people are just born talented.. *ahem* people like me of course..lmao only kidding... [not]
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