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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. We already have overpopulation today in some areas so Cryonics would indeed make things worse. That's not my problem though. I never really thought about it but if someone gives birth to a human body and then put Gramps head on it then that means they are killing the other person or taking a life. Of course that could be avoided if they could figure out a way to clone without going through birth again. It's really a complicated scenario. I like the idea personally but there could be many problems with it. Have they ever been able to have successful transplants before?
  2. Later this week I'll be playing America's Army 2.7 I had to get upgrades for my computer. I hope to also be playing Need For Speed Carbon. I got Most Wanted about a month ago and liked it a lot so I decided why not get Carbon when it first comes out. Once I put the upgrades in my computer I'll play that too. My computer was good enough for Most Wanted but I figure the more upgrades the better anyway.
  3. Right now the Gama server is down completely but should be back up shortly. To keep a check out on the server status you can click here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ That shows all of the server status of all servers of the Xisto Network. Right now I can't access my site either but hang in there and it should be back up soon.
  4. Now I'd like to know why they do that though. I sort of figured that Notepad was for taking notes why would they have it so that you can't read what it says if it's in a certain format? Or maybe it's just unavoidable but I don't think so. Although some people might put down some important stuff and then have it erased. Well it hasn't happened to me yet though and I haven't heard of anything happening like that. I messed around with the wording and other stuff does the same thing like rude hit the diets.
  5. Well searching through the news today over at Yahoo I found an article that says that although politics may not be in your blood it could be part of genetics. They say that you can inherit political genes from your parents. How have they gone about studying this? They asked questions concerning politics to identical twins and fraternal twins and identical twins seemed to answer more of the same than fraternal twins. Scientists theorize it could be because they share the same genes. Some think it's absurb and incoherent and others don't want to throw out the possibility and say it is plausible. It very well could just be the environment they grow up in. I really do wonder who in the world decides to research this stuff. I don't really know what to think about this. In the end I really don't think it's very likely and it's more of the environment you grow up in. Because you have the freedom to think and research people and decide who you want to vote for or debate for. You may be influenced by your parents but not genetically. Then again you never know, it could be another breakthrough in science. Link to Article: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  6. Think about the sentence, and think about what happened. The wording changed into the squares. That means you couldn't read it anymore. Sort of as if it was being hidden? lol That's pretty funny though, although I'm sure there has always been something that has been hidden by people. I wonder why people go around trying to find this stuff out or if it just happens or word slips out.
  7. I don't think it is ridiculous, just because the cat isn't a person doesn't mean you can't mourn for it. You had that cat a long time and I'm sure it grew to be a part of your life, something you could count on in a way. I'm sorry to hear that you lost it. I know it's been a few months but you can't really replace things like that whether animal or person. Maybe if you hadn't grown up with the cat, say maybe you had it a few months then it might not come so hard.
  8. That looks great, actually. It doesn't have to look very complex just nice and that actually looks like an award. I hopefully can make something for it, I haven't had time but I figured making a SOTW this year would be better because the best tag can be given or maybe multiple tags depending on how many are entered. I'll give the winner/winners credits as well for winning. Edit: Well here is my entry. Has a little bit of an animation for multiple awards.
  9. It's pretty good. The text looks cool with the reflection mixed up a little bit. The pictures seem to fit pretty well together. I'm probably not the best person to judge a poster considering I never have before. I think it looks fine though.
  10. Welcome to Xisto Nero. You came to the right place for hosting. A lot of us around here like gaming and computers as well so you will have no problem fitting in or finding things in common. I am still in high school, I'm a sophmore. Good luck in college, don't stay out too late at those parties.
  11. The Cpanel itself isn't down just the MySQL so you will still be able to access your Cpanel just won't be able to use any databases but it should be fixed shortly. If you listen to jlhaslip's advice you should be able to access your Control Panel without any further trouble.
  12. I'm pretty sure there is a problem right now with the MySQL database. Just be patient and I'm sure it'll fix itself or will be fixed by the admins shortly.
  13. You can't really stop worrying unless you continue to resist going to check your homework or something but then you might get more worried. I used to be the same way but now I just try to relax and sometimes I will go check things out but usually I just do something to take it off my mind. You can watch TV or something but I guess if you wake up in the middle of the night if you have a radio turn that on and try to start singing a long to a song.
  14. You could always buy credits via paypal or credit card. You can buy 185 for $10. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/572-mycents/ If you can't do that you might be able to find someone but I don't know if you'll be accepted for your upgrade if you didn't earn all those credits. I guess you can try though.
  15. I could maybe deal with 1 FTP account but I would need more than one database. I think Xisto is the best there with that especially with the no ad. I usually just use XAMPP for my testing, it's a lot easier and I don't have to remember any passwords. I use it for testing for my Trap Site and just upload it straight onto the computer. I could maybe see it if the people don't have time to post and are making a rather small site or maybe use it as file hosting but that's about it.
  16. lol Albus I just think you are too lazy to try and figure it out. From what I've been told it's good for you to do these things once in a while but all the time I think is boring after a while although sometimes they get to you cause you just want to figure it out. I do think it's fun to do though and can get addicting like I said before.
  17. I've been thinking about starting to learn ASP so this might help me out a bit. I have downloaded the proper tools but I'm waiting for the right time to start when I'm not so busy. I like having scripts to work with and see how things are done cause that's sort of how I learn so this should be pretty good. They even have links to resources for hosting and what not but I have a free one already. Thanks for the link I'll probably be looking into this site a lot.
  18. It's sort of funny I was thinking about this the other day but never really looked into it. I was wondering why Windows Media Player 11 had been on Beta for so long but I guess it is out after all final version. I like this version a lot especially the interface. It took me a little bit though to get used to some of the different features. Time to check out if there is any changes since Beta 2. Downloading it now.
  19. Dooga I don't know how in the world you'd be able to tell them that though. Like say maybe "Hey have you ever meet someone that smells really bad?" I don't know. I have had a barber that smelt horrible and throughout my haircut I tried holding my breath as long as I could and take deep breaths when i could sort of sense the smell was gone. It's sort of wierd. I have always been shy in real life so I'd be scared to go up and tell someone randomly they stink. I'd try to avoid it.
  20. I have to agree with what SM said. Let em know you are there for them and don't push the subject. If you continually push them about the subject and they just can't stand to talk about it or atleast at this moment then leave it be. They will let it out sooner or later, but pushing them might make them feel worse or angry. If you can help then that's great if not do the best you can and help point her in the right direction.
  21. I do Sudoku every once in a while. I enjoy them. At one point I was hooked on them and that was all I worked on in my spare time. I did that for a few weeks. I enjoy still doing them every once in a while. If I pick one up I get addicted very easily and want to continue. It makes you feel good once you complete a puzzle. I am not very good at crosswords so Sudoku is good for me because I like numbers and math even though this doesn't require any. I tried making my own a few times. It's really complicated. I have created the key but don't know which ones to eliminate so it is still solvable.
  22. You can also just use a gradient for the reflecting text as well. I always thought that they did something with the shadow or something or other to do the reflecting. I never really tried to do it that way. Pretty easy I guess in the end. Once upside down you just have to mess around with the settings a bit to make it look a bit more spiffy. lol I can't believe I never thought of doing it that way before.
  23. Pretty nice design, especially if it's your first and for Freewebs. I love the smiley face Colors work nice and perfectly. Of course there is always room for improvement but it's not really necessary at this point in time. On your next template try adding more graphical content to spruce it up a bit. Nice job overall, good job.
  24. Ok well I've taken the ideas and set them up in a ballot. YOU CAN ONLY VOTE ONCE I am pretty sure I have it error free for now. Vote yes or no on each one or leave it blank if you can't decide. I am going to tally them up at the end of the week. Voting will end this time a week from now so Sunday, November 5, 2006. I am not quite sure how many votes will be needed to make the category a set one but maybe i'll make it 1/2 of votes are for yes or just over. We'll see how many people vote. Here is the link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Happy Voting! Take it seriously though. Notice from jlhaslip: Closed at op's request
  25. Yes that's the webmail version so you'd have to log into your cpanel I think to do that. I'm sure you can probably do it if you look up a tutorial on Google or something. But you can also do it via Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird. You can set that up in the Webmail Account configurations.
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