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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. Velma you can just look for the dashes in the post to tell whether it's part of the signature or not. But then again if you are looking at every post that could be time consuming. As for the topic at hand, I don't think everybody likes signatures, or really want to spend the time making them. That'd sort of push people that come here into having to do more than just receive credits. Although most people who have posted in this topic has signatures, some people probably don't know how to even add them. I think it'd cause problems. If all 30,000+ members here have a signature though, wouldn't it be hard to identify who's who still anyway? Sure not all are active but a lot are, and then you'd only remember the ones that you see the most.
  2. Well, I would suggest looking around the Make Money Online forum and try to find something that works for you. It all depends on what you like. I personally fill out offers and surveys for 50 cents to $1.50 per offer or sometimes more if you are signing up for a free ring tone. I do this over at http://www.cashcrate.com/ The problem is these offers are long and I use a program that fills out forms for me with my information that way I don't have to continually retype it in. Another problem is you need to have a lot of email addresses because when you do an offer, it's typically one from the same site, just a different offer, so you have to clear your cookies in between offers and use a different email address. That's what I use http://2prong.com/ for.
  3. Seems like a pretty interesting idea, but would that be considered legal since you are cheating the phone system? I really don't think that even if you buy an Ooma system, your friends or family you are calling may not be willing to spend that much money. Maybe in time the cost will go down but I still don't think it'd be really that worth it. For me personally I know it would be pointless because I am not charged extra for my long distance phone calls used by my cell phone so I can make long distance calls for regular price really anytime. All I have to do is use my cell phone. I think lots of plans have that because my plan is pretty basic and it's a family share plan. I'd recommend this instead of Ooma. I really don't think Ooma will be all the successful.
  4. If you want to do it via your Cpanel, click on Read Webmail, and then click on Horde. My log out isn't working but if I can remember correctly, just click on the language you prefer and it should either log you in or you should use or Cpanel user name and password to log in. Or if the login wants your email use that and the password you set up for it. Or if you have Microsoft Outlook, you can set up your account to log in on that. Just go to "Add/Remove Accounts" and then click on the Outlook Icon and auto configure it for access.
  5. For some really cheap plans though look at this page, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ For as low as $2.95/month you can have 1.5 Gigabytes of space and 25 Gigabytes of bandwidth. That's around as cheap as you want. If you are willing to pay 50 cents for a Gigabyte of Space, that'd be 75 cents for 1.5 GB. 25 cents for a GB of bandwidth would be $6.25 for what you are willing to pay. That'd make it up to $7. For $3 a month you'll get the same thing. Add on a month's worth of credits and you'd be paying $8.75 a month. Just go to the $3 a month package and also get a free domain... for life. Or if you do want to stay with Trap you can purchase credits at http://forums.xisto.com/topic/572-mycents/ but the only way to upgrade space is to get the 2nd package.
  6. Thinking about what alex7h3pr0gr4m3r said, if we were to go back to the computers we had 5 years ago, and the technology we had with the internet, we would probably hear about lots of computers blowing up. It's already amazing how much computers have evolved but if soon the standard is to download at 160GB/s then we will have to have some really big hard drives. The thing is though, that files are also being able to get smaller and smaller as well as we can compact them more and more so that with the technology we do have today, it won't take as long to download them. So now as we progress into the future, files will still be getting smaller, connections will still be getting faster, and hard drives will still be getting bigger. Of course, we'll soon be able to also have more capabilities with the computer. We already can watch TV on them and host our own radio station, there is bound to be more that we'll have access to. But would it really be worth it to have something that fast? Of course if it's soon the standard you may think so, then dial up will cost pennies a month.
  7. OK well I have no clue about the first one. I tried to search around Google a little bit for the second one and was able to find the name "Rip it Up" by Yuki Iwai Hopefully this is what you are looking for. If not I will search and try again.
  8. Wow! Sounds like you have had it rough. My brother and I put a site on another host for a while. I still had this account for my personal site but we wanted a site for our clan. So he paid for a host. I recommended Xisto - Web Hosting but he already had created the account. So, as it was, our site was constantly suspended for unknown reasons and was down every other day for one reason or another. We eventually gave up on that and we put it back here on my Trap account. Although it currently isn't in use, it's still up all the time and I can depend on it to be there when I need it. We didn't have Cpanel but I didn't really use the Admin panel they had too much anyway so I wouldn't know too much about that.
  9. Welcome back to Trap HoRuS. I think I remember you from my early days at Xisto but I don't think I really got to know you that well. Glad to hear in your time away you were able to find a good job. Hopefully you'll be able to have a longer stay. Can't wait to see you around the forums more and to get to know you better.
  10. Wow! Now I'm really glad I didn't purchase from Acer when I bought my laptop back in March. They were my first choice because they were so cheap but I never really knew much about them so I went over to Gateway. I'll make sure to let people to know that Acer's Customer Support isn't that great. My old computer also had the same problem as you with the hinges being broken. Although I decided just to buy a new one because the other one was slowing down some anyway and wasn't really capable of doing much on it. That was with my old Dell.
  11. The amount of sleep I get each night really ranges depending on how I feel, what I am doing that night, and what I did that day. I rarely get more than 8 hours of sleep each night. I usually get between 6 and 7. Sometimes less, sometimes more. This year I've had school all but a month so it was really changing a lot. But it's still summer so I want to hang out at night and what not. Also if I have homework that'll give me less time to socialize so I'll stay up later, or if I feel really tired and know I need sleep I'll sometimes just go to bed earlier. I usually go to bed between 10:30 and 11 but sometimes it'll be later.
  12. General Electric currently is working on creating a new source of light that will replace the light bulb. Not only that, but it will be more energy efficient. OLED stands for Organic Light Emitting Diodes. They glow when electrodes are charged with electricity. The cool thing about OLED's, is they can be on plastic, making them flexible and really thin. So now, General Electric is trying to find a way to cheaply roll off these plastic lights like it's a "newspaper reel". They plan to then implement them into the walls or the ceiling of your house. They really can go anywhere where there is a power supply, and they are brighter than LED's, of course the more voltage you apply the brighter it will be. You can punch holes in it and it will work still... so I think. They plan to have this out for public use in the year 2010. This is some pretty interesting news I think. If you are able to have lights on that thin plastic then there won't really be the need for lamps and what not. Only problem I can think of though is, what happens if you damage one of the little squares, because I also read water can damage them really easily. Hopefully this will be a cheaper and more efficient way of producing light, because the lightbulb has been around since 1893. They have more efficient light sources now but this could be a much greater success. They come in different colors too. Article and Video: http://www.geglobalresearch.com/blog?blog_id=108
  13. Welcome back to Xisto spitix. Hopefully you will be able to stay active long enough for us to get to know you. I must have missed you when you first joined. Just make sure to refresh yourself with the Xisto ReadMe . If you don't mind, tell us more about you, I don't mean anything too personal but more interests and what not so we can get to know you a little more. Or if you did in a different introduction, edit your post with a link to it.
  14. If one of the machines break down, they can place an out of service sign on it and they can use another one. I'm sure there was more than one programmer and they already have a database of all problems online because there is a website you can search for how to treat things and what not and it's not like hospitals haven't had computers before, they just used paper for sign in sheets and what not. It can't be that hard to add things in there with the technology there is today but if the case is that it isn't, you can just describe what's wrong, but since your medical history is in there it will alert doctors that a patient with "such and such" disease is in the Emergency Room. Nurses are there standing by to help those who need it, so if they are having a heart attack I'm sure they can fill it in there for them. If it's that severe they try to treat him right away though anyway while a family member fills it out or they will fill it out later.
  15. OK, so maybe start with a basic version to get a user database going and maybe upgrade it as you go along. At first make it free but make sure people know that you plan to put a cost on it in the future after all the beta testing is done. Then you can continue to upgrade as you go with new versions. So are you going to be playing against the computer or other players? And I'm guessing there are teams. Because levels mean really that it is getting harder as you go but if you are playing against players it could range. Of course you could be talking about levels as in, different terrains and objectives.
  16. Will you please get out of my tree. You are scarring all of my neighbors.

  17. Just wanted to say hello to Mr. Danny Tanner. I've seen you on TV a lot. I see you have a new game show too. :P

  18. I would recommend just having people purchase the game and then be able to play it online after you buy it. Or I'd recommend a demo version or a trial where you can try it out and if you don't like it, just stop playing it, no cost charged. Or maybe a money back first month trial. People really like to try a game before they start to play it and see whether it'd be worth paying for it to have it monthly. As for whether I'd play it, maybe. If it's realistic, has good graphics, and is online then it'd interest me some. Hopefully you plan to have multiple gaming servers to play on it. It also depends on how much you are able to do in the game. Is it just shooting? or is it more complex with medics to heal people and others who set up traps or anything.
  19. Well some people took pictures from the ground, and I think a plane may have been sent up to circle him but he had a recorded video himself that he took while he was up there. That recording was lost though with the chair when it took back off into the air whent he wind picked up. I would like to see the video, especially to see what he had to do. But you know I think if he releases it, more and more people will be trying it themselves and they could really hurt themselves if they don't know what they are doing.
  20. I was really surprised to say that she wasn't doing it for the Guiness Book of World Records. I figured she would have done it to have her name known but it was just a personal goal. She sure reached that goal and all she asked was for the help from her friends to follow her and a doctor to follow up in case something went wrong with her health.
  21. Well, now that we are able to realize that we are polluting the Earth, we do have to work to stop it. I watched the movie, "An Inconvenient Truth" last Friday with Al Gore talking about global warming and how many politicians will ignore it, or fire their scientists when they don't change the information they find to something better. If this is the problem, people are going to have to take action themselves if the government won't help. I don't think we will ever be able to downgrade the technology we have because people won't want to do that. So we some how are going to have to find some way to control the amount of pollutants coming out of our cars and what not. Alternatives to energy sources we are using is a good start though.
  22. I took a General Chemistry class last year in High School. I found it a lot more fun then biology and found it a lot more interesting. We did a lot of labs and were also able to create our own. I like experimenting and seeing what effect chemicals have on others. This year we are going to be taking an Organic Chemistry class. We will be creating a lot of our own labs and some of them will be sent in for an Internal Assessment for my IB program. I can't wait for this year to begin so I can do a lot more. I think I want to do something in Chemistry as a career but I'm not really sure what yet.
  23. I've received checks from CashCrate and have started at a few other places. They are really all the same sites competing against each other. They each will get you the same money really but some have better referral programs than others and some may pay a little bit more per offer. I never really did get going all that well on Treasure Trooper because I didn't have PayPal so I wait for my check in the mail. The only Photoshopping done to most checks is the removal of any personal information printed on them. I at first thought places like these were scams until I started and received money for myself. Really you just have to get the hang of clearing cookies in between offers and what not.
  24. At the emergency room at Parkland Hospital in Dallas that used to take hours just to tell a nurse what the problem is, they now have an automated check-in. You put in your information and then there is a touch screen you use to describe the problem. If you don't know exactly what's wrong, you can tell where it hurts. If your symptoms bring up a severe emergency, it will immediately notify the nurses and it will arrange the line by how serious the conditions are. Those who are more of a life/death will be put up to the front. The system takes into consideration previous problems and age so if a patient doesn't really know what's wrong, and they are older, they will be pushed a bit to the front. This has speed up the process a lot for patients of all kinds. Those who don't really know how to use a computer have aid to help them but not many have had problems with it so far. Now instead of waiting in line to tell a nurse the problem they can be seated right away. This really is a great way I think because people can get to their seats right away and those who are in the most trouble will get the proper care right away. I'm surprised it didn't push those who aren't that important to the back. I guess it must take into consideration time spent waiting as well. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  25. That sounds like a good idea now that You Tube and Google Videos is one in the same, but they already have the "Video Clip" section in the Entertainment area. That covers not only YouTube and Google Video but all other places where you can find video clips. People can share their own videos there, no matter where it's located. If they made another category just for those two it'd be sort of redundant.
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