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Everything posted by TavoxPeru

  1. Well it depends, after boot up my pc i have less than 20 processes, then when i start to work, read email, browse the web, etc i have 25 processes more or less.Best regards,
  2. I'm not 100% sure but you can use the define and defined php functions for securing your include files, first define a constant in the caller page and then verifiy if it is defined in the include file. Caller File: <?phpdefine( "MY_ACCESS_CODE", true );include("includefile.php");?>Included File (includefile.php): <?phpdefined( 'MY_ACCESS_CODE' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );?>EDIT: The solution given by faulty.lee is another good one. You can use session variables. The code that i post was taken from this topic A Simple Checking & Validation PHP Script check it out for more information about this solution. Best regards,
  3. Well, it is very strange so can you send me or post your code and your table definition to check it. Best regards,
  4. Another way for disabling the mouse right-click is by using the oncontextmenu event, if you add this javascript code: <body oncontextmenu="return false">to the body tag, you disable the context menu that appears whenever you right click in your page. For protect your images you can use another image that covers the one you want to protect or a div that covers all your page (located in front of your page) like: <div style="width:100%;margin:0px auto;z-index:10;top:0px;left:0px;background-color:transparent;height:100%"><img alt="image alt text" src="imagename" ></div>And of course, you can use the imagetoolbar meta tag, this one will not protect your images, it simply disallow the image toolbar of Internet Explorer and Firefox: <meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no">Best regards,
  5. Yeap i know it and honestly i save only my topics because that are what i'm interested for right now. BTW, you are at a similar situation as me, dont you???? Best regards,
  6. I'm a little confuse now because from your first post: So, if you want that in the case that Your table and fields are case insensitive if you write Feelay, FEELAY, FeELAy or whatever, all of them always will be evaluated as the same thing. Your table and fields are case sensitive if you write Feelay, FEELAY, FeELAy or whatever, all of them always will be evaluated as different things. The code: if( $userfinal != $user['to_user']){Always will be FALSE. if($userfinal != $user['to_user']){Always will be TRUE.And the post made by Mordent is correct, you miss one equal sign in your code. Best regards,
  7. Ok, thanks, but don't tell me that it would be nice that the forum has this feature, i hope that in a near future it has. Well, the only thing to do now is to manually save all my topics first, then my posts. Best regards,
  8. How can i save all the topics and posts i made??? I know that i can do it by accesing my control panel and then save the complete page but what i need is just only the list of this information, is there a way to get this as a HTML file only or better yet as a CVS file???Hope i'm posting in the correct place, if not, please move it to the best place.Best regards,
  9. Yes, Gmail graphics are low but this makes that the page loads very very fast, when i write any email i don't notice that it is low, BTW what means low for you????. I'm very happy with GMail and i gonna use it as i do right now, Why??? Basically because: GMail have the best antispam filter technology. GMail allows you to chat with your contacts at the same time that you are reading your messages. GMails allows you to access your messages via POP3 and IMAP using the most popular email clients like Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora, Thunderbird, etc. Best regards,
  10. I don't understand completely but in case the new window is yours then you must copy the code to it also, by yours i mean that you are the owner -the one who makes the page- of the opener and of the new window. And, i don't know if it works with Safari because i don't use it. Best regards,
  11. I got my Yahoo account about 10 years ago more or less, basically i use it as an alternate email of my hotmail account.Honestly since i got it i almost don't use it, just only a few times, but recently i start using it more and more, because i notice that Yahoo has made a good effort to make it better which is true. Now, Yahoo email is better than ever, it is more easy to use, and all the GUI has been redesigned to become a really good one, in my opinion it turns to be one of the best emails, and beleive it or not you have unlimited storagem good by to quota settings .Best regards,
  12. Yes it is possible, the most simple way is to change the character collation of your string fields, your table and database to be case insensitive, for example the following sql code use for all character fields and for the table itself to be latin general case insensitive: CREATE TABLE `his_postlistermain` ( `id_his` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `sender` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL, `subject` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL, `message` text collate latin1_general_ci, PRIMARY KEY (`id_his`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;Best regards,
  13. You can do it without using cookies, just using the superglobal array $_POST, try this and let me know if it is what you need. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Values Stay</title><script type="text/javascript">function verifica(){ if (document.a.text1.value=="") { alert("Error... Insert a text"); document.a.text1.focus(); return false; } return true;}</script></head><body ><?php$text1=(isset($_POST["text1"])) ? (string) trim($_POST["text1"]) : "";$textarea1=(isset($_POST["textarea1"])) ? (string) trim($_POST["textarea1"]) : "";if(isset($_POST["accept"])) { $text1=(string) trim($_POST["text1"]); $textarea1=(string) trim($_POST["textarea1"]); if(empty($textarea1)) { die("The textarea field was blank! <br /><br /><a href=\"java script:history.back();\">Press here to try again</a>"); } else { echo "submit successful"; exit(); }}else {?><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>TEST FORM</td></tr></table><form name="a" method="post" onsubmit="return verifica();"><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="4"> <tr> <td width="20%">TEXT VALUE</td> <td width="80%"><input type="text" name="text1" value="<?php echo $text1;?>" size="40" maxlength="80" onfocus="this.select()" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">TEXT AREA VALUE</td> <td width="80%"><textarea name="textarea1" cols="50" rows="5"><?php echo $textarea1;?></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" align="center" style="padding:10px 0px" colspan="2"> <input type="submit" name="accept" value="Save" > <input type="reset" name="cancel" value="Cancel" > </td> </tr></table></form></body></html><?php }?>Only for testing purposes i don't validate the submited data, so, remember to validate it before you insert to a database for example, one way to do this is by using the mysql_real_escape() php funciton. View it in action at Making values stay. Tested with Internet Explorer 6, Firefox and Opera 9.26. Best regards,
  14. I think that Safety is a very large topic and there exists a lot of sites that offers related information about it, and some are very good ones, so, i hope that the following links helps you: PHP: Security - Manual: Complete chapter at the Official PHP online manual of security issues. PHP Security Consortium: Secure programming practices promoted by a group of international PHP experts. PHP Security Consortium - Library: Links to a lot of resources approved by the PHP Security Consortium. NYPHP - PHundamentals: Some best practices compiled by the New York PHP website. Sql Injection Prevention (passing Numerical Data Across Pages): This topic contains some useful links not only related to Database security. Best regards,
  15. Which method do you use on your form to submit your data??? If you are using the GET method simply replace the $_POST's variables with $_GET's like this: <?php$givexpto= mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['givexpto']);$givexp= (int) mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['givexp']);?>And, I'm not pretty sure about this but just in case, try this code instead: <?php$givexpto= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['givexpto']);$givexp= (int) $_POST['givexp'];/* USE THIS IF YOU USE THE GET METHOD $givexpto= mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['givexpto']);$givexp= (int) $_GET['givexp'];*/?>Also, take a look to these topics: Php String To Int Typecasting Checking To See If Something Is Not An Integer Best regards,
  16. No problem dude, i'm very happy to help because i know that when i need help i will receive the same thing. BTW, in return you can give me 1 million dollars Best regards,
  17. No problem, and check the source code of my page because there is some commented code that is not show up, and of course, you must change it to your own needs. This is the code: <html><head><title>Text Shows Up on Option Change Version 1</title><script type="text/javascript"> function showtext(o) { o = parseInt(o); switch (o) { case 1: TheText='50%'; break; case 2: TheText='40%'; break; case 3: TheText='33%'; break; case 4: TheText='20%'; break; case 5: TheText='10%'; break; } var DivText = document.getElementById('Text'); DivText.innerHTML = 'Your chance to win is '+TheText; DivText.style.visibility="visible"; }</script><style type="text/css">body { font: normal 100.1% tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif;}#Text { position:relative; top:-65px; left:150px; z-index:20; width:250px; line-height:2em; visibility:hidden; text-align:center; background:#f2f2f2; font-weight: bold; font-size:0.9em; color:#b80b38;}</style></head><body><form name="form0" method="post" action=""><table border="1"><tr><td>Who do you wanna race?</td></tr></table> <select size=5 name="bike1" onchange="showtext(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)" > <option value="1" >Derbi Senda 50</option> <option value="2">Honda NS 50 R</option> <option value="3" >Suzuki ZR 50</option> <option value="4">Yamaha DT 50 MX</option> <option value="5">Aprilia RS 50</option> </select>-<a href="java script:launchClasses()">?</a> <input type=submit value=Register> <div id="Text"></div></form></body></html>BTW, i test my code with Internet Explorer 6, Firefox and Opera 9.26 and works perfect. Best regards,
  18. Ok, check this Text Shows Up on Option Change Version 1 if it is what you want. And i just register myself and play your game, as i see you are on the right way. Best regards,
  19. Tell me if i'm correct, what you need to show is the text that you are echoing???? About your game, does it work now??? because the last time that i try to re-register it doesn't work. Best regards,
  20. toby i jUst reinstall Opera today and the first thing i do is testing the code and it works perfect with Opera too. Best regards,
  21. toby: You're welcome, but i can't answer your questions and also i can't test the code with Opera right now because last friday i uninstall it, tomorrow when i reinstall Opera i will check it. MC: You are right, that's the correct XHTML doctype declaration. So what i do is to follow MC's instructions and change the code again, the new code that works perfectly with Internet Explorer 6 and Firefox is the following: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xmlns="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; xml:lang="en"><head><title>DHTML Example</title><style type="text/css">body {font: 14px arial; color: #000066;}#myText {position: absolute; top: 100px; left: 400px; font: 24px arial; font-weight: 900; }</style><script type="text/javascript">var texttop = 100;var textleft = 400;//var myObj = new getObj('myText'); here don't work because the div don't exists on the dom.function vanish(flag) { myObj.style.visibility = (flag) ? 'hidden' : 'visible';}function moveUpDown(amount) { texttop += amount; myObj.style.top = texttop+"px";}function moveLR(amount) { textleft += amount; myObj.style.left = textleft+"px";}function changeColor(color) { myObj.style.color = color;}function changeStyle(style) { myObj.style.fontStyle = style;}function getObj(name) { if (document.getElementById) { this.obj = document.getElementById(name); this.style = document.getElementById(name).style; } else return;}</script></head><body><div id="myText">change me!</div><ul><li><a class="page" href="java script:moveUpDown(40);">down</a></li><li><a class="page" href="java script:moveUpDown(-40);">up</a></li><li><a class="page" href="java script:moveLR(-40);">left</a></li><li><a class="page" href="java script:moveLR(+40);">right</a></li></ul><ul><li><a class="page" href="java script:changeColor('orange')">orange</a></li><li><a class="page" href="java script:changeColor('green')">green</a></li><li><a class="page" href="java script:changeColor('purple')">purple</a></li></ul><ul><li><a class="page" href="java script:changeStyle('italic')">italic</a></li><li><a class="page" href="java script:changeStyle('normal')">normal</a></li></ul><ul><li><a class="page" href="java script:vanish(1)">vanish!</a></li><li><a class="page" href="java script:vanish(0)">re-appear</a></li></ul></body><script type="text/javascript">var myObj = new getObj('myText');</script></html>Best regards,
  22. Yeah, you are right, ajax doesn't have any progression notice, but i think that a simple way to simulate this is when you start the request you also start the progress bar and when the request is complete stop it. Take a look to the Ext JS Progress Bar Example. Best regards,
  23. Well, one thing you must take in consideration is that if you define a div element with an ID you must use the same id name in your javascript code and in your CSS rules, in your case, you use mytext and myText, that's why it doesn't work. So, simply change: #mytext {position: absolute; top: 100px; left: 400px; font: 24px arial; font-weight: 900; } To #myText {position: absolute; top: 100px; left: 400px; font: 24px arial; font-weight: 900; } in your CSS code. With that simple change your code almost works because if you test it with Firefox the moveUpDown and the moveLR functions do not work but if you test it with Internet Explorer these functions work fine. However, if you remove the DOCTYPE declaration and replace the html tag with the simplest <HTML> it works in both browsers. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1.1.dtd xmlns="www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/; To <html> You can view it in action at DHTML Example. Best regards,
  24. The ExtJS javascript library has a progress bar that you can use, also it offers a lot of interesting things that you can use to develop a complete web application. Visit ExtJS 2.0 for more information. Best regards,
  25. Thanks for the jQuery library information, i will download and test it soon, and you are right, manipulate the DOM is not easy but at the same is not difficult.An Unordered list of links is a very useful for doing this like this, also instead of a select you can create buttons, you have many options to play with, of course, it is a nice idea.BTW, i use this method many times to create things like this, check my sites listed below to view in action, also, you are right, the OPTION element is very limited.Best regards,
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