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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. I want to get it but I am going to wait for the price to go down. $50 isn't gonna cut it these days. I have bettter things I can spend my money one I will probably buy it after a while when the price starts to go down. Maybe when the third play station comes out then it will be cheap because all the stores will be making room for the new one. $60 for the black edition is pretty stupid. A couple more features isn't gonna make me pay $10 more for a game.
  2. Something like this has already been posted before. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/29699-the-e-mail-time-capsule-presented-by-forbescom/ Please search before making new posts and use quotes for anything you didn't write yourself because 1. It is plagorizing 2. You are cheating on getting hosting credits You should add on to that topic instead of making a new one. Xisto Readme before posting again it explains all of the forum's rules. I tried this using the other site from the other topic I listed. I forget what date I sent it but I have already forgotten what I wrote. I guess I have to wait another 11 months to read it.
  3. Like sammaye said it is a web ranking system. You start your own list of topsites and have people come and join. In order to be ranked you have to have the topsite's button on your website. When people click on that button it takes them to the topsite page and votes for them. It also goes by the average number of hits you have on your site I believe. For more information go to http://www.aardvarktopsitesphp.com/
  4. Dawiss all you have to do is make a marquee to do that. You can either put it in a table that is like 88px high to see one affiliate at a time or you can put it in an iframe and do the same thing. Then to have them highlight when you put the mouse over them you use JavaScript. I think it looks nice, good job SM.
  5. Nextel and Sprint aren't really that good. My brothers have used them before and were not satisfied. Nextel only has 2 cell towers in Florida so there is always a bad connection or no connection at all, I don't think Sprint will help much. I use Cingular as well as the rest of my family now and we are happy with our services, rollover, free nights(after 9), and free weekends, and free mobile to mobile including all other cingular users big plus. We haven't been let down yet, my family has used them for many years, the combination with AT & T just makes it better with even a bigger mobile to mobile network.
  6. Yes like Kubi said all you have to do is go into the directory you put it under in your file manager and delete the directory. This will delete all of your files permanently including posts and stuff so if you would like to keep your posts and catergories I recommend backing up your sql files in the Forum's Control Panel. If not then go ahead and delete the directory.
  7. I'll just stick with the beef, chicken, and noodles please. Sounds good for some people but I am a very picky eater, I could try it though I never know. Now I know a bit more about Vietnamese food. At first I pronounced it as "foe" until you explained what it really was. Pretty interesting.
  8. You guys don't have to nominate for Best Mod and Admin I am putting all of them up for voting. I never knew you thought I was funny but ok. It could help save me credits
  9. lol Why did you take me out of the Best Member but not the others lol Anyway, the only reason why I don't have nominations for Best Admin/Mod is because I am gonna have voting for all of them on there. As for the Best Member I can't put everyone on there so I just gonna have people vote. I am still trying to decide what I could do for non hosted members so I can open it up to them.
  10. That sounds like a good idea but what happens when they go out of business. If you invested all this money because they have been paying you but all of a sudden they go out of business you are sunk. Can you make more than 100 credits a day to get even more money, say you make 200 credits do you get 2% of what you put in, or even more? I sort of trust the one that pays you for the time you are online because you don't have to give anything.
  11. I believe that the best company that SELLS laptops is Dell. Of course I have only had one laptop and it is a dell but just about everyone I know trusts Dell. They have long lasting computers with extra services. I don't think there is really the BEST laptop because there will always be one that comes out that is better.
  12. Well New Years Eve is my sister's birthday so I'll be around the house. I just got my fireworks yesterday. A box of mortars. I'll set those off after the New Year Rings in. Other than that I'll be here, or playing hockey on the play station, or whatever my sister has in mind.
  13. Alright cool. For future reference though you don't have to nominate for Best Mod/Admin. I am going to have all of them up for vote.
  14. Welcome everyone to the 2005 Trap Awards!!! Hosted by yours truly, Plenoptic. What happens at the Trap Awards? Well here we are going to be recognizing those here at Trap for what they do. The awards include Best Admin: (20) Best Mod: (20) Best Member: (20) Best Designer: ((15) MVP(Most Valuable Poster): (20) Best Programmer: (15) Most Active: (10) The Comedian: (10) These are the awards so far. Everyone will recieve a tag with their name and the award as well as the amount of hosting credits in parentheses from me. The explanation for these awards are below. Best Admin - The admin that helps the most and is the most reliable, is on a lot and does a lot to contribute here at Trap. Best Mod - (replace admin with mod in last sentence) Best Member - (replace admin with member) Best Designer - Whoever you think makes the best sigs, templates, wallpapers, and whatever else has been displayed, and is helpful to those who aren't the best. MVP - Any member, or staff that posts good quality posts to help explain anything that has to do with Xisto rules and what not. Best Programmer - Whoever you think is the best at coding web sites, and what not and is helpful to those who aren't Most Active - Basically, who lives here all day and night The Comedian - Who makes you laugh when you are down, or just makes your day brighter or just makes you smile period. Right now I am taking Nominations for the following awards - Best Member, Best Designer, MVP, Best Programmer, Most Active, The Comedian All mods and admins are open for these awards. I am trying to think of a way to open this to all non hosted members as well, thinking of something I can reward them with instead of credits. If you have any suggestions please tell me. Make all nominations here and if you don't know who to nominate for one of the catergories then just do it on the ones you do know. More will be added to this later on. A person must have two people nominate them in order to be in for the voting. Nominations end January 5th. Once everyone has been nominated I will have a poll set up on my site with email submissions so I can see who will win. No set date will be up for the deadline of voting until nominations are through. Good Luck! Notice from becca: date changed.bolded to show. and underlined to confirm.date changed.
  15. For those of you wanting the REAL link to the site it is http://www.cashfiesta.com/ I checked it out and it looks promising. What you have to do is download their tool bar which keeps track of how long you are online. The longer you are online the more money you make. I think you start with $1 an hour. You also make money by making referalls which is what this person is doing. In the toolbar it displays all of the money you have made by spending time online and by referals. I might try it out. You can get paid more for each hour you are on by signing up for special offers. You can bring your rate from $1 to $1.66 per 1000 points. As it turns out you get 600 points an hour for being online and 1000 points makes up an hour so 1 2/3 of an hour will get you a dollar. Notice from rejected: Edited as requested
  16. lol What you didn't say is that it is one to five cents per ad click not just five and that you have to view the ad for twenty seconds in order to get paid and that if you click on the next ad to soon you lose them both. I think it is sort of pointless. I say that you should stick with an actual job that pays $7 an hour to make your money.
  17. That's a pretty interesting idea. People will eventually put up their ads and once they fall off they will pay more for it to be put back up. I would probably go for the referall program but at the moment I don't have paypal. I would like to see that site once it gets moving cause right now only one ad is up there.
  18. lol Don't worry I use firefox now. I only used Internet Explorer because that is what I was used to openning as soon as I started up my computer. Even when I installed Firefox I didn't use it because it wasn't right there in the quick launch tool bar. So after a day or so I got used to it so now it's all I use. The other reason why I didn't use firefox is because it would always mess up my site, but I have that fixed now too.
  19. Ya that is what happened to me when I first tried it. If you have a lot of programs running or your computer is lagging your internet will lag too. Try it with all unnecessary programs closed and have only that one browser open. See if that helps. Cause mine runs a lot faster now that all programs are closed.
  20. Right now I can't see your site but if you haven't uploaded anything that means the default Trap page is on there. As soon as you upload your index page and delete the current one they will be gone. It helps keep people from viewing your directory.
  21. lol Well that is pretty funny. I would love to see his face when he opens up the box to see coal I ought to do that if my kids are bad when I get older.
  22. This tutorial was written by me and is used on my site. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This tutorial will teach you how to make a navigation system using php. So instead of having your url to your affiliates page like this http://yourdomain.com/affiliates.htm it will be like this http://yourdomain.com/index.php?id=affiliates This is a better way than to use iframes, it is more efficient. So let's get started. We will start with this code here. <?php switch ($HTTP_GET_VARS[id]) { //Default - case case 'content': default: include 'content.htm'; break;The switch tells you that all of the content won't be in there at once. HTTP_GET_VARS tells it to get these when called. This first one is the default one seen when you first enter the page. [id] is the case, meaning that it will be index.php?id=whatever You can change that to whatever you would like. So if you were to change it to [content] then it would be index.php?content=whatever. Put whatever file name you would like after the include, that is the file that will show up in the content area.The next part of the code will be this. //Resources - case case 'resources': include 'resources.htm'; break; //About Us - case case 'aboutus': include 'about.htm'; break;This is the other pages you would like to be in your content area. These you have to call up which will be explained later. You won't be able to see these until you go to the link. Now to close the code put this in. }?>There you have it. You now can access your pages using php. All you have to do is when you put the link type <a href="index.php?id=whatever" ?> This whatever will be replaced on whatever you put in where it says case 'aboutus': Make sure to save your page as .php if it is not already. I hope this tutorial has helped. Notice from KuBi: Edit as per requested.
  23. Not bad. I think you should have the text pause for a couple seconds longer though before it continues on. Other than that it's pretty cool.
  24. You could make a request but you would have to pm Opaque on that one. It would probablye depend on what you are going to use the bandwidth for etc; If you just want more space for no reason you probably won't get it but I don't think they are offering upgrades other than the second hosting package at this time. You could ask. You should promote Xisto anyway if you enjoy their services. If you want more space or bandwidth try paid hosting at Xisto - Web Hosting.com
  25. Yup I have played the second and third one. The second I would play for a long time. I liked to build roller coasters and the other stuff like that. It was funny to see how much money I could make and how many people would get sick After a while though it gets boring doing the same thing. I was excited to get the third Roller Coaster Tycoon but once I started playing it, even though it had more features, it got old after a while. Just doing the same thing gets boring I guess.
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