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Everything posted by TavoxPeru

  1. Checking your code i notice that you use for every javascript function a SCRIPT TAG, it is not necesary, enclose all your functions with only one and put it inside the HEAD section of your page. Also, I recommend you to install the Firebug add-on, it's an excellent tool for debuging your html, css and javascript code, you don't know how useful is this tool. You can download and install it from Get Firebug. Best regards,
  2. The mysql_pconnect() PHP function simply allows to use persistent database connections to a MySql database and in general it works most exactly the same as the mysql_connect() PHP function, the only advantage that gives is efficiency, so, try to use only non persistent connections to verify your script. Generaly i use the following code to connect to any MySql database: <?php$link = mysql_connect("localhost", "user_name", "user_password") or die("Could not connect to server. MySql error: " . mysql_error());mysql_select_db("database_name",$link) or die("Error, could not select database. MySql error: " . mysql_error());// $link generally is not necesary, so, you can use the following// mysql_connect("localhost", "user_name", "user_password") or die("Could not connect to server. MySql error: " . mysql_error());// mysql_select_db("database_name") or die("Error, could not select database. MySql error: " . mysql_error());?>The colors don't work because you forgot to include the "#" character. And, check your php configuration maybe you are not allowed to use persistent connections, check the mysql.allow_persistent and the mysql.max_persistent configuration settings on your php.ini file. Also, check if PHP is running as a MODULE or as a CGI wrapper. Some links from the Online PHP Manual: Persistent Connections mysql_pconnect() function mysql_connect() function Best regards,
  3. Well, congrats your site is approved , i just check it -this time with Firefox-, so, please let me know when you transfer it completely to view it again and verify if the javascript errors shows. Best regards,
  4. I agree with yordan, and also, i recommend that before make any post please take the time to perform a minimal search at the forums because i don't know exactly how many times i read posts about Spybot. Best regards,
  5. Well, you are right, in that moment i access your site with Internet Explorer. So, i will try later to check it out, right now i can't i'm not at home. Best regards,
  6. I try to convert it to mysql but i'm not be able to do this because i can't read any table of the database. This problem is gonna make me Best regards,
  7. Well, only for curiosity i just register to your game, but it dont work fine because it shows up javascript errors, everytime i access any single page of your site shows an error on Line 95, and when you mouse over the navigation links on the left side shows up an error on line 171. BTW, every javascrip error happens twice. Best regards,
  8. Not only i can't change the data and it's structure, also i can't open any table to view its data or select it with a simple query. Exactly, the only reason why i need this database is because my client needs some new tables and queries to be created -my work- and all the data is based on the tables of this database, nothing more. Well, i don't work with VB6 for a long long time but i guess that it would be a good choice, and i hope that VB6 allows me to work with this database and finally i can perform my work. Thanks again and Best regards,
  9. Another way to reset your auto increment id field is by truncate the table so the ID of your first new inserted record will get as Id the value 1, TRUNCATE TABLE is a data manipulation statement that empties completely a table and also resets any auto_increment counter of the table, sounds like this is similar to perform a DELETE FROM TABLE statement, but it is not absolutely true, because it depends on the version of your database, also, if you perform the DELETE statement this will not reset the auto_increment counter of the table, so, if you insert a record to your table after this the auto_increment counter will be setting up with the next value. But be carefull with this method, if you have data on your table and you want to preserve it, well, what i generally do in this case is to first delete the primary index of the table, then i delete the auto_increment field, after that i generate an sql file of the table by exporting it, then i proceed to delete the table and finally i import the generated sql file. Sounds like there are too much tasks to perform a simple task like this, well, if you use MySql and phpMyAdmin it is very easy and simple, you simply go to the export tab of your table, select the options you need and press a button. There are a lot of options that you can select here, for this case the options i select are: Export: Sql. Structure: Add DROP TABLE, Add IF NOT EXISTS, Enclose table and field names with backquotes. DATA: Complete inserts, Extended inserts. Export type: INSERT Save as file: This is optional because it depends on the size of the table, if the table have few records -less than 100- i do not use it. Then, phpMyAdmin proceeds to generate the sql code, if i dont use the last option, it shows up the code on a textarea field, where i simply select all the generated sql code and copy it to the clipboard, or, in the other case, save the file to disk. After that, if i use the Save as file option i go to the Import tab, open the FILE input control, browse my disk and select the just generated sql file, finally press the GO button. In the other case, i only need to go to the SQL tab of the table, and simply paste the just generated sql code inside the textarea field and finaly press the GO button. Best regards,
  10. I got this database from a client of mine, and i can't view any data inside it, also, i can't export, import, corvert, etc. Yesterday i just install Access 97 and with it i can create any new object like tables, queries, modules, etc. Best regards,
  11. Oopps, thanks a lot, i gonna edit the code right now. Best regards,
  12. Only to say that both options don't work and i'm not be able to work with this database. Best regards,
  13. Hi, i think that you have good knowledge of Access and hope that you may help me with a problem i have with an Access 97 database. I have an Access 97 database that seems to be crashed because i can't work with it, the only posible thing that i can do with it is to open it and view all the tables, queries, etc. that it have, but for example, if i try to open any of its tables or queries either in design or data mode Access shows up an error window with the following message: Couldn't read definitions; no read definitions permissions for table or query 'table_name'. Also, i'm not be able to export any thing of this database, or convert it to another version of Access like Access 2000 or 2003, when i try to do it Access shows up another error window but in this case saying something related with the user permissions, exactly i don't remember right now the complete message but is more or less like the previous one. Another thing that i notice is that when i enter to the security options located on the tools menu i view that this database don't have any owner, it shows up that the owner of the database is unknow. In the topic Access 97 to Access 2003 that i post two weeks ago the user faulty.lee give me a solution to this but unfortunately it doesn't work too. I hope that my explanation is enough and you understand it completely, if not, please ask me whatever you want or need. Best regards,
  14. A time ago i have the same problem and i found that this happens because of the DOM and if you set or not the DOCTYPE to tell the browser which kind of page you serve. So, what i did to resolve this is to attach to the onsubmit event of my form the this reserved word, that references the form itself and of course declare correctly which page i will serve using the DOCTYPE. This is the code that i use on my page: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xmlns="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; xml:lang="<?php echo $languageCode; ?>"><head><script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[function validate_form1(theForm) { Tot = theForm.elements.length-3; // because i don't need to validate the last 3 fields of my form (2 buttons and one textfield) for(i = 0; i < Tot;i++) { if(theForm.elements[i].value == "") { alert("Error...blah blah blah"); theForm.elements[i].focus(); theForm.elements[i].select(); return false; } } email=theForm.email_field_name.value; if (!isEmail(email)) { alert("Error email not valid!!!"); theForm.email_field_name.focus(); theForm.email_field_name.select(); return false; } return true;}// other functions//]]></script></head><body><!-- some content --><form action="sendmail.php" method="post" id="form1" onsubmit="return validate_form1(this);"><!-- text inputs and the submit and reset buttons --></form><!-- some content --></body></html>As you can see, this page is a valid XHTML webpage, please visit the following webpage Contact Us - Calendar Te Recuerdo Perú 2008 - Almanac Te Recuerdo Peru 2008 if you want to see it in action. Of course, you can use this to reference not only your forms also you can use it with your fields, for example, you can attach to the onfocus event of your fields the select() function to select its contents directly like in the following code: <input type="text" name="txt_age" onblur="txt_age_onblur()" size="3 maxlength="3" onfocus="this.select();" />Best regards,
  15. I use this antivirus for a long time with always good results, but i hear this kind of opinion not few times, can you post some other software that are better with spyware and malware than AVG???? Best regards,
  16. Thanks OpaQue for your reply, i just check my site and everything seems to work perfectly, i test my cPanel, phpMyAdmin and my website homepage and as i say it is Ok. Best regards,
  17. I also have problems and can't access my cPanel or web, i just check the status of the services and all of them are online, i verify my credits and i don't run out of them.Best regards,Edit: i guess that right now the Xisto's tech support are working hard because now i can access my cPanel but not my web.
  18. Which PHP version do you use and what is the exactly error code/message that you receive if available??? do you try to do the same thing using cUrl??? because i know that it has more or less the same functionality. Take a look to these pages at the online PHP manual: Filesystem - allow_url_fopen Using remote files List of Supported Protocols/Wrappers Best regards,
  19. Only a recommendation, read the complete thread before posting, because what you post was posted before, look to the second post of this thread. And as i post before, that software is no longer free. Best regards,
  20. Yesterday i come into the necesity to convert an Access database to MySql and while looking around at the database forum i found this topic Access -> MySql that is exactly what i'm looking for, in this topic i found a post with an URL to a free converter that shame on me is no longer free so i decide to search for a really free converter and lucky me finally i found two excellents free converters that i think can be useful for everybody. The two free Access to MySql converters are: Access to Mysql: This freeware is very complete and easy to use, and have more options than the MdbToMySql, you can read at My post about Access To Mysql more information about. MdbtoMySql XP: This is more easy to use than the previous one, but is less complete and only allows to convert your Access database to a dump sql file, you can read at My post about MdbToMysql more information about. Best regards,
  21. Another free converter that i found is MdbtoMySql XP, this is more simple and only allows to convert your Access database to a dump file -a sql file- that later can be imported to MySql using the command line, phpMyAdmin or whatever. BTW, i will post this two freewares under the freeware forum to be more easy to find. Best regards,
  22. I guess that you read the reply posted at 25-jun-2007 on the User contributed notes right??? Well, in that post are the reasons to give up the use of labels or goto statements, for the ones that don't have the time to read it and want to know what we are talking about here are the two posts: Best regards,
  23. Very strange your situation because the gamma server is my hosted server and i can access everything without any problem, cpanel, ftp, etc.Right now, i'm logged in to my cPanel and the server status shows that the server is up for 16days, 7:56min and all the service status are up.Do you try to perform a ping to gamma.xisto.com????? if true, what are the results??? i just do it and the results are fine too.Best regards,
  24. Sten, sorry, it happens and your suppositions are correct. I just test this cool freeware with excellent results i can say. This software is very easy to use and is nothing more than a Wizard that do its job in 4 steps, select source -an access database-, select destination -a MySql database or a Sql file-, set tables to be transfered and set transfer options. For my testings I use 3 different databases, one in Access 97, one in Access 2000 and one in Access 2003 and convert them with the two options available on the program which are direct convert and dump file. The first option allows to convert directly an Access database to a MySql database, and the second option allows to dump the Access database to a SQL file. The second option in all cases do its job and works perfectly while the first one dont because throws some errors however it finish correctly and perform the convertion of the database. So, based on these tests i recommend that if you need to convert an Access database to MySql, first use the second option to create a Sql file and then use the first one, if something fails you have the choice to import the Sql file. Best regards,
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