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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. I joined the Xisto for it's free hosting a month ago or so. I am very satisfied with the services and uptimes. Not only is it free, but it has no ads. The best part of it all is that it has all of the features of a paid host. In fact, the cpanel I use has more features than the one of my old host. Your are not gonna find any better hosting than Xisto, if you do it isn't gonna be cheap. The great thing about the hosting here is that sure you have to post in the forums, but it is easy, and is fun once you start doing it. I am very satisfied with all of the services. My site works perfectly fine and is always up. The only time it was down was when the servers were being moved. I really didn't mind though because they were being moved to a better server with more uptime. If you don't want to pay for hosting and want it without ads and all the features, then Xisto is the place to be.
  2. Very nice tutorial. Now I can get places faster than before. Is there a way to do that in Internet Explorer too? That would be cool. Now I just have to be careful when I am editting my site. I don't want my bandwidth to jump and what not. Every time I finish editting something I press refresh to make sure it works, now it'll be like refreshing 20 times.
  3. Opaque it sounds like you have been planning some of this for a while. I hope you do do it. That would be a great boost to the Xisto Corporation in size and stuff. Hopefully in the future you could add something like that. That way when I want to renew my domains that I paid for I can buy them with credits . lol
  4. That's cool that they paying you more but what is the maximum post thing about. Do you only get payed for 30 posts a day a month or what? That doesn't make sense. I searched through the FAQ but couldn't find anything. If you could tell me that would be great.EDIT: Nevermind I figured it out. You only get paid for the first 25 posts you make in the day. Notice from rejected: Added the edit for you
  5. Well that sounds pretty cool. It says that it is 3 cents per new thread or 2 cents per new post, and 1/5 of a cent for every post of your referal. I might try it and don't worry I will put your name.
  6. I would like to check it out becuase it sounds pretty good. Only problem is you forgot to add the link. As long as they can send it by check I think it would work, I don't have paypal or any other source of payment so it sounds good to me. What type of stuff do you post? Is it sort of like Xisto forums? How much do you get a post or per sentence or however they do it? I'll have to check it out to see what I can do.
  7. Ya we are getting closer to the 10,000 member mark. Although a lot are inactive part of it is because of the holidays. Hopefully more will be active in the near future.
  8. It's not bad. The tops of the different content boxes are not equal in size like the one that says content and the one next to it. I recommend making them smaller as well as the text. It doesn't really need to be that big. The banner isn't that bad.
  9. That sounds like a bit better plan. I would say $10 a month for two tutorials and $1 for each tutorial after that, and $2 for every tutorial after you make 5 a month or something like that.
  10. Eighty cents on one tutorial really isn't all that much. I would pay them based on detail, and quality of the tutorial. Anywhere from $1 to $10 maybe even more. I like the idea of having people make tutorials for you but think about it. If someone's hourly job is to make tutorials and they get paid minimum wage say $6 an hour. They probably make barely one tutorial an hour or maybe 2 an hour or 1 in two hours. If they all were each 322 words long they would make only a couple bucks instead of 20.
  11. Looks good. I like it. This will help out a lot of people who don't know how to make an affiliate button. A lot of people won't affiliate for the reason that they don't know how to make a button. You should extend on it and use the one you gave me with the animation. Make it more advanced to be used after people get the hang of it
  12. Yea I guess that would probably work. There are many people who will buy domains with money because they don't want to post. I think it is a good idea, I just think that it would cost to much but I guess the way you put it sort of works. I forgot about the ads from Xisto.Net too. I think that it will work out if you try. I can help out if they try as well. I think if there is only another way of making money other than ads. Another source of income would be good but I also forgot about the partners of Xisto as well. I think with all the people it wouldn't be that bad.
  13. I like the idea of giving free domains as well. Many people have suggested it too. I think that because people get free hosting they need a free domain to go with it. Everyone goes for the bargain. The Xisto Corporation would probably benefit quite a bit from it as well with all the numerous ads. They would definately have to have a new site probably because the would need much more space for ads for support. Domains can cost a lot depending on how many are bought. Out of the almost ten thousand people here at Xisto, more than half of them have hosting. About half of that have domains leaving about 2,500 who probably need them. (this is just an example) So if 1,500 of these want domains as well as those from Asta Host and Xisto - Web Hosting, as well as the new members that's probably around 4,000 domains. This could cost the Xisto Corporation about $24,000 in domains a year. All in which most likely can't be made on ads. That is a lot of money unlike hosting where it is 1 to $200 a month per server. It would be a lot of money to do all this and a lot of work. They would have to start charging something. I like the idea I just don't think that it'll work out.
  14. You can take out my Top Sites. I have to add them again with the .com. I'll proly do that today.
  15. Thanks for the tip. I have been looking for ways to get traffic to my site and I am glad you told me that in case I tried it. When you say no traffic do you mean no hits at all or only a couple? Hopefully no one else has used this.
  16. lol Very nice. It looks like he is confused because one eye is bigger than the other. I would put on some ears though like SM said.
  17. Congrats on the 1000 pageviews. I bet a lot are from you checking the things you eddited though. Keep up the good work. I'll keep working now that I have no school to help make that 1000 turn into 10000. Can't wait to see it all up and running. Just give me a bit of time to finish getting my site up which will hopefully be done by the end of the week.
  18. Maybe that's why I am not allowed to park another domain. It says I have unlimited everything too. There must be some type of error because it says that I am not allowed to park any domains at all even though I have already parked one.
  19. Yes this is all true and can all be found in the Xisto Readme. You are supposed to PM an admin when you come back to have your hosting credits reset to 0 to restart.
  20. I don't know. I think this year was a good year overall. Especially this last week Christmas, I got my site going again. I made a bit of money working (until it was all stolen) Then again next year will be cool too, I will get my permit (watch out) Summer will come and I can work again. I will get out of school and stuff. I sort of just want to take life as it is cause you never know when it's gonna end. I am sort of glad they added another second anyway.
  21. Welcome GNR-D! It isn't a two sentence rule it is really just whether it is a quality post or not. Yes one liners are considered spam most of the time, and anything not quoted that came from another source will make you lose credits for that post. Here Xisto is looking for quality posts not the amount you have. The Xisto Readme is the sacred book here. You can find the link in the ShoutBox or http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?act&CODE=01&HID=18 here. I hope I have answered your questions. Everything you need is found in the Xisto Readme
  22. That means that their credits ran out. When you make posts you gain credits, for every credit you have is one day of hosting. If you hit the negatives in hosting credits your hosting account is suspended until you can get them back up to four. That is why it is recommended that you stay at ten hosting credits. If you would like more information please read the Xisto Readme. You can click on the link in the Shoutbox.
  23. Yes there is in fact I found a tutorial on how to make one last night. I was browsing through Pixel2Life for something and I saw that. I know many people who have their own forums. Here is one that is three pages long. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ If that doesn't seem to work for you go to pixel2life.com and search for others. I hope this has helped and Good Luck
  24. Yes you can either search google or browse through http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You could search there too. They have tons of user submitted brushes there that people make. You can perform a search to find them easier as well. SM has some brushes as well.
  25. Very addicting. I only have gotten to level 4. I had to look up the rainbow goddess on Google. I had forgotten. I lost it in my mind til I read it cause I learned about it in history class. I have no idea what the 4th one is lol. Oh well.
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