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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. I've read about the synthesis of blood as well, I think in the Popular Science magazine. If I had the article I would be able to give more information but it seems like a really interesting concept. I've also heard they are working on doing the same with organs which is probably a lot harder but will save more lives and maybe eliminate the possibility of doctors being "less inclined" to save you that you spoke of earlier. I guess I didn't really think about all possibilities before I made my post earlier but that does seem like a likely problem as well. Sure no one will admit to it if it does occur.
  2. Well I didn't read the spoilers but I will respond on the book. I've been reading Harry Potter since it first came out, and I loved them from the start. I was in 4th grade I think then and now I'm going into 11th in August. I sort of started to grow out of the books though for some reason but I still enjoy them. When they first come out I'm not that anxious to read them but once I get going I can't stop. I can't wait to see what happens but it almost seems like there is too much going on in the 6th book for The Deathly Hollows to be the last book of the series. I remember when she said there'd first be seven but now I sort of want to know what happens to Harry after he leaves Hogwarts, hopefully there is a hint in the book and it continues on til Harry dies, unless of course he dies in "The Deathly Hollows." Can't wait though.
  3. Sad to see another member go. At least it's because you are moving on to another Xisto Company Too bad I never got to know you very well due to my own inactivity. Hope you come back in every once and a while and give a testimonial on Xisto - Web Hosting to help others who may be thinking of switching to them. Good luck.
  4. You only "think" it's something like Adsense but have used it? If you say so. It looks decent but I think a little expensive considering you have to bay weekly. I'd rather pay per click on my add, it seems easier and then you know you are actually paying for possible customers/visitors to your sites. I don't need ads anyway, atleast not now but I think Google would be the better deal.
  5. I have to agree here. You aren't going to need your organs after you die so why bother keeping them? I like to call it selfishness. I can understand if your religion doesn't allow it but for those who lie about it saying it's against their religion, shame on them. Of course if you have a health problem that may hurt someone else if your organs are placed in them then no don't donate them. For blood giving, same thing. If you have the blood to spare, go for it. If everyone did that then we should have cellars with blood to spare. Of course some people can't give blood for health reasons again because it may bring harm to themselves but my friend who is afraid of blood and faints when he sees it still gives blood. Once I turn 16 I'll be giving blood when the blood mobiles come around to my school as well.
  6. I have noticed the same thing. People adjust their budgets really and decide that the high prices are the new regular prices. Although 15, I can remember when it was around just $1 a gallon but people have gotten used to the near $3 a gallon around here. As for me, when I can drive I'll be looking for the cheapest but most fuel efficient car available for money saved up. Hybrids are nice but the batteries cost $3000 to replace after many years of use. I think the Toyota Corrola or the Camry recieve near 60 miles to the gallon though, or maybe that was hybrid. I don't know but my family are into saving fuel because you can use that money for other things like vacation?
  7. Well I've decided yes I see what you are saying, and in a perfect world they might not exist, but to me they do You see you can still draw them and have equations so to me they exist I am all confused right now and I guess you can say that they technically don't exist, or maybe we need a new definition for a circle, that way we don't have this problem. My mind will still be thinking about this for days now of how .999999999~ = 1 All the different ways to prove it so if you get in trouble with your teacher for "rounding" you can whip out a proof.
  8. As I looked through games that are going to be coming out soon I noticed Mercenaries 2: World in Flames. I wasn't able to purchase the first one or even try it because when we went to Blockbuster we ended up trying other games. (we being my family) I can't wait though for this game. I plan to purchase it eventually no matter what. As I've said before I love destruction and destroying things so explosions and war are usually games that interest me. The idea of not having to follow any rules as long as you get the job done seems nice. I've heard that the game is hard to play but I'm up to the challenge. The screen shots and videos look promising, what do you all think? Comes out in October.
  9. Well the original Stuntman game was tough because you had to get things pretty tight. For those of you who don't know what it is, you are a stuntman (obviously) and you have to do stunts. You work for movie producers and drive your car off jumps, or through burning hoops or whatever to make stunt clips for big movies. Or maybe you are in a car chase and you have to stay close enough and drive under falling buildings over broken bridges and drive the person into a wall. Sometimes you are running from cops (hypothetically cause it's for a movie).It's a relatively old game but it is fun and challenging.The new Stuntman Ignition is like the original but with more. You work to gain commercial or movie jobs to make money. Like the original, you can also create your own stunts by placing loops or ramps onto a huge course/field. There are 25 cars in this version of the game. They are all unique and I don't believe they are real because no one wants their car being torn up on a video game because they feel it makes them look bad. A really new feature is the ability to play online battling on the film sets for best and most stunts I guess. This comes out in late August, or early September. It looks like it'd be a pretty cool game to play. I liked the first one but I'm not sure if I ever beat it. It's a tough game which is what makes it fun and you get to see explosions and destruction which I love as well. It's not for everyone and I don't think it was really popular in the beginning, but maybe this will be.
  10. I have both a laptop and a desktop computer. I started originally with a desktop shared with a brother and sister but then decided I would buy a laptop of my own I could use at school and what not. I took notes on it and used it for starting computer programming. I also used it while waiting at a library waiting for one of my parents to pick me up. I later on bought a desktop from a friend and upgraded it some so I could play games on it and recently upgraded it once more. I use that mostly for playing online games. After I lost my old laptop I bought another one which although I paid the same for is a lot better than my old one. They got cheaper over the year and a half since my first one. I use this one more for web design and programming and school work as well as to play poker and some games. I can be downstairs with my family and use it. I still bring it to school because it's something to use in spare time especially during exam week.
  11. Welcome to Xisto zergber. There are mostly friendly people here, just watch out for those who are part of the [Evil] Group. They tend to not be so nice. Just kidding, everyone is friendly around here and I see you have already started topics and gotten to know the forum well. I look forward to getting to know you better as I'm sure others do too.
  12. Wow! That seems like a nice place to go to get away. Of course I don't think I'd like to live with poisonous frogs. I'd like to see them let a helicopter fly in there though right next to the waterfall. It'd seem random, like a secret hide out for an evil genius. It's amazing how we think we think we know it all about who we are and what surrounds us but then you all of a sudden find something new in the world.
  13. Well I can't compare our schools to schools in other countries because I have never looked into it. As for education for what you are pursuing, sometimes what you are pursuing doesn't work out though, either you lose interest or you move out of town where your oppurtunity was, or they just have too many people working that occupation. That is why you learn a bit about everything in high school so you have a base to start from in case things don't work out. Then in college you start to narrow your education down into what you are pursuing.
  14. Wow and to think the Cold War is one of the last things I learned about in history class this year so I understand what's going on. This looks like a pretty good game as well as Medal of Honor Airborne which I just finished reading about. It'd be cool if you could choose a side to fight on but that'd make for a large game. I like the idea of being able to destroy everything. That adds even more fun because I love destruction. Can't wait for this one to come out either, looks like I'll be renting a lot of games soon. The idea of seeing all sides of the fighting field is also nice, lets you into the eyes of all that happens during a battle.
  15. This looks like a cool game. I have a few of the older Medal of Honor games, Rising Son and Allied Assault. I enjoyed them but I think Airborne will be a great edition and I'll probably purchase it or at least try it out first. I love games requiring flying because I love to fly in real life. I know you won't actually be flying but you start in a plane and I like war games in general. Any word on the release date? I know this year but any exact date yet? Can't wait though, I haven't had a good game to play in a while.
  16. Brazil is in Africa right? Just kidding I know it's in South America. Anyway, yes I agree there are a lot of students in the United States that don't care. If you look at some of the freshmen at my high school you will find that a lot of them compete on how bad their grades are. As for me, I was never taught much about the history of the U.S. I wasn't taught anything about history until 8th grade and we didn't get far, let alone learn about the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence. I took World History last year so once again I didn't learn about the U.S., we learned more of Asia and this year AP European History. I'll just be getting into the history of the U.S. next year as an 11th grader. I have had to try to teach myself some of the history of the U.S. from books I read. I think the problem is now though that students don't care about being punished about grades because that is just satisfaction of the parents. It has gotten to the point where it doesn't matter to them what they get as a grade. They have our grades online and they tell all the parents to make an account so they can look at them but the parents some times don't care, either that or the students don't care, or both.
  17. Responding to what One Piece Said (too long to quote), that would explain a lot. I started reading posts and it seemed like it would sort of be impossible to do that because people can play video games in their household without anyone knowing about it. It'd be horrible to not be able to play video games but I can understand the gambling and what not outside of casinos. If people were to not go to Greece though for a law that doesn't let you play video games, that'd be pathetic because I think you can survive a few days without them because when you visit a place you are supposed to be sight seeing or whatever but I guess in the down time you'd have to do something. It'd be interesting if someone were to do that actually, get rid of bad influence but they help teach you things though too.
  18. Very nice signature. It's too bad I'm not very good at signatures. I had to give it up. I like the colors though. Nice job.
  19. Sadly there are disgusting people in the world with not much else to do so the best advice I can give is just carry a baseball bat or something, you don't have to hit them but maybe threaten them if they get too close and they'll probably back off. Or if you don't feel like carrying those things around just carry something smaller like pepper spray like truefusion said.
  20. That stinks that your Dad won't help you learn to drive. I drive both my parents around though as did my 3 brothers before me. They don't mind it because they know that once we get our licenses we have to go and do chores for them every once in a while. Try and explain to your dad the benefits of you driving and him teaching you and the amount of money saved. Then again having the driver training courses may help cut down on the insurance you will have to pay if not but drivers ed already does that. Maybe a friend or their parents will help teach you how to drive if you ask around. Just a little time on the weekends to get you started at least. Good luck in any case.
  21. Global warming is a problem but this isn't the first period of it. There are always going to be periods of global warming but the pollutants and carbon emittance in the air isn't going to help it any and it'll make it worse and longer lasting. Yes it'll get hotter anyway, but not as hot as it may if we cut down some on our driving or fossil fuel burning. If everyone tried to cut down a little bit it'd help but people ignore it anyway. No it isn't the end of the world, but we should cut down some to avoid 100 degree summers.
  22. Ya I guess if you want to change the names for a theme like Harry Potter you could to make it go along with the theme. Calling Internet Explorer "The Flying Car" instead I guess would be nice. Also if you want to be plain old different and change things up some I guess you could do that too. I think I'll stick with the original names though instead, that way instead of trying to keep track of what I changed the names to.
  23. That's funny. They sort of have to though because they feel threatened by Google and if there isn't going to be other competitors they have to try and slow them down some. If I was Microsoft I'd probably do the same to stay on top in money and popularity but at this point I don't think Microsoft can do all that much against Google's ad campaign. As far as I can tell, Microsoft has paid plans only for your own ads but I don't know about payment for putting ads on your own site. Good luck to them in any case, they have to fight Google for it now and in this round I think Google is going to win.
  24. I have been to Gatlinburg twice over the past two years. Once last summer, and once over Spring Break. I enjoyed it a lot. Hope you have a good time. I am not sure where I am going. As of right now I'm going to take some summer classes at a local college throughout July and early August. I'll get 4 college credits for it so I'm happy with that. I also will be getting my drivers license (watch out). Other than that I'll hopefully be working and just hanging out other than that. Oh and then there are the stupid summer assignments for school next year.
  25. For those who use Windows Vista, here is another way. 1. Right Click on Recycle Bin 2. Click Rename http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (Screenshot) 3. Type in what you'd like to name it and you're done. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (Screenshot) lol That's the easy way now. I don't see why it is necessary to rename it anyway but I guess it is up to you.
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