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Everything posted by yordan

  1. I use Pidgin because it has several protocols, so I can use a single interface for MSN, for googleTalk. It also works with ICQ, IRC and Yahoo. Unfortunately it does not work with FaceBook. --------- EDIT. I just saw a link here : https://github.com/dequis/purple-facebook Seems that there is a pidgin plug-in, allowing to also connect to FaceBook. I'll give it a try, and let you know. ---------- EDIT once more I tested it, it works fine! Now I have all my contacts together with a single app, FaceBook, MSN, GoogleTalk, I can talk with each of them without opening MSN nor FaceBook! Now I don't care each one's preferences, I talk with friends using any service! --------- EDIT once more This plogin is not useful any more. Now XMPP protocol is available for facebook too, as username use your facebook username, the domain name is chat.facebook.com, see for instance here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  2. RPM is one of the disk characteristics, and, yes, faster disks often have more RPM's. However, it's not the only point, some disks with less RPM's are faster. The keypoint is the access time, random access time and sequential access time.Random access time for loading individual programs. Sequential access time for accessing single big files, like the swap file.I finally measured my PC boot time. After about 55 seconds I have the splash welcome screen, and I can start using my PC. However, if I wait until the antivirus program allowed my network to be functional, it needs 30 more seconds.
  3. OK, my mistake.I just realized that I use Wikipedia for a lot of things, except for religion.Because I know that religion is a matter of faith, so talking about religion means talking about one's own feeling.And of course, when somebody talks about his own feeling, the only reliable fact is that this is a personal feeling.So, now we come to a very philosophical question. Wikipedia is probably very reliable ; however for things concerning religion, the topics must be considered as a matter of faith, or as a matter of personal feeling. So it shall not be considered as proven.Exactly as the guy who claimed "I have seen God today". Probably he is right ; however, if he was alone at this moment, nobody else can confirm his vision.
  4. Now the discussions seem to be deviating rather far from the original topic's subject.If you want to continue discussing about Wikipedia's reliability, staying in the present topic is OK.If you prefer exchange your opinion concerning Islam, you should rather open a topic in the "religion and philosophy" sub-forum.RegardsYordan
  5. 6 CPU's with 2GHz frequency are currently available for private use, you can buy one in a shop. One cpu with 12 GHz frequency does not exist yet. The higher frequency reached today is around 5 GHz, far below the 12 you mention. And, of course, image handling is one of the case where there are several simultaneous operations, reading the video date, compressing them, writing them to disk, displaying the result and showing the work compression, if you simply want to surf on the web and read your mails you easily reach six simultaneous heavy processes!
  6. Please avoid double-posting, especially with topics which express your own opinion, on subjects where you personally did no real measurement.All of us know that overheating can can cause cpu slow down, that does not mean that cpu speed is not important, simply look how six-core computers are faster than single-core computers on image processing.
  7. No need to make speculations. Fortunately, in this field there are measurements available.You can test the speed of your disk, there are tools on the network to test hard disk speed. However, of course, you pointed the fact that free disk space has to be present during disk boot. You can see other topics on this forum on this subject: your hard disk has to be partitionned, and the c:\ partition has to have a lot of free contiguousspace. If your c: disk is used for system purposes only, the free disk space does not need to be often monitored. If you have a lot of data which move constantly, the disk space is fragmented, and you will need to frequently defragment your c: disk, this will improve your boot time and, generally speaking, your disk access time.
  8. The small size of the disk is not the real point. The real point is the size of the data having to be loaded from disk at boot time.And the huge disks available today are faster than the small disks available a couple of years ago, probably due to the embedded disk cache. So, probably, the same OS on your PC on a faster modern disk would still boot faster, even if the available disk space is bigger.
  9. The first question was "is this reliable", the answer seems to be "yes".A second, completely different question, would be "can Wikipedia be used as a valuable reference?"I would not be so strict as your teachers.I would accept it as a reference, provided that the student also gives several other "valuable" references. A valuable reference is an article published in a technical review, in which each article is fully reviewed by a committee. These committees are made of specialists of such questions, and are able to decide if a scientifical work has been correctly driven and if it's conclusions can be trusted. These articles can be stated as "true", or "correct".Wikipedia articles are "most people are stating this", "this can be supposed to be true", "you can try this", they are not "this is true", nor "this has been proven".
  10. There are also some moderators, each of them being quite aware of a given subject. As a new article appears, or as soon as a given article is modified, the moderators receives a mail, he has a look and deletes the wrong info!
  11. Depends from what you mean by "payment". Do you mean "how to buy things on the Internet"? or do you mean "ways to be paid"? Because every bank offers secured way for paying with your visa card, which is not mentioned here. Why?-----------------EDIT : From some answers, now I see that you mainly consider the way of receiving money from somewhere and send it to somewhere else. In that case my opinion does not really matter, because I usually take the money from my salary in order to buy things!
  12. Problem seems to be fixed now, your cents account seems OK.
  13. I hope that each of this site offers only legit videos ? No commercial movies, no DVD-rips, no porn movies?
  14. He does not have any system, he is simply posting facts borrowed from http://www.mananatomy.com/
  15. Sorry, I could not resist quoting. I fully agree with you. I would be proud showing that I have and Ipad while other jealous people can't buy it. But I would never want to pay such an amount of money in order to buy such a thing I could not use because it's keyboard is not the think I love typing on. And of course, it would be an extra half-a-kilogram thing to carry along when I go out from home.
  16. I just found a most accurate title for this poll : "how many objects do we really need in our pocket?"With this formula, "gadget" means "useless item", and "need" means "necessary item". ---Edit : this made me remember the philosophical problem my father often raised :I need a job in order to pay my car.I need my car in order to go to my work.If I had no job, I would not need to pay my car.Then, a car (thus a job) is not something necessary.Where is the trap?----Re-Edit.I almost forgot my smartest useless item : my nice Ipad!No, it's a joke, I didn't buy an Ipad yet, but it would be quite a heavy item to be carried on, and not to be used because while driving my car I shouldn't surf the Internet, and if I show it in the train it will be stolen rather soon.
  17. I agree, the topic came back on rails, and a lot among the discussed items were online with the main subject.
  18. I could imagine three main reasons: 1) All of us are IT people, we know nothing concerning Football. 2) I have my opinion, but I'm afraid you will laugh. 3) I have the answer, I keep it secret because I will bet online,
  19. In order to add my five cents to this nice debate, I would point this : This is absolutely false. In a lot of science-fiction stories, two or more countries are fighting, and our heroes come in the middle of the battle and ask them to stop in order to join our peaceful galactic government!
  20. Great idea! Most of them are far away, they have been afraid !And I cannot contribute, I know nothing about the selling price of Apple things in India !
  21. Not sure.Each time I leave my home, I carry along a heavy case with each thing I should not miss. At the end of the day I did use none of them, but I felt quite Zen because, in case I would need one of them, I have it : my mobile, my 500 Gb USB disk, my three USB flashkeys, my GPS. And also my novel book, which is fully paper, but is very useful if I have to wait for the Bus. So, I miss no device, although I know each of them is probably useless.
  22. I would say that this is a poorly formulated topic, or a vary bad chosen formula.When you talk about "gadget" you talk about something absolutely not necessary. A gadget is something funny you don't really need.So, as soon as you name something a gadget, it's absolutely not necessary.When my car is broken, if I'm in the middle of nowhere, it's absolutely necessary to call for help. In that case, my cellphone is something absolutely necessary for my survival, it's not a gadget.If my cellphone simply stays in my pocket, just in case I receive a useless SMS saying "hi, man still boring?", the same cellphone is a gadget absolutely useless.My mp3 player is connected to my noise-reduction headset, because I am working in a very noisy environment, so it's absolutely necessary to isolate myself from the surrounding noise, else I will loose my ears. In that case my mp3 is absolutely necessary.And, of course, I am an IT engineer, so I absolutely need my laptop. However, when I use my laptop for surfing on the net, like I am currently doing, my laptop is a simple gadget, and in case of emergency I could survive without typing the current text.So, the question should be asked differently : among all the stuff we are carrying along, what is really necessary?I would say : the necessary things are the ID card and the blue card.
  23. Sorry, Man, please read our forum rules first. Here we respect the rules. A rule is valid until it is replaced by a stronger rule. Here, at Xisto, we do only legit things, and we do not talk about cracks or other things. If you cannot accept these rules, please go out from here.
  24. This is precisely the point today. We want to use a software on a machine different from the correct machine. We want to read a Playstation3 disc on a PC.
  25. No, no need to select part of a text.If I wanted to select part of a text, I would simply copy this part of text and paste it in a word processor. I really wanted to save the whole mail, with sender, date and name of attached files. And, yes, CutePdf creates selectable pdf files, you can select part of the text or select a picture.
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